Doctor's Delight (24 page)

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Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #doctor, #Contemporary, #sexual, #heat, #sensual, #virgin, #nurse, #plussized heroine, #handsome hero

BOOK: Doctor's Delight
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He watched her
the whole time, his gaze locked with hers, silently commanding her
to keep her gaze on him. Her breath hitched and he saw her hands
fist into the sheets each side of her as she waited with a mixture
of fear and desire.

Rick smiled,
slow and sensual, and then he dipped his head lower, lower,
watching her, inhaling as her scent drifted to him, heady and
spicy, making his mouth water. Closing his eyes, he sunk into her,
lowering his shoulders, stretching his neck, his mouth nuzzling the
curls at the apex of her thighs, his tongue sliding between the
sheltering lips to run, slow and deliberate, along the perineum of
her body.

Cherry jumped,
but his hold on her kept her hips pinned to the mattress.

His tongue
found the little clitoris sheltering high up and he probed it
delicately. Her thighs tightened, but it was a different tension,
this one not of fear but desire. Rick recognized it and revelled
carnally in it.

Her taste
flowed into him, spicy and creamy, and he wanted more, so much
more. Trailing his tongue back down to the entrance of her body, he
dipped inside a little and was rewarded by her arching beneath him.
A few more laps, a few more teasing trails of his tongue, and he
heard her moan. He tasted her, his shaft throbbing for release, and
as much as he wanted to taste her more, he wanted to also bury
himself inside her. But feasting on her had been his fantasy, and
he wasn’t about to let it go now.

With skill he
played her body, using his tongue to probe her higher, lowering one
hand to press lightly atop her mound, hooking one finger into the
curve of her sheltering lips and playing the tip backward and
forward at the tender curve. His other hand he trailed down to
finger her perineum as he tongued her clitoris, sucking the little
nub carefully while playing his finger around the hot, moist
opening of her body. Inserting his finger an inch, he thrust in and
out, moving further in each time until his whole finger was inside
her clasping sheath.

By this time
Cherry was writhing, her breathing ragged, and when she moaned his
name he heard the mounting desire in it, just as he felt the wash
of heated moistness that coated his finger. He felt the quiver of
her sheath around his finger, and he knew she was close, so very

He shifted,
coming up on his knees between her thighs to look his fill of her.
One hand clasping his burgeoning staff, he feasted his eyes on her
voluptuous curves as he’d feasted his mouth on her womanhood.

Her eyes
opened, hazy with hot passion, and he lifted his gaze to meet

beautiful, Cherry.” His words were dark with carnal heat and
promise. “And you’re all mine.” With that he came down over her,
taking her mouth as he took her body, his shaft unerringly entering
her, pushing through her shivering walls to lodge deep.

“Oh God, Rick,”
she moaned against his lips.

“That’s me,
baby.” He kissed her ruthlessly, plundering her mouth as he lifted
his hips and pulled back to surge forward once more. “Rick. Your
lover. Your only lover.”

Her arms
wrapped around his neck and she kissed him back almost

Hips pumping,
Rick set a ruthless place, thrusting hard and fast. He couldn’t get
enough of her, wanted to bury himself deep inside her and never
come out. His blood burned in his veins, his heart pounded out a
harsh tattoo. He rode her hard, forcing her higher up the pinnacle,
taking her with him, refusing to let her fall behind.

always. Together forever. It was his motto for them both, and it
was burned into his heart and very soul as he made love to her.

burned inside him, her passion-filled moans firing his own desire,
and he pumped harder, faster, the heat of eroticism flooding
through him, pouring through into his scrotum, pulling the sac
tight, and he felt rapacity as he’d never done so before, the
desire to brand this woman as his inside and out.

Without thought
his mouth found her throat, and he sucked firmly while shoving even
harder into her, branding her skin with his mouth even as his seed
branded the walls of her sheath.

She held him to
her, her hand cupping the back of his head as she arched her throat
and opened her body for him. Accepting his power, his heat, his
passion, and gladly allowing him to hurtle her along that
star-burst path with him.

His orgasm
shook him, flinging him out into a hazy burst of light and
sensation, and he felt her shudder beneath him, heard her scream
out his name, and then he was gone in a blindingly, deliciously,
shattering burst of light.

When he came
to, he was slumped over Cherry, his face buried in her scented
hair, her arms lax around him neck, her gasping breaths hot on his
neck. He snuggled in deeper, loving the way her soft curves cuddled
his harder, leaner frame.

The minutes
ticked past and he felt so deliciously tired. He felt her stir a
little beneath him, and worried that perhaps he was squashing her,
he rolled to his side, taking care not to let her go, rolling her
with him so that he could cradle her in his arms.

Without a
murmur of protest, she snuggled close.

Closing his
eyes, Rick breathed a sigh of pure contentment.


He woke with a
start. He glanced at the clock to see that he’d dozed off for about
an hour. Shifting his head, he looked down to meet slumberous blue
eyes. Cherry smiled shyly at him, and he couldn’t stop the huge
grin from breaking out. “That was good, eh, love?”


Coming up onto
one elbow, he gazed down at her, enjoying the closeness they
shared. Almost immediately she sobered, watching him closely, and
he lifted his other hand and rested it on her hip before slowly
sweeping his gaze over her, over every hill and curve, every dip
and swell. As he did so, heat kindled to life inside him again,
that desire for her building, for that voluptuous body was all his
to taste and touch and see.

Cherry was all
his, and he was never letting her go.

When he finally
lifted his gaze back to hers, she met it timidly but unflinchingly,
bravely, and he knew she waited for his reaction, her trust so
fragile. He’d have sooner cut out his own heart than crush that
trust, it meant so much to him.

beautiful.” Lowering his head, he kissed her gently. “So very
beautiful, and all mine.”

She met his
kiss with a warm mouth, and it deepened between them, changing from
gentle to passionate, and it was mere minutes before they were
swept away once again on a tide of desire.





Standing before
the mirror, Cherry was a mass of nerves.

“You look
gorgeous.” Susie peeked over Cherry’s shoulder, arranging the lacy
throw to her satisfaction.

“And stop
fidgeting.” Maxie smacked Cherry’s fingers away from where they’d
started to twist in the soft silk. “Any wrinkle in this dress that
isn’t caused by Rick’s ravishing hands, and I will be cross.” She
flicked her hand down the front of the gown. “You have been

Susie stepped
back. “So, what do you think?”

Cherry thought
she’d never looked prettier. Susie had pinned her hair up in some
intricate knot that left soft curls trailing down her cheeks, and a
few neatly arranged thick curls down her back. The dress fit like a
dream – no, she hadn’t put on fifty pounds since she’d bought it,
as she’d convinced herself. The medium-heeled black pumps with the
lacy effect were gorgeous. Her little clutch was chic. Maxie had
done a light make-up on her, bringing out the blue of her eyes, the
pink of her cheeks, and the shine of her lips. Little gold drops
hung from her ears.

She’d never
looked prettier.

“Well?” Maxie
raised her brows.

“I am scared

“I can’t
believe you’re spewing out those foul words from between fifty
dollar lip-sticked lips.”

“I’m shaking so
much I think I need to sit down.”

“I don’t
friggin’ think so. No creasing the dress.” Maxie angled her head.
“I do believe that’s the doorbell. Prince Hottie has arrived.”

“I don’t have a
doorbell.” Turning around, Cherry bit her lip anxiously while
eyeing her friend. “Susie, I don’t think I can do this.”

“Too late. You
got the dress, the fifty dollar lipstick from Max, and a hot doctor
who wants to shag you senseless. Way too late to back out now.”
Stepping aside, Susie grinned and gestured. “Out you go.”

“I’m so scared,
what if I stuff this up and—” Cherry gasped as Susie placed a hand
at her back and shoved her out the bedroom door. She cannoned into
a hard chest, felt familiar warm hands grab her upper arms, and
looked up into green eyes. “Sorry, Rick. My bloody friends aren’t
very subtle and…” He was eyeing her so closely that she trailed to
a halt. “Oh no, I’m not dressed right, am I?”

Rick’s answer
was to simply crowd her back into the bedroom and shut the door in
her surprised friend’s faces.

“I’ll change,”
she babbled. “I’ll get this off and—”

“Oh, you’ll get
it off, all right,” he breathed, his eyes flaring hot. “But I’ll be
doing the taking off, and damned if this dinner isn’t going to kill


“Ever hear of
binding ones breasts so no one knows you have it?” Lowering his
head, he breathed hotly into her ear, “I’m going to have to bind my
cock so no one knows I have a hard-on to rival a flag pole.”

As his words
registered, she started to laugh, only to have his mouth crushing
down upon hers cut off her merriment.

His kiss was
ravishing, hard, his lips slanting over hers and his tongue
sweeping deep, taking from her and giving no quarter. A big palm
clapped upon one of her buttocks to squeeze her and then jerk her
up close, his hard thigh sliding between her two until he was
pressed against her heat.

The unexpected
passion he greeted her with made her legs turn to jelly, and Cherry
leaned into him, glorying in his strength, his obvious desire for
her. And truth be told, when he turned a little he-man, it made her
heart pound a little faster.

Coming up for
air, Rick leaned his forehead against hers and sucked in a deep
breath. “How about we blow this party and go to bed instead?”

“Hey!” A loud
thumping sounded on the door. “Hey! Rick! Leave her alone! I swear,
you destroy our efforts and I’ll kick your arse!”

“I’m a doctor,”
he retorted, even as his eyes started twinkling. “You’re the nurse.
You don’t tell me what to do.”

“Oh yeah?”
Susie yelled. “Well let me clue you into something, Doctor. I’m the
nurse, and I can make your life very difficult, very difficult
indeed. If you ever want to see the roster to check out Cherry’s
work allocation so you can have your private and dirty rendezvous
with her, you better do as I tell you!”


Rolling his
eyes, Rick kept one arm around her waist while turning and swinging
the door open to reveal Susie and Maxie standing on the other side
with their arms folded and frowns on their faces. “And to think all
this time we doctors thought we ran things.”

“You doctors
wouldn’t know what the hell to do with hospitalized patients
without we nurses running things, “ Susie retorted. “Oh my God,
look what you did to Cherry’s lipstick.”

“What the
hell?” Maxie grabbed the tube from her pocket and proceeded to
reapply it to Cherry’s lips. “Did you lick it off or something,

“Or something.”
He smiled wolfishly.

Stepping back,
Maxie ran her eyes critically over the both of them and nodded.
“You’ll both do.”

Cherry thought
that Rick would more than do. Dressed in a black suit with a white
shirt and bow tie, he oozed sophistication. The epitome of the
dark, handsome, successful doctor. One look at the width of his
shoulders in the jacket, those strong hands, those long fingers…oh
yes, those long, skilful fingers—

Cherry.” With a groan, Rick swung her around and proceeded to
propel her down the hallway while still keeping her tucked into his
side. “You keep looking at me like that and I’ll skip the dinner
and go straight to dessert. And you’re the dessert.”

“Am I going to
have to be your chaperone?” Susie asked sternly.

“No, Ma’am,”
Rick replied, gently swinging Cherry ahead of him through the front
door. “I’m sure I don’t need you to show me how to undress and eat
dessert.” He guffawed at her snort.

Cheeks blazing,
Cherry sent her friends a wave over her shoulder before they walked
to his car. Ever the gentleman, he opened the door for her, and she
got in and leaned back against the backrest, searching for the
seatbelt. Leaning over her, his smile a wicked glint of white teeth
in the darkness, Rick brushed her hands away and pulled the
seatbelt slowly between her breasts and across her lower abdomen,
brushing the apex of her thighs as he went, clipping the clasp
securely before slowly drawing back, the back of his hand brushing
across her breasts.

Cherry blushed
even as her heart picked up pace, and without thought she caught
his wrist and leaned up, meeting his grinning mouth and daring
expression with a deep kiss of her own.

“I know you’re
up to something, Rick Reed!” Susie yelled. “Keep your hands to

Kissing Rick
was like licking hot honey, sweet and decadent yet somehow
masculine. At Susie’s words, Cherry drew back and looked into his

Eyes twinkling,
but a hot flash deep within, he murmured, “I’m going to have to
have a chat to Robbo about Susie’s interference.”

“She’s just

“I know.” His
gaze grew tender for a few seconds. “But that’s my job now.” A
quick kiss and he straightened and shut the door.

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