Difficult Lessons (16 page)

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Authors: Tammie Welch

BOOK: Difficult Lessons
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Cheers, whistles, and applause echoed throughout the room. 

“Great. Ladies, are you ready?”

“I think we are,” Sara answered looking at Cynthia. Cynthia could only smile and nod through her tears.

“Can we get the rest of the party up here with us?” The captain motioned for everyone to come around. A young lady brought a bridal bouquet of white and lavender flowers to both Sara and Cynthia. Everyone was placed in a position so that all of the guests in the dining room could see each one.

Captain Warner began the ceremony when everyone was in place. Sara had requested to speak to Cynthia instead of reciting standard wedding vows. She was slightly choked up when she began to speak.

“We met solely by chance, or so it seemed at the time. I was awe-struck by your beauty and grace. I did not know at the time that we were put together by a power much more knowing than us. A power that knew I would need strength and stability in a trying time. You were a rock sent for me to lean on. I only hope that in the future, I can be that same rock for you, should you need it. I make this vow to you now, in front of all of these people. I promise you, Cynthia, to be there for you, to love and support you, to take care of you when you need it, and to be your loving partner for the rest of our lives.”

Captain Warner turned to Cynthia, who was still smiling and crying. “What would you like to say to Sara?”

Cynthia turned toward everyone and tried to speak, but nothing came out. She cleared her throat and began again. “I am so stunned by this. As you all can see, this is the most fabulous woman on the planet. I cannot believe that she has done this and it has left me absolutely speechless.” Turning back to Sara, “When I first saw you, I was drawn to you. I could not explain it at the time. Like you said, it was a power beyond us that put us in the same place at the same time. I know that over the last few months you have gone through some trying times. I have tried to be there for you and do whatever I could to help you. I plan to do the same in the future. I plan to love you more tomorrow than I do today because my love for you is constantly growing. I plan to support you in every aspect of our lives together. I plan to take care of you when you need it and let you take care of me when I need it. I plan to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you, Sara Carson. I know this probably sounds pretty lame, but that is the best I can do on the spur of the moment.”

“I think that summed things up nicely,” the captain said as he turned to take something from Mel. He handed a small box to both Sara and Cynthia. “Ladies, if you will open each of the boxes at this time.” 

Cynthia glanced at Sara questioningly. Sara only smiled knowingly as she opened hers. The rings were gold bands with two interlocking female symbols on the top. The symbols were outlined in each of their birthstones. The words “
love and friendship
” were engraved on the inside of the bands. 

“Ladies, each of you holds a ring that is a sign of your commitment to each other.  If you will place the rings on each other’s hand.” Sara gently slid the ring she was holding on Cynthia’s hand and squeezed. 

Cynthia was shaking uncontrollably as she tried to place the ring on Sara’s finger.  She finally managed to get it on. 

The captain spoke again. “Some people spend their entire lives looking for the perfect love. Others stumble upon it by chance and do not realize it. Only a few come across true love and are lucky enough to realize what they do. Looking at these two lovely ladies, I truly believe that they have found that true love. Ladies, would you two mind sealing your commitment to each other with a kiss?”

“Not at all,” Sara said with a huge smile. It was as exciting as the very first time she had placed her lips on Cynthia’s.   

“Now, let us return to our table and enjoy our meal that the fantastic crew has prepared for us,” the captain said with a smile.

Close to the end of the meal the captain stood. “May I have your attention once again? My crew and I have a little surprise for these lovely ladies, and everyone else. I asked Ms. Carson during our planning, what she wanted to do for a reception. She had stated that her parents and few close friends would be with her and they would just make the most of the evening themselves. Well, I can’t let that happen. We have the lounge next door set up for a reception. Everything is taken care of. There are drinks, snacks, of course music for dancing, and something else that I can’t quite remember.”

As the captain finished the last sentence, a door opened and a young woman wheeled out a cart with a huge wedding cake on it. It was four tiers high. Rainbow streamers and flowers surrounded the cake. It was also decorated with small rainbow rosettes. Sitting on top was a beautiful topper with two brides.

“Oh yeah.” The captain’s words broke through the surprise that had engulfed Cynthia and Sara. That’s it. We have a cake for you ladies.  This is compliments of our staff.”

Sara was the speechless one this time. She never expected a reception, much less a cake.

“Ms. Carson, is everything all right?” The captain was looking at her.

“Yes. I am just surprised. I really didn’t expect this.”

“Well, we figured if you could pull off all of these surprises for Ms. Wesley, we could pull one or two off for you.”

“You certainly did that,” Sara laughed

Sara and Cynthia received well wishes and hugs from everyone that had witnessed their commitment as they entered the lounge. They danced and mingled with other passengers until midnight. 

“Why don’t we sneak off to our room?” Sara had a devious look on her face when she spoke to Cynthia.

“That sounds very good to me. Should we tell anyone where we are going?”

“I’ll take care of it.” Sara turned and walked to the stage where the band was playing. After saying something to one of the members, Sara stepped onto the stage and took the microphone. “I have a short speech I would like to make. I think I can speak for both of us when I say that the rest of the cruise might be rather pale in comparison to tonight. Mom, Dad, Karen, Mel, and Kathy, you are the best friends and family that we could ask for. You have gone above and beyond for both of us. To everyone else, thank you for making this an incredible evening. We are going to take our leave now. I hope to see each and every one of you throughout the cruise, but for now I have a lovely woman that I need to take away from you for the remainder of the evening.  Have a great night, and again, thanks for making all of this absolutely wonderful.”

Everyone applauded as Sara made her way back over to Cynthia.

“Are you ready to go?”

Cynthia nodded and smiled. 




The stars danced in the night sky as the salty air tickled their noses. They stopped at the railing and watched the water go by in the night. The full moon was directly overhead. The waves danced in its light. Cynthia laid her head on Sara’s shoulder and sighed a contented sigh. 

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Sara kissed her head as she asked the question.

“Not nearly as beautiful as you are. I cannot believe that you did all of this for me.  No one has ever even come close to doing something this wonderful.” Cynthia turned and put her arms around Sara’s waist. 

“You deserve every bit of it sweetie. I hope this is not the last wonderful surprise that I am able to give you. I am also glad you didn’t turn me down in front of all those people.”

Their lips met in a deep kiss. Something about the gentle rocking of the boat, the stars, and the moon made it even more passionate than any kiss had ever been.












Chapter 27


“That had to be the shortest seven days of my life.” Cynthia said as Sara was closing the trunk of the car after putting their luggage in. “I can’t believe that it went by so fast.”

“Me either,” Sara spoke as she got into the driver’s seat. Did you really have a good time?”

“Of course I did. Who wouldn’t have?”

“Well I think Dad might have been a little out of his element most of the trip.”

“Yeah, but he was a good sport about it.”

Both of them laughed. 

Sara placed her hand on Cynthia’s shoulder as she moved into traffic. “Should we get a room here and get a good night’s sleep before heading on home or do you want to drive on tonight?”

“Why don’t we get some rest and then go home in the morning?”

“That works for me.” Sara winked at Cynthia. “We have a lot to take care of when we get home.”

“Yes we do. I have to move again, I think.”

“You think?” Sara feigned being offended at the statement.

“That is one move I won’t mind.”




The giddy feeling from the trip ended when Sara saw the woman sitting on the steps with her face in her hands.

“Who is that?” Cynthia asked when she saw her. 

“I’m not sure, but it looks like she is waiting on us.”

The woman looked up when the car came to a stop. She got up walked quickly over to them as they got out.

“Ms. Carson?” Her voice was shaky.

“Yes?” Sara looked at the woman closely, trying to determine who she was. She knew that she looked familiar, but could not connect a name to her.

“I don’t think you know me. I am Elise Griffin, Shelly’s mother.”

“Oh yes. I remember you now. We met at a parent night at the beginning of the school year. Is something wrong?”

“Yes. Something is very wrong. Shelly has run away. I thought she might have come here. She trusts you a lot.”

“I have been out of town for the last week. When did she leave home?”

“Last night. Her father…” Mrs. Griffin’s voice cracked as she started crying.

“Let’s go inside and talk.” Sara guided Mrs. Griffin to the front door. “Can I get you anything? Some water? I might have something to eat in the kitchen.”

Mrs. Griffin graciously accepted the water that Sara offered, but turned down an offer of food.

“Now, tell me what has happened, Mrs. Griffin,” Sara said as she sat down on the sofa with the devastated woman.

She took a deep breath and started again.

“Last night her father went on a rampage. She had been on the computer and had gotten up to go get something to drink.  He got into her e-mails and found one from a girl. It was an innocent e-mail. All the e-mail said was that the girl would like to meet Shelly. She had seen her picture on the school soccer team’s website and really liked her. He blew up. He called her all sorts of names and slapped her. She ran out of the house. I thought she would come back, but she didn’t. I have gone to all of her friends that I know. None of them have seen her. I looked your address up in the phone book and ended up here just a little while before you came up. I don’t know where else to go.” Mrs. Griffin could not hold back the tears.

Sara put her arm around her shoulders. “It will be all right. Cynthia and I will help you look for her. We’ll find her. You can’t take her back to that house though. Is there somewhere else that you can go?”

“I’ve been looking for a house so that I can leave him. I haven’t been able to find anything affordable though. I don’t have any family here. I am at a loss right now.  I’ve got to find her.”

“We will.” Sara hugged her tightly.

Sara broke the hold on Mrs. Griffin when her cell phone rang.


“Sara, are you home yet?” Mel sounded agitated.

“Yeah, we just got here. There is a situation going on and I may need to enlist your help.”

“Sure thing, but I have a problem here also.”

“What’s going on with you, Mel?”

“Kathy and I decided to ride by and check on the bar before we went home. As we were unlocking the door, this young girl ran up to us.”

“Is her name Shelly?” Sara interrupted Mel.

“Yes. Shelly Griffin, I think she said.”

“Thank God! That was my situation. When we drove up, her mother was waiting here on us. She ran away from home last night. Are you still at the bar?”

“Yes. We brought her inside. She was asking how to find you. She is pretty shaken up. You want us to bring her over there?”

“No. Keep her there. We’ll come get her. Tell her that I’m on the way over.  Tell her that I’m bringing her mom too.”

Sara hung up the phone. “Let’s go. She is at Mel’s. Mel and Kathy have her inside. She was trying to find me.”

“I knew she would look for you. I am so glad she is okay.” Mrs. Griffin sounded a bit relieved.




Shelly was sitting at the bar with her head down. There was a half empty glass of water in front of her. Mrs. Griffin ran over to her.

“I don’t think she has slept all night,” Mel whispered to Sara. 

“Probably not. She has probably wandered the streets all night. The poor thing.” 

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