Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series (7 page)

BOOK: Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series
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Later that afternoon when I got home Drake met me at the door and pointed to the truck I’d left in the driveway, instead of pulling into the garage, with a curious look on his face.

“I only have an hour and a half before I need to leave. You’ll be happy to know I quit job number three.” I slipped past him taking an extra whiff of his unique scent. He looks sweaty. “What are up to in here?”

He closed and locked the door behind him.

I grabbed a beer and kicked out of my shoes in the kitchen as I drank half of it at once. “Oh man that’s good. Why are you all sweaty?”

He picked up pen and paper to write:
Working out, not
used to being idle.

“Ah. You should get a job or three, that’ll keep you in shape, and you get paid.” I teased taking my beer to the bedroom.

He gently caught my arm after I set my beer down and brought me around to face him. I watched as he touched the 12 on his watch.


He nodded and tugged on my shirt, then held up one finger, then pointed to his throat.

“You want to do that now?”

Thumbs up.

“You realize you have to make it quick, right?”

He put his finger up and typed a message to what I thought would go to my phone, but when he shows me the message, it was to Red.
Cherry will be a half hour

“That’s not fair, it’s not like she can tell you no. You’re her husband’s brother,” I argued.

He shrugged tugging on my shirt.

I pulled it off and tossed it on the bed.

When I reached for my bra he put his hand over mine and shook his head as he pointed to his throat.

“Oh yeah, you haven’t said anything yet! Do you see how distracted you get me??” I put my hands on my hips, “Talk to me.”

He cleared his throat and focused like he had to go over the Hoover Dam to get this out. “I won’t hurt you.”

I blinked wallowing in the echo of the deep sound of his voice. “You better not, and that’s four. With four I’m practically naked.”

He pointed to my shoes one at a time as he counted off two and three on his fingers. Four got me out of my jeans. Now I’m standing here in a bra and underwear.

“There. Happy?” I twirled around once and gave him a little ta-da!

I might as well have dangled raw meat in front of a hungry tiger. He pounced grabbing the backs of my thighs and lifting me up as our mouths crashed into each other. Evidently I missed the big guy this morning because I kissed him back harder than I’ve ever kissed a man in my life. Crap. Why does he have to taste so damn good?

My back hit the bed breaking our kiss and making me scold him, “Drake! Take it easy.”

He nosed my chin up and continued to devour my neck.

I put my hands on his shoulders. “Wait. I said you could look, not touch.” It’s just an excuse to get him to take a break so I can catch up.

He stopped immediately and came up to hover.

I ran my thumb over his lower lip. “Slow down. Please.”

He narrowed his eyes.

“I know, I started the game. I just need a minute here.”

He shook his head and closed his eyes telling me that’s not what he’s concerned about.

“You’re going to have to write it down Drake, I can’t always read your mind.”

He shook his head and fell over on his side to put his head on my shoulder.

I twisted his hair between my fingers. “Don’t fall asleep.”

His fingers started tapping my stomach and walked down a couple inches to the top of my underwear.

“Are you asking if you can touch me?”

He nodded and walked down a little more.

“If I say no, are you going to be mad at me?”

He sat up and looked back down at me with crunched eyebrows. “No.” The pained look that followed him saying that made me feel bad.

I propped up on my elbows, “Don’t look so surprised. That’s what I’m used to Drake. I never got a say. God I wish you could talk to me.” I sat up. “You don’t understand what it’s like to accept abuse because you want it over with sooner than later. Especially when your oldest daughter is forced to watch as her father beats and rapes her mother.”

Drake sat up with me and tried to take my hand.

I pulled away, “I tried to warn you I was damaged. I can’t even tell you half the things that man put us through. The divorce is nothing but a game to him. He’s probably looking forward to blackmailing me into going home with him, that way he can spin it all for his friends on how he saved his silly wife. How I’m so helpless without him.”

I looked up to brave those concerned blue eyes, “I don’t know how to be normal. I forgot how to feel anything but love for my girls. Everything else opens me up for more pain. Pain I can’t handle again. My girls need me to stay focused on them so their father doesn’t ruin them. Trying to be a normal woman in this bed with you… it’s hard. I don’t know how to relax and enjoy it like I used to.”

He touched his finger gently to my jawline and ran it down under my chin. He tried to console me with an understanding look.

“No. You don’t understand, but thank you for listening, and being patient with me.” I slid off the bed and went to get my shower. Way to ruin the mood genius.


After getting ready for my shift at the club I found Drake sitting on the couch flipping through pictures. A lot of pictures.

I walked over and sat down to see what he’s doing. Words caught in my throat now too. These people, look like hamburger meat. I thought I’d been through a lot, but these women have been literally butchered, then left alive to live with their deformities.

“This is why you lost your voice?” I asked putting them back in neat piles so there aren’t too many clouding my head.

He scattered them all over the coffee table making a messy collage of tortured souls, then slapped a piece of paper in front of me that read,
This is what’s in my head. Having you in
the same room makes it go away. All I need
is you. I don’t care if I’m an inch from
entering you. Tell me to stop, and I WILL stop.
He tapped the pen on the paper and set it down before collecting the photos.

I handed him the pen back and took over the gathering, “Why did you take all these pictures?”

To solicit funding.

“That’s pretty low.”

People don’t like to come off their
money without a damn good reason.

“I’m sorry I ruined the mood earlier. I see these and my past seems kind of pale in comparison.” I closed the lid on the box and sat back while he wrote.

Don’t trivialize how you

“I think we need to talk before we keep playing my stupid game.”

No way. Game on. I won’t get mad if
you want to stop, no matter when.

“Don’t you get frustrated? Angry?”

He raised an eyebrow at me then shook his head.

I sighed knowing this is going to take some time to get used to. “I’m going to work. Are you coming in for dinner later?”

He nodded and stood to walk me to the truck. I got a nice long reassuring kiss before he closed my door and watched me drive away.


Women. I can handle rebels, and triage situations. I can handle being bum-rushed by a herd of kids both grateful and fearful. But Cherry? The idea of her having been hurt shuts me down.

I want to talk again so bad I got carried away and scared her earlier. At least I think I scared her. She seemed fine when she left for work. I need to shake this fucking shock bullshit so we can have a real conversation for once.

My phone buzzed on my desk about two hours later when I was returning emails before heading over to the club. I picked it up in case it’s Cherry. All my work shit is being forwarded to Zac for now. He’s my partner in crime, and another half-brother. Being a Colson means not knowing exactly how many brothers you have. Some people have zero family, I have more than I can count.

The text message was from Goat:
There seems to
be a debate down here only you can put an
end to. Mind joining us?

I replied,
On my way.

On the way to the club I started getting a bad feeling this is about my Cherry. I parked by her truck, my old truck. I suppose I should get her something smaller to drive, but her face lights up when she starts the big diesel engine.

Goat met me in front of the bar. “Dude, it started out friendly enough, but then some asshole…”

I shoved him aside and ducked inside. Somebody really needs to put a bigger door on this fucker. I looked around and saw my Cherry right away. She backed up from a table with one of her smiles that says she’s not as amused as she’s trying to appear.

I walked right over startling her to the point she almost dropped the tray of empty beer glasses. “Shit Drake. You scared me.”

I nodded towards the table of wanna be bikers. They’re young, and probably got in here via a friend of a friend. Happens all the time.

“Just newbies. I guess they got bored at the other bar down the street.”

I narrowed my eyes knowing damn well she’s holding back.

“Who called you?”

I showed her my phone.

She rolled her eyes, “Please. He’s overreacting. I’ve dealt with worse. Go sit down so I can feed you. Beer?”

I shook my head and backed off so she could get back to work. Fine. I’ll just sit here at the bar and see for myself. Bad Cherry. She needs a very thorough tongue-lashing. God I love her short little skirts. Focus asshole.

I watched and drank, drank and watched. I’m not getting drunk, it’s just beer. It would take half a keg to put a dent in my tolerance level, mostly due to my size.

After watching these idiots for a little while I’ve narrowed down the one who seems to have a thing for my Cherry. He watches her like he’s hunting her. Waiting for her to go outside alone, so he can follow.

When he whistled for her attention my blood boiled. Cherry is not a dog. I set my beer down. Cherry flicked him off and finished taking another order. Good girl.

A minute later she went to see what he wanted. As soon as his palm smacked her ass I launched myself across the room and table.

Things got a little fuzzy after that. I remember trying to toss the guy out the side door by the stage, but ended up putting us both through the wall. This is a wood paneled steel shed. The metal isn’t all that thick, and the wood is old and brittle, but together they’ll make sure we hurt tomorrow.

I remember pounding on the guy’s face. Then I was being dragged off and men shuffled around in front of me. It’s been months since I was in a good fight. Everything is rushing back. My brain is confused. I can’t focus. At this point I don’t know if I’m in the middle of a war zone or being hauled off to prison camp.

“Drake. Stop.” My Cherry commanded. Her voice is like a lifeline for me right now.

I froze knowing I could be hurting her without knowing it. I can’t focus enough to tell what I’m doing.

“That’s better.” Her hands cupped my face as her face filled my vision. “Put your hands on my hips and keep them there. Do it now.” She ordered like a true soldier.

“What? Why?”

“Do you trust me?”

“What kind of question is that?”

She looked behind my head and nodded, “Inhale. Now.”

I took in a deep breath and felt a sharp pulling pain in my side. “Fuck was that?” I tried to turn and look, but Cherry held my face firmly in her hands.

“Wait. Doc is looking it over. Don’t move. Hear me? Don’t. Move.”

I inhaled again, “Knife?”

“An ugly one, yes. Keep your eyes on me honey.” She commanded again before looking down to my right. “Is he okay?”

“Yeah, he’s gonna need stitches, but nothing vital was hit. Stay where you are, sitting here is the best place to do this.” Doc cringed at the not so clean picnic table. “Dirty, but moving now would make you bleed out more. Can’t have that.” He went right to work on my wound.

Cherry nodded and looked around behind me, “Are they gone?”

Joe’s voice came from behind me, “Almost. Keep him focused on you.”

“Cherry?” My voice is back. Well that’s fucked up.

She looked at me, “Right here honey. Good to hear your voice again. Is this going to cost me all my clothes?” She smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

“Yes. What happened?”

“I’ll tell you later. Here, drink this. I’ll drive you home when Doc is done stitching you up.”

“Where’s Red?”

“Red? Why?” She asked stealing a sip of the whiskey after I took one.


“Yeah man.”

“Tell your wife to fire mine.”


Cherry leaned back and shook her head, “Did you hit your head??”

“I’m not sure to be honest, but you’re done working. Ow. Fuck.” Doc put the needle in my flesh to numb me up for stitches.

“We’ll talk about it later.” She assured me as I finished the whiskey.


Doc interrupted, “Not yet, it thins the blood. You can have all you want when I seal this over.”

“Fuck. Hurry up.”

“Easy Monk.” Joe is standing guard for some reason.

“What the fuck happened Joe?” I asked him directly since my Cherry won’t give me a straight answer.

Joe nodded to someone in the distance before looking at me, “You flipped the fuck out. Goat and Gunner are going to be busy cleaning up your mess for the rest of the night. Take your ass home and stay there. I don’t want to see you in the club for a few days.”

“You’re kicking me out?”

“I’m telling you to go home and bury your face between your old lady’s legs for a few days. Hurry up Doc, I want Monk out of here before Slider gets back.”

“Fuck.” I complained. “How many Joe?”

“Two, and three that are going to need dumping outside the ER. You can’t fuck people up here like in Somalia dumbass. Get your head right before you come back inside this gate. Sherry, if he needs to talk to someone, call Celeste.”

“I don’t have her number.”

“You have my wife’s, use it. His shit needs to stay in house, no outside shrinks. Keep his ass at home for at least three days. I’ll wire you some money if you need it since you won’t be working.”

“She doesn’t need money Joe.” I growled at him.

He smacked the back of my shoulder causing a lot of pain, “You really need to retire old man. There was a day when not one of those bastards would have left here alive. You’re losing your touch.”

“Fuck you.” I complained knowing he’s right.

“Happens to the best of us. Take your old lady home and forget the jungles and deserts. That shit is over. Bury it in the past, then go home and bury your face in your wife’s pussy. Nothing like good pussy to make a man forget.” He rubbed my shoulder making me realize it’s dislocated.

“Go ahead.” I told him. He’s reset it before.

Without warning he grabbed my shoulder and arm, aligned them just right, and slammed my arm back into my shoulder.

“FUCK!!” I’m getting too old for this shit. “Fuck.”

“That will help too.” Joe stepped back putting this arm around his wife Red.

“Alright Joe, enough with the Penthouse advice. Sherry, you have the week off. Just so you know you always have a job here when you’re ready to come back.” She pointed to me, “And you, owe me a wall. Bring your checkbook when you come back.”

I nodded and looked at Joe, “Send me a bill.”

“Will do.”

“Alright kids.” Doc stood up. “Take him out of here.” He handed Sherry a small brown bag. “Everything you need to treat him is in here. I put my business card in there too. Call if you have any questions.”

“Thanks Doc.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek. Doc smiled and waved goodbye to everyone.

Cherry made a helpful crutch on the way to the truck. The guys tried to help, but she shooed them away. She seems very protective of me all of a sudden. I like it.


Back at the house I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, “Who kicked my ass?”

She chuckled, “Joe. You kept flinging everyone else off like fleas. Goat and Gunner helped once Joe hit you hard enough to knock the wind out of you. You kind of went bat-shit crazy Drake. It was pretty scary.”

“Sorry babe. I snapped when that asshole smacked you on the ass.”

“Yeah, noticed that.” She flushed the toilet and started the water in the shower. “You should get comfortable. I’m going to do the same, then I’ll give you a sponge bath. Doc says no getting your wound wet.”

“Sponge bath sounds good.”

“So does the sound of your voice. I poured you a whiskey.” She nodded to the glass she’d set on the counter while I was undressing.

“Thanks.” I downed the drink and almost broke my neck as I caught her stepping naked into the shower stall. I set the glass down and walked over to watch. There’s no door or curtain because the stall is so deep.

She saw me right away while lathering her long hair and smiled. “Feel better?”

“Looking at you, yes.”

“You have to behave for a couple days. Now that you can talk, we should probably do a lot of that anyway.”

“I don’t want to get into it tonight.”

“Me either. Why don’t you go lay down? I’ll be in a little while to clean you up and tuck you in.” She’s teasing me.

“Tuck me in? I’m going to tuck you in my bed and keep you there.” I looked her over one more time. “Hurry up.”

“Don’t you bark orders at me Drake Colson. You’re not the only one that had a traumatizing night.”

I looked her over more carefully. “Did I hurt you??”

She leaned back under the water to rinse the shampoo. “No, but you did scare the living shit out of me.”

“I don’t remember much. Tell me what I did.” I leaned my shoulder against the wall out of habit, then straightened as the pain slammed into me. “Wait a minute, did you drug me?” There seems to be a delayed reaction I’m not used to with this body.

She picked up the conditioner and shook the bottle as her innocent green eyes tried to fool me, “Who me? Would I do that??”

“What did you give me?”

“Just the pain meds, in your whiskey. Doc gave you an antibiotic shot, so you won’t need those pills until tomorrow.” She explained running her fingers through that long dark hair spreading the conditioner.

“Why didn’t you just ask me to take them?”

“Because you’re a stubborn mule of a man, and I knew you wouldn’t take them.”

She knows me well already. “Don’t do it again.”

“I’ll do it again if I see fit. Someone needs to look after you.” She flicked water in my face. “Go away, I need to shave and you can’t be trusted if I bend over.”

My little Cherry has a bite to her. It’s good to see her strong. Not that I thought she was ever weak, but she’s so damn sweet. “I’ve never needing looking after.”

“Doesn’t mean you don’t now.” She splashed me again, “Shoo.”

I hesitated because I’m not used to the pain pills. “I can take care of myself.”

“You sound like a teenager. Go sit down before you fall down. I can’t pick your big ass up, so if you fall, you stay where you land.”

“You’re not my mother.”

“And you’re not fifteen years old anymore Drake Colson,” she pointed to the door leading to the bedroom, “get your ass out of here before I kick it.”

I bit back a chuckle. “God you’re beautiful.” I vowed to rile her often, then kiss her to feel her heat on my tongue as she softens under my touch.

“Drake.” She scolded me with a stern look on her face.

I put my hands up noticing how bloody my knuckles are, “Okay, I’m gone. Don’t hurt me.”

*     *     *

“Drake!!” I rolled my eyes. The man has snapped right out of his solemn self into a giant pain in my ass. “Stop it.”

“I can’t.” He cupped my left breast, again.

“I can’t get all this dried blood off you if you don’t sit still and stop fondling me.” I scolded him, again.

“It’s more fun like this.” He argued feeling the effects of the whiskey and painkillers I’m guessing. Make that hoping. Hoping he’s not always this much of brat.

“For you, yes, for me, it’s just making more work. I’m tired Drake. I want a glass of wine and five minutes to catch my breath before my head hits the pillow.”

“Hey.” He took the washcloth away and dropped it in the water before turning me to sit on his lap. “Take a break with me. I’m sorry I scared you.”

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