Doctor's Delight (27 page)

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Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #doctor, #Contemporary, #sexual, #heat, #sensual, #virgin, #nurse, #plussized heroine, #handsome hero

BOOK: Doctor's Delight
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Cherry took a step back. “Annabelle. Hello. I didn’t hear you

“No doubt you
were thinking silly little things.” The disdain in Annabelle’s tone
was clear.

“I beg your

“Do you really
think anyone could care for someone like you?” Annabelle’s cold
gaze raked up and down Cherry. “You need to miss a few feeds,
Cherry, lose some weight. No one likes a fatty.”

Cherry’s mouth fell open.

“Don’t look so
surprised.” With a toss of her head, Annabelle continued. “You’ll
always be a fat woman trying to impress a man who is far above you.
Don’t kid yourself. Rick is just being nice to you. He’s too noble
for his own good.”

what on earth is wrong with you?” Cherry’s heart pounded a little
faster at the direct attack, but she stood her ground.

The beautiful
blonde folded her arms and looked coldly at her. “Look at you,
pretending to be all pretty in that gown when you just look like a
piece of fat rump steak shoved into a sleeve. You’re a pathetic
excuse for a human, Cherry. Fat, undisciplined with her weight,
disgusting people around you with your bloated figure.”

The words hurt.
Cherry spun on her heel to stride away from the blonde’s poisonous
words, only to stop when Annabelle snapped out, “Rick is mine.”

Heart thumping,
Cherry moistened her dry lips, wincing as every cruel word tore
into her.

“Rick’s mine,
Cherry. He’s always been mine. He’s going places and he needs a
wife who’s comfortable in the company he’s mingling with. He needs
a wife who won’t embarrass him. A fat slut is not that kind of

“But you are?”
The words hung in the air between them.

laugh was cruel. “He deserves a beautiful wife with class. Yes, I
am what he needs. Get your fat arse out of here, Cherry. Everyone’s
laughing at you, no one wants you here. They only tolerate you
because of Rick. He’ll soon see that you’re not who he wants, who
he needs. Fat bitches belong in the gutter, they’re not fit to be
seen in society.”

Teeth clenched,
Cherry closed her eyes against the sting of tears. “Why are you
saying this, Annabelle? Is it because you love him?”

“Good God, no.
Love has no place in this. He’s perfect husband material, though,
and he’s mine. So run along, fatso. Go hide in your little cave and
shove more potato chips in your mouth.”

Never one to
react well to confrontation, Cherry trembled, but she didn’t back
down because something deep inside her made her stand her ground.
Something. Her voice shook a little. “And if I don’t?”

“You keep
chasing him and I’ll destroy you,” Annabelle told her coldly. “I’ll
destroy you, I’ll make your family ashamed of you. I’ll make your
name mud. And I’ll get you deregistered as a nurse. That’s what
I’ll do.”

Anger flared
through Cherry and she turned back to face Annabelle. “You’d set me
up? Blacken my name for something I didn’t do, just because you
want the man I love?”

stared at her for several seconds before bursting out laughing.
“Love? Oh God, you pathetic fat slut! You fell in love with a man
who only goes out with you because he pities you? You’re more
stupid than I thought.” Sneering, she pushed her face close to
Cherry’s. “Obviously you ate more junk food than brain food. Go on
a diet and get a life, fatty.”

Something in
Cherry snapped. The cruel words joined the whispers that she’d
heard behind her back – and sometimes to her face – the whole time
she’d been growing up. Words she’d heard as an adult. But this time
– this time she wasn’t a crying child, an ashamed teenager, a
mortified adult. This time she was furious.

This time she
knew she was worth something.

In one fast
movement she shoved out with both hands and pushed Annabelle
backwards into the pool. There was a glimpse of Annabelle’s shocked
face right before the water closed over her head.

Madder than she
could ever remember being in her life, Cherry waited with her hands
on her hips until Annabelle surfaced.

began Annabelle angrily.

“No, you listen
up,” Cherry snapped furiously. “I’ve had it with people like you
thinking I’m not worth anything because of my weight! I’m a human,
a woman, and I’ve saved lives, and let me tell you, no one cared
about how fat I was when I was giving them CPR. No one cares how
fat I am when I take care of them. I’m a decent person, I’m kind, I
care about others, I have good friends, and I’m worth something,
Annabelle. I’m worth something, and Rick showed me that. I have
Rick, you cold-hearted bitch, and I’m keeping him!”

Grabbing on to
the edge of the pool, Annabelle snarled. “You take him and I’ll
destroy him along with you!”

That did it.
Cherry slammed her foot down on the edge of the pool between
Annabelle’s hands, making her jerk them back with a yelp of angry
surprise. Pointing one finger at her, Cherry snarled right back at
her. “You listen to me, you skinny bitch, and you listen good. You
leave Rick alone. You say one hint of anything against him and I’ll
come after you. I’ll come after you and rip your emaciated body to
pieces, and I’ll shove my fat foot so far up your skinny arse that
I’ll have to paint my toe nails by going through your belly button.
You hear me, Annabelle?”

“How dare you!”
Annabelle gasped.

“Easy.” Cherry
held out one hand and flipped her the middle finger.

stared at her. “You bitch!”

whore,” Cherry replied, well into her verbal battle stride, and she
swung around, her heart beating, pride throughout her very being,
and the exhilaration of battle singing in her veins.

And then she
saw the people gathered silently in the courtyard. There was no
doubt they’d heard every word. Dr Clarke and Mr. Shaw wore heavy
frowns of disapproval, and shock was evident on the faces of
General Surgeon Forbes and Mrs. Forbes. Mixed emotions were clear
on the faces of a few of the guests who had also come upon the
sordid scene. Tim stood at the side grinning widely, while Nancy
clutched her hands to her bosom in glee.

But Cherry had
eyes for one man only. He stood in front of the small group, his
green eyes blazing angrily, his stance strong, his fists clenched.
Rick looked from Annabelle struggling to get out of the pool, to
Cherry who was now biting her lip while her bravado fled to be
replaced with nerves and embarrassment.

Oh God, Rick
was furious! She’d embarrassed him and she’d made a fool of
herself. Clenching her fingers in the skirt of her gown and
wringing it wildly didn’t stop the shaking.

Rick’s gaze
locked with hers, and she could only watch as he walked forward,
his every step deliberate and sure, his arms by his side. As he
neared, his clenched fists opened.

“Rick.” Tears
pricking her eyes, she looked up at him. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t
mean to shame you, I didn’t—”

Reaching out,
he jerked her into his arms and kissed her. Hard. Deep. Long. And
in the background, above the pounding of her heart, she heard the
clapping. One clap, two, more than obvious by the whoops that
accompanied the clapping that Nancy and Tim thoroughly approved.
Then she heard nothing as Rick’s presence swept her away, his arms
so strong around her, cradling her close, keeping her safe.

When he lifted
his mouth from hers, she had to cling to him because her knees

“I am so proud
of you.”

She blinked.

“I couldn’t be

“I’m pressing
charges!” A furious voice shrieked from their left.

Cherry turned
her head to see Annabelle standing with a towel wrapped around her
slim body, her hair bedraggled, her dress a ruin, her make-up
running down her face. Her father, the General Surgeon, stood
beside her. He was furious, his face red, his lips pressed tight.
Mrs. Forbes was as white as a sheet.

“You assaulted
me, Cherry Williams!” Annabelle accused shrilly. “I’m pressing

“Shut up,
Annabelle,” her father growled.

“She pushed me
in the pool!”

“How about
counter charges of verbal abuse?” He snapped back at her. “We heard
everything, Annabelle. Your mother and I are so ashamed of

“But, Dad—”

“You’re not
pressing charges against an innocent woman. You’re not going to
ruin anyone’s life or career. Let’s go.”


“You’ve done
enough damage to your standing in society, girl, now shut the hell
up and get in the damn car!” Grabbing her arm, he hustled her
through the archway.

Dr Clarke
inclined her head regally at Cherry, a small smile hovering around
her usually set mouth, and then she, too, left the courtyard with
Mr. Shaw by her side. The remaining few guests trailed behind until
the only two other people standing in the courtyard apart from
Cherry and Rick, were Tim, who gave Cherry the thumbs-up, and
Nancy, who was giggling.

Cherry glanced
up at Rick. “Um…”

“Well, you know
how to make a lasting impression on people.” A dark brow quirked in

“I’m usually
really well behaved.” The adrenaline was starting to fade and she
leaned against him, tucking her head under his chin. “I

Strong arms
cradled her close and the familiar feeling of safety swept through
her. Inhaling deeply, she closed her eyes.

“So.” His voice
rumbled in her ear. “You love me and you’re going to keep me,

Cherry froze,
her eyes popping open. She had said that! He’d heard everything,
including that part!

“That’s good to
know,” he continued. “It sort of tops my announcement, though.”


“I was going to
say that I know it’s only been a short time since we met, but I’ve
fallen in love with you and want you to marry me. But I like your
way of announcing it much better.”

Stunned, Cherry
tilted her head back to gaze up at Rick. He smiled down at her, and
his eyes were so full of love that her heart practically melted on
the spot. “You love me?”

“Every yummy
bit of you, Cherry. So, will you marry me? Shall we do the whole
thing – love, marriage, and a baby carriage?”

“Oh, Rick.” She
thought her heart would burst with happiness. “You really love

“Maybe I should
be asking if you really love me.” He regarded her soberly. “Nancy
saw Annabelle coming into the courtyard, and she heard Annabelle
plan with her date to get me away. The phone call was just to
ensure you were alone so she could verbally savage you. Nancy
caught up with me in the house and told me, and I hurried back here
with Dr Clarke right on my heels. Obviously we attracted some
attention. I guess running will do that.” He didn’t smile at the
memory. “We heard Annabelle’s vicious words, and I was already
coming to your rescue, but Tim held me back. He knew she’d be up to
something, and he wanted her to hang herself with her own words,
which she did. But God, Cherry, when I saw your face, the hurt in
your eyes…” He hugged her tight, burying his face in her neck. “I
could only pray it was worth it.”

“I’m fine.” She
hugged him back. “Really.”

“I’m so damned
proud of you, love. You stood up to that jealous bitch and you
showed her that you’re worth more than a hundred of her put
together. I have never been so proud in my life.”

She laughed a
little. “I can’t promise to be brave all the time.”

“You’re the
bravest woman I know.” He kissed her neck softly, sending flickers
of flame through her. “You know what’s important, and you pick your
battles. You faced up Dr Clarke when you knew you were right.”

“I shook like a
leaf the whole time.”

“You stood up
for what’s right. You always do.” Lifting his head, Rick cupped her
cheeks in his hands and rubbed the tip of his nose against hers.
“And you’re mine, now and forever.”

“I don’t
remember agreeing to marry you.”

“Too bad.
You’re going to.”



Chewing her
bottom lip, Cherry gazed out at the night beyond the curtains. Rain
pattered lightly on the pane, and she watched the rivulets run down
the window.

“Everything all
right, love?”

She turned from
the window and smiled at the man leaning back against the pillows
in her - their - bed, a book in his lap. Rick watched her with a
mixture of curiosity and concern.

Frizz and Sugar
slept soundly at the end of the bed. Her cats had accepted him,
being won over by his spoiling of them. There was a definite
attachment between them all now. She smiled as she crossed to the
bed and crawled in beside him.

Immediately his
arm came around her. “Want to talk about anything?”



“Work’s fine.
Everything’s fine, Rick.” Picking up her own book, she kissed his
cheek and rested her head on his arm. Opening the book, she started
to read.

Or tried to,
but the niggling problem bugging her affected her

sighing,” he said.

“Am I? Sorry.”
After she’d stared at the same page for at least five minutes while
internally wrestling with her problem, Rick flipped his book shut
and did the same to hers. Startled, she looked at him.

Calmly folding
his arms, Rick arched a brow at her. “Spill.”


bothering you. Tell me.”

“It’s nothing.
It’s just…nothing.” When he continued to simply gaze steadily at
her, she turned in the bed to face him and knelt on her knees.
Grabbing the cover between her fingers, she started to wring it
nervously. She couldn’t keep the damned secret any longer. “Promise
you won’t be mad.”


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