Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series (14 page)

BOOK: Draked Up: Book 5 of Colson Brothers Series
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This wedding night proved to be much better than my first. There’s no comparison. Drake doted on me hand and foot. He fed me. Bathed me. Massaged me. Then made love to me until we both passed out sweaty and smiling in each other’s arms. Yup, this is how it’s supposed to be.


Edgar called the next morning to ask if they could fly out and spend some time with all three kids. I said sure why not. If they want to play nice, then I can play nice. Daniel’s mother and I will never be able to be in the same room together for more than five seconds. There are too many lies between us to ever be straightened out in one lifetime.

This was all well and good until Spencer went home and told his adoptive parents he wanted to move to Phoenix to be closer to his sisters. Rebecca said she would stay home and go to school here if he moved here. She gets her bargaining skill from her mother I see.

Drake and I are discussing it privately in his office. “I’m all for it babe.” He opened his laptop to get a wire transfer ready. When he’s not hanging out with the kids he spends his time recruiting money from one company or another to then deposit and move into various accounts that benefit his orphanages.

“His parents have roots there. I can’t expect them to move, and neither can he.”

“Then he can move without them. You are his mother, he’s old enough to decide where he wants to live.” He informed me simply.

“That’s the coldest thing I’ve ever heard. I can’t rip him away from them after all they did for me!!” I threw a magazine at his head.

He caught it without looking up and tossed it to the floor absently. “It’s the boy’s choice Cherry. I already told him he was welcome here anytime. Granted I didn’t intend it to mean moving in, but he’s welcome to move in too.”

“You are not helping.”

He smiled up at me playing the arrogant jerk. Albeit a sexy playful arrogant jerk, he’s still being a brat. “I know. Want to play grateful secretary while we have the excuse of privacy?” He’s kidding, but not.

I shot him a fake dirty look, “No. I think you should play grateful boss and eat me on that giant desk of yours.” I said it to mean more of a ‘bite me’ than anything, but that didn’t matter to my husband. Nope. Most of the items on his desk landed on the floor before he was done. I say he because I was happy a few times over before he snuck in a quickie to quell his urges. I like it when he gets going hard and fast. Makes me feel sexy. Drake told me once not long ago he was going to bring out my wanton side. He’s doing a damn good job, and I’m having fun for the first time in longer than I can remember.


I ended up breaking the hearts of two good people. They had other kids in schools, with friends, and family living nearby. They weren’t going to move for Spencer, so Spencer moved without them.

I tried apologizing up one side and down the other, but the wound was too raw for them to forgive me. Everything they’d done for me out of the kindness of their hearts, backfired. I’ll never forgive myself for that one. Not that’d I’d change it. I love having my son in my life. Turns out he’s more like me on the inside than he is like his father on the outside.

Drake started a company with Salina and Slider to help get funding for his orphanages from here in Arizona. He has plenty of others, but needed the work to keep busy, and Slider liked the idea of having his club’s name attached to a worldwide cause for kids.

I’m taking classes to get my degree up to date so I can teach at the local colleges. I teach at the community colleges now, but I’d like to land good job at ASU ultimately. Drake says I work too much, but then he seems to like interrupting me doing my homework more than sneaking into my showers, or hiding us away in some dark corner of the garage for a quickie while the kids are inside watching a movie.

Other than a nagging heartache trimmed in guilt for the two people I hurt, life is good. Maybe someday they’ll forgive me enough to accept my apology for taking the son I’d begged them to raise as their own. Until then, life
good. Real good. I intend to cherish every second. Twelve years is a big chunk out of a person’s life to lose.

Instead of having my hands full with three jobs, a jealous ex-husband with violent tendencies, and two of my three kids I only got to see four times a year, I now I have my hands full with all three of my kids, a very horny husband, and a club of bikers for family that keep me laughing and guessing.

Yup. Life is good.

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