Read Doctor's Delight Online

Authors: Angela Verdenius

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #doctor, #Contemporary, #sexual, #heat, #sensual, #virgin, #nurse, #plussized heroine, #handsome hero

Doctor's Delight

BOOK: Doctor's Delight
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Doctor’s Delight

By Angela Verdenius



Copyright: Angela
Verdenius 2011

Smashwords Edition


Cover images courtesy
of Andi Berger, Elena Rostunova & Dreamstime. com

Cover by Joleene



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Chapter 1


“Good morning,
this is Justin’s Escort Agency. I’m Helen, how may I help you?”

Cherry froze at
the female voice. Oh God, this was it! This was the Escort Agency!
She swallowed hard. “Is this – is this the male escort agency?”

“Yes it is. How
may I help you?”

Cherry bit her
lip and fisted one hand in the soft material of her skirt.
Can I
do this? Can I really hire a man to de-virgin me?

Frizz, her
tabby male cat, stared at her out of big, golden eyes. Cherry
almost felt like she was too dirty for him to look at, so she
turned her back on him while winding the cord around her finger.
Great, now she was facing the inquisitive little face of Sugar, her
tabby female cat.

“Hello? Are you
there?” Helen’s voice resonated with warmth. Maybe she was used to
nervous virgins ringing up for men.

“Ah yes.”
Cherry cleared her throat. “I’m here.”

“Are you
looking for an escort, ma’am?”

The million
dollar question. Was she looking for a male prostitute? The million
dollar answer – apparently. “I – yes.” Taking a deep breath, Cherry
tried to calm her galloping heart. “What do you have on offer?” And
Did I really ask that? Oh my sweet Aunt.

There was humor
in Helen’s voice. “It depends on what you’re looking for in an

Cherry somehow
didn’t think answering “a penis,” would be the correct thing to
say. “Ummm…first off, what do you charge?”

rates for different services, Ms...?”

“Jones.” Cherry
immediately wanted to kick herself. Jones? How fake was ‘Jones’?
How many desperate women have passed themselves off as ‘Jones’,
and look, I’ve just joined the queue!

Helen didn’t
miss a beat. “Well, Ms Jones, what kind of service are you after?
Escort for a dinner? Escort for a few hours of pleasure? Escort for
the night? Dinner and the night? A party?”

“There’re that
many choices?”

Escort Agency caters to every need.”




Helen tried
again. Give the woman top marks for patience. “Ms Jones, perhaps we
could start with how long do you want the escort for?”

How long would
it take to deflower a nervous, plus-sized virgin? “Ah…”

“Do you want
gentle handling, something a little rougher?”


There was
silence for several seconds, and when Helen spoke again, her tone
was kinder. “Ms Jones, forgive me for being personal, but is this
your first time?”

“Yes.” On both
accounts. First time to hire a male prostitute and first time for
sex. The first was new, the second was pathetic, and Helen
certainly didn’t need to know about that second detail.

“No problems.”
Helen was so friendly now that Cherry almost expected her to
magically hand her a cup of tea through the phone and sit her down
for a chat. “First things first. Our men are all health checked
regularly. All use protection and bring their own condoms to the

Cherry had a
vision of a bunch of hunks sitting around the boardroom table with
their packets of condoms (ribbed for your pleasure) on the table
before them. Then she realized the meeting meant the meeting
between escort and client. Client, that didn’t sound bad. That
sounded better than desperate and lonely. “Uh huh,” she said.

“You can hire
the escort for the evening, the night, or by the hour.”

“They’re that

There was total
silence on the other end before Helen said a little more slowly,
“It depends what you’re after.”

“Sex.” Cherry
turned even redder under Sugar’s wide eyes. “Just…sex.”

“Are you into
fast sex, Ms Jones? Because we have some excellent escorts here who
can bring you to orgasm in no time.”

“Ah…fast sex.”
Cherry thought hard. How fast did one need to be at sex? Was half
an hour long enough? An hour? Ten minutes? Cripes, what if she was
frigid? That could take hours.

“Ms Jones?”
Helen probed delicately.

“Ah…no fast
sex. But no slow sex, either.” I think. “Normal sex.”

“Normal sex,”
Helen repeated. “No specific time limit then?”


“Everyone is
different, Ms Jones.” Helen laughed lightly. “You are such a

“Oh yeah,
kidder, that’s me.” Cherry ran one hand over her damp forehead and
desperately dragged up her mental plan. “What’s the general rate
and time for a meeting in a hotel room?”

Helen turned
very professional. “Two hundred dollars an hour, you can decide how
long you want your escort. That way you can figure out your

“Two hours,”
Cherry blurted. “Two hours should be plenty.”

Helen pounced
on the figure. “Excellent! Now, you can pay by credit card—”

“Cash. I want
to pay the escort cash as soon as he arrives.”

“Fine. We do
have some independent operators who work side-line for us, and
they’ll accept cash on arrival. Now, Ms Jones.” There was a
definite smile back in Helen’s voice. “Do you have a preference for
your escort?”

Cherry knew
exactly what she wanted, she’d thought of this ever since she’d
listened to her crazy friends. In fact, she had the ideal man from
her day dreams. If anyone was going to deflower her and hold her in
his arms, it was going to be her dream man. Especially if she was
going to be paying four hundred dollars for two hours with him.

“Tall, strong.
Muscular but not overblown, you know?”

“You don’t want
Conan the Barbarian.”

“Exactly. Dark
hair.” Cherry started to feel her courage disappear as she reeled
off what seemed like a shopping list, or a description for a
pedigree dog. “Uh…good looking would be nice.” Nice? She wanted
good looking. She wanted knock-me-down and stroke-me-out handsome.
But she couldn’t quite get up the nerve to say so.

“No problems,”
said Helen the Efficient. “Anything else?”

Oh yes, there
was. Something really important. “He has to like plus-sized

“Trust me, Ms
Jones, our escorts are there to please you. Size means nothing to

“I just…”
Cherry bit her lip, mortified.

“Your escort
will like you, Ms Jones, trust me. They are used to being with
clients of every age and size. Their business is your pleasure, so
don’t worry about it, okay?”

Easy for Helen
to say. Cherry had no doubt Miss Twiggy was sitting behind the
phone racking up the men like cue balls.

“Now, do you
have a date in mind?”

The frown eased
from Cherry’s face. “This Saturday.”

“Let me just
check the schedule.” There came the sound of keys clicking. “Damien
is free Saturday.”

Damien? Damien
sounded like a hunky man’s name. Cherry chewed her bottom lip. Now
she had a name, it seemed a little more real.

“Time and place
of meeting?’ Helen queried.

“Indigo Hotel.”
Oh the other side of the city. “Eleven pm.” As late as possible, so
it was less likely anyone would see him – Damien – arrive and

“Contact phone

Luckily, she’d
planned ahead. She didn’t want any way for this to backfire. She
gave the number of the pre-paid mobile phone.

“Right,” said
Helen. “Saturday twelfth, eleven pm, at the Indigo Hotel.”


“Damien will be
there. You will have a good time, Ms Jones. Is there anything else
I can do for you?”

“No. That’s

“Have a lovely
evening and thank you for contacting us. Any problems, feel free to
call back.”

Cherry put the
phone down and stared at it. That was that. She’d just hired a male
escort for two hours on Saturday. Perched on the edge of the chair,
she nibbled her bottom lip. Her heart thundered a little in her
ears and she felt hot. Not good hot, but jittery nerves hot.

She looked at
Sugar. “I can always cancel, right?”

Sugar blinked
and went back to grooming.

Cherry looked
back at the phone. She couldn’t believe she’d actually done it. She
couldn’t believe she’d actually listened to her crazy friends.


Three Days Before


“Which imbecile
nurse did this?” A familiar roar rent the air.

“Bugger me
dead.” Cherry looked around the corner of the treatment room. “It’s
Ducks Arse.”

“Who?” Maxie
looked up from where she was drawing up the intravenous

“Dr Drake.
Harry. Ducks Arse.”

“Ah.” Maxie
squinted at the syringe as she held it up. “What’s his

“I don’t know.
He’s waving the obs chart around.”

“Maybe you
should go and see—”

“And maybe I
should go and play in the traffic.”

“I’m the senior
RN.” Maxie carefully pressed the plunger of the syringe until the
air was out of the barrel. “That means you’re under me.”

“And you’re
above me. Which means you’re in charge.” Cherry smiled. “Dr Ducks
Arse is waiting for you.”


Cherry smiled


Cherry glanced
back out the door. “Never mind. Susie’s copped it.”

“You are such a

“No, I’m a

Maxie shook her
head and grinned suddenly. “I’ll tell Susie that you could have
saved her.”

“Hey, she’d
have done the same.”

Trailing behind
Maxie as she left the treatment room and headed for the corridor
leading to the patients’ rooms, Cherry gave Susie a little wave
behind the ranting doctor’s back. Susie’s gaze promised

After giving
the patient his antibiotics via the IV cannula in his hand, Cherry
and Maxie disposed of the syringe and needle into the sharps
container before heading to the staff dining room. It was deserted
apart from themselves. They hadn’t been there long when Susie came
through the door.

“You cows,” she
stated bluntly. “You could have—”

“But didn’t,”
Cherry finished, unwrapping the glad wrap from her sandwich. “Man,
I hate this rabbit food.”

It was with a
smirk that Susie placed the plate of mushroom and chicken pasta in
the microwave and heated it up. Cherry sighed as the aroma filled
the air.

“Revenge is
sweet.” Susie set the plate right opposite Cherry and sat down.

“That’s low and
mean and everything else in that area,” Cherry muttered. Why oh why
couldn’t she be slim and able to eat whatever she wanted? Glancing
down at her gently rounded tummy and plump thighs under the nurse’s
uniform top and pants, she sighed.

“Uh-oh,” Maxie
said. “She has that look again.”

Forking up some
pasta, Susie shrugged. “Hey, no sympathy here. She left me to Ducks

“I never told
you to come at his yelling,” Cherry pointed out.

“Yeah, well at
least I have the knowledge that I’m in for a mad sex session with
Robbo this arvo to restore my good nature.”

Sighing again,
Cherry picked the bean sprouts out of the sandwich. “Hell.”

Susie glanced
up. “Cherry…”


“Of course we
worry,” Maxie said bluntly. “Ever since we found out you’re a
virgin, we’ve been worried.”

“Dying a
virgin.” Susie shuddered.

“Well, it’s not
like I’m going to get de-virginated anytime in this life.” Goddamn

“Is there such
a word as de-virginated?” Maxie wondered.

“Forget that.”
Susie waved her fork in Cherry’s direction. “You need to go out
more. Meet more blokes.”

“I spent the
whole of last year being dragged around to pubs and clubs and who
the hell knew where else.” Cherry tossed the sandwich on the plate
with a sigh. “You, of course, got every good-looking man in

“Why ‘of

“Because you’re
a lust magnet,” Maxie replied bluntly.

“And you can’t
talk.” Picking up the mug of hot coffee, Cherry waved it around
until it was in danger of slopping over. “You had more offers than
a wage increase at a politicians gathering.”

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