Double Chance Claim [Badlands 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) (8 page)

BOOK: Double Chance Claim [Badlands 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
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“I’d like for you to push your cock inside my pussy and make love to me this time. Is that clear enough?”

His eyes widened a bit, and she smiled at his shock.

“That is precisely what I want to do, however I don’t wish to intrude upon your mourning.”

His mention of Caleb made her eyes water, but not because she loved him in that way. She didn’t. But she did miss him. “It’s true I’m in mourning for my husband, but we were never intimate. His interests were satisfied elsewhere and in a much different way. Caleb only slept with men. But we were the best of friends, and he rescued me.”

“Are you a virgin?”

“No. That’s what he saved me from back home.”

“I see.” He looked relieved, but she could tell he still harbored questions.

“Please make love to me. I have missed you all week.”

He studied her face for a few moments before slipping his hand to cover one breast. The warmth of his hand and the overall shock that he’d touched her made her nipple come to pert attention. His thumb scraped across the tip, and the feeling sent a pulse of longing to the space between her legs. One soft sigh later, he pulled her nightgown over her head. She helped him discard it over the side of the bed. And then they were deliciously skin to skin in a tight embrace.

“I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you,” he whispered against her ear. His cock pulsed against her belly.

“Me too.” She reached down between them and stroked his stiff cock once. He hissed a breath between his teeth, which suggested he liked having her touch him. “Take me at your pleasure.”

“Taking you will be my pleasure, but not quite yet. I want to touch you everywhere.”

“I won’t stop you,” she murmured against his face.

He smiled and kissed a path from her cheek to her neck and didn’t stop until he had one nipple secured between his lips. The suction he inflicted made juice run between her legs in utter desire to copulate.

Wyatt caressed her and kissed her mouth for what seemed like hours. She also explored his body a little. She ran her fingertips along his muscular shoulders as he licked her nipples.

She arched her back as he nibbled her breasts, inciting her passion. He sucked at the tips of her breasts until she was sure there was a pool of wetness the size of a lake between her legs ready for his cock.

He slid a hand between her legs and found her clitoris. He stroked her there again and again until she quivered on the brink of ecstasy, ready to fall over the edge of an endless abyss. Waves of pleasure radiated to every limb. She barely caught her breath when he then shifted his hips and replaced his fingers with the head of his cock. He pierced her with an utterly rapacious gaze and pushed forward into her body.

The immense girth of him surprised her even though she’d stroked his cock earlier. Her inner muscles stretched to accommodate him. He thrust slowly as the pulses of her climax continued to squeeze her pussy muscles all around his cock.

His eyelids dipped halfway as he fully seated his cock against her womb. She reveled in each and every place they touched. His thighs pinned her legs to the bed with the weight of his body cocooning her gently. The coarse hair on his chest brushed across her sensitive nipples. Even the scent of his skin amplified the level of her desire.

“I knew you’d be perfect the second I met you.” Wyatt’s deep tone was laced with desire.

“Did you?” Maggie smiled and pushed her hips forward, eliciting a gasp from his lips.

“It’s a miracle I didn’t throw you onto the bar to have my wicked way with you the moment you stepped through the door.”

Clutching his shoulders and burying her face into his throat, she whispered, “Now that your cock is exactly where I want it and stretching me to the limit, please continue with your wicked intent. I’ve dreamed about being with you.”

“My pleasure.” A groan escaped as he pulled his cock halfway out of her body before piercing her deeply once again. The delicious sensation now pulsing between her thighs sent a spiral of wanton arousal to her core.

Her first experience with sex, while fairly nice at the time, didn’t even come close in comparison to the bone-deep feelings of desire Wyatt brought about in making love to her. His pace increased, and she thought she might burst from the exhilaration of the moment. When his fingers delved between them and stroked her clit again, Maggie screamed as an even more powerful climax rippled through her.

Wyatt’s strokes sped up, driving his shaft deeply with each push until a low growl rumbled in his throat. A warmth hit her womb and held her in ecstasy for a few moments before he stiffened, slumped forward, and trapped her against the sheets.

After several moments of exchanging only panting breaths, Wyatt clasped her to his chest and rolled them until she rested on top on him. She nestled her face into his neck and took a long breath inhaling the musky scent of his skin.

“You are exquisite.” Wyatt’s breath caressed her shoulder.

“Thank you.”

Those five words were the only ones spoken before the door to the room burst open, and the Wyatt Chance from the night before entered the room.

Chapter Seven

Wade woke up when he heard Maggie scream above stairs. He first assumed an intruder, but the squeaking of the bedsprings signaled something else going on.

The grandfather clock in the main room of the saloon chimed two o’clock. The exact time last week when he discovered Maggie. A smile shaped his lips automatically thinking about her. The love-making noises from above intensified, and before he realized it, he’d lifted out of Wyatt’s bed, drawn by the exquisite noises Maggie made in the arms of his brother. Wade wanted to join them.

He waited for a few minutes trying to decide what to do and whether he’d be welcome if he intruded. His libido convinced him to at least go up and suggest a threesome. Bursting into the room probably wasn’t nice, but he calmed himself with the knowledge he’d leave if they didn’t want him. Or if Maggie didn’t want the both of them.

Stiff cock leading the way, Wade climbed the stairs and threaded his way down the hall with the extra furniture and various trunks still littering the hall until he stood before the door of his own room.

He listened at the door and heard soft conversation, but no bedsprings squeaking. He thrust the door open and stepped inside.

The delectable sight of a naked Maggie resting on top of his brother’s body sent a rapid response down to his cock. It throbbed once in unsatisfied hunger.

As he suspected while climbing the stairs, Wyatt and Maggie had deepened their relationship to the intimate level. Now the only question became would they let him join them.

Wyatt bolted upright in bed, nearly dumping Maggie on the floor. “What the hell, Wade?”

“I could say the same thing, Wyatt. Why didn’t you wake me up when you got back last night?”

Maggie smiled, settled the sheet across her breasts and folded her arms. “Am I seeing a ghost or are you both finally willing to admit there are two of you?”

“Ghost means dead, right?” Wyatt focused his glare on his brother. “You were asleep in
bed, and you didn’t leave a note as to why, so I came up here.” He glanced at Maggie. “I can’t believe you came in here. The fact of our being twins used to be a secret.”

Wade laughed. “She knows, Wyatt. She’s always known. We never fooled her for a second. She knew the morning after you left.”

Wyatt pushed out a long sigh of resignation. “Which makes me wonder if there is anyone else in town we
fooling.” He squeezed Maggie tightly.

“I don’t know how everyone can’t see it,” she murmured quietly and snuggled closer. “But I didn’t hear anyone say anything this past week in regards to there being two of you. I did, however, hear quite a few things about saloon owner, Wyatt Chance.”

Wyatt slung his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to his chest. “Oh? What did you hear?”

“You are persistently discussed in every corner of town and likely desired by every female, even the married ones, but you don’t ever approach women. Some think you are brooding and very serious while others remark that at times you’re very funny and open, which only adds to your mystic. Perhaps you don’t know this, but with the mere crook of a little finger, either of you could have any female in town in your bed.”

“I only want
in my bed.”

Wade started laughing. “I’ll bet I’m the funny and open one.”

Maggie nodded. “Likely true.” She sent her gaze to Wade, and a smile framed her lips.

Wyatt squeezed her and kissed the side of her face. “So I’m the serious brooding one? That hardly seems fair. I can be funny.”

“The difference I see is in your eyes. Wyatt has a quiet intensity in his gaze. However, Wade’s eyes dance with mischief. And the way you each smell is decidedly different. But most women in town haven’t been this close to you without clothing.” She grinned. “At least that’s what I assume all the wistful looks are about. Both of you are unquestionably handsome.”

“But the question is, which one of us do you want to be with? Or is there the possibility that the both of us could fill the role of lover?”

“That’s a difficult answer. I hope you don’t expect me to choose between you?”

Wade turned his gaze from Wyatt to Maggie. He understood clearly his brother was besotted.

“Did you come up to chastise me, replace me, or join us?”

Wade’s gaze zeroed in on Maggie’s face. “I’d like to join the two of you. Just want to make sure I’m welcome.”

Wyatt shifted his gaze to Maggie as if to ensure she wasn’t horrified by the suggestion of both of them wanting to have sex with her. “It’s up to her. I have no problem sharing.”

Sharing wasn’t a commonplace thing in Eastern society, and truthfully the Wild West, while rowdy and uncouth, didn’t publicize those who chose a different path. The silence in the room stretched out, and Wade wondered if they’d just made a big mistake in asking.

* * * *

Maggie’s heart sped up its pounding beat against the inside of her chest. She was surprised they couldn’t hear it. With the both of them in the room at the same time, the picture repeating over and over in her mind was of being sandwiched on the crowded bed between them.

She motioned to Wade with outstretched fingers. “Please do. Join us.”

Wade suddenly cast the same intense look in her direction. Wyatt’s cautious stare slid to the door and the man who was indisputably his mirror image. “Are you sure? No hard feelings either way, right, Wade?”

“Course not.”

Maggie looked first at Wade standing in the doorway and then back at Wyatt. “Did you know that it’s called
ménage à trois
in France?” she asked, wondering if she was in over her head.

Wade’s eyes widened slightly. “How do you know that?”

She shrugged. It wasn’t the right time to bring up her husband or his proclivities and sexual knowledge. “I’ll tell you later. For now, come here.”

He closed the door. Peeling his shirt off as he walked, Wade closed the short distance to the bed in moments. Wyatt twisted to his side to offer more room. Maggie shifted over and patted the open space on the bed with a hand.

Wade kicked his boots off and slid his pants down his muscular thighs, revealing his firm cock already big and hard jutting from the curly dark-blond patch of hair between his hips. Visions of carnal activities danced in her eyes, and she wondered if she had the nerve to instigate any of the salacious sexual positions skittering through her mind. Caleb had educated her in quite a few.

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