Devotion (The Seductors Series Book 3) (11 page)

BOOK: Devotion (The Seductors Series Book 3)
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If I didn’t admit that the tying up freaked me out a little, I’d be lying. It made me too vulnerable, but I knew all the relevant checks would have been made at headquarters. While I looked through Mr. Hudson’s file, I noticed that Sonia had been right; he was harmless. He wasn’t into anything heavy. It was just about the control of having a woman tied up. I could deal with that. At least I wouldn’t have to do any work, just the occasional groan and of course the fake orgasm at the end.

It had been so long since I’d had to fake a climax, though. I hoped I still remembered how to do it.

I had a long soak in the bath to help relax me until our meeting. I took my time getting ready and even had a few glasses of wine to help the nerves. This was crazy. It felt like my first damn mission all over again.

I squeezed into my tight, black lace dress. I’d gone for sexy, black lace underwear, too, as well as black stockings and fuck me heels that men loved so much.

Checking myself in the mirror before leaving, I saw that I looked good. If my target turned me away tonight, he had to be gay.

I hailed a taxi outside my hotel. My meeting point was only a few blocks away, but I wasn’t going to walk that far in heels. The hotel where I was meeting my target was grander than I’d expected, and I felt a little underdressed when I walked into the lobby.

I made my way toward the bar, searching the tables for my mark. I’d been told he would be wearing a white rose in his jacket pocket to make himself known. Of course, I already knew what he looked like, but to my target, he believed I’d been sent by an escort agency.

I spotted Mr. Hudson in the far corner of the room, sitting in a booth all alone. I began a slow and sexy strut toward him, and when he looked up at me, I saw him swallow hard.
That’s right, you will be having me tonight.
I had no idea why he’d turned down the other girls, but that wasn’t happening tonight.

“Mr. Hudson.” I beamed my best smile as I slid into the booth next to him. “I’m Jade. It’s lovely to meet you.”

“Jade?” he questioned. “That’s an unusual name.”

“That’s because I’m very unique.” I fluttered my eyelashes at him, licking my lips.

“I can imagine,” he coughed.

“Now, the question is, do you want to take this party to your suite? Or have I wasted my time?”

“My, you’re very forward,” he spluttered.

“Time is money,” I pointed out. He gazed around the room, looking a little lost for a few moments.

“Can you excuse me for just one moment?” he stressed, suddenly getting up.

“You better not be running out on me,” I teased, leaning over the table to give him an eyeful of my cleavage.
Yes, this could all be yours for a night, Mr. Hudson.

“I…I…I just need to use the restroom,” he stuttered. “I’ll be right back.” I tried to hold my giggles in as I watched him rush off.

Looking down at my phone, I noticed I had an email from Sonia asking how the mission was going. I typed a quick response saying it was looking hopeful, and that if she didn’t hear from me in the next hour, I would be on the case.     

Georgie had also texted. I was just about to type a response when Mr. Hudson rushed back.

“Yes, I’d like you to accompany me to my hotel room, Jade,” he blurted out, trying to catch his breath. I had a feeling I intimidated this guy a little.

“Are you sure? You look a little nervous,” I teased, standing up.

“I…I’m sure.” I was beginning to feel sorry for the guy; he had no confidence at all. The tying up almost made sense. Maybe it made him feel in control for once.

“Lead the way then, Mr. Hudson.” I followed him into the lobby area and we stood waiting for the elevator.

“You’re very beautiful, Jade,” he commented, gazing at me.

“Thank you.”

“I take it the agency told you about my preferences?”

“The tying up?” He nodded. “I’m fine with that, as long as I’m not tied too tight.” The elevator pinged and we both walked inside.

“I’d like to blindfold you, too,” he added. That wasn't mentioned before, but I had no problem with that either. It meant I could close my eyes and rest for a while. I wasn’t expecting an earth shattering orgasm from Mr. Hudson, that was for sure.

“Okay, I’m fine with that, but remember if I don’t call my agency before eight in the morning tomorrow, you’ll be in big trouble,” I teased, poking his chest playfully. “It’s always the quiet ones that drive me wild in bed.” Mr. Hudson swallowed, looking down at my breasts. “Don’t be so nervous. This is all yours for the night,” I smoldered. “You can do whatever you want to me.”

“Oh God,” he groaned, pinning me against the wall as he hands gripped my breasts. “I shouldn’t be doing this, but you are so tempting.” His lips began to travel down my neck, licking and sucking before he quickly pulled away. He straightened up his jacket, looking embarrassed. What the hell was that all about? “I’m sorry, Jade. I don’t know what came over me just then.”

“I’m yours for the night. If you wanted to strip me naked and fuck me right here and now, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.” I only prayed when the time came, Oliver wouldn’t slip into my mind. Letting him go wasn’t something I could ever do, but I had to move past it. I needed to have sex. It was my job, after all, and I couldn’t put it off any longer.

“You can’t say stuff like that to me,” he gasped.


“Because I might do it.” Wasn’t that the point? This guy was so confusing.

“Isn’t that why we’re both here?” I frowned just as the elevator doors opened.

“Come on, let’s get into the room,” he stressed, taking my hand.

The hotel suite was the same as any other I’d been in. Mr. Hudson still looked lost, even as he gazed around his room.

“You can set your bag and coat down over there.” He motioned toward his couch. “I’d like to blindfold you right away, if you don’t mind.” Oh crap! I needed to lock my phone before he did.

“Umm…can I quickly freshen up first? I’ll be two minutes.”

“Certainly. The bathroom is through there,” he replied, pointing to the door on my right.

I was quick to freshen up. While I was in there, I emailed Sonia to tell her the mission was a go. I laughed to myself, wondering how they’d cope without me when I did finally leave.

unencrypting my phone for safety reasons, I then locked it. It was protocol, to do so if you knew someone could gain access to it. Checking over my make up one final time, I took a deep breath. It was time to do my job. With a heavy heart, I walked back into the bedroom.

As Mr. Hudson sat there drinking what looked like a whiskey, I dropped my bag and coat down on the couch.

“I’m ready,” I smiled sweetly.

“Okay.” I watched him pick up a red silk blindfold. “Are you sure about the blindfold?”

“It’s fine.” He nodded and came up behind me, swiftly tying the blindfold securely over my eyes.

“Can you see anything?” he whispered. I couldn’t see a damn thing. It was pitch black. I shook my head. “Okay, wait here a second. I just need to get the rope.”

“You’ll be gentle, won’t you?” I pleaded. Why was I suddenly so nervous?
You’re about to betray your heart, Jade. That’s why it’s hurting.

“Yes, relax,” he soothed. I could feel his breath on my neck, but he didn’t touch me. “When I come back, no talking until I say so, okay?” I nodded. Wow, this guy was getting off on the power already.

I don’t know how long I stood in that room waiting for Mr. Hudson to return, but when he did, the current in the air seemed to change. I could feel him circling me. He didn’t touch me, but the warmth of his body was clearly affecting me. It might have had something to do with the blindfold, but my senses were on overload.

I felt his body heat against my back, and then slowly his hands began to undo the zipper on my dress. His sharp intake of breath was loud in the silent room. I had worn some really sexy black underwear tonight. When he suddenly pulled me against his chest, inhaling my skin by grazing his nose against my neck, I gasped. His chest felt well defined, which was a little strange. Mr. Hudson didn’t look like he worked out.

I felt hands begin to explore my bare stomach and the touch was igniting my skin. Why did they feel familiar?
You’re thinking about Oliver, that’s why! Stop it, Jade.
It was true, but if thinking about Oliver would help me through this, then that’s what I would do.

I groaned, feeling fingertips graze the top of my panties. I wanted to wrap my arms around him as he stood behind me, but knew that wasn’t a good idea. Suddenly, I felt him pull me back. When my legs hit something soft, I knew I was near the bed. It was almost show time. I could do this. I would not break!

He pulled me up the bed, and I waited while he tied both my wrists. It wasn’t too tight, but I sure as hell wouldn’t be going anywhere until he untied me.

Completely helpless, I lay there waiting to feel his hands on me. I knew he was on the bed already; I could feel the mattress shifting under his weight. Why wasn’t he touching me?

Finally, I felt something starting at my ankle. It was feather light, but he trailed his fingers all the way up my leg, stopping at the apex of my thigh before repeating the same motion with my other leg. Oddly, each stroke felt like a loving caress.

I was squirming as his hand briefly brushed over my lace panties, working their way up my body. When he cupped my breasts, squeezing and rubbing over my hardening nipples, I actually groaned. It was as if he knew how to make my body sing, and only one man had ever been able to do that. Maybe I‘d gone crazy. I knew for a fact it was Mr. Hudson touching me right now, not Oliver. No matter how much I wanted it to be him, it didn’t matter.

His hands moved back down toward my panties, and he began to make slow, small circles against my sex through the lace. I began to rock my hips against his hand, feeling myself begin to build to the glorious rhythm. No, this wasn’t happening. Only Oliver had been able to do this to me.

“Oh God, please,” I groaned as he rubbed his fingers faster against my clit, slipping his hand inside my panties. I heard his gasp. I was drenched and felt ashamed. There was only one reason for being this wet, though. I was imagining his hands were Oliver’s. His pace increased as he ran his fingers through my slick folds, and pushing two fingers inside me, hitting
spot.  I came moments later, groaning into the night.

I lay panting, but I couldn’t mistake the movement on the bed. He hovered over me, his breath close against my neck. Softly he pressed his lips against mine. An explosion of taste invaded my senses. This was a taste I knew. I recognized the lips molding against mine, too. I hadn’t gone crazy, and the moment our tongues collided and I tasted myself, I knew I wasn’t just imagining it. Only one man tasted me after making me climax with his fingers.

“Oliver,” I moaned against his lips, trying to fight against my constraints. My cry only made him kiss me harder, his tongue invading every inch of my mouth. Holy shit! I was right.

Chapter Ten


“Oliver,” I moaned again, feeling him kiss across my jaw. I had to see him. I couldn’t take it a moment longer. “Oliver, take the blindfold off. I need to see you!”

“Why?” he whispered, sucking on my neck. I wanted to bolt off the bed. It

“Please don’t make me beg.” He sighed against my lips before pulling the blindfold away. I squinted from the bright light before my eyes focused on the man I loved with every beat of my heart. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“You never gave me the chance to thank you. Jade, what you did…”

“Didn’t you listen to what I told you? You need to leave. Now! The moment my company finds out you're here, you’ll be a dead man! How could you be so fucking stupid?” I was almost crying with rage as realization hit me. Miles would be keeping track of Oliver’s whereabouts. It was protocol for any top mission. An alert would be raised if he was even in the same city as me, let alone the same hotel.

“So, this is the real Jade Gibbs?” he mused, smiling down at me. “You sure are a lot feistier.”

“Untie me and I’ll show you feisty,” I threatened. “You need to

“It’s okay. You’re not the only one who can have a fake identity.”


“I flew down here on a fake ID. They aren’t that difficult to come by, which surprised me. You’re precious company thinks Oliver Kirkham is still in New York.”

“Why are you here?” I felt a little easier knowing The Seductors wouldn’t find him.

“You owe me answers, Jade. You must have known I’d find you. I told you, if we did this again it would be for keeps.”

“That Jade doesn’t exist. Don’t you get it? It’s my job to make men fall in love with me. Everything between us…it wasn’t real. You did all this for nothing.”

“You risked your life to protect my
power core. That speaks volumes to me.”  

“You’re reading more into it than there is. I didn’t want to be responsible for World War III. I did it for myself, not you.”

“How did you fall into this job, Jade? Were you pressured? Let me help you.” Was he even listening to me?

“I chose this life for myself, Oliver, and I’m damn good at it.” I couldn’t let him see the love I had for him in my eyes. We were playing a dangerous game, and both of us would get badly burned if we continued this. “I don’t need saving. I love the life I have. Whatever delusional thoughts you have about us are yours alone. I want nothing to do with you.”  

“Judging the way your body bowed to me, I think you’re lying.”

“I enjoy sex.”

“I drive you crazy, admit it.”

“That may be true, but it’s still just sex to me.”

“I know how to work your body, you know I do.”

“You’re not the only one who knows how to fuck really well. In fact, I’m better.”

“Is that so?” he smirked. “You really think I can’t handle you?”

“I know you can’t. I can take you to heights you’ve never dreamed of.”

“So that’s your job? You seduce and take men to bed so you can steal from them?”

“Among other things.”

“I can handle you, Jade, and you know it. That’s why you’re scared.”

“You really are an arrogant bastard. Do you know that?”

“I preferred it when you call me cocky,” he smirked, leaning down so his lips were inches from mine.   

“Isn’t that the same thing?” I glared. His shook his head, brushing his lips against mine. “Oliver, you need to go. You have no idea how dangerous this is.”

“If you don’t care about me, why are you so worried?”

“You’re the only good thing I’ve
done in my line of work. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I think it’s a little late for that. You broke my heart over three months ago. I’m not sure I’ll ever move on from that. You played me, Jade.”

“Don’t say that.” It would be so easier if he hated me, but I couldn’t mistake the love I saw in his eyes. “You need to move on. This—us—it’s never going to happen.”

“Is that you talking or the company you work for?”


“Can you tell me about this secret company?”

“You hired them. Surely you know enough,” I challenged, trying not to be drawn in by his closeness or his dark, brooding eyes.

“You’re just as coy as your company. You know we get no details. I had almost given up hope, thinking I’d got the wrong agency again.”

“You tried more than one?” I choked. He did all this in three months? I had no words.

“I have friends in high places, Jade. I got lucky after coming up empty handed on a few agencies. You’re agency specializes in seduction. That’s what drew me to it. Luckily, a friend of friend had used The Seductors before and agreed to act as your client for me. We brought Mr
. Hudson into this at a small price as the target. I never expected the plan to work so well, and that I’d finally find you, though.”

“You could have gotten yourself killed! I didn’t risk my life so you could put yours on the line again!”

“I wasn’t going to let you walk away before I had a chance to say thank you.”

“Well, now you’ve said it. Let me go so I get the hell out of here!”

“You really are different, aren’t you?” he grinned, running his hands down the side of my body. I held my breath, fighting with the desire pulsing through my veins. “I wasn’t planning on just saying thank you, Jade. I was kind of hoping you’d let me
you one last time.” Oh God, Oliver was talking about sex. Did I really want to do this?
Are you crazy? Of course you do. You can finally go all hellcat on him!

“W…what do you mean?”

“Oh, you know what I mean,” he purred, capturing my lips with his. I pulled against the ropes still holding me, desperate to touch him.  

“Untie me,” I begged.

“Mmm…I’m going to enjoy this control for a little longer. Something tells me when I do release you, it’s going to be battle for dominance.”   

“You have no idea,” I purred, tugging on his bottom lip with my teeth. He quickly pulled back, and I had the glorious sight of him stripping in front of me.

“I may have no idea who you really are, Jade, but this overpowering desire I have for you won’t

just sex, Oliver.” My body was already in spasms as his fingertips trailed up my legs, toward my sex.

“Do I need to use anything?”

“Not if you don’t want to. I’m clean.” I was burning, which wasn’t something I thought I’d ever feel again.

Oliver gave in with a low growl deep in his chest. My body was trying to play catch up with all the sensations. Instantly, his hand slipped inside my panties. He thrust two fingers deep inside me while his other hand had pulled my left bra cup down so his teeth and tongue could torture my hardened nipple.

“I’m going to make you scream my name before we’re through, Beautiful,” he smoldered into my chest. I had no doubt that he would, but I also knew when it was my turn, I'd have him begging for more.

“Give me everything you’ve got,” I challenged. When Oliver ripped my panties away from my body, I yelped at the slight sting. He then stood up and removed his boxers. I licked my lips as he stroked his erection up and down.

“Do you still want this?”

“Yes!” I half cried, wriggling on the bed with my hands still tied.

Oliver gave me a lazy smile before joining me once again. He pulled my legs apart, then knelt between them. Grabbing my hips, he lifted me off the bed and slammed into me hard. Jesus, I’d almost forgotten how good it felt to have him inside me.

“Fuck, yes,” Oliver panted, lifting my hips higher so I was arching off the mattress. The pain of my wrist restraints was making me wetter by the second. I was completely at his mercy as he fucked me wildly.  

I lost all sense and time. All I could see and feel was Oliver above me, claiming my body in the most carnal way.

When I did climax, he was right; I cried out his name as my orgasm exploded through my body, making every muscle inside instantly relax. He came quietly within me moments later.  

I lay panting, catching my breath. Oliver was lying beside me, his chest rising up and down.

“Wow, that was what I call a thank you fuck,” I finally managed to say a while later. “Are you going to untie me now?”

He nodded, leaning onto his side while pulling gently on the ropes. “Stay the night with me, Jade. Don’t leave yet.”

“What good would that do either of us?”

“It’s just one night.”

“That’s how this all started, remember?” I pointed out as he pulled both ropes from my wrists. Damn, it felt good to be free at last.

“All I’m asking for is one more night. I’ve gone to all this effort. Please, Jade.” I never could say no to him. “You’re leaving?” he panicked as I got out of bed. Fear was written all over his face. He couldn’t still love me—that was impossible. The woman he loved didn’t exist. How many more times would I need to explain that to him?

“No,” I smiled. “I’m going to take a shower and wash this prostitute makeup off. Then I’m going to show you how I really fuck.” Oliver’s eyes became unbelievably dark, and I watched his cock twitch. “I’d rest here while you can,” I winked.

“Are you sure I can’t join you in the shower?” he mused.

“That’s up to you, if you have the stamina,” I shrugged, walking to the bathroom.

I’d only just turned the shower on and clipped my hair up into a bun when I felt Oliver’s hand caress my backside. I smiled to myself, knowing he couldn’t stay away.

“Do you really think you can teach me some new tricks?” he mused, burying his face in my neck.

“Not tricks, but I hope you
saved some energy.” I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, drawing him to me before leaning on my tiptoes to press my lips to his. He encircled me in his arms as we stood in a soft, loving, unhurried kiss.

“Do your worst,” he chuckled against my mouth. That was an invitation I couldn’t resist. I grinned wickedly, backing him into the shower. After running my hands down his chest, I dug my nails in when I reached his abs.

“Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to act as shy Jade? All I wanted to do was jump your fine bones.”    

“So, you do find me attractive?”

“Oliver, I’m a female. Of course I do,” I giggled, reaching for the soap. “Can I wash you?”

“Of course. As long as I can return the favor.”

“I think that can be arranged.” I lathered the soap in my hands. Starting at his broad shoulders, I worked in a circular motion down his body. I swallowed hard, gazing down at his full erection. “Mmm…you seem to be enjoying this,” I mused, moving my hand over his cock slowly. Oliver gritted his teeth, bracing himself by holding the shower rail behind him. I leaned in and began to tease his nipples, pulling on them slightly with my teeth.

“Shit, Jade,” he panted.

“You like that, huh?”

“Fuck yeah,” he moaned, leaning down to crash his lips against mine. “But I don’t want to cum by you jerking me off,” he snarled against my lips. “I want to cum inside this.” His fingers slipped into my heat. I gasped, pulling back and letting go of his erection. I was taking the lead this time. He wasn’t going to sidetrack me.

“You need to behave.” Oliver had a wicked look in his eyes, but he dropped his hand from my sex only to pick up the soap.

Feeling his talented hands while he washed me only fueled my need for him. By the time he shut the water off, I was a raging mess of sexual desire.

“What now?” he whispered as we dried ourselves in the bathroom.

“Now the fun begins,” I grinned seductively, dropping my towel. Taking his hand in mine, I led him back into the bedroom.

When we got to the bed, I pushed him down playfully. I felt like a kid at Christmas, having no idea where to start. This fine specimen of a man was all mine tonight.

I ran my nails down his well defined chest, all the way to his hips before taking him in my hands, stroking him gently up and down.  

“Do you want me to fuck you first, then take my time exploring you after?” Oliver nodded, groaning as his head fell back on the pillow. I was teasing his cock with my thumb, rolling it over the tip. “You need to tell me, Oliver.”

“Yes,” he forced out. “Fuck me. I want it all!” I gave him a sly smile, moving to straddle him. Rocking my drenched center against his erection, I braced my body by holding his knees, then slowly impaled myself on his glorious cock.

“You better hold on.” I smirked, taking him deeper inside me. I leant back, rocking and bouncing against him with everything I had. His fingers dug into my hips painfully, but I was too lost in the sensations to cry out. How long had I been dreaming of this, taking Oliver as the real me? I drifted away in the sensation of his cock sliding in and out of me.

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