Discovery of Desire (23 page)

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Authors: Susanne Lord

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Those perfect lips parted, glistened, and a spasm of answering pleasure rippled in his loins.

“Seth,” she breathed. Smiling dreamily, she dropped her legs from around his waist, driving her deeper onto him.

God…so sweet.
“Kiss me,” he groaned.

She claimed his mouth, sucking his tongue deep, and he couldn't move. She'd never done that before…

Only when she softened her kiss did he feel the desperate need to thrust in her, to bring her to pleasure. He pumped steadily, wanting this to be good for her. Even in this bleak, little room, even without any future for them, he would make this moment one she could be right with, one she wouldn't be ashamed of.

A moment she wouldn't regret. A moment she'd know was one of love.

“Minnie,” he whispered. “I love you, Minnie.”

And that was enough. She cried out with her completion and he clenched against following her, removing himself from her just in time.

Mina was pinned between his big body and the wall while he brought his breathing under control. He'd let her go in a moment. Just not yet…not yet.

Her smile grazed his cheek. “Thank you, Seth.”

Something sharp lanced his heart, and he held still, waiting for his heartbeat to slow. But it wasn't slowing.

She rested her head on his shoulder. “I'd forgotten how good you feel.”

“I hadn't forgotten, pretty. I'm thinking I never will.”

He let her down on her feet. The room changed, darkened, chilled. He'd never be here again.

He took a step back, giving her space, denying himself her touch. Her skirts rustled into place, and her blouse and hair were neat and orderly, like his little officer would require. Only the deep flush of her cheeks and the swelling of her lips lingered.

And he was so…
for that small proof of their loving that he couldn't find any words to tell her what she would always mean to him, how much he wanted her and how he would miss her.

And what had to happen despite it all.

Trying not to feel anything more, he righted his clothes. In the silence, Mina searched his face. “Seth?” She took a step closer and he had to brace himself into standing still. She smoothed his hair off his brow and he stiffened a little. Seemed his hair wasn't too short for her to do that.

Such a little hand…and she didn't know how much her touch hurt him.

“I can't… I wish I could arrange words like Shakespeare knew how, Minnie. So I could tell you how beautiful you are. How there's nothing in the world I'd count as lovelier, and I've seen skies like opals and orchids only God could color. And it's not just your beauty. It's the wonder. I feel wonder when I'm with you. Like I wasn't really living until I saw you.” He huffed an embarrassed laugh. “But I'm the last man to know how to put pretty words together. I'm sorry about that.”

He was hot under his skin, frustrated, but Mina was looking at him with a look he'd never seen before. And it made him hold very still.

The bottom lip of her smile shook a little, and her eyes were shiny. “Remember how you told Georgiana that if you draw true, pretty works itself out?”

He nodded.

“I think…when you speak true, pretty works itself out, too.”

Seth took a shaky breath. It
wonder he felt. She was a lady in everything she said and did, to never rob him of his pride. But what did she really see when she looked at him? She said she loved him, but she was smart enough to say no when he'd asked her to marry him. He'd just hoped this time…

, and there hadn't been a good enough plan behind his hope.

He'd thought there was this time,
there was. And that's how he knew with a certainty there wasn't a curse at all, and there never had been. He just didn't have enough sense to plan for important things, like a wife and family and a home with a roof that wouldn't cave in, and money in reserve to manage all the acres of land he owned.

But none of that mattered. Not now. Tom had his own plan, and tomorrow he'd see it done. And the best thing he could do for Mina would be to step aside.

“Seth? Do you have to leave?” she asked.

Confused, he looked at her. “Leave?”

Her eyes scanned his face. “You looked far away for a moment. I thought… You don't have to leave?”

He shook his head quickly.

She released a breath and smiled at him. “I'm glad.”

Just one day with her. “There's someone I need to see today, Minnie. You remember Will Repton's the man who provided the funds to sail? The one to put out the call for Aimee that sent my sister into Tibet?”

“You didn't see him first?”

“Needed to see you first, pretty. Besides,” he said, “Georgie already brought Aimee to see him. He's not waiting in any suspense.”

“Oh.” She smiled. “That will be a happy visit.”

“Should be.” He caught her hand where it rested on his shoulder and held it on his chest, wanting to keep her close. “He sent his carriage for me this morning to deliver me to Richmond. The coachman's waiting a few blocks away, seeing as how you live—well,
.” To soften his words, he squeezed her hands. “Will you come with me?”

“Are you certain you want me there?”

His heart cracked. “I'd want you anywhere, pretty.”

She smiled and snuggled closer, the sensation so sweet he nearly staggered.

Just one day.

Tomorrow he'd let her go.


Richmond was only twelve miles from the city, but the city traffic made the journey a long one. Still, as slow as they traveled in Mr. Repton's luxurious carriage, Seth spoke little. But really, that was all right. It was almost too much to look at him, let alone have him speak. The sight of him seemed a dream.

He was in England and safe, and he'd found Georgiana.

And in her little bedroom, with Seth, that seemed a dream, too. Mina shifted to feel the slight tenderness between her legs again, wanting the sensation to never leave. But he
leave. His cottage was up north. What reason did he have to stay? And she couldn't ask him to.

Hot tears threatened to overspill her eyes, and she blinked them away in a panic. Today, she would be happy. Her heart had returned, and Seth was safe, and they were on their way to a happy reunion with his friend.

Seth held her hand upon his lap, his thumb rubbing the back of it absently as they rode. He sat beside her rather than across, and whether he knew that it was unmannerly or not, she didn't care.

She squeezed his hand to gain his attention. So oddly quiet, and he seemed to be tensing the nearer they drew to Mr. Repton's house. The carriage moved faster now that they'd left London.

“I've not been out of the city since my return,” she said. “Richmond seems a very fine area.”

“A very fine area.” His eyes left the view of the gated lawns and tall, shady trees beyond the window. “But Repton married a countess's sister, so his situation's an easy one, I'm thinking.”

A countess?
Her boots were scuffed and her gloves cotton. “I didn't realize. I'm not dressed—”

He lifted her hand and kissed the pads of her fingers. Those wonderful eyes crinkled at her and quelled her panic. “Her name's Charlotte. A fine lady, like you. You'll get on well, I'm thinking.”

Seth was often right about people, so her nervousness eased a bit. Still, she checked the pins in her hair. “My dress is so plain. I hope I'll not embarrass you.”

His slow inspection scorched her from tip to toe. “That wouldn't ever be possible, pretty.”

Her brain stalled under his admiring gaze. “You are still a terrible flirt,” she whispered.

“Never flirted with you, Minnie.” He leaned close and nuzzled her neck. “I'm not flirting now, either, when I tell you I can smell myself on you.”

Her heart leaped into her throat.
Dear God.

“I love your blush, Minnie,” he murmured, lifting his head. “I want to be the only man to make you—” Something flickered across his face, and he sat up straight.

They were different here. In England. The joy of their reunion had been so short-lived. Georgiana was alive. He was home; he was safe. And yet, the news from his business partners seemed to have crushed something within him. There was so little bluster about him now. Fewer smiles. He hadn't winked at her once.

He even looked different. The brilliant green of the trees beyond the window framed his profile. He was such a beautiful man. His hair was so short now that the proud lines of his nose and brow and jaw were all the more pronounced.

But there was one thing that hadn't changed. He still wasn't safe.

Love didn't matter. At least, not enough.

She brushed aside that unhappy truth. Today was a happy day. Besides, she'd promised not to raise the topic of his money until tomorrow. Seth had been so disappointed. She hadn't truly understood how much he had counted upon his botanical discoveries to fund his future. But even without that money, surely he could find a way to survive? He would have the money he gave her—and he
take it. She just had to find the means to return it.

With the hundred he'd earned, and the two she'd return, he could start a small flock, plant a garden, sell his vegetables. Three hundred pounds was a great deal of money. It would be enough for him and even…even the right sort of wife.

She would just ignore the lancing pain that idea wrought. Because three hundred pounds would not be enough for a wife with six sisters and a nephew prone to illness. They might be fine for a year, maybe two. But beyond that, she would be a terrible burden, and together, they would feel the uncertainty of their future all the more acutely.

All too soon, the carriage was slowing and turning onto a gravel drive. The house was all brilliant-white stone and grand elegance, set back from its sprawling lawn and fountain. But cheery flowers bloomed in window boxes, and a glass hothouse like a fairy-tale castle sparkled in the back garden. “What a beautiful house.”

Seth sat very still, looking out the window. “It is. A fine house.”

The door opened, but he didn't step out immediately. He cleared his throat and tugged his coat into place. “Well. I suppose we're here.”

She squeezed his hand, and he turned to her in question. “He's going to be so happy to see you.”

His eyes cleared and, at last, he smiled. With a quick buss of her cheek, he jumped out of the carriage. She reached for his hand, but Seth caught her at the waist and lifted her gently out. He likely had never handed a woman out before.

The front door flew open and a man leaped down the stairs, smiling hugely. “
By God, you know how to surprise a man.”

Will Repton's hug nearly toppled Seth.

“Now there's a welcome.” Seth chuckled and pushed him back to look at him at arm's length. “What surprise? You sent a carriage to fetch me.”

“I mean Georgiana and Aimee showing up at my door. You might've sent me a letter.”

Seth's grin fell. “Ah, hell—we
send one, Will. I'm sorry. We wouldn't have surprised you like that—”

Mr. Repton waved off his apology. “It was the best surprise of my life. The most wonderful surprise.” He wiped his eyes and turned to her, smiling. “Pardon me, miss. I'm Will.”

Mr. Repton was an inordinately handsome man, but she smiled easily back. Seth must have inured her to masculine beauty.

Seth offered his arm and she stepped forward. “Will, this is Miss Adams. She helped me in Bombay.”

Evidently that was explanation enough. Mr. Repton grabbed her hand before Seth could finish the introduction. “Good to meet you, Miss Adams.”

“I'm pleased to meet you, too. And so very glad Georgiana and Aimee have returned safely.”

“Thank God for that.” Mr. Repton's eyes shone again, brilliant with tears. But they were tears of joy. He pinched them away and composed himself.

Seth patted him on the back and sent Mr. Repton stumbling forward a step. “Now, how's that wife of yours?”

Mr. Repton smiled hugely. “Come in and meet—there they are.”

Framed in the door stood the most beautiful woman Mina had ever seen. She had gleaming, black curls and big, blue eyes as pure as violets. But extraordinary as she was, her smile was warm and she was bouncing on her toes to greet them—even with an infant in her arms.

“Oh, Seth!” she cried as she came down the steps. “How I've longed to see you. And, Miss Adams, is it? Welcome. You cannot know the joy you've brought to our house. With all the excitement, Will has not let me rest at all—”

.” Mr. Repton's face flushed. “We've been awake talking.”

Seth smiled warmly as Mrs. Repton reached them. “Look at you, Charlotte. And with your little lamb, there.”

“This is our son, John.” She blinked rapidly against tears. “He will be two months next week. How will I ever thank you for sailing to India in Will's place? I could not have endured parting with him.”

“I know it,” Seth said. “I was happy to do so for you both, Charlotte.”

Mrs. Repton aimed her brilliant smile at Mina, and she couldn't help but smile back. “I had the most precarious time with John while enceinte. I am sure I would not have been blessed with him if Will had sailed.”

“Oh.” The woman's honest confession caught her by surprise. “I'm so glad you are both well. He is a beautiful baby.”

“Yes, beautiful and perfect and as silent as his father, which is a lovely quality in a baby. Perhaps our next will take after me and squall for attention on the hour,” Mrs. Repton said.

Mina laughed. “For your sake, I hope not.”

Will slung an arm around his wife and baby, and steered them to the door, but Charlotte kept chattering. “Yes, do come in. I have the loveliest tea waiting—and coffee for you, Seth. I have not forgotten.”

The butler bowed with a smile, and a maid wheeled in a teacart with an openly curious expression. As fine as the house was, this was a cheerful home.

Mrs. Repton handed the baby to her husband and poured them their tea and coffee.

“This is your lad, then, eh?” Seth intercepted the boy and turned him about to examine him.

Seth wasn't shy with babies, either. The sight started a horrible yearning in her.

“Shame he takes after you, Will, and not your wife.” Seth handed the baby back to his father. “But I'm thinking he's a handsome lad nonetheless.”

Will beamed, cradling the baby in his arms. “Thank you. By God, Seth, tell me everything that happened.”

And for the next half hour, Seth did. Mr. Repton could barely sit still in his excited curiosity. But Seth sat oddly still in his chair, his hands clasped as he told the story.

What more was preoccupying him? This should have been such a happy day for him.

“Will?” Seth rose to his feet. “Would you mind if we spoke away from the ladies?”

Mr. Repton gave his son to his wife, and Mrs. Repton lured her attention back to the tea as the men left the parlor. But Mina couldn't stop herself from stealing a glance into the hall to see Seth again. As if he could sense her worry, Seth looked at her.

But there was no answering wink or smile. Seth merely dropped his gaze and followed Will Repton down the hall.

* * *

“I've got an accounting of every quid of that two thousand, Will.”

“I don't care about any of that.” Will gestured him into one of the chairs by the fire.

Seth sat and studied the room. A library. The books all matched, covered with forest-green leather and gold writing. Might even have Shakespeare among them, as many books as there were. A fine home for a man with a family.

And none of that was his business.

Seth pulled out his letter case with the receipts of his spending.

“I still can't believe Aimee's alive and here,” Will said. “She's going to have the most amazing future.”

“I'm glad to hear that, Will. But I'm needing to talk about the remaining funds.”

Will leaned forward and gripped his arm, his eyes bright. “All that remains is yours. For you and Georgiana.”

“No, there was a couple hundred that was left.”

Will's eyes searched his, a bemused smile on his face. “You have no idea, do you? What you've given me? What finding Aimee
has meant to me?”

“But the money—”

“Means nothing.” His voice broke. “Christ, it means nothing at all. You allowed me to stay with Charlotte when she needed me. I was here for the birth of my son. It was the greatest gift any man's ever given me, so I'll be damned if I'll hear another word from you about that money,

Will's intense stare pinned him to his seat and all Seth could manage was a nod.
Was that it? Had he just been freed from years of debt?

Will swiped a stray tear from his cheek and cleared his throat roughly. “Tell me what's next for you. Who is this Miss Adams? She's a beauty.”

And just like that, his grief was back. “She is.”

Will raised a brow. “And?”

The question clamped his heart like a vise. “And nothing. I'm in no position to wed.”

“It's none of my business, but you have that land up in Derbyshire. I assumed you planned to marry and raise a family.”

Seth shrugged, and miserable as he was, the move was jerky. “Can't afford to. I learned yesterday most of the seeds I collected weren't viable. I had more than a few, even shipped some meant to germinate on the sail in Wardian cases.”

Will's gaze narrowed and his head tilted as if he'd misheard. “But…wait, I don't understand.” He stood and moved to his bookcase, searching for something. “There's to be an auction at Chiswick next month. By the Penderton and Monroe nursery. I have the catalog here. I assumed most were yours. I plan to bid on a couple orchids myself, but my father warns me I'll lose to Cavendish. The duke is mad for his flowers.”

“Those aren't mine. I didn't have enough viable plants to auction, and the orchids had already been named. The Skinners, my cultivators, tell me the survivors sold for a hundred quid.”

But Will was intent on finding that catalog. “Charlotte?” He called into the hall. “Would you come here?” He sank to his haunches to check a low shelf. “The auction is to be held on the opening day of the Horticultural Society's Spring Show.”

Mrs. Repton floated into the library with John in her arms, and Mina followed.

Seth tensed, rising from his seat as the ladies entered, and tried again. “Those prizes aren't mine, Will.”

But Will wasn't listening, talking to his wife. “I had a catalog for the Chiswick exhibition and the auction next month.”

Mina looked at Seth with a question in her eyes.

Damn awkward to explain his failure in front of Mina all over again.

Charlotte rocked her baby in her arms. “Yes, I filed that for you, in the decoupage box.”

Will stared at the bookcase. “The

“The box decorated with the flowers,” Charlotte said.

The bookcase held about a dozen flower-covered boxes. Will stared at the collection, his arms hanging at his side.

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