Dreams A-Z (5 page)

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Authors: Gustavus Hindman Miller

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Chocolate To dream of chocolate, denotes you will provide abundantly for those who are dependent on you. To see chocolate candy, indicates agreeable companions and employments. If sour, illness or other disappointments will follow. To drink chocolate, foretells you will prosper after a short period of unfavorable reverses.

Choir To dream of a choir, foretells you may expect cheerful surroundings to replace gloom and discontent. For a young woman to sing in a choir, denotes she will be miserable over the attention paid others by her lover.

Cholera To dream of this dread disease devastating the country, portends sickness of virulent type will rage and many disappointments will follow.

To dream that you are attacked by it, denotes your own sickness.

Christ To dream of beholding Christ, the young child, worshiped by the wise men, denotes many peaceful days, full of wealth and knowledge, abundant with joy, and content.

If in the garden of the Gethsemane, sorrowing adversity will fill your soul, great longings for change and absent objects of love will be felt.

To see him in the temple scourging the traders, denotes that evil enemies will be defeated and honest endeavors will prevail.

Christmas Tree To dream of a Christmas tree, denotes joyful occasions and auspicious fortune. To see one dismantled, foretells some painful incident will follow occasions of festivity.

Chrysanthemum To dream that you gather white chrysanthemums, signifies loss and much perplexity; colored ones, betokens pleasant engagements.

To see them in bouquets, denotes that love will be offered you, but a foolish ambition will cause you to put it aside. To pass down an avenue of white chrysanthemums, with here and there a yellow one showing among the white, foretells a strange sense of loss and sadness, from which the sensibilities will expand and take on new powers. While looking on these white flowers as you pass, and you suddenly feel your spirit leave your

body and a voice shouts aloud "Glory to God, my Creator," foretells that a crisis is pending in your near future. If some of your friends pass out, and others take up true ideas in connection with spiritual and earthly needs, you will enjoy life in its deepest meaning. Often death is near you in these dreams.

Church To dream of seeing a church in the distance, denotes disappointment in pleasures long anticipated.

To enter one wrapt in gloom, you will participate in a funeral. Dull prospects of better times are portended.

Churchyard To dream of walking in a churchyard, if in winter, denotes that you are to have a long and bitter struggle with poverty, and you will reside far from the home of your childhood, and friends will be separated from you; but if you see the signs of springtime, you will walk up in into pleasant places and enjoy the society of friends.

For lovers to dream of being in a churchyard means they will never marry each other, but will see others fill their places.

Churning To dream of churning, you will have difficult tasks set you, but by diligence and industry you will accomplish them and be very prosperous. To the farmer, it denotes profit from a plenteous harvest; to a young woman, it denotes a thrifty and energetic husband.

Cider To dream of cider, denotes fortune may be won by you if your time is not squandered upon material pleasure. To see people drinking it, you will be under the influence of unfaithful friends.

Cipher To dream of reading cipher, indicates that you are interested in literary researches, and by constant study you will become well acquainted with the habits and lives of the ancients.

Circle To dream of a circle, denotes that your affairs will deceive you in their proportions of gain. For a young woman to dream of a circle, warns her of indiscreet involvement to the exclusion of marriage.

Cistern To dream of a cistern, denotes you are in danger of trespassing upon the pleasures and rights of your friends. To draw from one, foretells that you will enlarge in your pastime and enjoyment in a manner which may be questioned by propriety.

To see an empty one, foretells despairing change from happiness to sorrow.

City To dream that you are in a strange city, denotes you will have sorrowful occasion to change your abode or mode of living.

City Council To dream of a city council, foretells that your interests will clash with public institutions and there will be discouraging outlooks for you.

City Hall To dream of a city hall, denotes contentions and threatened law suits.

To a young woman this dream is a foreboding of unhappy estrangement from her lover by her failure to keep virtue inviolate.

Clams To dream of clams, denotes you will have dealings with an obstinate but honest person. To eat them, foretells you will enjoy another's prosperity.

For a young woman to dream of eating baked clams with her sweetheart, foretells that she will enjoy his money as well as his confidence.

Clay To dream of clay, denotes isolation of interest and probable insolvency. To dig in a clay bank, foretells you will submit to extraordinary demands of enemies. If you dig in an ash bank and find clay, unfortunate surprises will combat progressive enterprises or new work. Your efforts are likely to be misdirected after this dream.

Women will find this dream unfavorable in love, social and business states, and misrepresentations will overwhelm them.

Claret To dream of drinking claret, denotes you will come under the influence of ennobling association. To dream of seeing broken bottles of claret, portends you will be induced to commit immoralities by the false persuasions of deceitful persons.

Claret Cup and Punch To dream of claret cup or punch, foretells that you will be much pleased with the attention shown you by new acquaintances.

Clarionet To dream of a claironet, foretells that you will indulge in frivolity beneath your usual dignity. If it is broken, you will incur the displeasure of a close friend.

Clairvoyance To dream of being a clairvoyant and seeing yourself in the future, denotes signal changes in your present occupation, followed by a series of unhappy conflicts with designing people.

To dream of visiting a clairvoyant, foretells unprosperous commercial states and unhappy unions.

Clergyman To dream that you send for a clergyman to preach a funeral sermon, denotes that you will vainly strive against sickness and to ward off evil influences, but they will prevail in spite of your earnest endeavors.

If a young woman marries a clergyman in her dream, she will be the object of much mental distress, and the wayward hand of fortune will lead her into the morass of adversity.

See Minister.

Climbing To dream of climbing up a hill or mountain and reaching the top, you will overcome the most formidable obstacles between you and a prosperous future; but if you should fail to reach the top, your dearest plans will suffer being wrecked.

To climb a ladder to the last rung, you will succeed in business; but if the ladder breaks, you will be plunged into unexpected straits, and accidents may happen to you.

To see yourself climbing the side of a house in some mysterious way in a dream, and to have a window suddenly open to let you in, foretells that you will make or have made extraordinary ventures against the approbation of friends, but success will eventually crown your efforts, though there will be times when despair will almost enshroud you.

See Ascend,Hill, and Mountain.

Clock To dream that you see a clock, denotes danger from a foe. To hear one strike, you will receive unpleasant news. The death of some friend is implied.

Cloister To dream of a cloister, omens dissatisfaction with present surroundings, and you will soon seek new environments. For a young woman to dream of a cloister, foretells that her life will be made unselfish by the chastening of sorrow.

Clothes To dream of seeing clothes soiled and torn, denotes that deceit will be practised to your harm. Beware of friendly dealings with strangers.

For a woman to dream that her clothing is soiled or torn, her virtue will be dragged in the mire if she is not careful of her associates. Clean new clothes, denotes prosperity.

To dream that you have plenty, or an assortment of clothes, is a doubtful omen; you may want the necessaries of life. To a young person, this dream denotes unsatisfied hopes and disappointments.

See Apparel.

Clouds To dream of seeing dark heavy clouds, portends misfortune and bad management. If rain is falling, it denotes troubles and sickness.

To see bright transparent clouds with the sun shining through them, you will be successful after trouble has been your companion.

To see them with the stars shining, denotes fleeting joys and small advancements.

Clover Walking through fields of fragrant clover is a propitious dream. It brings all objects desired into the reach of the dreamer. Fine crops is portended for the farmer and wealth

for the young. Blasted fields of clover brings harrowing and regretful sighs.

To dream of clover, foretells prosperity will soon enfold you. For a young woman to dream of seeing a snake crawling through blossoming clover, foretells she will be early disappointed in love, and her surroundings will be gloomy and discouraging, though to her friends she seems peculiarly fortunate.

Cloven Foot To dream of a cloven foot, portends some unusual ill luck is threatening you, and you will do well to avoid the friendship of strange persons.

Club To dream of being approached by a person bearing a club, denotes that you will be assailed by your adversaries, but you will overcome them and be unusually happy and prosperous; but if you club any one, you will undergo a rough and profitless journey.

Coach To dream of riding in a coach, denotes continued losses and depressions in business. Driving one implies removal or business changes.

Coals To see bright coals of fire, denotes pleasure and many pleasant changes. To dream you handle them yourself, denotes unmitigated joy. To see dead coals implies trouble and disappointments.

Coal-hod To dream of a coal-hod, denotes that grief will be likely to fill a vacancy made by reckless extravagance. To see your neighbor carrying in hods, foretells your surroundings will be decidedly distasteful and inharmonious.

Coat To dream of wearing another's coat, signifies that you will ask some friend to go security for you. To see your coat torn, denotes the loss of a close friend and dreary business.

To see a new coat, portends for you some literary honor.

To lose your coat, you will have to rebuild your fortune lost through being over-confident in speculations.

See Apparel and Clothes.

Coat-of-Arms To dream of seeing your coat-of-arms, is a dream of ill luck. You will never possess a title.

Cocoa To dream of cocoa, denotes you will cultivate distasteful friends for your own advancement and pleasure.

Cocoanut Cocoanuts in dreams, warns you of fatalities in your expectations, as sly enemies are encroaching upon your rights in the guise of ardent friends. Dead cocoanut trees are a sign of loss and sorrow. The death of some one near you may follow.

Cock-Crowing To dream of hearing a cock crowing in the morning, is significant of good. If you be single, it denotes an early marriage and a luxurious home.

To hear one at night is despair, and cause for tears you will have.

To dream of seeing cocks fight, you will leave your family because of quarrels and infidelity. This dream usually announces some unexpected and sorrowful events. The cock warned the Apostle Peter when he was about to perjure himself. It may also warn you in a dream when the meshes of the world are swaying you from "the straight line'' of spiritual wisdom.

Cockade This dream denotes that foes will bring disastrous suits against you. Beware of titles.

Cocktail To drink a cocktail while dreaming, denotes that you will deceive your friends as to your inclinations and enjoy the companionship of fast men and women while posing as a serious student and staid home lover. For a woman, this dream portends fast living and an ignoring of moral and set rules.

Coca-Cola For a woman to dream that she is drinking coca-cola signifies that she will lose health and a chance for marrying a wealthy man by her abandonment to material delights.

Coffin This dream is unlucky. You will, if you are a farmer, see your crops blasted and your cattle lean and unhealthy. To business men it means debts whose accumulation they are powerless to avoid. To the young it denotes unhappy unions and death of loved ones.

To see your own coffin in a dream, business defeat and domestic sorrow may be expected.

To dream of a coffin moving of itself, denotes sickness and marriage in close conjunction. Sorrow and pleasure intermingled. Death may follow this dream, but there will also be good.

To see your corpse in a coffin, signifies brave efforts will be crushed in defeat and ignominy,

To dream that you find yourself sitting on a coffin in a moving hearse, denotes desperate if not fatal illness for you or some person closely allied to you.

Quarrels with the opposite sex is also indicated. You will remorsefully consider your conduct toward a friend.

Coffee To dream of drinking coffee, denotes the disapproval of friends toward your marriage intentions. If married, disagreements and frequent quarrels are implied.

To dream of dealing in coffee, portends business failures. If selling, sure loss. Buying it, you may with ease retain your credit.

For a young woman to see or handle coffee she will be made a by-word if she is not discreet in her actions.

To dream of roasting coffee, for a young woman it denotes escape from evil by luckily marrying a stranger.

To see ground coffee, foretells successful struggles with adversity. Parched coffee, warns you of the evil attentions of strangers.

Green coffee, denotes you have bold enemies who will show you no quarter, but will fight for your overthrow.

Coffee Mill To see a coffee mill in your dreams, denotes you are approaching a critical danger, and all your energy and alertness will have to stand up with obduracy to avert its disastrous consequences. To hear it grinding, signifies you will hardly overthrow some evil pitted

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