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Authors: Cindy Roland Anderson

Discovering Sophie (21 page)

BOOK: Discovering Sophie
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Letting out a deep sigh, he glanced up, spotting an open area where they could make camp. He turned to see how far back Sophie was from him when the toe of his boot caught on a vine, making him stumble. Unable to regain his balance, he fell forward, feeling the sharp blade of the machete slice into his shin.

Jack yelled out, biting back a curse word as the searing pain shot up his leg. He looked down to see his pant leg soaked in bright red blood.
Oh, man. This can’t be good.

Sophie rushed to his side. “Jack, what hap—” She stopped when she saw the blood. “Oh, Jack. Hang on, I need to put some pressure to stop the bleeding.” She rummaged through her daypack, trying to find what she needed.

Hector knelt down next to Jack. “
, what have you done?”

“How bad is it?” Jack questioned through gritted teeth.

“I’m not sure,” Sophie answered while tearing away his pant leg. “I need to get the bleeding stopped.”

The burning pain made him dizzy. Still, he rose up on his elbows to survey the damage. Sophie ripped open a pink plastic package, pulling out a thick white pad. Jack choked on a laugh when he realized what it was. “Are you using a woman’s sanitary pad on me?”

“Yes. They’re always clean, absorbent and large enough that I probably won’t have to add more to stop the bleeding.” She looked up and said softly, “Now lie back down and rest. I need to apply pressure for about five minutes. Once the bleeding has stopped, then I can assess the damage.”

Jack moaned, feeling the forest floor press into his back as he lay back down. Something crawled across his arm and he twisted his head to make sure it wasn’t anything deadly. A small yellow butterfly took flight as he moved his arm slightly.

The pain had localized to the area where the sharp blade of his machete had probably left considerable damage. How was he going to manage not fainting if Sophie had to sew him up?

After some time had passed, he felt Sophie lift the pad. He watched her lean over to inspect the wound. Grimacing, she replaced the pad. “What’s wrong?” he asked, feeling a little alarmed.

Her features relaxed into a forced smile. “We just need to keep the pressure on for a little while longer.” She looked at him with concern. “How’s your pain?”

Jack closed his eyes and grunted, “It hurts.”

“Just keep taking deep breaths,” she soothed, pressing firmly on the wound. “The bleeding has slowed down, but not enough so that I can treat you.”

What did she mean by that?
Jack swallowed hard, hating how much he detested needles. His worst fears were confirmed when Sophie said, “Hector, can you come over here and apply pressure while I get what I need to stitch it up?”

Jack sat up abruptly. “Does it really need stitches?”

Sophie switched places with Hector, grabbing her medical bag. “I’m afraid so. Don’t worry, I’ll numb the area first and give you something for pain. All you should feel is a little pressure.”

Don’t worry?
Shoot, he was just about to hand over his man card to the woman he was falling in love with. “How exactly are you going to numb it?”

“I’ll inject a small amount of two percent lidocaine,” she answered, seemingly unaware of the panic racing through his veins.

. Just thinking about what that meant made him feel as if all the blood had drained from his face. Sophie looked alarmed as she moved near his shoulder. “Jack, you’re as white as a sheet. Please lie back down.” She placed her cool hand to his forehead, smoothing her fingers through his hair. “Do you feel nauseated?”

“No, just a little dizzy.” If he was lucky, maybe he’d die and save face.

* * *

Sophie brushed her fingers along Jack’s forehead again, concerned with how pale he looked. She wanted to press a kiss to his furrowed brow, hating the pain he must be in. “Are you allergic to any meds?” she questioned, grabbing her medical bag and removing various vials of medication.

Jack opened his eyes and shook his head. “Not that I know of.” When she pulled out a few hypodermic needles, his blue eyes popped open with shock. “What are you doing with those?”

“I need to give you a shot of Penicillin and probably a little morphine to help with the pain.”

“No shots,” he stated firmly. “I hate shots.”

She smiled. “Most people do, Jack.” Finding the morphine, she tore open an alcohol wipe to clean off the vial. “You have to have the antibiotic. And believe me, after the lidocaine wears off, you’ll thank me for the morphine.”

“Why can’t I just take some pills?” He looked at her intently. “Please, Sophie. I really hate needles.”

“You can take oral pain meds if you want, but I insist on the Penicillin shot.”

The look he gave her reminded her of some of the little boys she’d taken care of over the years. “Will the antibiotic be the only shot you have to give me?” he asked, almost pleading.

She couldn’t help laughing. “Well, remember I have to use a small needle to numb your leg. If you’re up to date on your tetanus, then those will be the only ones.”

He glowered at her. “I don’t need a tetanus shot.”

“Jack, I need you to be truthful. As much as I’d like to shut you up sometimes, lockjaw would not be the way to go.”

“Very funny. I had to get one two years ago after an incident while fishing.” He closed his eyes again. “So…how many shots are we actually talking about?”

“No more than three.”

His eyes flew open in alarm, and he grumbled, “Just knock me out.”

“Honestly, Jack,” Sophie said on a laugh. “You’re worse than a four-year-old.”

He flung his arm over his eyes. “Laugh all you want, but I have a serious aversion to needles.” Then he peeked out from under his arm. “Where exactly are you giving me the Penicillin shot?”

“Well, since you’re so ripped, I can give it in the deltoid.”

“Dumb it down, Sophie.”

A giggle escaped as she placed her hand on his well-developed bicep. “The deltoid muscle is right here.” She skimmed her fingers up his arm and underneath his sleeve.

Jack smiled sheepishly. “Oh, yeah. I knew that.”

Hector snickered, but didn’t make a comment. Sophie gave Jack’s arm a gentle squeeze. “Of course you did. Now just try to relax and trust me. I promise to take good care of you.”

Jack’s gaze locked on hers. “I think I like having you take care of me. It’s been a long time since…” He gave her a crooked smile. “Well, let’s just say
usually take care of Jack.”

She couldn’t help the intense feelings washing over her. It probably wasn’t the best time to confess she was falling in love with him. Leaning down, she gently brushed her lips against his mouth. He placed his hand on the back of her head, preventing her from pulling away, and prolonged the kiss. Heady emotions swirled, and she could hardly think straight.

She pulled away and Jack stroked her cheek with his thumb. “I hope you don’t do that with all your patients,” he muttered dryly.

“Never,” she said breathlessly. “I’m in pediatrics, remember?”

“That’s pretty good,
,” Hector teased. “You even managed another kiss today while injured and complaining about a needle.”

Jack dropped his hand and smiled weakly. “Yeah, what can I say? The doctor finds me irresistible.”

Sophie laughed softly and scooted away from Jack. The truth was she
find him irresistible. A fact that had her wondering what would happen when she had to return to Colorado.

Pushing the questions from her mind, Sophie reconstituted the powdered Penicillin with saline water. She rolled the vial between her palms until it was completely mixed. Getting a new syringe, she drew up the medication and then moved toward Jack.

“That is a very big needle,” Jack said, eyeing her with a leery expression.

Sophie replaced the cap. “Jack, it’s the exact same size I used on those children the other day.” She set the syringe aside and pulled out a bottle of Lortab tablets. “Are you sure you don’t want the shot of morphine?”

He shook his head. “Pills, Sophie. Give me the pills.”

Chuckling, she shook out two of the tablets and helped support his head as he took both pills and washed them down with a drink of water. “You should start to feel the effects of the medicine within twenty to thirty minutes.”

He gave her an impish look. “I don’t think I should be held accountable for anything I say while under the influence.”

She patted him on his chest. “Don’t worry. I never take anything you say seriously.”

“Ha ha,” he said as she pushed up his sleeve and prepped his arm with an alcohol wipe.

Feeling him tense his impressive muscle, she massaged his arm beneath her target. “Hey, try to relax. I promise it won’t be that bad. I’m good at this.”

He kept his eyes shut tight. “Just tell me when you’re going to do it.”

Sophie talked to him softly, and then as she injected the needle, she said, “Okay. Now.” Grateful he didn’t pull away or tighten his muscle, she withdrew the needle. “See, that wasn’t so bad.”

He looked at her with disbelief. “You already did it?”

“Yep, all done.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Wow, you are good.”

“I have lots of practice on children.”

The corners of his mouth tipped up. “Are you saying I’m not a man?”

She leaned over and kissed him quickly. “That is something I could never say.” She ran her hand across the dark stubble on his jaw. “You are definitely all man.”

A look of pure satisfaction sparked in his eyes.

Sophie turned away and moved down toward his leg. Hector was still at his post, keeping pressure on the wound. He had the biggest smile on his face. She had completely forgotten she and Jack weren’t alone. “I’m just trying to help him remain calm,” she said, trying to defend her actions.

“It seems to be working,” Hector said, moving over for Sophie to take his place.

“Smart aleck.” She removed the pad and noted the bleeding had slowed enough for her to suture it closed. She glanced over at Hector. “I’d like to move him into his tent as soon as I’m done with the stitches. Could you please set it up for me?”

. I’ll get your tent up as well. But if you need anything, just let me know.”

“Thank you,” she said, removing a disposable razor from her bag. “Jack, after I numb your leg, I’m going to shave around the laceration.”

He groaned again. “Now you’re shaving my legs?”

She bit back a smile. “Don’t worry. We’ve already established you’re a man. I promise not to do more than I have to.”

Jack grunted and waved his hand for her to continue.

Sophie injected the lidocaine, and he only flinched a little, even though she knew the medication burned. She moved the needle and injected several different parts, trying to be thorough. Testing the skin around the wound with the tip of the needle, she determined he was sufficiently numb. She quickly shaved the area and then prepped it for stitches.

The laceration was deep, but hadn’t gone through the muscle. If she could avoid infection, Jack should heal okay. She irrigated the wound with sterile saline, then sutured the deep tissue with absorbable stitches that would dissolve over time. By the time she closed the top layer of skin with non-absorbable sutures, the pain medicine already seemed to be taking effect.

Groggily, Jack said, “I hardly felt a thing. Are you all done?”

She moved up to sit next to his shoulder again. “Yes. You were a very good patient.”

“Thanks.” He turned his head, staring at her with those sky blue eyes.

As she returned his gaze, her stomach tightened with emotion. She had to face reality. Sophie more than liked him—she was in love with him.

Right then, she felt sorry for Peter. Unrequited love was not an optimistic prospect. Sure, Jack said he liked her, but given his views on marriage, he would probably run the other way if he knew she had fallen in love with him.

Looking away, she stood and called for Hector to help her move Jack. He had just finished setting up the tents, and together they managed to get Jack moved inside his. The scent that always clung to Jack teased her senses as she helped situate him in the small confines of the shelter. Her overwhelming feelings seemed to crowd around her, stealing her breath. She needed fresh air and a chance to sort out her thoughts.

“Don’t leave me,” Jack said, capturing her hand and preventing her escape.

The warmth from his hand edged up her arm. “Okay,” she said softly. “I’ll stay here until you fall asleep.”

“Thanks,” he murmured without opening his eyes.

When his breathing became even and slow, Sophie started to untangle her hand, but Jack’s grip tightened. “I’m not asleep yet.”

She squeezed his fingers. “Okay, I won’t leave, but you need to rest.”

Just when she thought he had finally fallen asleep, he stirred and opened one eye. “Hey, Sophie?”


“Do you really think I’m ripped?”

Oh, this man
. “Yes,” she said giggling. “Now go to sleep.”





Chapter Seventeen


woke up sometime during the night, acutely aware of the throbbing pain that radiated from his lower leg all the way up to his chest. He ran his tongue across his parched lips, wishing he had a drink. Moving slightly, he eyed his tent door, wondering if he had the strength to unzip it to get help. The pain in his leg was bad enough to request a shot of morphine. He still didn’t like needles, but Sophie had eased his fear considerably.

. Just thinking about her and the loving way she cared for him took his breath away. The longing he felt to be with her nearly surpassed the pain from his wound. He never realized the desire to be with someone could be so intense, and it wasn’t just in a physical way either. It was as if he had been living in a cold world, void of light, and Sophie was like the sun, warming him and lighting up his soul.

He needed her. He wanted her. He might even love her.

Another electric shock of pain reminded him that
right now
, he needed more pain medicine.

BOOK: Discovering Sophie
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