Emily's Cowboy (13 page)

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Authors: Donna Gallagher

BOOK: Emily's Cowboy
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He’d used one arm to balance, pushing against the blanket to keep him upright while he’d wrapped the other arm around Emily’s waist, his free hand placed against her pussy. He’d found her clit with his finger and had rubbed. He’d needed Emily to orgasm quickly—he hadn’t been able to last very long and her satisfaction had been paramount. Because of what she had given him—this remarkable gift of her body—he’d had to be worthy, had to bring her the pleasure she was bringing him, or at least try. As he’d continued to strum her clit Emily had started to shake, her body pushing back onto his cock wildly, her pussy and back passage clenching around his hand and cock.

Emily had screamed her release and Gareth had come so hard he had wondered if it had damaged his cock forever, but he hadn’t cared. The knowledge that he had taken Emily’s virginity in every way possible had been worth any price to him. He’d loved her without reservation. Emily had been his everything. Still was.

They had played with ropes more than once, shared the pleasures of anal sex again, but nothing had rivalled that particular moment for Gareth. Being in the bush, surrounded by nature and taking her in an almost animalistic fashion for the first time had all added to the perfection.

“Um…Gare-e-eth, hello…? He’s done this before, you know, Emily. Seems to be a recurring problem for him, drifting off into who knows where, but judging by the happy look on his face, I’d say he’s thinking about something pretty good.”

“Is that right, Pippa? Do you think it has something to do with my plans to tie him up and seduce him?”

Gareth had heard enough. Emily’s amused comment had been last straw—his cock was so hard it was a wonder it hadn’t torn through the zipper of his jeans. Without another word he stood, taking Emily from his lap and lifting her in his arms, ignoring her surprised gasp, and strode with her through the club towards the exit. He was taking Emily home and he was going to fuck her until she couldn’t walk. Gareth ignored the knowing smile and “Giddy-up, Cowboy!” from Mick the barman, and the white-toothed grin from Jerome, who opened the door for him. All Gareth cared about was having Emily naked and in his arms where she belonged, and being buried balls-deep in her pussy.


Chapter Sixteen




As Gareth tore the clothes from Emily’s body he had no memory of the car trip home. The only thing on his mind was getting her naked and prone on his bed so he could ram his aching cock into her, the recollections of the past making him nearly insane with lust.

“I need to be inside you, Em, need to feel your pussy wrapped around me. I want you so badly, need you so badly,” he groaned as he spread her now naked legs apart and settled himself between them. The clothes they had discarded now left a trail from the front door to the foot of the bed.

“You’re so wet for me, baby.”

“Oh, Gareth, make love to me. I need you too.”

The sound of Emily’s voice, sensual and husky, was almost too much for Gareth. He was so close to shooting his wad that it took all of his determination to hold on. Emily had to orgasm first—there was no way he would leave the woman he loved unsatisfied, even if it killed him, and Gareth believed that it just might.

He buried his face in her mound, drew her scent deep into his flared nostrils, hunger and desperation so close to the surface. He licked the length of Emily’s wet heat, savouring her taste, drinking it in, revelling in it. Emily was the only woman who could get under Gareth’s skin, make him lose control. Everything about her made him crazy, like a starved sex addict. He palmed her fleshy cheeks and lifted her, trying to get closer to her, his mouth and nose firmly planted against her heat, his tongue stabbing at her clit.

“Yes, yes, don’t stop… I’m so close…” Emily’s cries were music to his ears. Her body was tense but unable to move from the onslaught of his greedy mouth. Gareth ate at her hungrily, wanting to taste every bit of moisture her cunt created, wanting her to come on his face. As her body shuddered he felt the walls of her pussy clench, felt her release as she screamed his name. But it was not enough. Gareth continued to stimulate her clit, replacing his tongue with his fingers as he crawled up over her thighs to suck on her protruding nipples. She grabbed at his hair, her nails scoring his scalp as she rode his fingers, striving to reach another climatic peak.


With a satisfied whimper, Emily let go of the death grip she’d had on Gareth’s hair, hoping that she hadn’t ripped any from his scalp during her need to anchor herself to him for fear she might just float away on the pleasure he had delivered her. Now it was her time, her chance to reward him and send him hurtling into space as he had just done for her. But first she needed to catch her breath, enjoy the high she was only just coming down from.

“On your back, Cowboy. Now it’s my turn.” Emily pushed at Gareth’s muscled chest, indicating her intention. “Now, I forgot to bring my ropes, Cowboy, but I think I can make do…if I take this scarf…” Emily reached out to grab the discarded supporter’s scarf she had been wearing earlier. Using two fingers to imitate a pistol, pointing them in Gareth’s direction, Emily—using the huskiest voice she could manage—said, “Stick ‘em up, Cowboy. Hands above your head.”

At first Gareth didn’t move. Emily was getting worried that maybe she had pushed too hard, acted too forward, but to her relief a wicked grin grew on Gareth’s handsome face and ever so slowly, he stretched his arms up to the head of the bed, biceps bulging, muscles rippling as he grasped his hands together.

“Be gentle with me, Cowgirl. I’m just a poor ole country boy—I’m not used to you rough and tough outlaw types.”

“Now, where’s the fun in that?” Emily giggled. “I intend to use you ruthlessly to quench my sexual needs, country boy. I shall be heartless, show you no mercy.”

“Is that right? No mercy, you say? My virtue will be ruined,” Gareth drawled, his voice not the only part of him conveying his responsiveness to her threats.

Emily loved the fact that Gareth was playing along with her, and she was determined to blow his mind. She secured the scarf around his thick wrists and wound the ends through Gareth’s metal headboard, fastening the best knot she could. There was no way that the restraint would hold Gareth if he really wanted to be free, but it was the symbolism of Emily being in control that had her juices flowing. Her man was spread out before her, under her, and he was at her mercy.

Emily took her fill of him, admiring the man she so adored, the man she’d so stupidly believed she could live without. His sexy as sin body, from his fingertips to his toes, was all man. She could have spent all day with her legs astride his wide hips, just looking at him, but Gareth had other ideas. He started to rock and buck beneath her, lifting her up and down. Emily squeezed her thigh muscles, gripping Gareth’s hips more firmly. She felt as if she were trying to break in a rogue stallion.

“I don’t think this is going to take long, baby. I’m on a hair-trigger as it is.” The desperation in Gareth’s deep voice caused Emily to smile wickedly.

At first, she ignored Gareth’s plea. She caressed the length of his arms, palming the bulging muscles, feeling his strength in her hands, massaging and kneading his warm skin. She ran her hands over his broad shoulders, making sure to keep just out of reach of his eager mouth. She moved on, trailed her hands down his chest, felt his heart beating wildly. She played with his nipples, drawing imaginary circles round and round the hard buds, relishing the sound of every groan and curse Gareth uttered. She continued on her path, travelling down towards his firm stomach. She stroked every rib, drew a line over every ridge. Emily gently tugged at the line of dusky blond hair that ran from his belly button down towards his very erect penis. Finally, she responded to Gareth’s supplication.

“That so, Cowboy? Well, I’ll just have to take it slow, then…really slow,” she teased as she stroked the length of his rock-hard shaft with a featherlight touch of her fingertip. “Mmmm…maybe just a quick taste of this little drop here…” she said, and lightly licked the pre-cum from the head of Gareth’s cock. “Oooh… Look, he’s bobbing up to greet me.” She laughed as Gareth’s engorged cock jerked when she swirled the tip of her tongue over it and the salty taste of the fluid transferred to her taste buds.

“You’re killing me, Em. Goddamn it, do something,” Gareth growled, his chest rumbling against her ear as she bent over his lap.

She chuckled and took his cock in her mouth, her lips stretched around its girth. Emily tried to relax her throat so as not to gag on his length. She sucked him in and out, her total concentration on bringing Gareth the most pleasure—in and out, up and down in a lazy rhythm meant to prolong his ecstasy.

What Emily hadn’t counted on was Gareth’s lack of patience, or his strength as he tore himself first from the restraints, then from her mouth. He flipped her on her back, a wordless cry coming from her lips at the rough handling. Before she could blink or protest, Gareth was embedded in her, balls-deep.

“Okay, then, so I wasn’t moving fast enough. You should have said something.” She cheekily grinned as she looked into his darkened eyes. An intensity she had never seen before was showing, as was the crease in his forehead as he fought to regain control. “I think I need to use better ropes next time,” she added casually, but the idea of Gareth out of control sent a shiver of excitement through her body, her toes curling at the idea.

No way was she letting him recover his composure—she loved the idea that she had made Gareth crazy with lust. Emily wrapped her legs around his hips, wriggled a little down the bed so she could reach his balls. She gently rolled them between her fingers and the effect she desired came to fruition. Gareth went frantic—he dragged her legs over his shoulders, leaving her totally at his mercy, and pumped into her hard and fast.

The sheen of perspiration on Gareth’s face just highlighted his features, in Emily’s opinion. The raw masculinity of her man—his six-pack rippling, his biceps bulging as he took her masterfully—drove her towards another crescendo. With the touch of Gareth’s thumb to her over-sensitive clit, Emily exploded, seeing stars and bolts of light behind her eyelids as pleasure spiked throughout her body, every nerve ending joining, combining to create wave after wave of delicious pleasure. Gareth continued to slam into her until finally, with a growl, he erupted.

They lay together, breathing laboured, hearts beating furiously. Gareth sprawled over her, the weight of his body cocooning her.

“Emily Mackenzie, you are all I’ve ever wanted. Thank you for giving us another chance. Now that you’re here with me, I’m never letting you go.”

While Gareth’s words were exactly what Emily wanted to hear, the reality was that she couldn’t stay. She had to go back to Gunnedah, back to the farm. Someone had to be there to oversee the running of the family business and with her father out of action and probably for a good while to come, that job fell heavily on her shoulders. There had still been no word from her brother, Dylan. Emily didn’t know if he had even heard the news about their father’s accident yet, and even if he had, he still had a year to serve on active duty. For Emily there was no way around her responsibility. She was all there was until her father got back on his feet.

Her heart fell. How was she going to break the news to Gareth? He was assuming she would stay in Sydney. And what was more, how would she survive without him again, now that she knew how it could be?

She decided that, at least for the moment, she would keep the disturbing reality to herself, just enjoy the moment, enjoy her time with Gareth. Their being apart would not be forever. She hoped Gareth would feel the same way.

Chapter Seventeen




Having Emily at home when he returned from training was such a gift. Gareth was so used to returning to the near empty shell of his abode and being alone. Her fragrance floated in the air, her scent lingered on the bed sheets…even her toiletries and clothes had taken up residence, turning the once barren place he slept in into a real home. Leaving her warm body in his bed as he headed off to training each morning was only made bearable by the fact that Emily would be there when he returned, usually around lunchtime.

They would share a lunch that they’d prepared together, a lunch that usually led to some form of afternoon delight. He was never able to keep his hands off her for any length of time, especially when Emily had taken to wearing one of his shirts unbuttoned at the table, her creamy skin too tantalising for Gareth to resist. They would then head together to the hospital to visit Mac, spending the rest of the day and early evening by his bedside. Gareth thought Mac looked brighter every day, even after mornings spent doing rehab with the hospital physiotherapist.

Rook and Pippa had visited Mac more than once. Pippa had demanded to consult on Mac’s rehab plan with the poor, overworked hospital employee, suggesting alternative strengthening exercises and generally making a well-meaning nuisance of herself. Gareth loved the concern she’d shown for Mac and Emily. Mac had even had visits from Brodie James and JT—the two coaches had taken pleasure in hearing embarrassing stories about his childhood, both men bellowing with laughter over Mac’s tale about when he had forgotten to cinch his saddle properly, resulting in his very ungraceful landing in a fresh pile of manure. 

The Jets had played another home game, and Gareth—this time aware of Emily in the stands with the other wives and families—had played a blinder, everything he’d attempted, every tackle, every pass, perfect in its execution. The usual after-game celebrations had been as enjoyable, if not more so, than the week before. Emily had been more relaxed and right in the middle of the festivities, once again a hit with the kids. They had coaxed her into regaling them with stories of her life on the farm, especially interested to hear about the animals in her care.

Elaina Thomson had clamoured for Emily’s attention throughout the night, even with her mother, Mandy, telling her child to give Emily a bit of space. Gareth could not help but smile at the way Elaina looked at his Emily, so in awe of her, just as so many kids had looked at Elaina’s own father, JT—the man was a rugby league legend. 

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