Double Chance Claim [Badlands 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Double Chance Claim [Badlands 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
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“What did you have in mind?” Wade murmured as he sat on the small space she had indicated.

Maggie reached out and slipped her hand around his cock. Squeezing lightly and enjoying his sharp intake of breath at her forward action, Maggie bent over and took his wide cock into her mouth. She sucked the head inside as far as it would go. His hands landed on her head, and a mild curse escaped his lips as she licked and pumped his cock in and out of her mouth.

Behind her, Wyatt’s hands were on the move, and in a few seconds, she felt his large fingers work their way between her thighs. He flicked her clit and slid his fingers inside her pussy to arouse her. She moaned loudly as she continued to suck on his brother’s cock. The salty, masculine taste of Wade’s shaft ramped up her desire. She fairly tingled from head to toes from all the sensations racing through her body.

She was fast coming to a pinnacle with every stroke of Wyatt’s nimble fingers. She wrapped her hand around the base of Wade’s cock, squeezing with the same rhythm as she sucked his width into her mouth. She tried not to climax until he’d been satisfied.

As Wyatt rubbed her clit and pumped fingers in her pussy, he also kissed a random path across her lower back, flicking his tongue along her spine. Wade massaged her scalp as she sucked his cock. Each scrape of his fingertips through the locks of her loosened hair sent tendrils of warm erotic sensation through her limbs.

Wyatt took a little nibble out of her hip as he sped up his strokes against her vibrating clit. Another finger was inserted into her pussy, and she squeezed them instinctively with her internal muscles. Was that three or four fingers inside her now? She didn’t know or care. Maggie moved her hips against the bliss between her legs and found she couldn’t hold the pleasure back any longer.

With four male hands continually caressing her skin, she couldn’t stop the inevitable orgasm. She convulsed with wave upon wave of wicked pleasure radiating up and down her body. She pushed her hips against Wyatt’s inserted fingers and released Wade’s cock from her lips to shriek as waves of the incredible orgasm rode mercilessly across her being.

After a few moments, as she tried to remember how to breathe again, Maggie reached out for Wade’s cock to slip it into her mouth again. Wyatt’s fingers weren’t inside her any longer, but he still kissed and nibbled her back.

Wade’s hands slid from her head to her shoulders to massage her neck. “I want to come inside of you, Maggie. Let me.” She nodded, unable to speak. He pressed her onto her back against the crisp sheets and slid over her relaxed body, joining them at the hips. She turned her head in time to see Wyatt lower his face. He kissed her lips with a sensual pace that had her longing for the intimacy to last forever.

As Wyatt distracted her with the succulent kiss, Wade’s cock pushed into her pussy a few inches. Her internal muscles grabbed at him and squeezed as he slid all the way inside. His growl of pleasure diverted her attention from Wyatt’s kiss momentarily.

“Christ, you feel good.” Wade pulled his cock out in a slow glide of wet friction. The sensation he brought about tingled through her body. Each stroke of his cock inside sent a zing of delight to her core.

Wyatt cupped one breast and ran his thumbnail across her nipple, sending a shower of tingly sensation through her chest and down to her pussy. Between the two of them touching her it wouldn’t be long before she came again.

Wade increased the depth of his cock strokes inside her pussy, pounding deeply. Her mouth belonged to Wyatt as he licked leisurely between her lips, but she was fast coming up on a blissful release as Wade sped up. His hands gripped her hips and drove his dick deeper and deeper. Each connection with the end of her pussy made her eyes want to roll back in her head with utter delight.

She clenched her pussy muscles as another orgasm ripped through her body. The friction of Wade’s cock sliding in and out of her body made for the most powerful feeling yet tonight. Wade didn’t pause or stop as she climaxed. Three strokes later, he pushed his cock deeper than ever before, and she watched as his body stiffened above her. A guttural sound came from between his lips. The same blissful sound echoed in her mind. He fell forward, trapping her to the bed a minute later.

His panting whisper came later. “Christ! That was amazing.” He turned his face into her neck and kissed her throat. Wyatt kissed her lips. She was surrounded by male heat and delighted in the safe feeling as she recovered.

Maggie came back to awareness a few minutes later. Wyatt rested on her right, and Wade still draped across her body. He shifted a moment later. His semi-hard cock slid out of her body, but Wyatt distracted her with another kiss.

“Can you breathe?”


He chuckled and rolled off the bed, and allowed her to take a deep breath again.

After he cleaned up, Wade came back to bed and snuggled next to her. Wyatt kissed a path down to her nipples and gently sucked at the tips sending spirals of pleasure to her pussy again. Maggie wasn’t sure how much more she could take. She’d never known lovemaking could be like this. Warm and deliciously snuggled between two loving, desirable men was the best possible scenario imaginable.

“I feel like I should say thank you,” Maggie murmured.

Wyatt released her nipple and leaned up on one elbow to stare deeply into her eyes. “Not at all. Probably, we should thank you instead.”

“Well, this has been the best night I’ve spent in Campbell’s Valley since my inauspicious arrival.”

“What brought you here tonight?” Wyatt asked. His loving gaze still rested on her face.

“I ran out of money. I sent a message to my parents begging for assistance, but they declined to help me due to my poor life choices. And I didn’t get an answer to the other telegram I sent to my former husband’s…um…partner. I probably won’t get one from him.”

Wyatt narrowed his eyebrows. “Explain your former husband’s
. I want to make sure I understand.”

Maggie took a deep breath. “My husband was shunned from his family because he preferred men to women in a sexual fashion. He only married me because I got caught in a compromising position with a man who turned out to be the worst kind of debaucher. Edgar was only after my money. He deserted me after my father caught us alone together. My father disowned me, and with no forthcoming dowry ready to line his pockets, Edgar didn’t want me either.

“Caleb married me because we were friends. We were never intimate. He wanted to go to Montana and operate a sheep ranch in the northwest away from his family. His partner went on ahead to scout out the best land to purchase once we arrived. He’ll be devastated to learn Caleb is gone.”

“I see.” Wade brushed a strand of hair from off of her cheek.

“So now I’m desolate, alone, and stranded in the Badlands with very few coins left and depending on the kindness of strangers.”

Wyatt snorted. “We aren’t exactly strangers anymore.”

Maggie cupped his face. “Still, I’m not something you planned.”

“That doesn’t matter. We could find room in our lives for you. Don’t you think so, Wade?”

“Yep. Help in the saloon would be great for a change.”

“Unfortunately, I’m not very well versed in the art of running a saloon.”

“You don’t have to be. I think it would be nice to have some company at the bar even if you just sit and look pretty.” Wade shoved his arm beneath a pillow and closed his eyes.

Wyatt kissed her lips. “Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out. Get some sleep. We can talk about it in the morning.”

Maggie settled against her lovers and relaxed for the first time in a long time. Even if it didn’t last forever, it was nice to fit in someplace for a change.

* * * *

Wyatt closed his eyes after Maggie fell asleep, but didn’t drift off for quite awhile. He had a lot on his mind with this recent romantic development in their life. The tight space on the bed didn’t allow him to toss and turn, but that’s exactly what he would have been doing if he’d had the space.

“Are you still awake?” Wade whispered a few minutes later.

“Maybe. Why?” he returned as quietly as he could.

“What are your intentions towards Maggie?”

Wyatt didn’t answer right away. “I want to be with her,” he said simply. “I care for her in a way I’ve never felt with another woman before.”

“Me too.”

“When the opportunity comes up, I’ll ask her to make our arrangement more permanent.” Wyatt hoped she would want to stay with them.

“So you’ll marry her one day?”


“Good. She’s perfect for us.” Wade didn’t say anything else and soon Wyatt heard him snoring.

He smiled to himself and fell asleep dreaming about a grand future where the three of them made a life together.

Wyatt woke an indeterminate amount of time later to Wade’s strident tone. “Hey, wake up. It’s past sunrise.”

Wyatt stretched and looked out the window. Dawn had broken, and the first shafts of light filtered into the room. “Guess that means you’ll be riding to the property by the light of day for the first time since we opened the saloon. Just be careful no one sees you.”

Maggie’s eyes opened slowly. She yawned and slid her fingertips across his torso to the muscles on his abdomen as if the ripples had captured her attention.

“Shit, Wyatt, that’s not the only problem,” Wade said as he glanced at his pocket watch. “You gotta get the bar ready to open up.”

“Time has a way of hurrying along when a man is in the arms of a beautiful woman.” Wyatt placed his hand over Maggie’s and squeezed her fingertips. Unable to stop touching her just yet, he hugged her tightly one last time before rolling out of bed to start his day.

“We can discuss all of this later on. Wade, you’re stuck up here or downstairs in my room while I get the bar set up. Your choice.”

“Easy.” He grinned and slid back into bed. “We’re staying up here. Oh and go pick up supplies at the Stanton Dry Goods store later on. We need some things.”

Wyatt rolled his eyes and exited the room, leaving his brother and his love behind. Once they were all alone again, they could discuss a future together.

Surprisingly, the first customer waiting at the door before he opened was Joe Stanton. Wyatt knew he wasn’t a heavy drinker and wondered at his presence so early.

“What’s up, Joe? I’m not really open for a few more hours yet.”

“Oh, I know that. I’m not here for a drink.” He looked over his shoulder as if someone might be watching them. Wyatt didn’t see anyone in the streets. Joe wiped a hand down his face. “Wyatt, listen, I hate to butt in, however, there’s talk in town that a woman spent the night here, and it isn’t the first time.”

Wyatt closed his eyes. “She didn’t have enough money to stay at the hotel anymore. I just gave her an old room upstairs. Just like last week.”

“I believe you.” Joe cleared his throat. “But the ladies of the church are less convinced. They think you’re taking advantage of a widow, and I’ve been elected to come speak with you about it.”

Wyatt leaned a shoulder against the door. “And what words do you have to convey? Choose them wisely.”

Joe’s shoulders sagged as if loathe to tell him anything. “The ladies want me to suggest that Mrs. Altman stay at the church at night to alleviate any hint of impropriety.”

Wyatt knew there had been plenty of “impropriety” going on, not just a hint, but it wasn’t anyone else’s business. The memory of Maggie’s rose-scented skin floated across his mind. “Would you be upset if I told you to go to hell and that my private life is no one’s business?”

The glimmer of a smile shaped Joe’s mouth. “Nope. That is, in fact, what I told the old biddies all up in arms about this situation in the first place. And while I agree with you in principle, I answer to a higher authority in this town.”

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