Devotion (The Seductors Series Book 3) (15 page)

BOOK: Devotion (The Seductors Series Book 3)
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“I’m rather enjoying the view right now.”

I turned to look at him, slowly standing back up. “Oh, I see.”

“They were right about your ass, though, Jade.” Mr. Stone smirked as I walked passed.

“I don’t mind
looking, Mr. Stone. I may have bent over that far on purpose.” I smiled seductively, hurrying back up to the bar before he said anything else. The game had begun.

“You took your time,” Gabby snapped, snatching the vodka from me.

“I’m sorry. Mr. Stone was talking to me.”

“What about?”

“He asked if I was the new waitress. I was having a bit of trouble with Tim and Simon, too.”

“Will they ever learn? Adam will fire their asses one day if they keep that shit up. Ignore them, Jade. They have small cocks, so they feel the need to prove their masculinity by trying to intimidate the new girls.”

“Mr. Stone gave them quite a tongue lashing. I don’t think they’ll bother me again.”

“Adam must like you. He’s never done that before,” she mused, going back to the customers at the bar. “I need more glasses. Can you walk the floor for me?”

“Sure,” replied, grabbing a tray to collect the empty glasses from tables.

I was amazed at how tiring bar work was. Being on my feet for hours and trying to remember all the different orders was a lot to take in on my first night. I knew I would get better with time, but I was exhausted by the end of my shift. I hadn’t seen Mr. Stone again, either. He must have gone home after I’d seen him earlier. It wasn’t like he had to stay and lock up. He had managers for that. I mean...this was one of thousands of his bars scattered across the country. He probably didn’t even come in every day.

“You did good tonight,” Gabby smiled, watching me put my coat on. “I’ll see you tomorrow night at seven.”

“Thanks,” I beamed, picking up my bag and leaving.

“Are you done for the night, Jade?” a voice called behind me once I was outside. I turned, shocked to see Mr. Stone leaning against an SUV.

“Y…yes,” I replied, puzzled.

“I was about to get something to eat. Are you hungry?”

“Go for a meal…with you?”

“Have you had a better offer?”

I gave him a shy smile. “Sure, I could eat.” He pushed off the SUV and opened his car door for me. I was wrong; Mr. Stone
taken the bait earlier.

He drove me to a small restaurant and few miles down the road.

“How are you enjoying working at Stone’s?” he asked, opening the restaurant door for me.

“It’s a lot to take in, but I love it so far.”

“Have you always lived in San Francisco?”

“No. I moved here from St. Petersburg a few weeks ago. That’s why I really need this job. I’m all alone here.”

“Is that so?” he mused, motioning for the waiter to find us a table.

“Do you take all your new waitresses out for dinner after their first evening shift?”

“Not many, but I feel responsible for what happened earlier.”

“That wasn’t your fault.”

“They are my employees. That makes it my problem.”

“What does that make me then?” I questioned. He was about to respond but the waiter interrupted him to take our order.

“How long are you planning on sticking around, Jade?” He poured us both a glass of wine as he spoke.

“As long as I have a job. I have no reason to leave.”

“What made you leave St. Petersburg?”

“A relationship ended badly. I needed to get some distance.” I wasn’t going to play my seductive card yet. If this guy wanted me, I was going to make him work for it. That was the best way to ensure I didn’t end up a one-night stand. Well, that and the fact I would rock his world when I did eventually sleep with him. I’d met many men like Mr. Stone before. I knew what I needed to do.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Was it a long relationship?”

“I was in love with him and he broke my heart.” I smiled sadly, running my fingertips over my wine glass.

“He was an idiot to let a girl like you go.”

“I’m sure you didn’t bring me here to talk about my exes,” I giggled, sipping my wine.

“No, I didn’t.” His eyes widened suggestively.
Dream on, Mr. Stone. You’re not getting a piece of this tonight.

“Why did you bring me, then?”

“Well, from your comment in the cellar earlier, I got the impression you might be interested in me.”

“There is a difference between finding someone attractive and being interested, Mr. Stone.”

“Are you going to tell me which one you are?”

“I need to work out what kind of man you are first. You’re my boss. I’m not going to do anything that might get me fired.”

“What do you mean by the kind of man I am?” he frowned, tilting his head.

“I’m not easy, Mr. Stone. If you’re looking for a quick thrill, I’m not your girl.”

“Jade, I’ve told you, call me Adam.”


“And what makes you think you won’t enjoy a cheap thrill with me?”

“I don’t do cheap thrills with
man. I’m worth more than that.”

“I see.” His eyes gleamed over. Something told me he was a man who might enjoy the chase, which worked for me. I wouldn’t have to jump into bed with him right away.

“So, you’re telling me I’ll need to work a bit harder?”


We made small talk for the rest of the evening. He bragged about his empire of bars scattered all over America. He made himself sound so honorable, but of course, I knew that was far from the truth. By the time he dropped me outside my apartment a few hours later, I was exhausted. It had been a long day.

“I’ll see you at work tomorrow, Jade,” he muttered, looking down at my lips.

“Thank you for dinner.” I jumped out of the car before he had the chance to try and kiss me. He’d have to work a lot harder to get anything from me, but at least I’d been able to work out what kind of a man he was.

I only hoped this mission would help me heal, because the moment I fell into dreamland, Oliver was there waiting for me.

Chapter Thirteen


“So how is the mission going?” Georgie asked. I was currently at my apartment, lying on my bed. We were on a landline call, so headquarters couldn't monitor our conversation.

“I’m playing hard to get.”

“Since when do you play that role?”

“He’s a fuck once then move on kind of guy.”

“Okay, but why should that matter? You know one night with us is
enough for any guy. That’s why we’re Seductors. How long have you been on the mission now?”

“Almost four weeks.”

“You’re stalling! Jade, bite the bullet. It’s just sex.” That was easy for her to say. She’d never been in love.

“I will soon. My target travels a lot. He’s away right now.”

“What has Sonia said about your progress?”

“She’s been fairly understanding under the circumstances.”

“I bet she has—the fucking bitch!”

“I’m okay, Georgie, really. I’m learning to cope.”

“Do you know how hard it is for me to keep my mouth shut about all this? I want to march into Sonia’s office and tell her just what I think of her and this fucking organization we work for!”   

“What’s the point? We’d get Molly into trouble, then my mission with Oliver would be questioned. It’s better for us all to move on.”

“I’m worried about you, Jade. You haven’t been yourself. It’s like all the life has been sucked out of you.”

“I’m fine. Please don’t worry about me, Georgie. I just need time. I’m getting better.”

“What if he comes looking for you?”

“That would be impossible.” I swallowed the lump in my throat. Yes, it was impossible, but Oliver had still managed it.

“You know our computer system picked up a virus a few weeks back, right?” Where was she going with this? “Didn’t you find it all a little strange.”

“Oliver didn’t hack our servers, Georgie,” I snorted. “We caught that virus from the Military system.”

“Doesn’t Oliver deal with the Military?” I froze. He did, but I couldn’t see any logical reason for him to try and gain access to the Seductors’ network…unless he had ignored my plea and was trying to find out who had tried to steal his power core. “Jade, are you still there?”

“He wouldn’t,” I gasped.

“Are you sure about that?”

“He’d have come for me by now, Georgie. The virus was downloaded almost three weeks ago. Miles would have tracked him.”

“Just be careful. I know I overreact, but I can’t help it. You’re like a sister to me.” Tears stung my eyes. I felt that way about her, too.

“You worry too much. Nothing is going to happen. If Oliver was going to come and get me, he’d have done it by now. And truthfully, I know he wouldn’t hurt me, even after everything I have done to him. I saw it in his eyes before I left. He begged me to stay, even after he discovered why I’d disappeared the first time.”

“So I’m being paranoid?”

“Yes,” I giggled. “How is your mission going, anyway? Where are you now?”

“I’m in Rome and it’s going good. I should be done in a few weeks.”

“You’ll have to come and visit me in San Francisco when you get back, if you can.”

“Sounds like a plan. Oh, I have to go, Jade. My target is back.”

“Bye, Georgie,” I replied before we both hung up.

Damn, Georgie! Why did she have to make me think so much? It was just a virus. Oliver wouldn’t have put his life in danger like that. He promised me.
Jade, he didn’t promise anything, remember?

I went to work early that evening. My mind was racing with so many scenarios that I needed the distraction.

“You’re early,” Gabby grinned, watching me hang my coat up.

“I was bored at my apartment,” I sighed.

“It’s tough starting in a new town. I understand.”

“You have no idea,” I breathed.

“I was about to do a liquor count. Want to help me out?”

“Sure.” I followed her out the back.

“You missed a fine piece of eye candy earlier,” Gabby muttered while we began to do an inventory of the bottles.


“Yeah, the girls and I were all fawning over this guy from out of town. He was a great tipper, too.”

“Let’s hope he comes back then. I could do with a good tip.”

“Mind you, I’m sure you’d have hardly noticed him. You seem to only have eyes for Adam. I have to say I’m impressed. He never chases anyone.”

“I’m not a one night stand kind of girl. I made that clear to him the first night he took me out. I have to admit, I’m a little shocked that he’s still trying to pursue me.”

“He told me you aren’t like the other waitresses.”

“He’s talked to you about me?”

“He’s really taken with you, Jade. I haven’t seen him this way before. Drop your defenses a little. He may be a player, but something makes me think you might be able to tame him.”


“You’d land on your feet with that guy, too. He’d look after you.”

“I do like him,” I sighed, acting flustered as I sat down facing her.

“Then what's the problem?”

“I’ve been hearing some rumors about
dealings he’s involved in.”

“You mean the drugs? Jade, he wouldn’t pull you into all that. He keeps his two businesses separate. He wouldn’t jeopardize his good name by merging them. You have nothing to worry about.”

“My ex was a dealer. It’s not easy for me to get involved in all that again.”

“I can understand that.”

“You really think I should give him a chance?” I questioned. Gabby nodded with a big grin on her face.

“Jade, we need more gin,” Penny, one of the waitresses, called. Gabby was taking the night off and had left me in charge. I nodded, heading out the back to get a few more bottles.

I could hear voices in Adam’s office as I picked up the liquor. I hadn’t notice him arrive and realized he must have come in through the backdoor. Suddenly, a bulky man came charging out of his office, almost making me drop the gin in surprise.

“It wasn’t my fucking fault, Mr. Stone!” the man seethed back toward the office. “I can’t be fucking everywhere!”

“Just get me my money. That’s what you’re paid to do!” Adam’s tone was deadly, which was a side of him I hadn’t seen yet. He came into my view as the burly man stormed off. “Good evening, Jade,” he grinned, his eyes raking over me from head to toe. “You still haven’t replied to my dinner invitation for tomorrow night.”

“I’m still trying to get the evening off.”

“You’re going to dinner with the boss. You don’t have to worry about that.”

“I wouldn’t want to leave Gabby short staffed,” I muttered, taking a step back as he stalked toward me.

“How long are you going to play hard to get?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I smirked, holding the gin bottles close to my chest.

“I’m not a very patient man.”

“I’m sure there are plenty of other women willing to drop their panties for you. Why wait in hopes that I will?”

“I like the challenge.” He backed me up against the wall, his hands digging into my hips.

“Your bar is out of gin,” I whispered as he watched my lips.

“Tell me you’ll have dinner with me tomorrow and I’ll let you go.”

“You’d let your bar run out of gin?”

“To get dinner with you—yes.”  

“That’s not very good business sense.”

“Just say yes, Jade,” he purred, running his hands through my hair. His stale whiskey breath fanned my face. I was desperate to turn away, but I couldn’t. I had to give in and I knew it; I’d led him on for long enough.

“For the sake of your business I’ll say yes,” I smirked. “Can I go now?” I thought he was going to let me go when suddenly he crashed his lips against mine, forcing his tongue into my mouth. Swallowing the bile that tried to come up, I kissed him back, pulling and biting on his bottom lip. There was no other choice—he was my target. It all felt so wrong though, and as Adam’s hands began to glide down my body and grip my ass, all that crossed my mind was Oliver.

“Mmm, now I can’t wait for dinner tomorrow,” Adam moaned against my lips. “You can go now, Jade.” I blinked before quickly hurrying back to the bar.

The rest of the evening flew by because it was so busy. Adam came out to say goodnight an hour before closing time, shocking me by kissing me in front of everyone.

“So, are you dating the boss now?” Penny asked while we were wiping down the tables. Carl was throwing out the last of the customers.

“I wouldn’t say dating, really.”

“You’re fucking him then?”

“Is that any of your business?”

“I’m just curious. He’s quite a catch, that’s all.”
Oh, you have no idea about the
I had to give up. Adam is
compared to that.  

“He’s taking me to dinner tomorrow. I’m not sure what I am right now, but I sure as hell won’t be used like all his other women.”

“You go girl,” she giggled. “Oh, did that other hot guy find you?”

“What other hot guy?” I frowned, pulling the stools up to get ready to mop the bar floor.

“He didn’t give me a name. He came in while you were getting the gin.”

“What did he look like?”

“Sexy as fuck and well dressed. You could tell he worked out, too, and he had these dark, brooding eyes.”
Jade, relax. Lots a men have dark eyes and fuck hot bodies.
Yeah, I was fooling myself. I already knew who Penny was talking about. What the hell was he doing here?

“No, I didn’t see him,” I muttered, looking around the room for any clues. Could Oliver really have been in here or was I going crazy?

“Oh, well he said he’d stop by tomorrow night if he didn’t catch you tonight.” Damn it! I wasn’t working tomorrow night now, thanks to Adam!

“And you’d never seen this guy before?”

“I’d remember a man like that if I’d seen him before. He was quite the smooth talker.” It had to be Oliver. Holy shit! Was Georgie right? Had
been the one to hack our computer system?

An hour later I was locking up with Carl.

“Did you know about the guy asking for me tonight?” I questioned while we set the alarm.

“He tried to slip me some money for information about you after talking to Penny. Don’t worry, though—I put him in his place. I look after the waitresses here. I warned him that you were the boss’s girl, too. That spooked him a little. He left right after that.”

the boss’s girl,” I glared, annoyed.

“That’s what you think. I’ve never seen Adam like this before. He’s besotted with you.” Ugh! I’d heard enough.

“Can we talk about this tomorrow. I’m so tired.”

“Sure, did you want a lift to your apartment? I’m heading that way.”

“Sure,” I smiled weakly. I was too exhausted to argue.

Carl dropped me outside my apartment, and I got out warily. Had Oliver discovered where I lived, too? If he had access to The Seductors, that meant he knew

“Thanks. I might see you tomorrow if Gabby needs me for the afternoon shift. I’ll need to check with her in the morning. I’m off in the evening now.” Carl nodded before I shut his door and he sped off. I stood on the street waiting, silently pleading for Oliver to show himself. Of course, I knew I was being ridiculous. I’d worked at the bar for almost a month now and already had a few admirers. It could have easily been one of them that had come to see me tonight.

After five minutes, I shook my head, laughing at how silly I was being.  Oliver here is San Francisco? I wouldn’t be that lucky. I couldn’t keep making myself think he was coming to save me. That wasn’t even possible. No one could go up against The Seductors. Not if they valued their life, anyway. Surely Oliver understood that.   

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