Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness (39 page)

Read Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness Online

Authors: Scott Jurek,Steve Friedman

Tags: #Diets, #Running & Jogging, #Health & Fitness, #Sports & Recreation

BOOK: Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness
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Jurek, Ed (grandfather),

Jurek, Grandma,

Jurek, Greg (brother),


(Tendai Buddhist practice),

Kalamata Hummus Trail Wrap,


Kamler, Kenneth,


Kee, Bill (“Scott”),


kidney function

impact of excessive protein on,
during long-distance races,

King, Jim,

Koerner, Hal,


Korylo, Piotr,


Koski, Jess and Katie,

Kostman, Chris,


Kouros, Yiannis,


Krupicka, Tony,


Kuwait, visit to troops in,

lactate threshold level,


Last Chance mining encampment,

Lausanne, Switzerland, 24-hour race,

Leadville Trail

Leah (wife)

marriage to,

move to Seattle,
organic food purchases,
separation and divorce from,

time spent with,

Lee, Bruce,

Lee Dong Mun,


legumes, proteins from,

Lentil-Mushroom Burgers,


Lewis Carl,

lifting weights,

ligaments, torn,

Litton Microwave, Duluth, Minn.,

Locks of Love program,


and connecting with others,

during long-distance races,

long-distance running.
See also
training; ultramarathoners

abdominal breathing,

body temperature during,
dangers of,
eating and drinking during,
as exercise in transcendence,


and need to connect with others,

in Northern California,

physiological impacts,


protein needs,
Self-Transcendence Race,
walking during,


Long Run Pizza Bread,


Long Slow Distance (LSD) training,


Lore of Running

losing, response to,

love, and ultramarathon-running,

Lukas, Jens,



Lyman, Howard,

Mad Cowboy

Madison Market Co-op, Seattle, Washington,

The Man Who Walked Through Time

Marathon des Sables, 1994,


The Marathon Monks of Mount Hiei


marathon races,


marital problems,


Masayuki, Oltaki,

McCarthy, John,

McCoubrey, Scott,

McDonald, Ted (Barefoot Ted),



McDougall, Chris,


McKenzie River 50K race,

meat eating

among the Tarahumara,
end of, for S.J.,

medicine, food as,





Meditations from the Breakdown Lane

Meltzer, Karl (“the Wasatch Speedgoat”),


mental state

and endurance,


improving through running,
during intensive training,


metronomes, training using,

Michigan Bluff aid station, Western States

milk, cow’s,

milk, hemp,

milk, rice,

Miller, Barb,


Miller, Rick,




Millman, Dan,

minerals, in plant-based diet,

Minnesota Egg Council,

Minnesota Mashed Potatoes,

Minnesota Voyageur
-Miler cross-country race, 1994

record set at,
running, 1st try,

running, 2nd try,
running, 3rd try,

training for,


Minnesota Winter Chili,





Moehl, Krissy,

Mojave Desert,

Mont Blanc, Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc race,


The Moosewood Cookbook

Morgan, Andy,

Morrison, Brian


during Western States 2006,

as running/training partner,
S.J.’s role as pacer for,


Morton, Mike,

mother, S.J.’s

cooking career,


deterioration/functional decline,


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