Double Chance Claim [Badlands 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) (14 page)

BOOK: Double Chance Claim [Badlands 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
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He lowered the gun from its perch but left it in his hand and pointed at the ground. “Why are you following me, Sheriff?”

Vanguard stopped his horse a few yards away. Reins in hand, he leaned over the pommel of his saddle with a puzzled expression. “Is that you, Wyatt?”

Given his amused tone, Wade figured the jig was up and their deception had been discovered. “What do you think?”

“Well, you look quite a bit like Wyatt. But I just left Wyatt back at your saloon with his brand new wife and it’s unlikely you were able to beat me here as fast as I was riding, so maybe you could introduce yourself. And then you can explain the gravesite over there with the dead body underneath.”

“I just noticed the pile of rocks. You don’t know it’s a gravesite or that there is a dead body unless you put them there.”

Vanguard narrowed his gaze. “All right. I’ll give you that. But if we’re going to continue this conversation, I’d at least like to know who I’m talking to. So who are you?”

He hated to reveal his name, but didn’t see an option. “My name is Wade Chance.”

Vanguard nodded. “Why did you feel the need to keep your identity a secret all this time or the fact that there were two of you?”

Wade gripped his gun tighter and grinned. “Well now, that’s the very nature of how a secret works, Sheriff. I can’t rightly tell you now, can I?”

The sheriff sent his gaze to the treetops and shook his head. “I’m not your enemy, Wade. And I’ve known there were two of you since you moved here three months ago.”

. “Is that so? Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Figured it was your business. Besides, I checked several places to make sure you weren’t wanted by the law. I just figured you hid out because you were a little strange.”

“A little strange?”

He tapped the side of his head. “Not quite right in the noggin or something.”


Vanguard laughed. “Well, now if you don’t reveal the truth, fiction is what most folks will invent.”

“Right. So now what?”

The sheriff’s gaze went back to the pile of stones. He nodded once in that direction. “Any idea what poor soul is resting underneath that pile?”

“Nope. I’ve only traveled this way under the cover of darkness. This is the first I’ve seen of it.”

“Is this your property?”

Wade shoved the rifle back into its holster and pointed behind him. “No. Our property starts at the top of the next hill.”

Vanguard considered that information for a long while before saying, “If I promise to continue keeping your secret, will you help me out with a little bit of investigating?”

Wade glanced over one shoulder as the sun rose higher in the eastern sky. Bothered only slightly that the sheriff knew their secret, he considered his options. “Depends on what I have to do.”

“I need to find out who’s dead in that grave over there. Will you help me dig him up?”

Chapter Eleven

Maggie took in a deep breath for courage, and opened the message left by the man at the telegraph office. Wyatt waited patiently by her side, likely wondering if they’d ever get to enjoy their two-hour honeymoon. The message almost made her want to laugh out loud. If she’d received it yesterday, everything might have been different.

Wyatt murmured, “What does it say?”

She handed it to him with a sigh. He cleared his throat and read the message out loud.

Dearest Margaret,

Your father’s recent message was sent in haste. He is angry, and understandably so. However, you remain our only daughter, and I do not relish the idea of you being stranded in a barbaric part of the country.

If you truly wish to come back home with the expectation of making amends, I’ve paid for a one-way train ticket to Philadelphia from your current location. Your ticket waits for you at the station. Please do not delay your return home.

With love, Mother.

Maggie was bewildered at her mother’s change of heart. It came as an unexpected boon when she’d just reconciled to stay with Wyatt and Wade.

Wyatt didn’t say anything for a long time, and she was grateful to have quiet time to think. Her first reaction was, “Too little, too late.” Her father’s message yesterday had galvanized her decision to move forward with her life. She chose a new path. She’d made her decision to stay and gotten married to men she loved.

“I’ll understand if you want to go back home.” The tone of his voice was so low, she barely heard him.

“I don’t think I want to return to Philadelphia.”

“You married us because you didn’t have a choice. Now you do.”

Maggie whirled around and fixed a stern gaze on his face. “That’s not true. I married you because I love you and Wade with all my heart. I never thought I’d get the chance to have what I wanted.”

“What did you want?”

“I wanted to fall in love and marry, not be forced to marry a friend with no hope of a real life with a man or a family. And now that I have, I don’t want another choice.”

A grin surfaced on Wyatt’s lips, and they fell into each other’s arms. “I love you, Maggie. If you want to go back home for a visit, Wade and I will cash out everything and go with you.” He followed that statement with an ardent kiss she knew would lead straight to the bedroom upstairs.

She smiled. “What I want is that honeymoon you promised me. You aren’t about to stall me, are you?”

“Not me.” His smoldering gaze aroused her as if he touched the hot spot between her legs. “I do know just exactly how we can start it.”


“What would you say to a hot, steaming bath?”

Maggie narrowed her gaze. “I’d ask where would we get one.”

He nodded once in the direction of the other end of town. “There’s a bathhouse next to the hotel. We could go there.”

Maggie moved closer and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Much too far to walk. Let’s go upstairs.”

“Much too far. Let’s stay downstairs.” With his arms wrapped securely around her slim frame, Wyatt led her quickly to the downstairs bedroom at the back of the saloon. “This is my room.”

“It’s very nice. Now let’s get undressed.” Maggie reached up and kissed Wyatt on the mouth. The moment their lips connected, he very nearly devoured her. His tongue tunneled deeply into her mouth, stealing her breath in the process.

She licked against his tongue, and the growl from his throat sent a jolt of creamy wetness careening out of her pussy.

Wyatt took his time removing her clothes at first, but by the time he got to her chemise, he nearly tore the flimsy garment in half to get it off of her. Once she was fully undressed, she helped him take his clothes off one piece at a time until they were both completely naked. The grandfather clock chimed the hour, which also signaled opening time at the saloon.

As the last gong sounded, Maggie said, “I’m glad you were wise enough to put a note out front before we left for the church to keep further interruptions from disturbing us.”

“I may leave that note up for the rest of the day. Now that I have you naked and in my bedroom, opening the bar today seems like more trouble than it’s worth—and a big waste of my valuable time.”

Maggie sighed as Wyatt pulled her tighter against his nude body and led her to the quilt-covered bed. He sat on the edge, grabbed her hips, and pulled her between his knees. His mouth sought one nipple and sucked it deeply between his lips. The tip of his velvet tongue swirled across her pert nipple, and she couldn’t help the moan that escaped.

His hands slid from her hips to between her thighs. The moment his finger grazed her clitoris, her legs went weak. She burrowed her hands into the silky hair and pulled his face closer into her breast. He nibbled at her peak as his fingers slipped inside her pussy to stroke and arouse her.

Each pull of suction at her breast sent a pulse of wetness flooding out of her pussy and onto his fingertips. He had two fingers inserted in her pussy, moving in and out to the rhythm of each suck of his mouth on her nipple. The sensation was dizzying, and after a few minutes, she swayed on her feet.

“I need to sit.”

He disengaged his lips long enough to say, “Would you be willing to sit on my cock?”

Maggie laughed. “Yes, I’d be willing to sit on your cock.”

His fingers slid from her pussy. She widened her legs enough to allow his knees between them. The coarse hair on his legs tickled the inside of her thigh. His cock, hard and long, rose out of the patch of dark-blond curly hair at the juncture of his thighs and waited to pierce her. She wanted him.

He guided her hips directly above the wide tip of his cock and pressed her down until their flesh met. The heat of him aroused her and another flood of moisture coated her lower lips as his cock penetrated her pussy. As soon as he fully embedded himself in her core, his wet fingers probed between her cheeks at her rear entrance. She clenched her internal muscles around his cock at the invasion of her nether region. It felt like he must have used more than one finger.

“What are you doing?” she whispered. Wade had done the same thing, but only with one finger, and at the time, she’d been a little bit distracted with an orgasm.

“Something I think you’ll like.” One finger pressed slowly into her rear hole, and the sensation was just as dark and pleasurable as before. “Ride my cock and let me show you how good this can be.”

“I have no doubt as to how good it can be. Wade introduced me to this earlier.”

“Good for him. Now it’s my turn.”

Maggie was no ingénue in the knowledge of how various different sexual positions worked, but didn’t have much practical experience. Her former husband had explained the mechanics of two men loving each other. Some time on the long journey here, it occurred to her that a woman could experience that particular sexual act as well. She’d never told even Caleb that the prospect of having a man’s cock deeply inside her bottom aroused her.

She lifted her hips up, and his cock slid out halfway. She dropped onto him, and the sheer unadulterated pleasure of the sensation wrenched another moan from her throat. Wyatt inserted another finger in her derriere hole as she found a comfortable rhythm moving up and down on his cock.

His fingers delved deeply into the dark space between her butt cheeks as she rode his cock harder and harder. His other hand found her clitoris and rubbed, adding another layer of bliss on top of the extraordinary experience. When his mouth fastened on her breast and sucked her nipple, she screamed his name and climaxed in a sudden plunge into dark, blissful oblivion. Her thigh muscles trembled with the effort of movement. She sat down hard on his lap, and his cock felt like it pierced a delicious path to her chest.

Wyatt thrust his hips against her and picked up the pace she could no longer accomplish as wave after wave of pleasure rode through her limbs.

A guttural noise came from Wyatt’s throat as he penetrated her deeply one final time. The flood of his seed drenched her core as she attempted to revive herself from carnal bliss.

After a few moments, his fingers slid from her rear hole. He fell back onto the quilt and took her along. She draped over his chest in an unladylike heap, panting so hard she didn’t think she’d ever catch her breath.

“That was amazing.” Wyatt squeezed her into a tight hug.

“You were right. I did like that.” Never in her wildest imagination did Maggie ever believe she would participate in such wicked love making. She never expected to enjoy any of the things Caleb had told her about on the journey here. Being with Wyatt was second only to being with Wade and Wyatt. She couldn’t wait until the three of them were together again. She had many other positions she wanted to try.

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