Destiny of the Heart (Viking Destiny) (30 page)

BOOK: Destiny of the Heart (Viking Destiny)
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Meanwhile, Derrick was fuming. He couldn't believe she
still thought to make theirs a marriage of convenience. After
everything they had talked about. He bloody well felt like
wringing her neck. Ever since he had met the vixen, he'd been
frustrated more oft than not. He needed to relieve his
aggression before the wedding and he knew just who to take it
out on, too. Stomping across the yard, Derrick headed to the
stables, knowing his brother would be there at this time of the
morning. When Tristan saw Derrick coming, he waved. Derrick
joined Tristan in the stables, but when he walked up to his
brother, he plowed his fist straight into Tristan's mouth.
“You bloody well should have kept your mouth shut!
Perhaps that will keep it closed for a few days.” Derrick
growled and turned to leave.
“Whoa, not so fast brother.” Tristan jumped up and
tackled Derrick, knocking him to the ground.


Kristen paced the floor of Tristan's study, desperately
trying to figure out what had just happened when a knock
sounded at the door.

"Come in." She called absently.

A slender man opened the door and walked in. He was
carrying a record book of some sort and had blank parchment
neatly tucked inside. He wore a fashionable business suit, the
kind you would normally see in London, but certainly not one
typically worn on a Caribbean island. The man had oily hair,
even more pronounced by the gossamer that he used to slick
it back with, and his small, beady eyes and hooked nose only
added to the overall disturbing appearance. All in all, the man
reminded her of a rat. She eyed him warely.

He approached her and bowed formally. "M'lady."
"Good day, sir." She replied politely.
"I am Mr. Crenshaw. Lord Shane has asked that I see

you in regards to the contract you wish to make before the
"Oh, yes of course. Please, have a seat."
"Thank you, m'lady."
He walked to the chair in front of the desk and sat
down. Kristen remained where she was and watched as the
little man prepared. He situated the parchment on the book
and pulled out a pen and ink, then dipped his pen in the ink,
and looked expectantly at Kristen.
"Now then. Where shall we begin, m'lady?"
Kristen took a deep breath. She was suddenly nervous
and found it hard to breathe. She stared at the man for a
moment, then cleared her throat. The little man was looking at
her, concern on his face, but it did nothing to steady her. She
became dizzy from the lack of air and swayed slightly.
"M'lady? Are you ill? Should I fetch Lord Shane for
you?" He moved off the chair he had been sitting in.
"No." She croaked. "I'm alright."
Mr. Crenshaw watched her with a measure of kindness
in his eyes as he sat back down. He might look like a rat, but
he was quite patient. Kristen took several deep breaths to
steady her nerves and gave him a tight smile.
"Alright, I'm ready." She said.
Mr. Crenshaw nodded and lifted his pen again.
Together they spent the next hour going over the details of the
marriage contract. There were several points he stopped and
asked if they should fetch Lord Shane. Kristen would have
preferred Derrick to be there, but he had flatly refused. She
knew that many of the points within the contract were not
typical, thanks to her mother, and she really thought he should
be present.
"Lady Kristen, if I may, this is a most unusual contract. I
really think Lord Shane should be present."
"I agree. You're welcome to try and persuade him to
join us if you like. He doesn't seem inclined to listen to me."
Mr. Crenshaw nodded. "Will you excuse me a
"By all means."
Kristen smiled as she watched him leave the room. He
was a jittery little fellow, and she appreciated that he had
Derrick's best interests in mind, but she had a sneaking
suspicion that when he returned, he would be quite shaken.
And, she didn't have to wait long. Not even two minutes, by
her estimation, since leaving the room and Mr. Crenshaw was
back without Derrick, and looking shaken just as she had
"Well?" She asked.
He cleared his throat. "It seems Lord Shane is perfectly
happy to sign whatever you have put to paper here and says
that if I question you again, he will shove this pen up my a-,
well anyway, please forgive my insubordination, m'lady."
Kristen tried not to laugh out loud, she really did, but
the poor fellow looked so nervous she couldn't help herself.
"Oh, Mr. Crenshaw please forgive me, but Derrick is
indeed stubborn. I've taken no offense to your questions, and
quite agree that he should be here. Fear not, I'll not tell him."
She patted his hand gently and walked around to sit in
Tristan's chair.
After they had finished her contract, Mr. Crenshaw
pulled out a small ledger from the stack he had with him.
"This is a small accounting ledger for Lord Shane's
shipping exploits. He doesn't have his estate books here, but
said to impress upon you that this is a good faith preview and
that he will be delighted to show you the rest of his records
upon returning to London."
Kristen was surprised. She hadn't expected Derrick to
show her any of the estate books, but here he was showing
her the smuggling books. As she looked over the figures, she
was certainly impressed. Derrick had more than doubled his
profits each year. She knew he had money, but she was
beginning to suspect that he had almost as much as her, and
she had far too much as it was.
Feeling more at ease with things between her and
Derrick after seeing his private books, Kristen excused herself
so that she could get ready for her wedding. Mr. Crenshaw
told her that he would have the contract completed and ready
to sign before the nuptials, then he took his leave so that she
could proceed. She smiled as she watched him leave. Derrick
said that he wanted her for his wife. Maybe she had misjudged
his motives. Surely a man seeking only a marriage of
convenience, or even a mistress, would not bother sharing his
private business affairs with her. Of course, he still didn't know
about her past and that he was in danger just being
associated with her. She sighed, wondering if Derrick would
still feel the same when she told him the truth.
Chapter 32

Chelsea and Kristen stood in one of the small rooms off
to the side of the small church. Kristen had been surprised
when she entered the little building. The church itself was
quite impressive with its stained-glass windows, but Chelsea
had gathered some maids and come that morning to decorate
with flowers and bows. The little church smelled like an exotic
island, and Kristen decided that she couldn't think of a better
place to get married. The only thing missing was Mel.

When Kristen walked into the room she would be using
to get ready, Chelsea had the dress hanging up and was
standing there with pins and flowers in hand.

"Oh, there you are. Come quickly, I shall do your hair."
Kristen smiled. Bustling clearly suite Chelsea.
"Have you been here all morning?" Kristen asked as

she sat down.

Chelsea went to work on Kristen's hair, sweeping it up
and pinning it, then adding flowers here and there. Kristen
couldn't see it yet, but she had to wonder with the speed at
which Chelsea was pinning it up. She chewed her bottom lip

"Si. Tristan brought me and several maids this morning
so that we could decorate. Did you like it?
"Oh, yes. It was very beautiful. Thank you."
"I am sorry your friend is not here."
"It's all right. We will celebrate when I return. Besides, I
have you here."
Chelsea's hand slowed slightly. She never had another
woman consider her a friend. She was always hated by most
women, so it was a new experience. One she very much
"Gracias." Chelsea replied, touched.
Kristen turned and patted Chelsea's hand
affectionately. She smiled at her and lifted her brows,
wondering if she could see her hair. Chelsea started.
"Oh goodness, look at me delaying you. Si, come take
a look."
Chelsea lead Kristen to a mirror and stepped out of the
way so Kristen could see. Kristen looked at her reflection
and gasped with delighted surprise, covering her mouth as her
eyes grew wide. Chelsea grinned behind her. Somehow, even
with her quick movements, Chelsea had managed to make
Kristen's hair look absolutely beautiful. It was swept up with
loose curls pinned around her head, but the bulk of it was
swept to the side. A few loose tendrils framed her face.
Chelsea had chosen bright orange flowers for her hair, which
looked stunning with her blue eyes.
"Chelsea, it's perfect!"
Kristen looked at Chelsea in the mirror, who gave her a
small nod with her head and smiled.
"I'm glad you like it. Now, let's get you dressed. I'll not
be surprised if Derrick falls over once he looks at you today."
Kristen knew that wouldn't happen, but it was a
pleasant thought. As she slipped into Derrick's mother's dress,
she ran her hand over the fabric and immediately felt the
warmth and love that had gone into its design. She smiled.
She loved that Tristan trusted her enough to wear the dress,
but she loved that she got to wear it while marrying Derrick.
She was sure Mel would be beside herself with the 'I told you
so's" right now.
Chelsea fluffed the bottom of the skirt and stood up
beaming. "Senorita, you look beautiful."
"Thank you. I feel beautiful in this dress."
Kristen glanced at herself in the mirror and smiled
"Derrick is lucky to have you. He will be thrilled when he
sees you."
Kristen turned and took a deep breath. She was
grateful to have Chelsea there. Normal wedding jitters aside,
she was worried Derrick wouldn't like what he heard before
they wed and all of Chelsea's efforts would be wasted. But,
she could only hope that fate would be kind to her. She was
ready to marry the man she loved, and even if he didn't return
that love now, she hoped that he would in time.
A sharp rap sounded on the door, and Chelsea
squeezed Kristen's hands reassuringly before walking over to
answer the door. Kristen heard Derrick's gruff voice and
smiled to herself. They still had the marriage contract to sign
and she wondered if he would sign it without reading it. She
sincerely hoped not, but he was about as stubborn as she
was, so it was possible. Chelsea admitted him to the small
room and Kristen turned to greet him, but when she got a look
at him, she gasped.
"Derrick, what happened?" She asked in horror.
He looked as if he had been run over by a carriage,
then the horses came back to stomp all over him. His lip was
busted, his face beat to a pulp, and Kristen was certain both
eyes would be black, though only one would be swollen
entirely come morning. He had changed into a fine set of togs,
but Kristen hardly noticed.
"Minor disagreement with m'brother. Let's sign your
contract and get married." He said brusquely.
Derrick signaled to someone standing at the door and it
was pushed open wider. Mr. Crenshaw walked in and bowed
formally to Kristen. She inclined her head politely.
"Derrick - "
"No more delays, Kristen. I will have you as my wife."
For some reason Derrick didn't entirely trust, that made
Kristen smile brightly. His breath caught in his throat. Damn,
but she was beautiful. And in his mother's wedding dress, too.
But, he was still angry with her. And, if she tried to get out of
the wedding one more time...
Kristen took a tentative step toward Derrick and gently
placed a hand on either side of his bruised face. She stood on
her tip toes and softly kissed him on the lips, then his eyes,
and finally his forehead.
"I'm not trying to delay. I merely wish to know if you are
alright." She looked him in the eye, determined not to fight with
him any more on their wedding day.
The kindness disarmed Derrick and his shoulders
sagged in relief.
"I'm fine. You should see Tristan."
Kristen chuckled. "Well, just wait until I get a hold of
him. I'll not stand for a bruised and bloody groom on my
wedding day." She teased.
She held Derrick's hand as Mr. Crenshaw brought the
contract forward and set it on the table. Derrick leaned into
Kristen and whispered in her ear.
"You look ravishing, m'dear. I believe I forgot to
mention that."
Kristen smiled to herself and squeezed Derrick's hand,
but said nothing as Mr. Crenshaw finished.
"Alright, this is the official signing of Lady Kristen's
contract. Would either party care to read through the
documents prior to signing them?"
Derrick gave him a quelling look, so he cleared his
throat and pulled out a pen. Derrick took the pen and went
through the contract, signing each page quickly and then
moving to the next. Kristen frowned.
"You wouldn't know this, of course, since you hadn't
bothered to read it, but there are about three of my family's
properties that now pass to you through me. Additionally, you
will be taking over the entire estate of - "
Derrick looked at her through narrowed eyes. "Just how
rich are you?"
She chuckled again. "I've been trying to tell you that I
come with quite a bit of money and land, but you won't let me
Derrick straightened. "I'm listening."
Kristen flicked a glance at Mr. Crenshaw, who took the
hint and left them to their discussion. He and Chelsea left the
small room and closed the door behind them. Kristen waited
until they left and then took a deep breath.
"My mother's maiden name was Christiansen."
Derrick's brows shot up to his hair line. "As in the
Norwegian princess who came here under the king's
protection as a political refugee?"
"One and the same."
"So, you're a descendant to the throne of Norway?"
"Not anymore. Our family fled the country to escape
persecution and save its people, and now the country is run by
another. We settled here, under the protection of the king. He
and my grandfather were quite good friends, so the king
granted us a fair amount of land and we earned our own
money. My ancestors were very tenacious in that respect."
"I'll say. Your family wealth is rumored to be more than
the king's."
Kristen smiled. "Possibly."
"So, where is the rest of your family?"
Kristen's smile faded, and she took a deep breath. It
was the moment she feared the most. The moment when she
would have to tell Derrick that she was selfishly putting his life
at risk by marrying him, and she didn't want him to walk away.
God help her, risks and all, she wanted Derrick to stay.
"They're dead."
Derrick frowned, as well as he could with a beat up
face. He caressed her cheek with one hand and looked at her
with more tenderness than she could have hoped for, but
then, she hadn't gotten to the worst part.
"Derrick, my family has been targeted since we left
Norway. At first the deaths just seemed like accidents, but my
grandfather was an excellent fisherman and swimmer, it's
highly unlikely that he would drown. And my mother, she was
an expert rider, there's no way she would have fallen off her
horse the way they said she did."
Derrick pulled her close as the emotion built up and
tears shimmered in her eyes. He wrapped his arms around
her tightly and kissed the top of her head.
"It's ok. I'm here and I promise I'll take care of you.
Nothing bad is going to happen to you."
"I've already been kidnapped once, Derrick. It's only a
matter of time before someone comes after me again. Anyone
around me is in danger. Look at Ashby. He hated my family
and they still killed him. I can't ask you to put yourself at risk
for me."
Derrick leaned back and studied her face. "Is that what
this was all about? You said no because you thought you were
putting my life in danger?"
Kristen nodded as she wiped tears from her eyes. "I
couldn't put your family through that, and I would never be
able to face them if something happened to you."
"Kristen, nothing is going to happen to me. I don't care
if you have the entire Norwegian army after you, I'm still
marrying you."
Kristen looked at him in surprise. She had expected
that he would change his mind regarding the wedding. She
hadn't expected that he would not only want to marry her, but
protect her as well. She hugged him tight, relief washing over
her. She hadn't realized just how worried she was that he
would leave her.
Derrick didn't say anything, but he had known there
was more to Kristen then she initially let on. The fact that she
was a Viking descendent certainly explained a lot, like where
she had learned to fight, why she was so remarkably different
from other English women, and possibly why she swore like a
pirate. But, he also felt as if an enormous weight had been
lifted from his shoulders with her confession. He wouldn't
admit it to Kristen, but her refusal and sudden agreement to
marry him had bothered him a great deal. Understanding her
reasons certainly helped.
He kept an arm around her waist, but finished signing
the marriage contract. Derrick wondered just what he had
gotten himself into. Since she was the descendant of royalty, if
she ever made a bid to reclaim her throne, would that make
him her consort? He grinned at the thought.
Once the contract was completed, Derrick escorted her
out of the small room to the platform at the front of the church.
There weren't many people in attendance, but that suited
Kristen just fine. She walked up to Tristan and punched him
hard enough to make him stagger. He laughed goodnaturedly, knowing Kristen and why she had just punched him
in front of all of their guests. The parson, not used to such
aggression from a woman, looked at Kristen with surprise and
a little censure. If she noticed the censure, she ignored it.
"We're ready to begin, sir." She said calmly.
This time Derrick burst out laughing. He took her hands
in his as he faced her, a smile dancing on his split lip and eyes
glowing happily.
Chapter 33

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