Read Dominating Devney (Montana Maiden Series Book 3) Online
Authors: Vanessa Vale
"Let's get that plug out, Devney," Sam said from behind me, bumping and nudging the end of the plug. "I found her lying in bed rubbing her pussy, trying to make herself come. That’s why she got the spanking."
Tears filled my eyes. "I'm sorry, Sam," I murmured.
"That's ‘Mr. Bridger’ when I'm tending to your ass or pussy."
"Yes, Mr. Bridger," I replied with a sniff.
"She can come as frequently as she desires, but she must ask me first and I must be present. Every one of her orgasms belongs to me. I decide how. I decide when. I decide where. Do you still want to come, Devney?"
Even though I felt terrible about my behavior and my bottom was fiery hot and throbbed, I still wanted to come. In fact, the heat from the spanking spread to my pussy and I was achingly desperate. I needed it. "Yes, please."
"Please, what?" He continued to tug and work on the plug.
"Please...Mr. Bridger."
He pulled the plug out just enough so that I was stretched wide by the thick part, then left it there. "Show Jake and Catherine how you fucked your ass with the plug last night. If you can make yourself come, that is acceptable. If not, then you will have to wait until later."
I glanced over my shoulder at my husband. He stood tall and broad, his gaze dark and very intimidating, matching the intensity in his voice. His hands were on his hips and he waited. I had a feeling he had vast wells of patience to wait for me to comply.
"You have no choice, Devney. This is my bidding. Fuck yourself with the plug. Now."
Reaching back, I tentatively grabbed the end of the plug and started to push it back in, then pulled back, mimicking the motion of Mr. Bridger's cock in my pussy from the night before.
"You let me come whenever I want," Catherine murmured.
"That's because my cock is always buried deep in your ass when you do," Jake countered. "When, sweetheart?"
"Only with you in me," Catherine replied softly.
"I don't like how you questioned Sam's training of Devney. Perhaps you need some of your own kind of correction. You should show Sam how your ass is stretched."
"What? No, I don't think that's necessary."
I glanced up from my position on the table to see Jake move out of my field of vision. I began moving the plug in and out; it was slippery from the ointment so it moved easily. Would Mr. Bridger force me to continue until I came? What if I couldn't?
"Over the table," Jake told his wife.
Catherine was gently pushed down upon the table and I saw her skirt tossed up over her back. She faced away from me. I was glad; seeing what she was going through would be too intense.
From my vantage point, I could see the pale globes of Catherine's ass and Jake's hands working her there.
Catherine groaned as Jake shifted his hand, worked a cork, like the one Mr. Bridger showed me the day before, from her ass. It was immensely large and I stared at it. How she could have been stretched so substantially was remarkable and had me clenching down.
"Don't stop fucking yourself, Devney," Mr. Bridger prompted me, making me start my hand moving again.
"See how open she is?" Jake asked.
"That's quite impressive, Catherine," Mr. Bridger commented. "I can see so far up inside you."
"Oh," Catherine said quietly.
"May I have a pill from your jar? I need to put one in her so she stays nice and slick for me."
"Jake, please!" Catherine cried out.
"The doctor will be here shortly and he can see your progress. You may close up on your own, if you are able."
"Of course,” Mr. Bridger replied. "The pills are over on the shelf. You may stop, Devney." I removed my hand and placed it back on the table at my side, leaving the plug halfway in.
Quickly, he pulled the plug free and I clenched down hard to close back up, feeling empty. I sighed at the emptiness.
He helped me stand and I saw Catherine's pussy and ass now as Jake returned with the white pill in his hand. Her ass was gaping open in an obscene way that had me squeezing my inner muscles tightly. I could tell by the way the cheeks of her bottom clenched that she was trying to close up, but couldn't. I heard her soft moans, but couldn't see her face with it turned away.
"Now, go and wash up," Sam prompted me. "You know where the washroom is. When done, come back out and we'll get you ready for the day."
I nodded at his words and started walking away.
"Devney, do not come. If you so much as rub your clit in the washroom, you will not be able to sit for a week."
Mortified at the very idea, I flushed hotly. After being alone and keeping everything about myself private for so long, I didn't know if I'd ever adjust to people - virtual strangers - being so intimately involved in all aspects of my life.
Jake had been surprised I'd married Devney Jenkins. I was a bachelor and didn't have to tend to a woman's needs as they did, so I only volunteered to go bring the women back to town with Doc and McKenzie. Grant and Cole were both too busy with their wives' training to make the trip. Maura was in heat again. Grant used the special honeymoon pill with extra aphrodisiac to bring it about as he wanted. A husband regulated the dosage so that he could deepen his wife's submission. Once she submitted accordingly, he tapered back, possibly completely. Tessa had been tamed by Cole to only come when she was sucking cock. Catherine, as I'd just seen with her ass gaping open, was being successfully trained by Jake. Devney didn't seem to need a honeymoon pill, only the pill with the added ingredient that prevented breeding. Her arousal was coming about swiftly and intensely all on its own. Based on her need waking her up in the middle of the night, it seemed to be fairly intense.
So when they heard from Doc about my surprise marriage, Jake and Catherine walked over from their house, which was a short distance away. I was glad to see them; it was important for Devney to get used to being around other people, especially after being practically alone for so many years. Being a Bridger didn't allow for much privacy, since the women were almost always in some kind of training, or in need of correction or just a good fuck.
Her first full day as my wife would not be an exception. It was important to show my dominance right from the start. Devney had heeded my warning and returned quickly from the washroom. I was just buttoning her blouse at the back when Doc knocked. Jake let him in. Devney quickly turned around to shield herself from the man's eyes, even though he'd seen every inch of her body the day before.
"Turn around, baby, and greet the doctor," I whispered in her ear.
She shook her head. "This blouse. It's indecent."
I moved around and looked down at her. She wore a pale pink blouse, cut so that her breasts were completely exposed, the front designed so that the fabric wrapped beneath the breasts and around to button at the back. Her corset only lifted her breasts. It didn't cover them. Her skirt was long and black. She looked perfect and I was very pleased. "It's not indecent. It allows me to see your pretty breasts. Your blouse is just like the one Catherine's wearing." I stroked my finger over the top of one round globe and flicked a nipple. She gasped at the contact.
She took a deep breath and turned around, lifted her chin. "Hello, Doctor."
Doc nodded at Devney. "You look very nice today."
She blushed but remained quiet.
"Coffee, Doc?" I asked. I went and filled a mug for myself and for Devney, pulling out a chair for her at the opposite end of the table from Catherine, who was still sprawled out on top, her skirt still up over her waist. She was crying softly. The way her ass cheeks were clenching, I could tell she was trying to close them, without success.
"No, thank you. I just had a cup with Grant and Maura." He placed his black leather satchel down on the dining table near Catherine. "I guess Catherine's first?" He chuckled. "How's her training coming?"
He spoke as if the woman wasn't prostrate with a gaping ass.
"She's being such a good girl. She's taken to the large corks well, as you can see. Enjoys them."
"Yes, her ass really seems to like being stretched. How long do you leave a cork in?"
"Usually all day, until after dinner. Then she spends the evening trying to close back up. I like to watch her when she does. The cork I just took out, I put in last night and removed it this morning so she could bathe and put in a pill. She couldn't close up on her own so I fucked her ass, but that didn't help."
Catherine sniffled.
"I put the cork back in, planning to take it out tonight. But she needed some minor correction so she showed Sam how she can handle a big cork. Now she can't close up."
"Do you have problems with that often, Catherine?" Doc asked.
Catherine's face was red and splotchy, her cheeks tear stained. "I'm a terrible wife," she cried. "I try and I try and I can't close up!"
"You're an amazing wife, sweetheart. You close up if I fuck your ass, often the first time. You know how much I like to do that, and I don't mind if it takes two or three times," Jake replied soothingly.
"So you can't do it by yourself?" Doc asked Catherine.
She shook her head, tears falling onto the table. "No. Jake has to help me."
"Does she like having her ass stretched?" Doc asked Jake.
"Loves it. So much so that Catherine can only come when I fuck her ass. She used to be able to rub her clit and orgasm, but that doesn't work for her anymore. She's crying now because she can't close up, isn't that right, sweetheart?" He ran a hand over her head, rested at the nape of her neck. "I might have to fuck her a few times for that to happen. You'll like that, won't you Catherine?"
"Yes, Jake." Her voice was breathy and filled with anticipation.
I held up a hand. "You can take her just where she is. No worries."
Doc asked Jake, "Is she still getting wet for you?"
Jake caressed a pale globe of her ass. "You're wet for me, aren't you, sweetheart?" He could see the answer on her pussy and thighs, but wanted her to voice it aloud.
Catherine replied again, her voice soft. "Yes, Jake."
"I'll check closely in a minute, but I told this to Cole on Sunday since Tessa mostly sucks cock. It applies to Catherine as well. If a woman's pussy doesn't get fucked often enough, it might not be wet all the time. Since you fuck Catherine's ass predominantly, you'll want to watch her pussy carefully. You'll need to pussy fuck her at least once a day, and if not, she should wear a harness with a dildo affixed so her pussy's filled and stays nice and wet."
Jake nodded. "Sure Doc. It's important that she's wet and ready for me at all times."
"Then let's check her. Have you fucked her pussy yet today?"
"No. Just her ass earlier. Like I said, when she's nice and stretched like this, all I want to do is fuck her ass. I like helping her close up."
"Then let's get her fitted with a harness. If she's gaping so much, you could always affix a large plug to it along with the dildo."
I kept a close eye on Devney as the men talked. So much was new to her - being a wife, living somewhere new, adjusting to other people and the strict rules she had to follow. I wanted to keep her off kilter and reliant on me, but I didn't want to overwhelm her either.
Devney tugged on my arm. "Are you planning on doing that to me?" she leaned in and whispered.
I looked over at her. She looked apprehensive about how Jake left Catherine upon the table.
"What? Lay you over the table? I thought I already had, more than once."
"No, I mean...stretching me like that." She tilted her head toward Catherine, who faced us, her head turned to the side, her fair hair pooling on the table. We couldn't see much but her ruched skirt and a glimpse of her pale ass. Doc and Jake stood behind her and looked down at what Catherine had on display.
I leaned in close so my breath fanned Devney's ear. "You don't want to be stretched like that?"
Devney's eyes opened wide and she shook her head. "No. Definitely not."
The look she gave proved it was not something she desired at all. This didn't appeal to her even with her arousal building as it was. This was perfectly fine to me, as I wanted her ass nice and tight when I fucked it. "All right, no ass stretching. How about being filled instead? Did you like the plug last night? It was pretty big, but not the biggest one I'll use."
She squirmed even though her ass was currently empty. It might have been from her spanking, but I'd been gentle, getting her used to the concept, so it was most likely at the thought of being filled. Her blush crept down to the round globes of her breasts. That was a good indication that she liked the idea of a good, big plug.
"She's very wet, Doc," Jake said, running his finger through his wife's slit. He thrust one into her pussy and she bucked her hips.
"That's good." Doc pulled a harness similar to the one he put on Tessa two days ago. I'd walked in on her visit at Doc's office right before we left for the Jenkins ranch. "Let's make sure this harness fits her well." Jake helped Catherine lift each of her feet and slid the leather apparatus up her legs. "Fit that dildo up in her, Jake. Make sure it's in just right."
Devney's cheeks flushed as she watched Catherine shift her hips on the table so the dildo filled her pussy. Although Devney couldn't see it going in, she knew what they were doing. Catherine's fingers clenched on top of the table as if trying to grab something.
"There, now you’d just need to fasten the clasp in the back and you'd be done," Doc said.
"Oh, Jake, I'm so full. I don't need the harness, though. I'm so wet it's coating my thighs."
Jake smiled down at Catherine. "That's the harness. Just sticking that dildo in made you dripping wet, just like Doc said it would. But we don't need it on now. I think it's time I fuck your ass again to see if you can close up some more. Is that pill still up inside you?"
"Yes, Jake," Catherine murmured.
"Once she's closed, alternate to a day of plugs as a reward. Insert it as deep as you want, but little to no stretching. Then you can go back to corking her again. I'll check back with you later in the week." Doc turned to us. "Right. Devney. It's your turn."