Read Dominating Devney (Montana Maiden Series Book 3) Online
Authors: Vanessa Vale
"Be sure to put the dildo on a wall right out in the open so everyone will be able to see her," Sam told the doctor. "One last thing, Doc. Devney's nipples? They're too flat. Look at them now, all hard from two orgasms and they don't protrude at all."
I glanced down at myself, my breasts thrust up and out by the strange new corset. My nipples were a bright pink against the pale skin of my breasts, and they were fairly flat. Weren't they all? Except Catherine’s; hers were quite full.
"The aureole are quite large, but you're correct, the nipples are very flat. Tug on them, let's see what happens," Doctor Graham said to Sam.
Sam lifted his hands and cupped my breasts gently, then took hold of each nipple between thumb and forefinger. I tried to step back but it only made the pull stronger. I clenched my hands into fists, but could do nothing to swat his hands away with them trapped at my sides. "Sam!" I complained.
"Mr. Bridger, baby." He tugged, then pinched down hard.
I gasped at the sharp bite of pain. I felt my pussy clench in response, then wetness seeping down my legs. Did that happen because of my nipples were being tugged? I leaned into Mr. Bridger's touch.
"She likes it," Mr. Bridger commented and kept working my nipples. My eyes fell closed and I reveled in the feeling. "Good girl, Devney. Submit."
He let go and I moaned, slowly opened my eyes. Both men were glancing at my nipples. I looked down, and saw they were a dark red from Mr. Bridger's ministrations, yet they were still only slight bumps.
"She needs nipple trainers. I would normally tell you to delay and let her adjust into her new role slowly, but this is a real problem." Doctor Graham stepped away and grabbed his bag, rummaged inside and pulled out small objects that fit in the palm of his hand. "Here."
Mr. Bridger took one and held it up for me to see. There were two dainty looking rings in his big hand. One was about an inch across, the other much smaller. The rings were spaced apart by two posts.
I frowned and stared at it, trying to figure out what it was.
"This goes on your nipple, baby." He stepped into me, with one hand on my arm and walked me back until I bumped into the railing. I couldn't escape. He centered the large ring against my breast with my nipple in the middle, the two posts sticking straight out. He took the small tip of my nipple and tugged it with his fingers, pulling it outward until it was within the smaller ring. Using his other hand, he pressed the smaller ring together so it crimped around the very tip, holding my nipple in place, taut and pulled out from my body. Once secure, he let go.
I gasped at the feeling of my nipple pulled so tightly. It looked taut and tight, all stretched out as it was. "Mr. Bridger, it's too much!" Not only was it a little painful, but there was pleasure as well. When he'd touched and played with my nipples just moments ago, it had felt so good, but he'd applied short-term pressure. Now, this was constant, and harsh.
"Good. That's the answer I like to hear from a woman with new trainers. It should be too much, otherwise the nipple isn't being stretched enough." Doc nodded, as if satisfied. "That appears to be just the right length. It seems secure," he commented, carefully touching the metal and looking closely at it. "Now the other."
Mr. Bridger did the same to the other nipple. They assessed my breasts as I stared down at myself. The metal was like a little frame. With my nipple caught in the outer ring, the object was firm against my breast. They weren't going anywhere, especially with my hands pinned down.
"How's that, baby?" His emerald gaze met mine, questioning.
"This is a normal reaction. You might want to check her pussy. Some women can come from this alone."
"Like Maura," Sam replied.
"Exactly. Grant's wife can come from this. In fact, she can only come when her nipples are being worked."
Mr. Bridger knelt down and reached his hand beneath my skirt and between my thighs. I felt his fingers slipping through my wetness and I cried out. He looked up at Doctor Graham. "She's slick all right, but then again, I filled her up pretty good."
I started to rock my hips into his touch. I couldn't help it. I was insatiable even though I'd just come twice. "Mr. Bridger. Oh, please, may I come?"
"That's my good girl. Asking for your pleasure like that. Yes, I'll give you your pleasure." He worked several fingers up into me while his thumb rubbed over my clit. "Doc, she's very greedy. Looks like I'm going to need you to get the stable all fixed up for her right away."
I gripped my skirt. With my hands bound at my sides, I could do nothing but ride Mr. Bridger's fingers. It felt so good and my pleasure built so fast. I was going to come any moment.
"Looks like it. I'll go do that now. Alternate wearing the trainers and leaving them off every few hours and overnight. Work up to all day long. There are other ways to stretch them, like weights, but we'll work up to that. I'll check back soon."
I didn't care about my nipples, although just the feel of them, painfully taut, had me on the brink.
With a tip of his hat, Doctor Graham grabbed his bag and walked off in the direction of the stable.
"Now, Devney," Mr. Bridger commanded.
So I obeyed. I came with my back against the hitching rail, my husband kneeling at my feet, my nipples stretched taut and exposed. I couldn't help it. I couldn't control it. It was all my husband's choice.
After I recovered from my pleasure, he undid his belt and gently massaged each of my arms, kissing me gently. We ate a simple lunch with Jake and Catherine. As I ate my meal--leaning forward with tall posture so that I wasn't pressing on the large plug--I realized it was just like my nipples. They were throbbing now, the constant tug just as much a distraction as the large plug in my ass. I couldn't help they were so flat, so Sam had to help me stretch them by using the nipple trainers.
We left the other couple behind and went to the stable; Sam had work to do. As for Jake, he and Catherine might be fucking for hours. The building was large, with a sliding door at the long end that opened into a large room. Down the center beyond that was a long aisle with stalls on either side. Windows made the space bright, and it smelled of fresh cut hay and the earthy scent of horses.
Leaning his back against a near stall was a tall man, clearly the third Bridger brother. His arms were stretched out across the top of a stall's half door, his relaxed body in the shape of a T. At his feet knelt a woman, dressed in a simple skirt and the same revealing blouse as mine, although her breasts were incredibly large. Her nipples were engorged and long; now I could see what was wrong with mine. Her face right was at the level of his body with his...oh! She had his cock in her mouth. I didn't even know such a thing was possible.
The man just gave a slight nod of his head in recognition of our presence and clearly was enjoying what was being done to him. When the woman realized she was being watched, she pulled away, her eyes wide and her cheeks heated in with a mixture of embarrassment and arousal. The man's cock was as large as Mr. Bridger's, all slick with saliva from the woman's mouth and an angry plum color, right next to her swollen lips.
"Don't stop, darlin'," the man said, his voice deep and rough.
He didn't let her say more, just took hold of the back of her head and pulled her back onto his cock. It went in, and in, and in until it completely disappeared in her mouth.
Sam steered me away from the couple, turning us back to the large room, although slurping sounds of the woman sucking the cock followed us.
"That was my brother Cole, and his wife, Tessa. You heard that Tessa likes to suck cock and that's just what she was doing. When it's time for you to learn, she'll be very helpful. Here in the stable, we breed and train the horses." Clearly he wanted to switch topics off of what we just witnessed. "Since I work in here most of the day, this is where you will be as well."
He smiled at me. I couldn't help smile back because it softened his face, and he looked pleased.
"Let's go see what Doc finished for you." He stepped back and moved around the space, looking low on the wall. "Ah, there."
I looked to where he pointed. The door to the tack room - at least it looked like it with all the leather and metal items hanging neatly from the walls - was open and low. On the doorframe was a ... oh dear! Glancing around, I figured out now what the men had been speaking of. It was a dildo that was attached to the doorframe. In fact, it actually stuck out into the doorway. Not far, but if someone wasn't careful, they could hit it with their leg.
"That's ... that's for me?" Did he plan for me to do what I imagined? Here?
"Absolutely. You're in heat, baby." We heard Tessa cry out her pleasure. "So's Tessa, and she comes when she sucks cock."
I put my hand up to my chest and bumped one of the trainers, which had me gasping. "Me? I'm in heat like that?"
"You came three times earlier."
I looked away from him because I was ashamed. He was right. I had.
"No, don't look away. Your pleasure is a beautiful thing to see, baby. And now? Do you want to come again? Are the trainers making your nipples all sensitive? Is that big plug in your ass making your pussy lonely? Are you dripping wet still? Look at the dildo, Devney. Look," he repeated when I refused.
I glanced down at it.
"You can use that anytime you wish. Think how it will feel to have your pussy filled."
I felt my cheeks heat, my skin flush at the idea.
"Oh, I can tell by looking at you that it's appealing. When you're in heat, you crave being filled. And that makes me happy."
I looked up at him, surprised. "Really?"
"Of course. It means your body knows you're mine. It's just your mind that needs to catch up." He swiped a finger gently down my cheek. "I've got to go check on a horse that's healing from a cut leg. You stay here and look around. If you want to use the dildo," he tilted his head toward it, "you may. You may come as many times as you wish, but you may not touch yourself when I'm not with you. Do you understand?"
I could only nod and stare at the dildo as he walked off, his footsteps getting quieter. I heard a stall door slide open. I was left alone in the cool stable, alone with a dildo. I knelt down on the floor to look at it closely, to run my fingers over it. It was smooth and cool to the touch, about eighteen inches off the ground. A horse blanket was folded neatly just outside the door.
I had to try it. Sam was right; my pussy was empty. With the constant pulling on my nipples and my ass full, my pussy was lonely, just as he'd said. I was certainly wet enough to have it fill me. Moving the blanket, I positioned it so I knelt upon it so I was sideways within the doorframe, my bottom facing the dildo. I grabbed my skirts and worked them up over my hips, then looked over my shoulder.
There it was. It wasn't overly large like Mr. Bridger's cock, but it was hard and would fill me up. It was at just the right height so that as I knelt, it would go straight into me. My pussy ached just thinking about it. I shimmied back, adjusting myself until I felt it press against my heated flesh, my legs straddling the doorframe. Slowly, very slowly I worked myself back onto the dildo so that it sank deep. My bottom pressed against the cool wood of the doorway.
I closed my eyes, arched my back to sink a tiny bit deeper, and moaned. Oh, it felt so good. I clenched down on it, adjusting to it. Rocking myself forward and back, I started to slowly fuck myself. I was so wet that my body emitted slippery sounds as it moved. I moved my hips and followed my pleasure, trying to reach it, but it was like a butterfly in a field, floating this way and that, just out of reach. I started to fuck myself faster, harder, trying to get the dildo in deeper, but it wasn't long enough. It didn't hit all the perfect spots that Mr. Bridger's cock seemed to find.
I needed more. I needed something to push me off that pinnacle of pleasure. I needed ... my fingers. Oh yes, I could just strum my clit and I would come so hard. Lowering myself to one forearm, I reached between my legs and touched myself, all the while riding the cock.
Yes! I was close, so--
"Devney!" Sam shouted.
My hand froze and I whipped my head around to look at Sam. "Sam! Oh, God!” I knew I was caught, but I was so close to my release I didn't care. With him were two men, Cole and another I'd never seen before.
"Mr. Bridger," he replied, his voice dark and grim. "I think it's best if you solely call me that for awhile."
I felt shame heat my cheeks.
"Stand up."
I carefully worked myself off the dildo and stood, brushing my skirt back down. I glanced down at the floor, but clenched my pussy. I felt empty now.
"This is my disobedient wife, Devney. She is not allowed to touch her clit without me present. I just told her that and clearly she's forgotten. Devney, this is my brother, Cole, and my cousin, Grant."
I glanced up through my lashes at the other men and whispered a hello.
"On the table in the tack room, you will find a coil of thin rope. Get it, please." I turned into the room, thrilled to be taking a moment out of his presence.
I returned to stand in front of him, held up the rope. He took it from me, measured off a short section, cut it from a knife he pulled from his pocket. Cut a second one of similar length. He handed the remainder of the coil to his brother.
"Hands, Devney."
I didn't know what he intended; the ropes weren't thick, nor very long. He'd vowed not to hurt me, so I trusted that the punishment he was meting would not be painful. I took a deep breath and held them out.
"You are clearly in heat and your mind can only think about coming. I'm sure the need to come was quite strong for you to disobey me. Therefore, you need help in keeping your hands off your pussy." He tied a string around each wrist, knotting it so that it was snug, but not tight. I might be able to work the rope free if I tried, but I doubted that would serve me well. Taking the end of one string, he brought it up and threaded it through one of the bars of the nipple trainer. Carefully, he tied a knot there. There was some slack in the rope; I could move my arms freely across my body, up to my face, even to reach my back or shoulder. But there was no way I could lower my hand below my waist without tugging on my already stretched nipple. He did the other, then stepped back.