Doris O'Connor (6 page)

Read Doris O'Connor Online

Authors: Too Hot to Handle

Tags: #anal sex, #series, #firefighter, #contemporary, #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #italian

BOOK: Doris O'Connor
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He watched her,
an air of quiet power and strength emanating from him.

Alone at last, beautiful.”

squirmed on her seat. “Yes, well, thank you again for rescuing Noah
for the pasta, but
you should really leave now.”

you haven’t answered my question yet. Why did you run out on me in

I told you
. It
was a one night stand, and I couldn’t see the point in hanging

squared her shoulders and forced herself to look into the
bottomless blue of his gaze that was piercing her from across the
the man, why can he not just leave?
She was far too aware of him on all levels,
physically and emotionally after the afternoon they had spent

here we are four years later, living in the same suburb, mere
streets from each other. If I believed in fate, I would say we’re
meant to be.”

.” Kitty
swallowed again as Alex rose from his settee and crossed the
distance between them with two long strides. He pulled her to her
feet in one fluid move, an action that brought her flush against
his body.
She couldn’t think
straight when he was this close to her.

are you telling me you make a habit of sleeping with perfect

course not!”

Alex’s low
chuckle made her stomach flip over. His sensual mouth hovered over
hers, his hot breath fanning her face
, and Kitty once again forgot to breathe.
Oh hell, make
yourself step away, girl. You’ve been here before,

She put a hand
up over his mouth and felt him smile underneath it before he raised
his head and kissed the underside of her hand. Kitty snatched her
hand away as the jolt of electricity shot up her arm. She tried to
step away, but he was still holding her in an iron grip.

Not so fast
Kitty If I promise to behave myself, can I ask you a

go of me first.”

Alex did
just that
, and Kitty
immediately put the settee between herself and Alex. That was
better, marginally at least.

sort of favour?” she asked



Chapter Six


want me to be what? Have you lost the plot completely?” Kitty had
to remind herself to shut her mouth as she stood looking up at
Alex, not believing her own ears.

Alex just
smiled at her, his intense gaze raking her body up and down in such
a way that Kitty had to try
hard to control her breathing.

On the contrary
I would say I’ve just found it.”

advanced around the settee Kitty
was hiding behind.
Did it shrink all of a
? Before she could
think of one sensible objection, he was right in front her, drawing
her into his hard frame with a wicked smile on those sensuous lips.
One hand went into her hair, and the other travelled to her behind,
pushing her further into his body. The rock-hard erection pressing
into her left Kitty in little doubt what he had in mind. Sensual
sparks flew between them, and Kitty lost all ability to string a
coherent sentence together as she reminded herself to

Still think I’m crazy?” Alex whispered in her ear. His
breath skimmed across the sensitive skin of her neck, setting all
her nerve endings on fire. A slow heat
built low in her abdomen, and moisture soaked her
thong. Alex dropped a feather-light kiss on her neck, and Kitty
almost groaned out loud. She automatically angled her head to give
him better access. Alex’s answering chuckle sent bolts of sensual
awareness down her spine as his slight stubble scraped along her
skin. The friction it created made Kitty clamp her lips together to
stop from moaning. He just wasn’t playing fair.

You said you would behave yourself
.” Her voice was a husky, trembling imitation of
its normal self. She put one shaky hand on his hard chest in a vain
effort to put some distance between them.

I am behaving myself
. If I wasn’t you’d be naked under me on that monstrosity
of a settee by now, screaming my name. Come to think of

Kitty looked up
at those outrageous words and was lost in the intense heat of his
remarkable eyes before he took a step back, laughing softly to

I was merely demonstrating that this would work,
Kitty” And he flashed her such
a pleased-with-himself smile that she had to

’re just
impossible. You know that, right?”

inclined his head towards her and gave a mock bow, before he
sobered. He put both of his large, slightly calloused hands
on either side of her face and
studied her intently.

really would do me a huge favour, please? With sugar on top? I will
be your willing slave for ever more.”


Why had
she agreed to this ridiculous plan of his? Kitty was all too aware
of Alex, even across the room, as she was introduced to yet another
one of his seemingly endless family. How many of them could there
be? She was just glad that Emilia had agreed to have Noah for a
sleepover at her house, as he would have found this noisy
get-together too much to

x and Kitty’s
arrival caused quite a stir at the Italian restaurant, closed for
the occasion of Nonna Giovanni’s 90
birthday. The weathered, wrinkly, old matriarch of the
Giovanni clan pulled her into a warm hug and kissed both her
cheeks. Her wise chocolate brown eyes assessed her and the way Alex
held her in a close embrace.

Welcome to the family
.” She smiled at Kitty, before saying something in Italian
to Alex that made him burst out laughing.

His mother’s
response to her was rather more reserved. A female version of Alex,
she was still strikingly beautiful for a woman in her fifties, her
jet black hair shiny and lustrous with no signs of grey.

So, this is
date?” she asked Alex, her blue eyes frosty, looking her up and
down, her eyebrows slightly raised in a way that made Kitty feel
about knee high.

Mamma, meet Kitty
. Kitty, meet my mother.”

Kitty was aware
of the underlying tension between mother and son. He took Kitty’s
hand and pulled her into his side, one tense arm going round her
waist, whilst he kissed her lightly on the shoulder. Stella
Giovanni narrowed those suspicious eyes of hers before greeting
another arrival.

Before she
could ask Alex what that had been all about
, a small dark-haired boy threw himself at

, Nico.” Alex
swung his nephew high up in the air before handing him back to his
mother, another female version of Alex. She was surrounded by four
little dark-haired girls, who giggled as only a bunch of girls can.
They greeted Alex in a flurry of rapid Italian and noisy kisses,
before including her in the throng.

ay, okay,
girls, let her go. Go on off with you, and take Nico with you, will
you? The food is ready, so that’ll keep him quiet for a

Alex’s sister
enveloped Kitty in a warm hug before winking at her

I’m going to kidnap this one and grill her on how she
managed to snare my elusive brother. No, don’t even try to stop
We girls need to
gossip. The tales I could tell you about him. I’m Francesca, by the
way. So nice to meet you.” And Francesca dragged her away from a
worried-looking Alex. She made it her mission to introduce Kitty to
everyone in the room.

So, tell me, how long you have known Alex
? He seems very smitten with

ne of Alex’s sisters
was grilling her right now. What was she supposed to say to that?
Probably best to stick to the truth as much as

We only recently met up again, but I
’ve known him for a number of

Really? How interesting. It’s just he never mentioned you
, and when he told
Mamma that he was bringing you, well, it was a surprise to say the

smiled nervously. “Yes, well, you could say it was a bit
of a whirlwind thing in the
end. Would you excuse me for a minute? I think I’ll find

Of course, of course
. I dare say he is with the kids. They all adore him,
probably because he’s such a big kid himself, but then you know
that, right?”

Kitty made
herself smile and neatly
sidestepped several of his cousins hell-bent on talking to
her as she scanned the room for any sign of Alex. He was so tall
that he towered over everyone else, so he should have been easy to
spot; but there was no sign of him.

The excited screeching of children made her
investigate the garden, where all the kids appeared to have
congregated. Trestle tables had been set up, laden with Italian
finger foods, and the next generation of the numerous Giovanni were
either running around like mad, demented little human missiles, or
stuffing their face happily with food. Kitty had to smile at Nico,
who was chattering away ten to the dozen and shoveling food in his
mouth at the same time. Noah had the same habit, and she was once
again glad that he wasn’t here. Someone would have picked up on the
resemblance between Noah and the rest of the Giovanni

There you are. I’ve been looking
for you.” Alex’s deep rumble behind her made Kitty swing round, and
her greeting died an instant death at the sight of Alex tenderly
cradling a newborn baby. A girl, judging by the shocking pink baby

Alex smiled at her. “Meet Mimi, the newest


She looked good enough to eat in her little
yellow sundress. If he didn’t have his hands full of adorable baby

How are you holding up? I know
this lot can be a bit overwhelming.”

Urm, yes, you could say that, I
guess. Where have you been?” She looked up at him, her green eyes
narrowed in a frown, those kissable lips pursed.

I was on a mission to get Mimi off
to sleep. I’m told I have magic hands where babies are concerned,
and her mum looked as though she could do with a break, so here we

I see.” Her face visibly softened
when she looked down on Mimi.

Here, have a hold if you like, and
I can get something to eat myself.”

I wouldn’t want to wake her up.”
But she took the little girl off him. Mimi stirred slightly, and
Kitty expertly moved her up to her shoulder. She gently jigged her
up and down, patting her bottom, until Mimi snuggled into her
shoulder and went back to sleep.

Looks like I’m not the only one
who has magic hands as far as babies are concerned.”

Her green eyes were tender as she looked up at
him, before rubbing her chin lightly over Mimi’s soft head. Alex’s
heart felt lighter, seeing the pretty picture the two of them made.
Now if only she would look at him like that.

Nico’s loud shout of glee at the arrival of
the ice cream made Alex look across at his nephew, and his eyes
narrowed as he looked from Nico to Kitty. An image of Noah, jumping
up and down just like Nico, gave him reason to pause before he
shook his head. He leaned closer to Kitty and, taking full
advantage of her occupied hands, kissed her until she was flushed
and breathing heavily.

Soon, he promised himself, soon he would claim
what was rightfully his, and he shifted in his suddenly tight



Chapter Seven


Kitty’s back vibrated where it rested against
Alex’s hips, his arms round her waist.
What the heck?
Now he
was either very happy, if in an extremely odd way, or he had a
pager tucked away.

Alex muttered under his breath, released his
tense hold on her, grabbed said pager off his belt, and swore

This can’t be good.”

What’s the matter?” The tall,
willowy Italian beauty, whom Kitty had just been introduced to by
Alex’s smiling mother, put one perfectly manicured hand on his arm
and asked him something in Italian.

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