Einstein (155 page)

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Authors: Walter Isaacson

BOOK: Einstein
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13 With the chemist Fritz Haber, assimilationist and marriage mediator, July 1914



14 Watched over by Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann in New York, April 1921



15 Meeting the press in New York, 1930



16 With Elsa at the Grand Canyon, February 1931



17 The 1911 Solvay Conference



18 The 1927 Solvay Conference



19 Receiving the Max Planck medal from its namesake, 1929



20 In Leiden: Einstein, Ehrenfest, de Sitter in back; Eddington and Lorentz in front; September 1923



21 With Paul Ehrenfest and Ehrenfest’s son in Leiden



22 Niels Bohr and Einstein discussing quantum mechanics at Ehrenfest’s home in Leiden, 1925, in a photo taken by Ehrenfest



23 Werner Heisenberg



24 Erwin Schrödinger



25 Max Born



26 Philipp Lenard


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