Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series (9 page)

BOOK: Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series
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“Yeah well, I was busy.” He kissed the top of my head.

“Did it, hurt?”

“Are you really asking me this?”


“Wait a minute. Why are you asking me this?” He pulled the blanket up over my lap.

“I thought it was painful for guys to go so long without.”

“After a while, yeah. If it got
bad I bought a magazine and worked it out myself. How’s that for a mental image?”

I giggled again, “Kind of hot. Like in San Diego.” I reminded him.

“You like that huh?”

I felt my neck heat up. “Maybe.”

We watched another couple movies, both comedies. It was nice to hear him laugh, and to laugh myself. His laugh is more like a low chuckle. When I heard him start to snore softly behind me I turned and pushed up to kiss him softly awake.

“We should go to bed.”

“I like the way you think.” He took my hand and let me lead him to the bedroom. “Want to help me live out a fantasy?”

“No. I’m going to sleep, and so are you.”

“Not tonight. Tomorrow. Remind me in the morning, you can use it to make me sit still.”

“I’ll do that.” I hugged his hand to my chest as our heads hit the pillow.


I’ve had some rude awakenings in my time, but this man is starting to make a habit of it.

I rolled to my back to look for the source of the wandering hand. “Oh great, you’re a morning person.”

“I’m a Cherry person.” He replied looking a little too serious as he pushed my pajama bottoms down by working his palm over my hips and down my thighs one at a time.

“Are you going to let me check your dressing first?” I reached up and moved his hair from his face.

“No.” He lowered his lips to mine as his fingers found the other set down south. As he moved his kisses down my neck I let my fingers walk and explore his shoulders and hair.

I can’t keep the smile from my lips as he enjoys the girls up close and personal. They’re not small, so even laying down he can almost lose his face if he tries. It feels so good to have gentle affection for a change.

I closed my eyes when the wandering hand came back. My body wound up ready for more, which he gladly gave me. First with his fingers, then with his mouth, then with both. I’m making noises I’ve never heard before as my body experiences things it’s never imagined possible. One, maybe two orgasms, and that was before I got married.

But five, six, ah hell, I lost count. I’m also getting tender down there. “Drake. Time out.”

He stopped and slid up setting his tip to my threshold. “Knock knock.” He tapped me a couple times, and then rolled to his back. “Oh man. Maybe I will grow a beard, then I can keep the smell of your sweet pussy on my face all day.”

I rolled over taking him in my hand and moving down to give him some much deserved attention. Not only did he completely consume me with ecstasy for the last, who knows how long, but he also ‘knocked’ on the door, then rolled I’ve never experienced that level of restraint from a guy before.

“You’re very vulgar Drake.” I teased as I licked his tip preparing to give him the best head of his life. Well, I can try anyway.

“Don’t stop.”

“I’m not. Sit back and enjoy.” I pulled his tip into my mouth to start playtime. Playtime didn’t last very long, which is good because he’s too big to take deep for long. I don’t mind when he comes because he tastes good. Daniel had been a drunk for so long his semen had taken on a funk. I hated it.

Drake is a very healthy man. He eats a lot, but he eats right, and drinks more water than booze. He also makes little noises that tell me how well I’m pleasing him. His hands stay off my head, so there’s none of that annoying guiding thing guys do.

Then there’s the afterwards. The last time, first time, I did this he sank to the floor and held me for a while. This time he pulled me up to put my head on his shoulder and secured my arm and leg over his body. I’m holding him, he’s holding me.



“Thanks for making me feel loved. Even before Daniel it’s never been like this.”

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my lips when I looked up, “You are loved my little Cherry. Now,” He grabbed a handful of my ass and held on, “go make me some breakfast.”

I bit his jaw playfully, “I’m not sure where my legs are.”

“Probably hanging out with my nuts.” He rolled and kissed me long and hard. I can taste myself. Just when I thought things were going to heat up again he stopped and sat up. “Maybe you should do my dressing first.”

I sat up to investigate, “Shit. Maybe getting your blood pumping is a bad idea. This damn thing won’t stop bleeding.”

“I’ll make it stop. Go get breakfast started, I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He sounds grumpy again all of a sudden.

He’s funny like that. Tender and giving between the sheets. Bossy and demanding otherwise. Not that I mind. Some men can pull off the whole grumpy macho man act, some can’t. When Drake gives his orders I find him sexy and safe. When Daniel did it I felt like his worthless slave.

“At least let me clean it up first.”

“No, I’ve had enough of your drilling.” He came back for a kiss then got up off the bed.

“What are you going to do?”

“Don’t worry about it babe. Coffee? Please?”

“Okay okay, I’m going.” Good grief my legs are still shaking!!



The only thing scarier than a pissed off Colson man, is their pissed of ringleader and eldest brother, Slider. Slider is the rightful heir to the motorcycle club known as Exiles. Club, not gang. There’s a huge difference, one I didn’t fully understand until I started working for Red at their club’s bar.

Three days later I’m sitting at the bar with a handful of the other girls, while Slider yells at the guys so loud the thick heavy door they’re locked behind is doing nothing to hide his anger. Poor Drake is getting the worst of it.

When the door flew open and Slider headed straight for me I almost crawled under the table.

He stopped as I stood and pointed his finger right at my nose, “I want everything you know about Daniel on paper and in the hands of my wife before you leave this club today. Then I want you to take your old man home and keep him there until one of us calls you. Got it?”

“Yes sir.” I’m shaking in my boots.

He softened seeing my distress, “I’m sending Celeste over this afternoon at two. I expect her to report back that you two have set Drake up for regular counseling, and by that I mean twice a week until I say otherwise.” He turned around draping his arm around Salina’s shoulders and left the bar.

I swallowed and looked up to Drake who is suddenly in front of me. “I feel two inches tall.”

“That’s about an inch and a half taller than I feel. Come on, I’ll set you up with some pen and paper to get things written down. Then we need to talk.”

“About what?”

“Your ex-husband. Seems you were right about him watching you. Those four guys were sent to the other club the other night to work their way into the club. Evidently they couldn’t get in so they stole the cuts off some other members after beating the shit out of them.”

“Wait. Those were Daniel’s men you killed?”

He ushered me out the door, “Can you not advertise that please?”


“The answer is yes. Thankfully. Otherwise the cover-up would be a lot uglier than it already is.” We walked over to Salina’s office where I could sit comfortably and focus on writing down everything I know about my ex-husband.

I stared at the lined paper unsure where to begin.

Drake tapped his fingers on the desk making me look up.

“It’s hard to know where to start.”

“Start with the first time you found out he was into espionage and racketeering.”

“I can’t remember the first time I found out. It seems like I’ve always known.”

“Let’s not write that part down, makes you and accessory to his crimes. Why don’t you start with the one you find the most distasteful.” He suggested leaning back bringing the front legs off the ground. The chair made an awful noise like it was about to collapse making him put it right back down.

I smiled and shook my head, “If you had busted your ass just now, I would have laughed. You would have deserved it too.”

“Probably. Do you want to be alone to do this?”

“I think it might help. Sorry, you tend to be distracting.”

He stood up and leaned across the desk for a kiss.

After he left the information seemed to pour out onto the paper. Drake really does make me forget Daniel and the whole sordid mess. Writing all this down also served as a great way to purge. Maybe I started adding cuss words that didn’t need to be there, but it felt so good to vent.

I’d just about filled the steno pad when Red and Salina knocked and opened the door.

Red stuck her head in first waving a bottle of whiskey. “I come in peace.”

I chuckled feeling a huge weight lift off my shoulder as they entered. “I don’t care if you come in purple pajamas and pink tutus, gimme that bottle!” I traded the pad for the bottle.

Salina gave the pad to Red, “Tell the boys to look this over while we get drunk.”


“I’m sorry I got you yelled at today. Actually, it was more like a royal ass chewing.” I peeled back the old dressing. “Oh honey, what did you do??”

“It’s a clotting powder we use in the field. I happen to have some here.” He unbuttoned the top button of my shirt.

“It’s disgusting now! What am I supposed to do with this?”

“Clean it up carefully, no digging this time, then redress it.” He took a sip from the cold beer in his other hand. I’d grabbed one too. That was not a pleasant visit to the club earlier.

I took a drink from my beer and went to work playing nurse while he continued to loosen my clothing. “Quit. I’m almost done. Then you really need to sit still for a while. Some of those stitches are really close to popping.”

“Call Doc back over.”

“I can’t call Doc, you have to call Doc.”

“You can call Doc, just get his number from Red. You’re a part of this club now too, learn how to use it.” Mr. Grumpass is back. I’m not surprised, he doesn’t like it when I have to clean up this ugly wound.

“Be nice.” I flashed him the girls quickly. “Or I’ll put on ugly Christmas pajamas with footies.”

“I’d rather you put that little red and black plaid skirt on and bend over that chair so I can come all over your ass.” He got up carefully.

My eyebrows are still up at his bold words. Words that had me struggling with whether to go get the skirt, or just strip down and say, ‘Take me now.’

He touched my chin, “Problem?”

“No, which is weird. If anyone else had said that to me, I would have punched him in the face. You make it sound… tempting.”

He closed in and stopped just short of kissing me, “I want to see your wanton side. I sense a vixen in there that wants to come out and play with someone she can trust. You can trust me.” His kiss sealed the deal nicely before we made our way back to the living room.

I got him settled in comfortably before digging my laptop out and sitting in the reading chair.

He looked up from flipping channels, “What are doing?”

“Emails, Facebook with the girls. They have an account only I have the password to. Once a day they check in from the library, if they can. Sometimes we miss each other by a day or two.”

He eyed my computer, “How old is that thing?”

I thought for a second, “Six years old? I don’t know. I bought it second hand, had some guy fix it at the club for next to nothing, and voila, a laptop.”

“Go get mine. You’re going to electrocute yourself on that thing.”

I laughed, “Funny you say that, if you unplug it while it’s running, it zaps you. I have to shut down, unplug it, then run it off the battery.” I like my old clunker though. Reminds of my car with its quirks.

“Cherry, go get my laptop. It’s on my desk. Set it up so you can use it instead of that one.” He pointed to his office and stared me down until I got up.

“Alright alright. Sheesh.” I got up and went to get his giant MacBook Pro. The thing is a beast, kind of like he is. A big bossy beast.

Daniel was a first class jerk. Drake is a jerk, but not like Daniel. Daniel was mean with mal intent. He got off on making you miserable. When Drake barks orders and stares you down it’s hard not to smile because he’s got no mal intent what so ever. The difference is amazing to me.

And disturbing. I’m getting off on Drake’s dominant behavior. I must be sick in the head.

He looked over as I sat down. “That thing is bigger than you are. When you’re done give it here, I’ll order you the smaller one.”

“What? No you won’t. This one is fine. Stop spending money on me, it’s freaking me out.”

“You’ll get over it.” He focused back on the baseball game he’d tuned to a few minutes ago.


He looked back over, “What?”

“Be nice!”

“I don’t know how, not with words. Hurry up so you can come sit with me.” Those damn blue eyes have probably gotten him out of as much trouble as they’ve gotten him into.

“Yeah, I’ve noticed. I’ll be there in a few minutes. Grumpy. You better be nice to Celeste.”

“Beautiful.” He accused back. “She doesn’t want me to be anything but myself. She’s a shrink, remember?”

“Just don’t be rude. It’s not going to turn her on like it does me.”

He sat back studying me.

I pretended not to notice.

After a full minute he asked, “Turns you on?”

I fought a smile and lost, but I managed to keep my eyes on the screen. “I didn’t say that.”

“You did too.”

“You’re hearing things.”

“Oh, I don’t think so. I thought you said you’d had enough of people bossing you around?”

“I have, and I’ll stand my ground with you when I need to, but otherwise, yeah, it turns me on. Yes, I’m sick in the head. Go ahead. Laugh.”

“I’m not laughing, I’m hard.” He adjusted himself.

“Put that away.”

“Believe me, I’d like to.” He shifted and growled before finally focusing on the game again.

*     *     *

This woman is going to drive me crazy. Her body is like a siren calling mine with every move she makes. Poor girl has no clue what she’s in for. Once I get inside her, I may never come out. To be inside her fabulously reactive body is going to kill me. I’m going to explode and die on the spot the first time. Probably not, but if I do, I’ll die the happiest man ever to exist.

“Ow! Shit.” She cussed.

I looked over to see her balancing both laptops, “What are you doing now??”

“I knocked the cord off my laptop and shocked my leg.”

“Did you check in with the girls?” First things first.

“Yes, they’re fine.” She typed information from the old laptop to the new one.

“Five minutes, then get your butt over here.”

“Ten, and I’ll think about it after Celeste leaves. You can’t be trusted.”

“Excuse me?” If anyone can be trusted it’s me. “What the hell are you talking about?”

She looked up, “I do not want Celeste knocking on the door to find us shuffling to put clothes back on. Besides, you’re supposed to be sitting still.”

Okay, so I can’t be trusted when it comes to getting her clothes off. “It’s not my fault.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She replied absently too busy for my nonsense.

Fine. Stay busy. Work faster. After Celeste leaves, I’m going to be a royal pain in your ass pretty lady.

“Drake?” She broke my fantasy.


“Stop looking like you’re planning my demise.”

I like how she makes me want to smile, “Not your demise babe, just where I plan to start the slow process of devouring you inch by inch.”

She put her hand to her stomach and sighed before looking back to the computer screen. “How do you do that?”

“I’ll show you after Celeste leaves.” I promised.

*     *     *

I’ve met Celeste a couple times in the bar. She’s a very sweet, very intuitive, and friendly person. I like that she’s a big woman with a big personality to match. Her husband Wrangler is the same way. Those two are always smiling, especially when they’re together.

She sat back and picked up the glass of pinot noir I poured for us. She started with me, “How are you doing?”

“I’m fine. Drake is spoiling me rotten, and he likes my girls. I’m sure by now he knows all about my problems with my ex, but I’m used to those hanging over my head. Right now I feel pretty good, but it won’t last. Obviously Daniel is already making moves against the club to get to me.”

She nodded, “Nothing they can’t handle.” She assured me then looked at Drake, “And you?”

He shrugged, “My side hurts.”

“Drake.” I scolded him.

He looked at me, “What?”

“Never mind.”

“It’s okay Sherry. I have a Colson myself, maybe you should dig him up something to eat. I’ll take advantage of your absence and grill him privately while you’re gone.” She half teased so it didn’t come off like she was saying, “Go make your man a sandwich and leave us alone.”

I nodded and pushed off the couch, “I can do that. Have you eaten? Can I make you one?”

“Sure, I’d love one. We’ll eat together, make one for yourself.”

“Deal.” I like Celeste. And she’s right. I’ve known Drake long enough to notice that his moods tend to coincide with the last time he ate. It takes a lot of energy to fuel that body, and he seems to have and endless supply of energy, so it’s no wonder he eats a lot.

I made him two big sandwiches cut in half, and one each for Celeste and I, also cut in half. I like to make pretty food. It’s fun. I even found some toothpicks to hold them together. Of course you need chips for a good sandwich, so I grabbed those from the pantry on my way back.

Celeste smiled up at me as she took her plate, “Thank you. I hope you don’t think I was trying to get rid of you earlier.”

“Even if you were, you did a very nice job of it.” I teased setting Drake up with his sandwich and another water bottle.

“Thank you.” She’s intuitive enough to play along. After a round of first bites she sat back and wiped her mouth before starting. “I know this isn’t easy for either of you, bringing up old ugly memories. Fortunately I’m not real excited about it either, so… we’re going to focus on putting things in the past and moving on.”

“Solution based therapy.” I muttered by accident.

Celeste’s eyebrows drew together, “Are you familiar with this?”

“A little. My ex didn’t want the girls going to see a therapist after… what they’d seen. I couldn’t sneak them in, so I started buying books. I’m not the brightest bulb in the box, so maybe I don’t have the terms right, but that’s the general idea, right? Focus on the light at the end of the tunnel?”

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