Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) (28 page)

Read Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents) Online

Authors: BlaQue

Tags: #drama, #best seller, #family, #urban, #deceit, #street lit, #bookclub, #kwan, #wahida clark, #top 100, #goodread, #dmv, #gstreet

BOOK: Dirty DNA (G Street Chronicles Presents)
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I threw up all over myself just thinking
about what she was telling me. I knew there was something unnatural
about the sex that night. It wasn’t because it was with a chick,
but it was because I was with my fucking sister!

“How could you do that to me NiQue!” I

“Stop fucking calling me that! My name is
Pajay Clayton! You will address me as Pajay from now on!” She
yelled back at me.

She cocked her head to the side and laughed.
“Actually, you don’t have that long to live, so it really doesn’t
matter.” She taunted.

“Oh my god, did you kill Corrine?” I asked
through my sobs.

“Let me hip you to a lot of shit big sis. I
owe you the truth since you are gonna die anyway! I set you up over
and over again. Each time you managed to get out of the shit – I
don’t know how you managed to do it, but you did – from Papi
finding you in the club the night we met Dread, to the day Corrine
died. It was supposed to be you each and every time. You are just
lucky as shit. Papi was sloppy with his own shit. He was caught up
in some other shit. Were you really that stupid that you couldn’t
see that I was always nowhere to be found when someone was gunning
for you?”

I wanted to kick her ass, but there was no
way out of the restraints to do so. She knew if it hadn’t been for
the restraints I would have been all over her ass. “It was you who
killed Daddy and Oscar, but why did you kill Oscar; NiQue?” I asked
making a mistake and calling her by her made-up name.

She slid the box cutter to full length and
grabbed my throat. “I killed that old bag Oscar because he knew I
was Darnell’s daughter the whole time. He stood by and let this
shit happen. He knew it wasn’t right. Jew Jew and Timmie tried to
take him out when they killed our bitch ass Daddy, but he didn’t
die. So, I had to make a special trip to the hospital and see to it
that he didn’t ruin my surprise. If it helps you feel any better,
he died peacefully. A pillow over the face while under the
influence of pain medications just may be the best way to die.” She
chuckled at a joke that was clearly not funny to anyone but her. I
sat there shaking my head back and forth. I couldn’t believe she
was so calm and calculated about killing people.

“NiQue, Oscar didn’t deserve to die!” I said

I thought I just told you not to call me
NiQue you dumb bitch!” She said holding the blade right up against
my throat. Her face was so close to mine I could smell her hatred
for me.

“I’m sorry.” I tried to say, but it was too
late. She sliced into the left side of my. I could feel the open
cut and the blood pouring from it. I refused to give her the
satisfaction of screaming anymore. Anything she gave me, I was
going to take it like a soldier. She let me go. I wanted to reach
up and touch my face to stop the blood from pouring out of the

“You were like family to me Pajay. How could
you do this to me? I did nothing but love you?” I said trying to
get her to talk so I could at least know why she had done all of
the horrible things to the people I cared about the most.

“You didn’t fuck with me. As soon as you got
the chance, you fucked the nigga I wanted. I even gave you another
chance by fucking you, trying to make you love me and you carried
me again. I have to admit, you almost got away from me too.

I had everyone looking for you. Caesar tried
to get you to come in to meet with him and you didn’t show. I
didn’t know where you had gone until I started to watch Dread’s
house and you showed up there. I almost gave up on finding you, but
true to my bloodline I stayed on my mission!” She said proudly
sticking her chest out.

“Pajay, Neko and I didn’t do anything to
hurt you. We don’t deserve to die. You got who you needed to get.
Just let us go!” I said forgetting that I wasn’t going to beg her
for anything, including my life. I was pleading for the life of my
unborn and for my brother who didn’t deserve her shit.

“Who said anything about hurting Neko? If I
wanted to harm him I could have a long time ago. He was living with
me remember? Or were you too busy fucking my man to even care? I
could have taken him out when I killed my “so called brother” Mike.
Neko is safe because he is innocent and caught up in this mess just
like I was. He was lied to. He never knew who his father was until
I wanted it known! You on the other hand, are a whole different

She got eerily quiet. As long as she was
talking I felt calm. It was when she stopped talking that I became
nervous. It was definite that she wasn’t going to let me live. I
started to think that all the dirt I had done was going to come
back on me full circle. I was paying for all my sins. I was paying
for the sins of others. I knew I was about to join my mother, Papi
and the countless others I had hurt. We stared each other down. I
was searching her face for some type of resemblance to our family.
Maybe she looked more like the aunt I had never met. I couldn’t be
sure. I was looking for signs of Daddy in her face. It was obvious
she was one of us. It didn’t matter if she looked like us or not.
She was as ruthless as any of us, and that alone was enough proof
for me.

I felt the overwhelming
urge to want to hug her and tell her that she didn’t have to go
through with any of what she was planning. I wanted to make things
right with her. Neither one of us were perfect. As a matter of
fact, we were both fucked up.
DNA is a
mother fucker!
Our corrupt upbringing
turned us into killers, and our parental influence taught us to
have no regard for human life. Our genetics had us mentally
unstable and that instability made us not have a care for who we
hurt. Our common bond was murder; not our parents. Who was I to
blame NiQue for her hatred towards Daddy? I hated Momma just the
same for leaving me and never being the mother I wanted her to be.
I smiled to myself just thinking about how everything would play

“What the fuck are you smiling about?” NiQue

“I just wanted to tell you that I love you
NiQue and that I am sorry.” I whispered. “I apologize for whatever
you went through, and I wish we could have figured out a better way
of dealing with all of this.” I said.

NiQue or Pajay, or whoever she was at that
moment, pounced on me. She was slashing at my face, arms, and neck.
I couldn’t even defend myself because I was still tied to the
chair. She was screaming about her name not being NiQue, and that
is when I felt the box cutter rip through my abdomen and I knew
there was no more baby and no more reason for me to live

As my eyes fluttered closed, I saw everyone
I had missed so much. They were beckoning to me to join them. My
father, mother, and Oscar were all there waiting for me. I even saw
Papi and Corrine waving for me to come to them. They all wore huge
smiles; I could tell they were happy they were free and I knew I
would be too. Through the pain of her stabbing me repeatedly, I was
oddly happy to know I could stop running, and that is just what I



Chapter 32


It was late in the evening when I finally
got out of the bed to head to the studio. Imagine how surprised I
was to find a note from YaYa on the floor of my apartment where it
looked like she had slid it up under the door. I read the note and
immediately called her to tell her that I would go with her. If for
no other reason, I would go for my seed. She never answered. I
called her for three days straight. I thought she was playing games
with me until a detective showed up at my door, three weeks later,
to ask me a few questions. He wanted to know if I knew anything
about the murder of YaSheema Marie Clayton.

That cracker mutha fucka had the nerve to
insinuate that I may have killed her because she was pregnant and
the baby was mine. That bamma had the nerve to say I was the number
one suspect! I tried to let the asshole Gatsby know that I had just
found out that she was carrying my baby the day she went missing;
but he wasn’t trying to hear it. They had found her body sliced up
really bad. She was tied to a chair and dumped by Blue Plains.

What was I supposed to say to Detective
Gatsby besides I didn’t know what the fuck happened? YaYa was
tangled up in so much drama, I didn’t think they would ever know
who did it. It saddened me because ole’ girl had a nigga’s heart
from the moment I met her; not to mention she was carrying my baby.
All a nigga could do was pray for her soul. It really took me some
time to get over that shit with the loss of her and my baby, but to
my surprise, NiQue really helped me out. She was right there for me
while I grieved. She was the reason the detective left me alone
about the whole thing. She gave him a statement saying I was with
her the night YaYa disappeared. I didn’t expect shorty to even fuck
with me after I had told her we couldn’t get down like that because
I was really feeling YaYa. She played her position as my friend and
gave me my space while I mourned what would have been my first

Funny how shit changes. NiQue and I are
seeing each other and she turned out to be a straight rider. I see
why she and YaYa were friends. She held me down when I didn’t even
want to deal with anyone. She gave me my space and helped me make
it through the funeral for YaYa. In the beginning, I felt bad for
dating her after all that had happened to YaYa. In a weird sort of
way she reminded me of her and she was the only thing I had left to
remind me of YaYa. NiQue and I are planning to get married before
the end of the summer and she is expecting our baby girl any day
now. NiQue suggested we name her YaSheema Nicole. I wasn’t so sure
that that would be a good idea, but she insisted. Who am I to
argue? I am just excited about having a healthy, baby girl.

YaYa’s little brother Neko, has been
throwing all kinds of shade my way since his sister’s funeral. I
guess I would be scrutinizing any and everybody too in order to
find out what happened to my peoples. He and I exchanged a few
words at YaYa’s funeral, and he even let NiQue and I know in so
many words, that he didn’t approve of our marriage. He feels like
it is disrespectful. I know this shit is crazy how it all happened,
but I am rolling with the punches at this point. There is nothing I
can do for the love I lost or for my seed. I can only move forward
at this point and support my soon to be wife and my daughter.
Sometimes, I wish things could have been different, but you can’t
change God’s plan. What is meant for you is specifically meant for
you. That’s how I look at it. I try not to dwell on the past. I try
to focus on the future. Although, it saddens me to think of YaYa
and my baby, I wish I would have had more time with her. I know
deep down she was supposed to be “the one” from the first day I met
her. I still smile thinking of the day we met. My record, “No City
for Old Men” is due to drop by the end of the summer. Even though
NiQue doesn’t know it, my song, “Exclusive” was created for





Chapter 33

Neko Reynolds

I couldn’t figure out what happened to YaYa
that day. I wish I would have never let that silly bitch I had been
fucking in my hotel room answer the door. Had she not been there,
things may have gone down differently. Maybe my sister would still
be alive had I answered the door myself.

I have had a million, “what ifs” since they
found YaYa’s body. I haven’t been able to cope. All I have left is
NiQue. We have been thick as thieves since this shit has happened
and I don’t know what I would have done without her. She is getting
ready to get married and she’s expecting her first baby with that
nigga Dread. I ain’t really feeling their union because I think he
had something to do with my sister’s death. I can tell you one
thing; I ain’t gonna rest until I find out what happened to my
sister. That’s for damn sure. She was all I had left.

The money that Pop left us hit YaYa’s
account the day after she went missing, and I ended up being over
two million dollars richer. The crazier shit about that is that
whoever that “Pajay” person is collected her money from Pop’s
insurance and I haven’t heard shit from her since. Odd ain’t

A few weeks after they found YaYa, they
found my mother’s body. It had washed up in the Potomac. The media
was in frenzy over that shit because they kept making wild
assumptions, saying my sister killed my Mother and Father. They
ended up deeming Oscar’s death a homicide and tried to pin that
shit on my sister too! Since they pinned all of it on my sister, it
cleared my name and I was free to do as I pleased. Needless to say,
I never left the city. I stayed right here in DC. I opened up my
car detailing shop and I am making more money than I could have
possibly imagined. I am doing it the legit way too!

My life has been crazy since the day I met
my father and sister. I have been trying to dead this nagging
feeling that shit ain’t what it really seems. I know the answers to
my questions rest with both my sisters. I got the sinking feeling
Dread got something he ain’t telling either. Until I can find
Pajay, I may never find out the truth. I can tell you one thing
though; I got the best detective on the case to find out who and
where she is.

Detective Gatsby seems hell bent on finding
out what happened to my sister and finding this mystery sister even
if it is the last thing he does. He seems to be sure that there is
a piece missing from the puzzle. He feels like this nigga Dread got
something to do with it too! For his sake, he better hope I never
find out he hurt my sister or he will fully understand our family



Chapter 34

NiQue Watkins/Pajay Reynolds


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