Double Chance Claim [Badlands 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) (18 page)

BOOK: Double Chance Claim [Badlands 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
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Was this real? A part of her wondered if she were dreaming about the perfection of this new life to shield the dark reality of the Wild West.

Maggie dozed off and on in a restless sleep, but couldn’t stay in any kind of deep slumber. After a couple of hours of staring at the ceiling berating herself for failing to acquire a useful profession, she extricated herself from bed.

Very quietly, she slipped her robe back on and noiselessly moved the chair blocking the door. She sneaked out of the room with the intention of thinking up a way to contribute to this lopsided relationship.

There was still the ticket from her mother waiting at the train station. Perhaps if she traveled back home as a woman now married to rich gold miners, she could persuade her father to part with her generous dowry. The irony was that since she no longer needed it for survival, likely her father would be finally willing to part with it.

For as much as she loved Wyatt and Wade, she also wanted to bring something, anything, to their lives.

The first thing Maggie noticed, as she traversed the second story hallway, besides all the left over furniture and trunks strewn along the way, was the shadow of the ruined grandfather clock at the base of the staircase. Poor thing. She hated to see something so beautiful ruined.

Maggie stopped and opened one of the dusty trunks wondering if anything of value remained inside. The faint scent of cedar drifted out of the first one, which was stuffed to the rim with quilts. Lifting the lid of another square box next to the trunk, she discovered many candle stubs and various wax-coated candle holders strewn about the bottom.

She opened each of the remaining few trunks and found more of the same. Next, she explored each of the rooms and made a grand discovery at the end of the hall in the form of a very large bedroom.
was the room the three of them should be sharing.

Galvanized by the thought of making the large room their new honeymoon suite, Maggie returned to the hallway with the intention of dragging the quilts and candles to her new large space to decorate.

She started to pass the staircase, but descended to the grandfather clock. Could this lovely time piece be repaired? Likely not.

The wood’s surface was pockmarked and splintered, the face was filled with bullet holes, and the hands were permanently set to four o’clock. She reached out and stroked the only unblemished part of the clock located at the top corner of the curved wood above the face. She traced the intricate carving and noted two more things she couldn’t do. Carve or repair clocks.

She felt a small bump in the wood behind the façade and pressed against it. A loud clunk sounded, and a hidden door opened below.

Maggie squatted down and ran her fingers along the new door, cleverly hidden by the intricate etching on the lower side of the box.

She widened the door a little farther and peeked inside the dark space.

that inside there?

Chapter Fourteen

Wyatt woke up early the next morning before dawn had broken and noticed that Maggie was gone from their bed. He sat up and slipped from beneath the soft sheets, fragrant with her scent, as Wade stirred. He reached for his pants from the floor where he’d discarded them from the evening before.

When he saw the chair gone from the door handle, he got a little worried. “Where’s Maggie?”

Wade opened his eyes and lifted his head. “I don’t know. Maybe she had to use the facilities out back, which I’m thinking isn’t such a bad idea right about now.” He rolled out of bed and grabbed for his trousers.

“That’s where I’m headed. Wait your turn. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He finished pulling his pants up and fastened them opting to go barefoot to the privy.

Wade bounded out of bed. “Not if I beat you to it first.”

“Don’t bet on it.” Wyatt opened the door and sailed down the hall, noticing something different about the hallway. Each of the trunks were open and several were empty.

Wade pushed his back. “Get going already.”

“Look at the trunks. They’re all open…and empty.”

“Probably Sadie did it when she was here yesterday trying to rob us.” Wade tried to squeeze past him, but Wyatt blocked his path.

“No. When we went to bed last night, they were all closed.”

“Well, then maybe we have some ghosts. Sadie’s partner Henry will haunt us from this day forward because I discovered his body under a pile of rocks on the way to our property.”

“Very funny.” Wyatt was about to punch Wade, but then he saw something very unusual. It looked like a trail of gold coins leading from the head of the staircase to the other end of the hallway.

“Do you see that?”

Wade squinted and then laughed. “Are those gold coins on the floor?”

As Wyatt walked to the end of the hall, to follow the path of coins, he noticed something different about the grandfather clock downstairs. “Look at the clock.”

There was an open square door built into the carved decoration around the bottom of the clock that he’d never noticed existed. The discovery of a secret compartment amused him as did the addition of a single coin placed in the center of each step.

Wade pointed to the steps. “There is where the trail of coins starts. Shall we follow the route and see what treasure we discover?”

Wyatt nodded and led the way. He opened the door wide and was greeted by the musty scent of cedar.

Sprawled in the middle of what looked like several quilts piled on the floor, Maggie lay flat on her back as naked as the day she was born amidst more gold coins strewn haphazardly around her body.

From her long dark hair spilled across the colorful blanket to the dark curls gracing the juncture between her open thighs, Wyatt couldn’t believe their good fortune in finding such a perfect wife. They had discovered a genuine treasure.

* * * *

The sound of voices echoing beyond the door intruded on Maggie’s impromptu nap. She yawned, released a long sigh and stretched. She arched her spine and extended her limbs on the make-shift bed she’d fashioned using the quilts in the hallway trunk and waited for Wyatt and Wade to join her. Lanterns aglow with single flames graced the tables lining the spacious room and lent a warm glow of intimacy to the space. It was the perfect setting for romance.

She couldn’t wait to tell them about her remarkable find.

After opening the grandfather clock’s secret panel, Maggie discovered a small, dilapidated leather satchel with a leather cord drawstring closure containing a nice stash of gold coins. She hadn’t even stopped to count how many there were. Instead, she simply pulled the satchel out of the hiding place, left a trail and decided to do a little decorating.

The voices in the hall quieted, and instead, she heard footsteps heading her way. The door opened and both of her gorgeous husbands stepped inside. Dressed only in their trousers, both Wade and Wyatt displayed wide eyes and inquisitive expressions. She knew she’d gained their attention.

“It’s about time you two got here. I’ve been waiting to show you the sizeable treasure.” Maggie had only used a small portion of all the coins in the bag for her marked path.

Wyatt laughed. “You’re already a sizable treasure all on your own. Especially without your clothes on.”

“I agree,” Wade added.

Maggie laughed. “You two are the sweetest men I’ve ever known. Why don’t you join me, and I’ll show you more.”

They didn’t move, but exchanged a glance, and both seemed very happy. “I can see everything, honey. What else do you want to show us?”

“Guess what I found in the bottom of the grandfather clock.”

Wade closed the door behind them. “Is it, by chance, a number of gold coins?”

Maggie laughed. “Yes. I suspect it’s the gold Sadie’s partner hid. What do you think?”

Wyatt approached until his toes rested at the edge of the quilts. “I believe you’ve solved the mystery of the missing money. What led you in here?”

She shrugged. “I couldn’t sleep so I wandered around the saloon last night trying to be useful. I found this huge room and decided the three of us should live here together. Would that be all right with you?”

Wyatt clapped a hand to the back of his neck and released what sounded like an amused sigh. “I don’t have any problem with that, with the exception of there not being a bed in here, although I see you’ve improvised one.” He ran a foot along the edge of her stack of quilts bed, but didn’t step on to it.

“Yes. This will work for now, but one of these days, we’ll need to buy a really big bed.” Since she had their rapt attention, Maggie decided to see if she could arouse them. She slowly licked her forefinger and touched one pert nipple. Swirling the pad along the entire surface of her areola as they watched caused a gush of wetness to erupt between her legs. A spasm of longing drilled through her core.

She wanted to be a seductress for them. “Maybe you’d both like to join me now on my pallet.” She sucked her finger back into her mouth and then rubbed it over her other nipple.

Wade groaned and walked closer until he stood on the quilts. Beneath the waistband of his pants, Maggie clearly saw his stiff cock about to emerge. She cast a glance at Wyatt who exhibited a similar hard staff beneath his clothing.

“Will you both join me here? I’d truly like a recreation of last night’s…activities. I’m not ready for my honeymoon to be over quiet yet.”

Without saying a word, Wade fell to his knees, bent at the waist and took her unoccupied nipple into his mouth as she continued to rub the other one. The dual stimulation sent another rush of moisture coating her pussy lips.

“You’re hard to say no to, honey.” Wyatt walked onto the quilts and sat down opposite of Wade. He slid his hand between her thighs and stroked her clit once. “And you’re so wet, how can I possibly resist you?”

“I don’t want you to resist.” Her voice sounded husky to her own ears. Arousal permeated all the way to her bones.

Wade sucked hard on her nipple, and Maggie groaned in pleasure.

She removed her hand from her nipple and slid it beneath Wyatt’s waistband to grip his hard cock. He inhaled deeply the moment she wrapped her hand around his stiff flesh, but he didn’t stop stroking her clit.

The sensations rippling through her body were sublime, but she had definite ideas about what she desired. “I want you in my mouth, Wyatt.”

His hand stopped moving between her legs. “What?”

“You heard me. And when I bend over, perhaps Wade could enter me from behind.”

Wade released her nipple with a smack and grinned. “I’m game.”

They shifted positions and brushed gold coins out of their path. Maggie bent over and planted her mouth on Wyatt’s wide cock. He hissed a low curse between his lips and grabbed her head to guide her up and down. Wade stuck two fingers into pussy and gathered her substantial cream. Slathering it between her butt cheeks and across her rosette, he readied her for his cock.

Maggie sucked on Wyatt’s cock with a steady rhythm as Wade slowly worked his dick into her rear hole. Once he was fully seated, he stroked in and out in, the dark pleasure of his movements caused her to pause sucking.

Wyatt lifted her head and caught her gaze. “Your mouth feels amazing, but I want to be inside of you.”

She nodded. Being filled completely by both men was a pleasure beyond her imagination. She wanted more.

Wade pushed his cock all the way inside her tight hole and pulled her upright so that Wyatt could thrust his cock inside her pussy. She couldn’t wait. The sensation of being filled by both of her men completed her.

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