Emily's Cowboy (16 page)

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Authors: Donna Gallagher

BOOK: Emily's Cowboy
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“I have missed you so goddamn much, baby…” Gareth strode towards her, his long legs churning through the water, eating up the space between them. “This isn’t quite how I planned our reunion, but in a way it’s quite fitting. But I wanted it to be perfect for you.”

perfect. You’re here—what more is there?”

Without notice, Emily launched herself at him and Gareth swept her into his arms, the heat of her skin engulfing him as it touched his own. Her lips were on his, her tongue danced with his. Hunger and desperation fuelled their actions—their hands roamed, rubbed and petted skin as Emily and Gareth each tried to cover and touch as much of the other as they could. It had been a long five months.

Gareth carried Emily towards the open flap of the tent. He needed to be inside her, truly believed he needed it more than he needed oxygen at that moment. He feared he would go insane if he did not quench his desire, his hunger for her right this minute. The woman—the feel of her, her skin, her taste, her touch, her scent—drove him wild. Gareth could not get enough of her taste in his mouth, could not touch enough of her all at once. His mind, his whole body, was surrounded by Emily.

“I need…” he groaned.

“Me too,” she replied into his mouth, then she sucked his lip between hers. Gareth felt the sting of her teeth as she nipped at his lip—it just made him more frenzied. He fell to his back on the mattress, pulling Emily down with him before rolling them over so she was now trapped under him. Lust and need overpowered Gareth’s initial plans to take Emily slowly, romantically. It was going to be hard and fast—he could not control his desire. He parted Emily’s legs with his own, felt the head of his cock nudge her pussy lips and the heat emanating from her there as he slammed inside her. One hard thrust and he was buried in her cunt. Home.

“Ahh…you’re so wet for me, baby… You feel so good. I’m not going to last,” he lamented. He had wanted to take his time, reacquaint himself with her body slowly, but that would have to happen later. Right now, he needed to make her come, and quickly, before he erupted.

“I’m close…just don’t stop.” Her breathless pleas spurred him on. He drove in and out of hot, wet velvet depths, felt the sweat from his endeavours rolling down his back.
So close to heaven…so close


Her orgasm was hovering within reach. Even the hard edge of whatever was pushing painfully against her neck could not stop the pleasure from building. Emily sought purchase on Gareth’s broad shoulders with desperate hands, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, digging her heels into his backside as she matched his thrusts one for one.

Gareth was inside her at last, after all these lonely months—rocking her world, bringing her close to the precipice of an orgasm Emily believed would send her skyrocketing into another world.

She could feel the ripples of his back and arm muscles as he drove into her, hear his grunts and groans as he climbed towards his own release, and the thought of that sent her flying. Pleasure swamped her as she hurtled over the abyss, stars forming before her eyes from the sensual gratification Gareth had wrought on her body.

Warmth surrounded Emily as she lay, spent, beneath Gareth’s body, and she finally took in her surroundings. The inside of the tent had been turned into a scene from a Bedouin-inspired love story. Lush fabrics and pillows surrounded her. A champagne bottle and pair of champagne flutes had been placed beside the makeshift bed—a bed that Emily believed to be an actual inner-spring mattress, not just the inflatable type used for camping out. If not for the hard object still pressing against her neck, she might have never moved again.

“Something is poking me in the neck,” Emily groaned, not wanting to spoil the moment but unable to ignore the uncomfortable problem anymore. “I think the mattress has sprung a spring.”

“Aw, shit…I forgot about that. This isn’t going the way I planned, Em…” Gareth’s reply was confusing, and Emily waited for him to clarify. She thought everything was just perfect.

Gareth reached behind her head, moving his hand around as if searching for something. The pressure against her neck was removed, and Gareth rolled her onto her side, facing him. It never failed to amuse her that Gareth could just move her body at will, effortlessly proving how incredibly strong he was. She stared into his eyes, moved her hand to stroke his face, felt the bristle of his whiskers just breaking through his skin. So masculine, so powerful. Gareth was all man…her man. She could see his love for her reflected in his eyes, nothing hidden or masked as he held her in his sight.

“Emily Mackenzie, I have loved you all my life, will want you all my life. Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?”

The tears erupted before she could stop them. Gareth was holding out an open jewellery box—the culprit of her discomfort—and inside was the biggest, brightest diamond Emily had ever seen. It was an engagement ring.

“I think we’ve wasted enough time, don’t you, Em? Our parents are getting sick and tired of waiting for us to make it official, and Mum has been giving me not-so-subtle hints about wanting to be young enough to enjoy grandkids. What do you say, Em? Will you marry me?”

It only took Emily a fraction of a second to reply to Gareth’s proposal, her voice choked with emotion.

“Yes. Absolutely, positively yes. I love you, Cowboy, and there is nothing on this earth that I want more than to be your wife.”

Chapter Twenty-One




They toasted their engagement with champagne, ate heartily of the beef stew and fed each other strawberries. The cold fruit was eaten from the most unconventional serving platters, since Emily and Gareth each found new places on their bodies to place the fruit for the other’s indulgence.

Emily clapped her hands in glee when Gareth made the lamingtons appear, and they feasted on the chocolaty goodness, licking the chocolate smudges from each other’s fingers lovingly, sensually. The erotic symbolism and imagery of their actions led to even more erotic indulgences.

Gareth confessed to Emily her father’s part in the elaborate surprise he had prepared for her, reassuring her that they were not expected to return home anytime soon. He’d assured both his parents and Mac that they’d not be back until Emily had agreed to marry him. Emily was amazed to find out just how romantic Gareth was under that tough cowboy-footballer façade, and how confident he had been that he would be able to persuade her to say yes. A confidence that was well-placed, considering she had not hesitated to accept his proposal.

They spent the rest of the day swimming and making love, both inside the confines of the tent and outdoors in the afternoon sunshine. They even braved the cool water of the dam. The water’s chilly temperature made it difficult to fully enjoy the experience, with both Emily and Gareth exiting the swimming hole with their teeth chattering, but full of laughter over their tenacity to succeed.

When the day’s light faded, Gareth lit the lanterns and they basked in the beauty of the picturesque countryside. Stars filled the sky above. Clearer and brighter without having to compete with the artificial lights of the city, they twinkled like diamonds sprinkled on a black, satiny canvas.

Arms and legs entwined, Gareth and Emily spent the night in their romantic dwelling, making up for time spent apart, now looking forward to beginning the life they had always planned. A life together…finally.



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League of Love: Pippa’s Fantasy

Donna Gallagher




Chapter One



“Pip, if you could have anything you wanted just for one night, what would it be?”

Phillipa Rodgers—Pip or Pippa to her friends—sent Cassie a bewildered look, wondering what had brought about the odd question from her best friend.

“Well, Pip, it’s your twenty-second birthday and you are now a professional sports physio, about to begin the grown-up phase of your life—you know, responsibility and all that.” Cassie giggled. “If you could have or do anything, just for one night, what would it be?”

Cassie was looking at Pippa as if she knew some big secret and couldn’t wait to tell it.

Phillipa Rodgers and Cassandra Davies had been best friends since they’d met on their very first day of school, eighteen years ago. Since that day, they had shared everything—the ups and downs of life, good or bad. Tears, fears and successes. They had always been confidantes, whether it was for a first kiss or the loss of virginity, each girl had been there to support the other. They had cried over broken hearts and celebrated the good times, but always together. Pip and Cassie were inseparable.

Pip—once blonde, like her friend—had recently dramatically changed her hairstyle. Her formerly curly, waist-length hair was now cut short and coloured blue-black in a style that feathered around her face. Pip’s eyes were a darker shade of blue than Cassie’s cornflower ones, her face slightly more pointed compared with Cassie’s more cherubic features.

The girls were out partying to celebrate completing their university degrees, dressed in the latest fashionable, chic clothes. Pip, having finished a physiotherapy degree and a year at a teaching hospital, was about to begin her career in earnest, specialising in sports physiotherapy. Cassie, with a Diploma of Education combined with her bachelor’s degree in physical education, was starting her teaching role as a sports teacher at the local high school.

Now finally back on home turf, the girls had been enjoying the scene at a new club when Cassie had spotted Pippa’s fantasy man.

“Well, if you really have to ask that question, Cass, you’re not the best friend I thought you were. You know full well my one fantasy is, and has always been, to have long, hot monkey sex with Mitchell Harris.”

“Hmm, yep, I knew that, Pip. Just thought I’d double-check before I told you the man of your seven-year fantasy walked into the club a few minutes ago. Take a look. He’s standing at the bar,” Cassie said as she pointed.

Pippa’s gaze followed in the direction her friend pointed. Sure enough, leaning majestically against the bar and looking as if he owned the place was Mitch ‘Rook’ Harris, and he was as gorgeous as ever. The mere sight of him caused Pip to catch her breath.

Pippa hadn’t seen Mitch in the flesh for over five years, but she noticed the changes in her first crush’s looks immediately. The young, brash man destined for superstardom had completely filled out into one hunky piece of prime male. Rook’s face was now slightly fuller, more mature. His nose—not as straight as it used to be—gave him an overall tougher, more masculine appearance. Once the ‘pretty boy’ of rugby league, he was now all grown up—and he was the complete package.

As Pippa sat staring, Rook turned from his conversation with the barman, and as if sensing he was being watched, looked towards her. Their eyes locked, and Rook’s face broke into a sexy, broad smile.

“Oh, my God, he saw me, Cass!” Pippa exclaimed as she hastily broke eye contact with Rook.

“Well, Pip, now’s your chance. What did you say? ‘Hot monkey sex’, wasn’t it?” Cassie laughed at Pippa.

Pip had first met Mitch ‘the Rookie’ Harris when he’d joined the rugby league team her father had coached. Rookie had been a cocky twenty-year-old, full of potential. Quick and with a natural footy brain, he had been instrumental in the Jets’ winning the premiership that year. Pippa had been a fifteen-year-old girl coming into womanhood, and Rookie had stolen her heart. He had been her first love.

“Not likely, after the disgrace of five years ago,” Pippa answered with a hint of sadness in her tone. She’d thought fulfilling her fantasies with Rook before heading off to uni would be a good idea, but the humiliation when he’d calmly removed her hands from his body and told her ‘no’ was one she was unlikely to forget. “My God, I bared my breasts to him and he turned me down. I’m not his type. Rook will just have to stay a fantasy.”

“Yeah, well, let’s just see about that, Pip. Fantasy man is heading this way—and it’s not me he’s undressing with those sinful eyes. Stay calm and see what happens. This will be your last chance at him. You told me Coach James has a strict no-fraternisation rule, and as of next Monday, you will be part of the Jets staff. I don’t think you will ever find a man that lives up to your fantasy of Rook—now is your chance to get him out of your system and then maybe you can move on.”

Pip understood what Cassie was saying. Up to this point in Pippa’s life, no man had been able to measure up to the fantasy she’d created around the Sydney Jets halfback, and Pippa was not sure if even the man himself could. Feeling a bit like a startled deer, she watched this more mature Rook saunter confidently towards their table. His blond hair, which he had once worn long and flowing around his face as he ran, was now short and flicked back from his high cheekbones.

“Hello, ladies, are you having a good time tonight? You certainly have brightened up the club with your beauty.” Rook’s voice was smooth and sexy as he spoke, and he didn’t once take his eyes off her, Pippa Rodgers—the same woman he had once refused.

Pippa couldn’t speak, worried that if she tried her mouth might just gape open unflatteringly.

Finally, to her relief, Cassie saved the day by making small talk, explaining to Rook that they were out celebrating, adding that it seemed like a great club. All the while, Pippa just stared at Rook, probably doe-eyed, and trying unsuccessfully to stop her body from reacting to the sight and smell of the man who had starred in so many of her fantasies. Her nipples tightened—she felt them pushing through the soft fabric of her dress as her channel clenched and grew moist in hopeful anticipation of being pleasured. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she might have even moaned out loud.

Rook asked the girls if he could buy them a bottle of champagne in honour of their celebration and waited for a response, his silver-grey eyes twinkling.

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