My Last Love

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Authors: Shirley Mendonca

BOOK: My Last Love
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My Last Love

Copyright 2011 by Shirley Mendonca


The chill from last night’s snow filled the house as Lorraine stood looking out the kitchen window, thinking about the last six months of her life. She had moved to Pine Valley, opened a small shop, found a house, and had gotten divorced from Doug. She was now on the road to the new life.

The warm sun shone through the window on Lorraine’s face. She started every morning watching the skiers on the snow coved mountains. Lorraine
reached to turn on the water to make coffee and realized the water in the pipes were frozen. She had gone through this many times so she knew what to do. She reached for a pot and started banging on the pipes. The facet for the cold water broke off and water started spraying her in the face. She jumped and screamed. Lorraine tried to stop the water with her hands, but it was just making things worse. She quickly ran outside to turn off the water at the main valve. When she came around the corner of the house she slipped and fell, sliding about ten feet on her back, with her feet in the air. “I should have just stayed in bed and forgot about the stupid coffee.” Lorraine said out loud as she picked herself up and brushed off the snow. She finally got the water turned off and called the plumber. She was having a bowl of cereal when the phone rang.

where in the world are you? The storm has knocked out the power. The lights or register doesn’t work.” It was Sue calling from the shop. Lorraine felt very luc
ky to have hired Sue. She was
blonde in her twenties. She grew up in Pine Vall
and knew all of the town’s important people. Plus she had worked for the former owners.


“I’m sorry I’m late, but I’m having some problems here at home with the water.” Lorraine explained.

“You didn’t try to undo the water pipes again did you? Sue laughed. “I told you not to bang on the pipes. Did they break?”

Never mind. I’ll be right there, just keep the shop closed until I get there.” Lorraine laughed, as she hurried to get dressed.

The town was starting to become alive when Lorraine pulled into her parking space in front of the shop. Jim Harris, the owner of the newspaper, waved as she was getting out of the truck.

“Good morning, looks like we had a good one last night. The power company says everything will be back on within a couple of hours.” Jim smiled, as he approached Lorraine. ”
Is e
verything okay over at your place? Did you have trouble with those water pipes again?” Jim asked, as he started to open the door of the shop for Lorraine.

Have you been talking to Sue?” She laughed. “I have everything under control.”

met Jim a few days after she opened the shop. He came over
to welcome
to town. Lorraine thought he was a hand-man because he was dressed in old dirty jeans and a tee-shirt. She asked him if he needed some work,
she needed shelves and some racks built. Sue informed her that he owed the newspaper. She also explained to Lorraine that his mother and brother had been in a car accident several years ago and the mother
live through the accident
. The brother was now in a wheelchair.

“You got time for a cup of coffee before work, since the power won’t be back on for a couple of hours.” Jim leaned forward and asked. “I noticed we got in a lot of skiers this morning, so the coffee shop has been really busy this morning.”
Sure, I certainly could use a cup of coffee since I didn’t have any at home this morning.” She answered as they walked toward the coffee shop.

The coffee shop was very crowded with the town’s people and the tourist
who was there to ski. They found a table in a corner and sat down. They were talking about how busy the town was this time of year when Lorraine felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned and almost fainted. It was Doug, her ex-husband, standing next to the table.

“I thought maybe you would consider being my guide. That is, if you have time for an old friend.” He smiled, patted her on the shoulder
and sat down at the table.
“Where are your manner
Lorraine? Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?”

Lorraine felt as if someone had kicked her in
stomach. She could hardly speak. “Doug, this is Jim Harris. He owns the newspaper.” Jim reached over the table and shook hands with Doug, as he thought, so this is the reason Lorraine moved to Pine Valley. I would love to show this creep what pain is really all about.


Doug smiled at Jim as if to say, there seems to be something going on between you two. Doug could feel the electricity between Lorraine and Jim. The feeling was so strong that Doug thought to himself that it could power the chairlift at the ski resort. “Hello Jim. Have you and Lorraine been going together long?”

Lorraine couldn’
t believe what she heard. “Doug.
Jim and I are just friends.” She wished
he had never found her. Where does he get off thinking that I would spend anytime showing him anything after all the pain he put me through.
But then maybe Doug had changed. Should she dare hope that he still loved her. “Doug,
f you’re ready, I guess we should be going.” Lorraine stood to leave, turned
and looked back at Jim. She could see the look in his eyes, they were telling her. Don’t let him take
you down the wrong path again.

Lorraine agreed to meet Doug at the lodge for dinner that evening
. She stood in the middle of her bedroom wondering why
to do this
She knew she still felt love for Doug. Could it really be possible that they could get together again? She tried on a green pants suit. It felt too tight, the red dress was too bright, the yellow sweater was too short. By now she has a pile of clothes on the bed and in the floor. What am I
going to wear? I don’t want look too sexy and yet I
want Doug to realize just what he gave up. Finally Lorraine decided on a green, low cut, long sleeve dress that showed off her figure just in the right way. She wore her hair pile on top of her head with a diamond hair clip.

When Lorraine arrived at the lodge Doug was standing out in front waiting for her with a group of people. “There you are.” Doug opened the door and helped her out of the truck. One of the guys in the group yelled out to Doug.” Hey Doug good choice for the night,” and laughed.


Doug looked at Lorraine and smiled.” Don’t pay any attention to him. He’s drunk.”

As the evening progressed Lorraine could feel the old love she had for Doug in the past. But
, she also
tried to remember the bad times

“You look awesome Lorraine. It looks like the new life has been good
for you. I,
on the other hand
have been
very unhappy. I miss you so much Lorraine.” Doug leaned over and kissed Lorraine, pulling her close to him.

Lorraine felt the warm rush take over her body, fighting her feelings she once had for Doug.

“I would like to try and
become a couple once again. Lo
I know I was unfaithful to you, but I promise this time things will be different. Won’t you give me another chance?”

Lorraine’s felt as if she was going to faint. Could Doug really mean what he was telling her
or did he just want to be with her tonight? Lorraine looked deep into his eyes and replied. “If we do, I would like to be very sure this time you mean what you say Doug.” I can’t bear to go through it all over again.”


Come to my room and I’ll show you just how much I do love you Lorraine.” Doug was still holding Lorraine’s hand in his and kissing her on the neck.

“No, I’m not going to your room with you. We need to go slow and see how things work out.”

Doug smiled and answered, “Can’t blame a guy for trying sweetheart. Ok. I will be here for a couple of weeks and we can go from there. How about we go skiing tomorrow and have a great day to start with?”

“That sound like fun. What time should we meet?” Lorraine was excited with the thought of going skiing and spending the day with Doug.

“I’ll call you in the morning and let you know. Okay?”

The next morning Lorraine was up early excited about the day and waiting for Doug to call. As the morning past
Lorraine was beginning to wonder why Doug had not call yet. She decided to call the lodge and talk to him.

“Good morning, Pine Valley Lodge.” The voice on the other end of the phone responded.

“Good morning. Could you please ring Doug Ro
” Lorraine replied.

“Mr. Rogers checked out this morning.” The clerk responded.


“Did he leave a message for Lorraine Williams?” (She had taken back her maiden name after the divorce).

“Let me check for you.” It seemed like forever before she heard the clerk’s voice again. There is a message for you.

“Would you please read it to me?
” Lorraine felt as if her heart was going to stop.

“The message reads, thanks for the wonderful time. I had to get back to Los Angeles on business. I will call. Love and kisses. Doug. Is that all Miss Williams?

The clerk asked.

“Yes, that will be all, thank you.” Lorraine hung up the phone knowing th
t Doug would never call.
He didn’t get what he came for so he left.

The next week was a living hell. Every time the phone would ring Lorraine would pray that it would be Doug. She knew he had made a fool of her again. She had really messed up her life
I will n
let that happen to me

The next several months Lorraine threw herself into her work. The shop was very busy and Lorraine was grateful. The time had helped her to forget somewhat about Doug. Sue had become a very close friend to Lorraine during this time. The long talks were a great help for Lorraine.

“Are you doing all right? I know the last several months have been hell for you. I worry about you.” Sue asked Lorraine.

“I’m going to be fine. It’s just going to take some time to forget.” Lorraine smile
and gave Sue a hug.
“Sue, I have decided to move back to the Los Angeles area and start all over again Of course I would have to sell the shop.

“Lorraine, I would hate to see you
You just moved to Pine Valley
and the shop is doing so well. If you are determined to move, I would be interested in buying the shop from you.”

“Oh that would be wonderful. I
how much you love the shop.” Lorraine was surprised that Sue offered.

“Of course I couldn’t pay you all of the money up front, but I could give you enough
for you
to start over again in Los Angeles
and then maybe make payments to you until I pay the shop off.” Sue was praying Lorrai
ne would agree to these terms. That
would be a dream come true
“Lorraine, what

s the real reason you want to move back to Los Angeles? Is it to see if you and Doug can get back together?”

my g
no!” Lorraine said in a stern voice. ”The truth is, I’m falling in love with Jim, and I know there woul
d never be a future here for me.”
Tears came to Lorraine’s eyes.

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