
Read Dorthena Online

Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #paranormal, #violence, #bad language

BOOK: Dorthena
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Sharon R.






copyright 2010
Sharon R. Barrett



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Adult Reading

romance, werewolf, paranormal, shape shifter, Suspense Canada


This story is
a work of fiction and resemble to person living or dead, or places,
events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are
production of the authors imagination and used fictitiously.

I want to give
a very special thank to my God-daughter Mae Ford, who suggested I
write this story and advised me to be more descriptive, Thank you
Dorothy Boomhower-Johnston a very special friend and fan of my

This story is
about a young female werewolf named Dorthena who job is to dispose
of problems some people may have. She finds her way to Canada from
the east coast working to protect a young alpha werewolf male.





“Come on Cue;
let’s go I don’t want to play cards any more. It’s time we moved on
remember what we are looking for Cue.”

“Just one more
hand Seeker, Cue said with a smile.

“Not for me I
am going to have a drink at the bar and head back to my hotel room.
That is it for me for the night besides I lost enough money.”
Seeker said frowning. Seeker stood six foot, had brown hair, and
brown eyes with touches of green and amber in them. When he stood
people took notice of him because of his wide shoulders narrow hips
and long legs. He was not muscular like a normal alpha male was. He
knew he was lacking in physical attributes but made up for it in

Seeker walked
up to the bar ask for a beer on tap, paid the bar tender. As he was
standing there he heard Cue yell I won that pot! One of the men at
the table started to cuss!

The bar tender
leaned in to Seeker, that guy that is losing, is a sore loser get
your friend the hell out of here right now. Do not take no for an
answer from your friend.” Seeker nodded his head.

Seeker got up
off the bar stool; “come on Cue it’s time to go.” Cue stood five
feet eleven inches, had beautiful blue eyes touched with green, and
brown hair, he had a beautiful smile. Cue was easy going but didn’t
take orders well unless enforced to do so.

The guy that
was swearing stood up, “let him stay: I want to win what I

“Cues give the
man his money and let’s go now!” Seeker raised his voice.

Even with
Seeker as his alpha Cue refused to listen. “No I will give the man
a chance to win back his money if he can.” Cue laughed

Cue you’re not
listening to me and Seeker growled. Then the man who wanted to win
back his money yelled “I’ll kill the bastard if I don’t win back my

Cue smiled,
“you haven’t got the guts mister.”

Without a
thought, without a care, without thinking the man pulled out a hand
gun he had hidden behind his back, stuck in his pants and fired
dead blank at Cue’s head. Cue did not have a chance to respond. His
body went lifeless and went down onto the hard floor. The bullet
entered into his head with leaving half of his head missing in the
back. The man dropped the gun and ran in fear for what he had done.
Seeker was on his knees holding Cue’s motionless body, yelling
Cue’s name repeatedly Seeker knew in his heart Cue was dead. The
police came took statements, removed the body. Seeker called Cue’s
parents told them what had happened. They were devastated to hear
what went on and thanked Seeker for calling them with the news.
Cue’s body was shipped home. Cue’s father Melrodger would pick the
body up of his son at the airport the next day. The funeral would
be held the following day.

The man who
killed Cue was found in a low income apartment just blocks from the
bar where he committed the murder. The trial took place six long
hard months later; he would spend the next ten years in jail, but
out on good behaviour in five to six years. Seeker was angry that
the man got off lightly. He deserved the death penalty as far as
Seeker and Cue’s parents were concerned.

After the
trial Seeker couldn’t stay in town any longer; the nightmares of
what had happened ate at him day and night. If it was not the
nightmares during the night it was the visions he had during the
day light hours of Cue’s brains all over the bar room floor. Seeker
began traveling towards the west coast. Seeker would learn the hard
way he could not out run his memories or the night mares. They
would stay with him for ever.

When he
reached south of Manitoba he cross the border into Canada.
Continued to move west ward; Seeker picked up a guy named Telme he
was a werewolf and the two decided to start up a pack together.
Telme was six foot one tall and had green eyes touched with brown.
His chest was barrel shaped and all muscles. He has muscled legs
and arm he would be a threat to anyone who tried to fight him.
Seeker would be the alpha and Telme as first beta. Once they
reached Saskatchewan another werewolf joined Seeker and Telme. His
name was Coal, Coal was the youngest of the three with Seeker at
twenty four, Telme at twenty-three and Coal at twenty-one. Coal had
black hair, dark chocolate brown eyes, stood six foot, and sort of
fit in where ever he was. He had a nice muscular body but not as
developed as Telme’s.





Northern Massachusetts

Dorthena drove
up to a large alpha house. It had twelve bedrooms, two dinning
rooms, several dens, play rooms; the word magnificence was an
understatement when it came to this alpha house. The Courtoreille
family had no money problems. From what Dorthena had been told the
money had been inherited through the generations. Each generation
increased the wealth. The land was thirty two sections or over
twenty thousand acres. More then enough room for the three hundred
and eighty members pack to move around.

knocked on the door, and a man came to the door. He stood five feet
ten inches tall. The man’s hair was red almost an orange in color,
his eyes brows were grossly over sized for the proportions to his
face. They met in the middle and were the exact same color as his
hair, and he was covered in freckles on his face and arms. His eyes
were hazel and were extremely alert to his surroundings. The entry
way in the center had a large chandelier of crystal droplets. It
was stunning and it reminded Dorthena of tear drops. The floor was
made up gray marble covered a small area of the entry. The stair
case going up stairs was oak steps with a stunning circular oak
banister it gave off the appearance of prosperity with the graved
angels on the banister. The floors were oak, spotless with a scent
of polish as she moved away from the entry way.

“Please come
in Miss Collins, Melrodger is expecting you. Come this way he is in
his office.” Dorthena followed the man down a long hall way to a
door. The man knocked twice and waited.

Dorthena had a
feeling that she was being watched by hidden cameras. Then the door
opened electronically, and the man stepped in with Dorthena walking
in behind him. “Welcome Miss Collins my name is Melrodger please
call me Mel. Please take a seat!”

Melrodger was
a man approximately in his late fifties, grey hair trimmed and
styled to perfection, and dark eyes as black as a night sky with no
moon in sight. He had a well built body for his age. His barrel
chest was muscular. He had a nice smile, but some how extremely
cold. She felt as if the cold smile gave a sneak peek into a heart
just as cold. Her first impression was he was a cold blooded killer
of the worst kind. She would stake her life on the fact he was born
between moons, making him evil to the core and more then likely had
a death wish. She wondered about what kind of woman his mate was.
She would either have to be excessively strong willed or a weak
woman who cowered at his feet!

The desk he
sat behind was made of Black Gaboon Ebony Wood or Nigerian Ebony
extremely expensive. Then nothing in the house was cheap. The desk
wasn’t the only thing that was luxurious, every item including the
stylish pen sitting on the desk seem to be the highest in quality.
She noticed a painting on the wall it was or appeared to be an
original by Nicholas Poussin. Poussin hit the top fifty lists of
great painters. Dorthena decided she would have to check into
getting a desk made of Nigerian Ebony for herself, she really liked
it. A computer lap top sat before him in the center of the desk as
if he had been doing some thing on the computer and quickly closed
the lid to cover up what he was doing. It made her feel
uncomfortable, maybe he was checking up on her she wondered. There
was not one single piece of paper on his desk other then a file

“Thank you,”
Dorthena said with a complacent face. “I understand you have a
problem you wish to have taken care! I have done the usual
investigations on this particular job.”

“Yes in deed,
I do have a job for you. I understand you learned from your father
everything you needed to know to become the best at your
profession. Your father worked for CISS in Canada. They are the
same as the CIA here in the states. I want the best for this job,
and you are it. Take the file and open it please.” Melrodger looked
Dorthena up and down and liked what he saw her black hair suited
her beautiful brown eyes. She had little shape to her body but
still she was beautiful. A mole on her face below her lip made him
smile the one imperfection he noticed about her.

reached over to the desk picked up the file, and carefully opened
it. First page was a picture of a man. Dorthena spoke softly, “This
man, Michael Claims shot, and killed you’re son Cue, about six
years ago if I remember correctly. The picture is of poor quality,
the man is better looking in real life then in the picture. He
stands five foot nine inches tall has brown hair and brown eyes
filled with fear. You want him disposed of? The second picture is
of the man who was with your son Seeker Pelrine at the time your
son Cue was murdered in cold blood. Nice looking man stands six
fool has dark brown hair dark hazel brown eyes not only touched
with green, but amber as well, is intelligent, nice smile.”

“Yes I want
the man in the first picture taken care of. I want it to look like
an accident and I want it clean, I do not want it to come back to
me in any way!”

smiled, “fee?”

“I understand
your fee is extremely high, but it will be well worth it to rid the
world of worthless scum like Claims! Here is the first instalment,
when the job is done you will be paid the rest.” Mel said with a
big smile.

Dorthena felt
uneasy and for some reason her inner cat growled, you’ll never get
the second payment she thought! A warning she got from her father
never trust the one paying you to do the job.

“I get paid in
full Mel or I don’t take the job. I guarantee my work one hundred
and fifty percent. My reputation precedes me. Have a nice day Mel.”
Dorthena stood up to leave.

Dorthena,” Mel walked over to a safe opened it tossed the cash on
the desk. “When will the job be done?”

“Let me do
some checking, he’s still in jail won’t get out until Wednesday.
When he is released I will find out where he hangs out; then put
myself in a place he notices me. I will date him a time or two, and
then the job will be done. Don’t put a time limit on me!” Dorthena
picked up the cash stuffed it into her brief case along with the
file, walked to the electronic door when it did not open for her,
turned, and waited for Mel to speak.” Dorthena had her hand on the
handle of a gun she had hidden just in case Melrodger had any

“As soon as
possible Dorthena, my patience has come to an end. I have waited
six long years for this bastard.” Mel hit a button on the side of
his desk, and the door opened. He was hoping she would only take
half the money then pick up the other half, “she was smart, get her
cash first do the job and walk away clean. This will leave an
untidy problem to take care of later,” he said to himself.

walked out of the house got into her vehicle. She pulled out on to
the paved road, then out on to the major highway. She pulled off
the black wig, pulled out the false teeth covering her teeth pulled
the fake mole off her face. Then proceeded to undo snaps on her
long skirt, did the same with the blouse she was now down to a
beautiful blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Her long blonde pig
tails fall down around her shoulders. She smiled, she hit a button
and the license plate flipped from Massachusetts to Rhode Island.
All this she accomplished in less then three minutes. She was a pro
at changing her appearance quickly; she had to be, it saved her
life a time or two. Dorthena then removed the gun strapped to her
leg and the strap. Pulled the strap holding a small gun to her arm
put them into her purse.

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