Dorthena (2 page)

Read Dorthena Online

Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #paranormal, #violence, #bad language

BOOK: Dorthena
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Dorthena had
learned from an old boyfriend never trust any one including the
person wanting the hit after hearing it twice in her life she kept
it in mind every time she was hired to do a job. Her mind step back
in time to a tall six foot three and a half man with black hair,
light blue eyes, and a smile that took her breath away. She
remembered the first time she met him. It was at a party he had
walked across the room up to her and spoke her name softly when she
turned her heart was immediately his when she looked up into his
eyes and he smiled at her. He had been her first, and he was
masterful at making love and making her feel everything intensely!
Even at the thought she felt wet between the legs. Her heart began
to skip beats, her face grew flushed and she suddenly missed him so
deeply tears swelled in her eyes. She knew she was still in love
with him and always would be love like they shared never truly

Two days
later, Michael Claims was discharged from prison. No one met him
when he was released. He took the bus that stopped out front of the
prison back to the same street he lived on before the shooting. No
family visited him while he was imprisoned, he would have been out
a year earlier if he had not gotten into a fight. Melrodger may
have been behind that. His stay in prison was less then ideal for
an inmate; the warden took an immediate dislike to the man.
Michaels spent a lot of time in solitary confinement.

followed him from the prison back to the area where he had his old
apartment. Low income people lived in the area was not a safe place
to be a lone; not for a woman day or night. One block down was the
bar where he killed Cue. Three days she watched Michael, he always
came out of his apartment at eight p.m. headed to the bar. From
what people had to say about Michael he had grown up on the wrong
side of the street. Parents divorced, father was abusive, mother
turned whore to put food on the table. Michael had it ruff from the
day he was born no wonder he turned out bad. Those that he
permitted to get close liked him, sure he had a bad temper, but he
was a likeable guy.

When Michael
came out of his apartment on the fourth night Dorthena was coming
down the street and bumped into him. Making it appears as if it
were an accident. Dorthena smiled at Michael. “What have we got
here, one foxy lady?” Michael said smiling. Michael needed a shave
and a bath as far as her sensitive smell was concerned. Most
females probably wouldn’t notice and if they did would not mind the
slight odour. To her it was extremely strong smell of perspiration
and dirt. Dorthena new it was not from hard work, he didn’t have a
job, so it was laziness on hygiene. The damn fool didn’t seem to be
all that intelligent with his simple way of speaking. The stories
she had heard were true he was uneducated and a fool at times.

smiled back, her red wig and brown contact lens’s, long finger
nails painted red made her appear cheap, if anyone thought she was
anything then a female looking for a good time they would be
shocked to find out; she was very wealthy lady with an agenda. She
looked at Michael and winked at him.

“Sweet thing
why don’t we go up to my room and have a little fun,” Michael
grabbed Dorthena by the arm pulled her in for a kiss then said how

smiled warmly, “Why don’t we go to my place. I am horny has hell
and need someone for the night so lets say not totally free, you
see to my needs and you get paid with satisfaction. My vehicle is
right over there, I have a real nice place, we can take a bath
together and see where it takes us for the night, and Dorthena
smiled warmly and snuggled into Michael.”

“Sure baby the
price is right. I would love to go to your place, it has to be
nicer then mine. Can I stay the night?” Michael said with a real
big smile on his face. Michael smiled warmly and thought, she is
one classy lady, and how the hell had he gotten so lucky to meet up
with her? It had dawned on him she had not given her name, he would
find out what it was before the night was over.

“Honey you can
stay a week if your any good in bed,” Dorthena said, and leaned in
and kissed Michael, then nipped his lip gently. Dorthena had to
bite her lip to keep from turning her head away his breath smelled
of garlic and rotten meat! She wondered what he had been eating
besides garlic.

walked over to her vehicle it was a rental, sporty type car just
for the occasion. She unlocked it and Michael hopped in to the
passenger’s seat, Dorthena opened her door and slipped into the
driver’s seat. Tell me about your self sweet thing?”

smiled, “I rather play with you baby

smiled, winked at Michael, “if you do play we might end up in an
accident you don’t want that! Dorthena said with a purr and a
smile. “Just wait sweet heart and you won’t be sorry you did. So
tell me about your self Dorthena ask again so it would keep his
mind off her body.”

I made a
mistake spent time in jail. I just got out a few days ago. I am job
hunting but no one wants to hire an ex-con. Grew up on the wrong
side of the tracks, parents split, and both are now dead. Now tell
me about your self” Michael said warmly.

Dorthena drove
out of town to the out skirts, drove down a couple of back roads
and when she came to the place she had checked out earlier in the
day she pulled into a drive way to a vacant house. “Come Michael
your going to love this.” Dorthena gave Michael her most charming
smile. Dorthena never did answer his question to tell him about
herself. Besides what would she say I am here to kill you slug

stepped out of the vehicle he could see a roof just behind some
tree’s. When he turned to Dorthena she was gone. Michael thought
she must have started to the house with out him. So Michael walked
towards the house when he turned the corner he saw and old
dilapidated house that was nearly to the ground. Chills ran up and
down his body, he knew instantly he was set up and his death was
staring him in the face. He tried to calm down the adrenaline
rushing through his body as he kept looking from shadow to shadow.
“Please don’t kill me! I never did anything to you!” Michael said
in a shrill voice.

smiled as she smelled his fear, “you killed an innocent man
Michael. What did Cue do to you but win a few dollars in a card

Michael began
to perspire, “I didn’t mean to kill him I just lost my temper”
Michael started to back towards the vehicle, stopped when he heard
from a distance the doors locking.

Then he was
hit from behind and down he went.

A black
panther dug its nails into his neck and back. Michael screamed, he
pissed his pants, and then he felt teeth biting down on the back of
his neck. His hands clawed at the dirt beneath him trying to grab
something he could defend himself with. Large paws flipped Michael
over; sharp teeth grabbed him by the throat and hung on. Michael
tried to struggle the panther bit down harder. Michael grabbed a
handful of fur and hung on. The Black Panther dug its nail deeper
into his chest, clawing down ward. When Michael lay dead the Black
Panther took its sharp claws and clawed up his body and face to
sharpen its nails. The panther started shaking its head from the
smell of urine, grabbed Michael’s body and dragged it off the
roadway to a small stream. Dragged his body into the water and left
it there to be washed cleaned by the rushing water of the stream.
Thena walked up stream two yards and began to clean the blood from
her fur. She quickly dressed.

Dorthena came
out of the trees got into her vehicle and drove away. Put her wig,
her false teeth cover she had in her mouth, unsnapped the bottom of
her skirt and the length dropped by six inches, unsnapped the top
of the dress and the sleeves came off, the front came away and the
back dropped down to her waist at the back. She smiled as she drove
off to her favorite club and met up with her friends. When she got
out of the car she took her items tossed them into a bag and popped
them into the trunk of the car. Dorthena walked into the club.

Two of her
friends came rushing up to her, Doris we are so thrilled you made
it to my party. Dorthena smiled. “I told you I was coming, and here
I am!” Doris laughed. After a fun filled night of out with the
girls, Dorthena was tired out. She had her alibi for the night and
she was all set to go home.

The next day
Dorthena turned in the rental car totally cleaned. Two days later
Dorthena was at home relaxing next to her pool drinking a nice cold
ice tea. She had a nice tan on her body and felt great. The money
was in the bank and Michael had been found the day before and it
hit all the papers. The police contacted Melrodger asked him where
he was at the time of the death, he had been at a meeting with
hundreds of witnesses. The R.C.M.P. decided the cause of death was
an unknown large cat attack. What the R.C.M.P. could not figure out
was why Michael was out at an old abandon house. Michael was buried
and that was the end of the story or so Dorthena thought at the



Alberta, Canada

Once they
reached Alberta, Seeker checked out a small quiet town call Little
River. He spoke to the realtors in the town to see if they had land
that would be available to purchase. Seeker found a large parcel of
land for sale. He paid out the money and purchased the property.
There was an old run down house on the property and the three men
moved in. Seeker got a job welding, Telme worked at a lumber yard,
and Coal picked up a job working at repairing vehicles. They used
their money to fix up the large abandoned house, the men decided to
fix the roof first especially because when it had rained it was if
they were being placed in a shower every night. The windows were
next on their list of repairs and within a year the house looked
pretty darn good for three men rebuilding the house and turning it
into a home, even though it was missing the touch of a woman’s
hand. Seeker smiled, the house was finished. They had added more
rooms to the house on the right and Seeker made up a small bedroom
with bathroom, small office. The house had a new coat of white
paint, the bathrooms were redone over and two added. The kitchen
had been remodelled. The den was left as it was bare to the bone
with just fresh light green paint on the walls. Oak hardwood floors
were placed through out the house they were beautiful, the stair
case and steps going up stairs were of the finest oak he could
purchase. The basement was small and used for storage of supplies.
Seeker was darn proud of the effort he and his betas accomplished
with the house. An offer had been made on some land that Seeker had
heard came up for sale that bordered on his land and expected to
buy the land within the next few weeks. Things worked out as he the
planned he thought they would then be the proud owner of not just
twelve sections but an additional ten sections of land.

contacted the Lycan registry and advertised a new alpha house
opening and all contact information that would be required. He
turned to Telme, “Lets celebrate tonight.” With some wolf whistles
and laughter, the three went inside went to their rooms and cleaned
up and headed into the local bar.

Sammie’s Bar
was, a place where the men hung out took their dates out for an
evening and fun and drinks. It was just that a bar with a few
tables, no entertainment except for a juke box that still took
quarters and had songs in it from the sixty’s and seventy’s. A TV
was over the bar at one end used for the weather, and sports games.
The town was small but sported two banks, three liquor stores, two
drug stores, small clothing store, post office and one hotel, one
motel, grocery store combination hardware store, three restaurants,
two fast food places, hospital, doctor’s, cabins to rent from by
one of the local women. The people on the most part minded there
own business, stuck to their little clicks or groups of people. For
Seeker and his companions it was perfect place to be. Seeker and
Telme decided it was a nice out of the way place where no one asked
questions and no answers were given.

Telme was
dating a different girl each week. Seeker had been down that road
and now didn’t feel it was worth another trip at the moment. Sure
it was fun, but sometimes hard feelings were also caused, he didn’t
feel up to that kind of pressure on him at the moment. He knew he
had changed since Cue’s death. He wanted more out of life then just
fast dates, and quick relationships. His father had told him that
he would change and at the time he had laughed; now he realized
just how right his father was.

Seeker was
sitting at the bar when his cell phone rang. He walked off by
himself to a table nearby where he could not be heard talking on
the phone by anyone. Seeker took the phone from his pocket and
answered, “Hello you have reached Seeker!”

The woman on
the other end of the line spoke softly, “Listen and listen
carefully, I can’t give you my name at the moment, but you should
know Melrodger is out to have you killed. He contacted me to do the
job, but after investigating you, and to find you innocent of
Melrodger’s declarations of responsibilities of Cue’s death. Let’s
just say I turned the job down!”

grimaced, “Who the hell is this?”

The woman
spoke again, “watch your back I will contact you again soon and
keep you informed as to what is transpiring.” The phone in his hand
went silent.

Seeker walked
back to the bar pulled Telme away from his newest date and when
Telme didn’t want to leave Seeker growled. Telme got up off of this
stool and they both walked out the front door of the bar and Seeker
looked around to see if anyone was near and then be began to speak
to Telme “Listen Telme, I got a call from a woman saying my life is
in jeopardy, and to watch my back. I have this feeling that this is
no joke, and I should be careful. Knowing who wants the hit on me
makes it easier on me, because I know what kind of man Melrodger
is. I would put nothing pass the son of a bitch. I believe the
caller. Seeker proceeded to explain about Cue and what

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