Devotion (The Seductors Series Book 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Devotion (The Seductors Series Book 3)
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I was restless all night. By the time I woke up in the morning, I’d only had a few hours sleep. Once I’d typed my progress report to headquarters, I decided to take a long, hot soak in the bath. I had to try and clear my head. Adam Stone was a dangerous man and I needed to keep my mind on this mission.

Oliver would have shown himself by now if it had of been him at the bar last night. Why did I always let my mind run away with itself?
Because it’s usually right, Jade.

“Are you looking for a pay raise?” Gabby questioned as I walked in
an hour early for work. Luckily for me, she did need me for the afternoon shift.

“I feel bad for leaving you short staffed tonight. I could stock the bar for you or clean some glasses to help you get ready for tonight.”

“Jade, the owner requested you take the night off. It’s fine. Gail said she’d cover your shift.”

“Let me do the glasses at least.”

“Okay, there are some new boxes of glasses that need unloading in the back.” I nodded, hanging my coat up. “Take your time, though. Adam didn’t want me to overwork you this afternoon. He’s really looking forward to tonight.” Two guesses as to why he wanted me to save my energy for later this evening.

I’d always enjoyed bar work. It reminded me of the days before The Seductors. Sarah found me in Indianapolis. I’d been working in a bar back then, collecting glasses while stealing wallets and purses on the sly. She saw the raw talent in me that a Seductor needed. I didn’t know it at the time, but I even managed to steal another Seductor’s wallet that she had been working with. Looking back, I was thankful to Sarah. After running away from my father I had nothing, and I certainly wouldn’t have met Oliver. Why did everything come back to him?
Move on, Jade!

“Why don’t you finish up for the day?” Gabby asked a few hours later. “I’m sure you’ll want some time to get ready for tonight.”

“No, really, I’m good for another few hours.”

“Jade, go home!” she snorted. “Give Adam a chance. He doesn’t take many women to dinner. That isn’t his style.”

“Let me guess. He usually just bends them over his desk instead?” Gabby chuckled, nodding. “I don’t fuck over a desk.” Well, not with Adam.

“I think he knows that.”

“He better!”

“Just give him a chance. Now…go!” she ordered. “I’ll see you tomorrow evening.”

I nodded, going to grab my coat. I couldn’t put it off any longer. I had to get ready for my date. Finding out the identity of my mystery man would have to wait for another night. That is if he decided to visit the bar again.

Chapter Fourteen


“You look beautiful, Jade,” Adam murmured, gazing at me from across the table. I’d dressed to impress tonight, opting for a tight, black lace dress. I’d been sidetracked enough with this mission. I had to get on with it. It was just sex. I’d managed it before Oliver and I could do it again. Letting my love for him affect me was wrong. I was holding onto something I would never have, and I knew it. It was over whether he was my mystery man or not. “I thought we could start with the oysters,” Adam mused, looking over the menu. “Do you like seafood?”

“I do,” I grinned, twisting a strand of my hair around my fingers. It was time to turn on the charm. The sooner I got access to his safe, the quicker this mission would be over.

“Excellent. I’ll order us some champagne, too.”

“Now you’re spoiling me. I’m not used to drinking champagne. I’ve served enough in my time, though.”

“You would get used to champagne if you were at my side.”

“I’ve told you, Adam, I’m not looking for a casual relationship. I won’t be one of your many weekly fucks.”

“Give me a chance, Jade. I’ve
wanted to fuck someone as badly as you. I even jerked off in my office last week thinking about you. You’ve been driving me crazy.”

“You jerked off in your office?” I gasped, biting my lip in attempt to hide my smirk.

“It’s not funny,” he snorted. “I want you, Jade. I can’t take any more fucking games! You want me, too. Admit it.”

“I won’t be used—not again.”

“Gabby told me about your ex.” The waiter interrupted us before I could respond. He quickly took our order and left.

“I’m not like him.”

“Adam, I know about all your dealings. I’m not stupid!”

“You’re right, I have a reputation, and perhaps you should stay away from me, but I want you too much to allow that. Yes, I make a lot of money in underground crime and I’m a dangerous man, but I’d never pull you into all that. I’m not like your ex, and may I add that he was a fucking idiot to let you go.”

“I’ve heard all these words before. He promised me the same. I’ll be drawn into dealings, I know I will.”

“Can’t we just fuck and see how it goes? I might surprise you.”

“You mean let you fuck me for a few weeks then you’ll ditch me for another waitress?”

“Jade, I’ve never pursued a waitress before. Doesn’t that tell you something?”

“Maybe you’re losing your touch,” I smirked.

“Come back with me tonight and I’ll prove I haven’t lost my touch. I’ll fuck that pretty pussy of yours until your screaming my name out in ecstasy over and over again.” That
wasn’t going to happen. In all my years as a Seductor, I’d learned that most of the time, the men who bragged about how many orgasms they could give me were usually the worse at it.    

“You’re very explicit,” I choked, taking a sip of water. It was either that or giggle in his face.

“Why are you holding back?”

“I thought this was a dinner date. Not a ‘get Jade into bed date.’”

“Okay, let’s see how you feel after a few glasses of champagne. Maybe that will loosen you up.”
That’s right, asshole, get the woman drunk. That will
 This guy was almost as stupid as Mario.

We made small talk throughout the rest of the meal. Adam went on and on about his business and how he’d built it up from one single bar. I was so bored that I had to fight to keep my eyes open. These missions had been easier before Oliver. He was such a charmer. He could have talked about astrophysics and I still would have hung on his every word.

“Do you want a coffee?” Adam asked at the end of our meal. It was crunch time; I needed to give him
by the end of this date. I was still trying to decide between a blowjob and a hand job, but neither of them was really that appealing to me right now. Perhaps a hand job was a better idea. I had just eaten, after all. I didn’t want to throw it all back up while having to suck him off.

“No, I won’t sleep if I have coffee this late,” I muttered, looking at the time. It was almost midnight.

“You sure know how to wound a guy's ego. Come back to my place with me, Jade. Do you want me to beg?”

“I need to be sure, Adam. I really like you, but I’m still wary. I’ve already had my heart broken. I can’t deal with that again.” He motioned for the waiter and quickly paid the bill.

“What do I have to do to make you see that you’re different than the other women?” he whispered once we were outside on the sidewalk.

“I don’t know,” I sighed. Adam lifted my chin, making me look at him. In the blink of an eye, his lips were hard against mine. I forced a groan, wrapping my arms around his neck. I had to play the game. I needed him to think I desired him. His hands dug into my hips as he backed me up against his SUV. Our tongues began to collide and he gripped me tighter, his hands moving up my body and over my breasts. It appeared he might be a breast man.

“Come home with me. You want me, I know you do,” he purred against my lips, pulling on my bottom lip while he squeezed my breasts.

“I…I can’t,” I gasped, kissing him back with force, running my hands into his hair.

“Fuck…you can. I’m not taking no for an answer. I’m fucking you tonight,” he snarled, rubbing his erection against my crotch.

“You’re not playing fair,” I panted once we broke apart. Adam smirked but his phone rang before he could speak.

“Yes,” he spat. “What? When?” He didn’t look happy. “No, I’m having dinner. Give me ten minutes. I’ll meet you in my office at Stone’s.”  

“Change of plans?” I questioned when he hung up.

“Hopefully just a detour. We need to stop by Stone’s, then you
coming back to my place.” His look pinned me down. He wasn’t giving me an option.
Just get it over with, Jade. You’ll feel better once the first time is out of the way.


“Okay?” he beamed. “You’ll come back with me?”

“Yes,” I whispered, sealing my fate. I
sleeping with him tonight.

“You can wait at the bar for me if you want. I shouldn’t be too long,” Adam muttered as we walked in through the back door of Stone’s.

“Don’t be too long,” I purred, running my hands down his chest.

“I promise,” he chuckled, pecking my lips before heading into his office.

 “You can’t keep away from the place, can you?” Gabby teased as I took a seat on one the stools at the bar.

“Adam needed to meet someone in his office. I’m heading back with him after he’s finished.”

“I’m glad you’re giving him a chance. Here, have this Pink Lady. I made too many.” She winked, passing me the cocktail before moving to serve another customer.

I sat, sipping my drink while I waited. The bar was packed tonight. You could hardly move with all the bodies everywhere.

“Jade,” I heard a female voice call me from behind. I turned to see Penny with a big grin on her face. “Oh. My. God. You’re just in time. The hot guy that was looking for you the other day just walked in. He’s in booth six. He just tipped me a hundred dollars to tell you he wants you to bring his drink over. I didn’t even think you were working tonight. ”

“I’m not,” I muttered emotionlessly. Was it a coincidence that my mystery man had walked into the bar almost the same time as
me? Had he been following me?

“You’ll take the drinks, though, right? I’ll split the hundred dollars with you.”

“What did he order?”

“Two bottles of lager.” My heart began to race. “Which I thought was weird, seeing as he’s in a famous

“I’ll serve the drinks, but you can keep the money,” I replied, going behind the bar. Booth six was in the far corner of the room. There were so many people in the way of my view that I couldn’t see who was sitting there.

“Thanks, Jade,” I heard Penny call before she darted back into the crowd.

Placing the drinks on a small tray, I began to make my way through the throng of people. The room seemed to clear automatically as I approached booth six. My mystery man had his back to me, but I would recognize his strong, broad shoulders anywhere. What the fuck was Oliver playing at!? I slammed the drinks down on the table, making him jump.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I seethed, glaring down at him. Jesus, why was my body burning as I gazed at him. The girls here were right. Oliver was pure sex. My eyes needed to adjust to the sight of him. Not to mention he was causing a waterfall between my legs with the lustful look he was currently giving me.

“Do you have time to take a seat? I need to talk to you for a minute,” he replied calmly.

“You came all this way for a quick chat?”

“Jade, please just sit down. We can’t talk here. You’re on a mission and I don’t want to get you into trouble with your target! He’s a really dangerous man.” Holy shit. How did he know so much?

“You’ve been checking up on me?” I questioned, moving to sit opposite him.

“I’ve been doing more than that,” he smirked, taking a sip of his beer.

“It was you who hacked the system. Oliver, what the fuck are you doing? They’ll kill you!” I was raising my voice too much.

“They have no idea that they’ve been hacked, Jade. We’ve been scanning the system for weeks.” Weeks! That meant he knew everything!
Every little detail about me...about my past. I felt sick.

“Oliver, why?”

“We can’t talk here. I need you to meet me at my hotel.”



“It’s already past midnight, Oliver, I can’t just…”

“I won’t let you go home with that man, Jade! It burned enough watching him pin you against his SUV outside the restaurant.”

“You’ve been following me?”

“It was necessary. I’m staying at the Embassy Hotel, in room 322.”

“I can’t. Not tonight.”


“I have plans,” I glared, stretching to look over at the bar. If Adam saw me with Oliver he wasn’t going to like it.

“With Mr. Stone?” Oliver spat, slamming his beer bottle down.

“Yes, not that it’s any of your business.”

“Everything you do is my business. What do I have to do to make you understand that?”

“Oliver, you can’t keep doing this. You’ll get us both killed. You
to let go.”

“I just want to talk. Please, Jade?”


“Yes,” Oliver sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Don’t go home with him. Please.” The desperation in his voice sliced me in two.

“Okay, I’ll come. I’ll need to think of an excuse to tell Adam, but you need to leave right now!”

“Deal.” He grinned triumphantly, downing the last of his beer and getting up to leave. “You look beautiful, by the way.”

“Thanks,” I sighed before watching him leave.

I made my way back to the bar. Penny was pouring some drinks.

“So who was that sexy as fuck guy, then?” she asked over the bar.

“My old boss,” I explained. “He was in the area and wanted to make sure I’d settled in. He gave me the money to move out here.”

a gentleman. He sounds like a real catch,” she smiled before heading back into the crowd with a tray of drinks.

“Jade,” Gabby called, touching my shoulder. “Adam had to leave. Something came up. He told me to apologize on his behalf and said he’ll see you tomorrow.” Well, it appeared luck was on my side tonight.

“Oh, okay. I’ll call it a night then.” I took a taxi straight from the bar to Oliver’s hotel. I didn’t want to waste any time. I needed to know what the hell he was playing at!

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