Destiny of the Heart (Viking Destiny) (13 page)

BOOK: Destiny of the Heart (Viking Destiny)
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Kristen bid Lord Bard good evening and went inside to
find Mel. She wanted an accounting of what was actually said
between her and Derrick when they danced, and she wanted
to know her thoughts about Ashby showing up. To Kristen's
chagrin, Mel was conspicuously absent. She sighed and went
upstairs to her room, not actually believing she'd get any
sleep, but at least hoping to sort through everything on her

Through the whole evening she'd only met one
gentleman that would suit her purposes and that was Lord
Bard. While she liked him well enough, she didn't feel any
particular spark toward him. Not that she was expecting that
since she planned to buy a husband anyway, but still, a girl
wanted to feel something for the man she was going to marry.
So far, the only man who made her feel anything was Derrick.
It stood to reason then, at least to Kristen, that she would have
to deal with this Derrick situation before she could ever hope
to find a suitable husband.

Kristen didn't bother to ring for Sarah at that late hour.
She undressed herself and adorned a simple cotton
nightgown that covered her from neck to foot. Sitting at her
dressing table, she yanked a brush through her hair, thinking
she was going to have to come up with a way to get rid of
Derrick's attentions. She knew them to be dishonorable and
he'd never be able to love her, at least not the way she wanted
to be loved, though she’d not be admitting to anyone that she
actually wanted love in her marriage. She could accept an
arranged marriage when her own emotions weren't involved.
But, with Derrick, she didn't think that would be the case since
her body tingled just being in the same room as him.

All that aside, there was also the disturbing news she'd
received from the mysterious woman that night, as well. At the
time, Kristen had been quick to believe her and offered her
own sympathy and dislike to the hurting woman. But, when
Kristen brought it up to Derrick, he seemed genuinely
confused. Of course, she didn't know him well, but what she
did know of Derrick was mostly honorable, at least where
women were concerned. Well, that wasn't true either. He had
tried to seduce her in the garden, knowing full well she needed
to find a husband. But, while Kristen couldn't explain it
precisely, in retrospect, there was something about the
woman that was off, and her story didn't ring true. At least, not
to Kristen.

And, then there was the matter of Ashby showing up.
She knew it would only be a matter of time, but she had hoped
it wouldn't be so soon. There was only one gentleman on her
list of possibles, and she wasn't sure Lord Bard was the one.
She had to assume that Ashby had followed her, and now
knew she was staying with Mel. Would it be better to move out
of Mel's house? It would perhaps give her a little more time,
and keep Ashby guessing. But, where could she go? He'd
most likely check all of the hotels nearby. And, there could be
no question of her intentions to thwart him. No, Ashby would
be on her far too soon. She'd simply have to move up her time
table and marry Lord Bard.

Sighing, she set the brush down and got up from the
dressing table, crossing her room to the bed. She lay down
and snuggled into her pillow, but as comfortable as her bed
was, sleep eluded her for the better part of the night. Her mind
was too focused on all of her problems, and having a solution
that may or may not work certainly didn't help. Of course, her
thoughts went to Derrick more often than she cared to admit.
Still, when she finally fell asleep, it was to a fit of dreams
involving amber eyes that glowed, floating toward her from all
Chapter 14

The next morning Sarah came into Kristen's room and
opened the curtains, letting the sunlight stream in.
“Good morning, Kristen. Lady Atchkinson said you
wouldn't be up yet and that I should wake you. Your
gentlemen callers are likely to arrive soon. She also said you
wouldn't have time to eat first, so Mrs. Sterling shall be along
shortly with some toast and jam to tide you over. I'll lay out
your dress while you wash.”
She walked to the sitting room to select a gown.
Kristen, who'd been propped up on her elbows, flopped back
down. She was exhausted. She didn't feel like greeting the
day with gentlemen callers, but knew it was expected of her.
Mentally preparing herself for the role she knew she had to
play, she took several deep breaths, and then threw the
blankets off her and rolled to a sitting position. As she
stretched and yawned, there was a knock on her door.
“Come in.” She called.
Mrs. Sterling walked in with a tray for her breakfast that
she had missed. There was another maid following close
behind with a fresh pitcher of water to wash with. They set
their things down and curtsied before leaving the room.
Deciding to bathe first, Kristen walked over to the washstand
and poured the water into an elegant bowl. She dipped the
wash cloth into the cool water and wiped her face, sighing in
satisfaction as the strain of her sleepless night eased with the
cool water running over her skin. When the washing was
done, she plucked the toast and hot chocolate from the tray
and went to sit in the chair by the window. Sipping on the hot
chocolate, Kristen felt her confidence and mood improve as
the warm liquid trickled down her throat. Funny how such
small things could make such a big difference.
As she sat there staring at the garden below, Sarah
returned. “I'm ready to help you dress Kristen, unless you
require that I come back?”
“No, that's alright. I'm ready.” Kristen smiled warmly.
She left the empty cup on the small table next to the
chair, then went to the dressing room adjacent to her own
rooms to remove her nightgown. She stepped into the dress
for that day, and then Sarah helped her fasten it in the back.
The dress was dark green with a silver brocade pattern at the
bottom of the skirt. In the front, it split open to reveal a lighter
shade of green silk underneath. The sleeves came to just
below her elbows and had the same silver brocade at the
ends as at the bottom of the dress. Kristen liked the way she
looked and smiled approvingly.
She sat down so that Sarah could fix her hair, but
suddenly had the urge to be difficult. “Sarah, leave my hair
down, if you please.”
“But Kristen, it's not appropriate to receive “
“Nevertheless, I'd like it down.” Kristen insisted kindly.
“As you wish.”
Sarah did as she was asked. She pinned half of it up in
the front so it did not look as if Kristen were without grace.
When she'd finished, she took her leave, and Kristen took a
deep breath to steady her nerves. If she were being honest
with herself, she'd left her hair down for Derrick. He seemed to
like her hair and the fact that she completely disregarded
fashion in that way. But, she was finding it was better not to be
honest with herself.
Deciding it was well past time to greet the day, Kristen
left the comfort of her room and walked down the stairs. She
came into the parlor and found Mel sitting there having tea
with one of the gentlemen that Kristen had danced with last
night. She didn't recall giving this gentleman her card, though,
so she wasn't sure why he was there.
“Lord Oliver, I didn't know you'd be paying us a visit. Is
your brother with you?” Kristen asked, a hopeful note in her
Derrick had introduced them last night and Oliver had
immediately asked for a dance.
A circumstance that seemed
to irritate Derrick, so naturally Kristen had agreed.
“Ah, good morning Lady Kristen. I'm afraid that my
brother isn't here. I had some business with Lady Atchkinson
and thought I'd pay my respects to you, as well.”
Kristen looked at Mel suspiciously. She knew that Mel
wanted to see Kristen and Derrick together, hopeless romantic
that she was. And, it would be just like her to involve his
“Indeed.” She said flatly.
“Well, you look lovely today, Kristen. Decided to wear
your hair down, did you?” Mel said, a touch of censure in her
voice, though Kristen ignored it.
“It is hard to get used to it being up. I beg your pardon if
it offends, Lord Oliver.”
“Not at all, madam. Actually, it's quite fetching.” He
smiled genuinely.
Kristen blushed, his gaze reminding her of a similar one
she'd received from a like pair of eyes. Mel cleared her throat,
reminding Kristen of where she was. She promptly took her
seat next to Mel and picked up a cup of tea, sipping to hide
her embarrassment.
As the three chatted, another visitor arrived to join
them. Lord Bard was shown in by Chester, and he was
carrying a rather large bouquet of roses that he handed to
Kristen, then bowed graciously as she stood to put them in a
vase. She curtsied and smiled.
“These are most lovely, Lord Bard. Thank you.”
“They pale in comparison to you, m'dear.” He kissed
the back of her hand, a gesture Kristen didn't care for, though
she wasn't sure why.
She smiled tightly and pulled her hand away the
moment it was appropriate to do so. Both Mel and Oliver
seemed to notice she was uncomfortable with it, but the lord
seemed oblivious.
"Lady Kristen, I wonder if you might wish to accompany
me to the theater this evening. I'm told it's quite a good show.
And you too, of course, Lady Atchkinson."
Mel inclined her head politely, but left it to Kristen to
respond to the invitation. Kristen briefly flicked her eyes to
Oliver, hoping he'd have something to say about it, but she
silently chastised herself. It shouldn't matter what Derrick
thought because he was not courting her, hell he'd already
refused to marry her. And, even if he changed his mind, she
had already determined he was not the marrying kind. So why
this hesitation? This was a perfect opportunity to get to know
Lord Bard better.
"Yes, thank you. That would be lovely, Lord Bard." She
smiled brightly.
They sat down together and the conversation flowed
easily. If Oliver thought anything untoward of her intentions, he
didn't let on about it. They all laughed and joked over tea, and
more and more callers came to join them. Soon, Kristen had
received more flowers then she had vases readily available,
so she sent Chester to put them in water elsewhere. By the
time they'd all left, Kristen felt more exhausted then she
thought was possible.
“Well, that went well.” Mel said as she collapsed onto
the couch after seeing their callers off.
“Yes, I suppose it did.” Kristen s
aid, not really feeling
very happy.
“What's the matter, dear? You have more suitors to
choose from then even I expected. And, Lord Bard is quite
smitten with you. This will make things so much easier.”
“Yes, you're quite right, of course.” Kristen just couldn't
manage to summon enough inflection in her voice to sound
Meloney clucked her tongue knowingly. "You know,
now that Ashby has shown up, you'll have to make a decision
Kristen groaned. "I know."
"Have you narrowed your list?"
Kristen scowled. "List? There's only one person on that
list and I'm not at all sure I like him." Kristen burst out angrily.
Mel didn't take offense. She knew what was really
bothering Kristen, despite everything going on.
“You're upset that he didn't show up, aren't you?”
“He who?” Kristen was being obtuse; she knew exactly
who Mel was referring to.
“Don't play coy, Kristen, it doesn't become you. You
know perfectly well that I meant Derrick.” Mel scolded.
“I've no idea what you're on about Mel. I've already told
you that I find that man reprehensible.” Kristen insisted.
“Yes, yes. So you've said. I still think you should admit
that you like him and work from that. At least marriage to him
would always be interesting.” Mel pointed out reasonably.
"I gave him the opportunity, if you'll recall. He declined.
I haven't the time to convince him that I'm the gal for him. If he
didn't figure that out before, then it's too late for him now."
"That's a bit harsh, don't you think? I mean, how would
you have reacted if someone showed up on your doorstep
saying your mother had signed a marriage contract for you?
You'd be absolutely furious, and you know it. Now that he's
had time to adjust, I'm sure he'd be interested in revisiting that
Kristen stood up. “I think I'll go riding. Care to join me?”
She asked as she walked out of the room.
Mel smiled and just shook her head. Kristen was as
stubborn as they came, perhaps that was the Viking in her, but
Mel knew she had feelings for Derrick, even if Kristen wouldn't
admit it. She followed Kristen upstairs to change into her riding
habit, but Mel was sure things were going to get very
interesting, indeed.


An hour later, both Mel and Kristen were in Hyde Park
riding. It was fairly quiet that time of afternoon as it was not
usually the hour to be out riding ones horse socially. There
were a few members of the ton that were out and about, still
chatting amicably and sharing the latest gossip - of which
mostly centered around Kristen and Derrick. Mel wouldn't tell
Kristen, of course, but it was rumored that the beauty of the
season had managed to capture the notorious Shane's heart.

Kristen noticed that several people were giving her their
fair share of attention. She nodded and smiled politely, but she
didn't stop to converse with anyone. Still, the looks she got
from them was uncomfortable and she felt the need to go
faster than their present trot. Looking at Mel, Kristen gave her
a wicked smile, one Mel knew meant trouble was bound to
find them.

“Now, Kristen...”

She got no further than that as Kristen took off like a
bat out of hell. Mel sighed.
“Lord, that girl will be the death of me.” She said out
Then, out of nowhere, a man on a horse came up
behind Kristen. Mel smiled when she saw who it was, but for
some reason, Kristen didn't slow her horse. That had Mel
Kristen had left her hair down and it was streaming
about her, so she couldn't readily see who it was. A moment of
fear struck her heart as she considered that it might be
someone her stepfather had sent, or worse, whoever it was
that wanted her dead. She threw caution to the wind and dug
her heels into the horse's side. The animal sped up, more than
game to increase the speed for he was an animal meant to
race, and she leaned into him, expertly riding at such speed.
When she glanced back to see that her assailant was gaining
on her, panic rose in her throat. She again dug her heels in,
but the horse refused to go any faster.
The thought that she was racing around the park in
broad daylight briefly touched her mind, as did the fact that
she was likely to be the topic of conversation in every drawing
room for the next week. Would the nightmare her stepfather
created never end? She whipped her head around to see that
the rider was too close for comfort, and leaned even closer to
the horse, silently praying that it would go faster. But, it was no
use. The rider finally caught up with her and dragged her off
her horse onto his. The fear that had bubbled up at being
yanked off her horse quickly dissipated as she was shoved
into the familiar lines of Derrick's body.
“Have you lost your bloody mind?” He yelled as he
slowed his horse from the break neck speed to a normal pace.
He grabbed the reins of her horse and pulled both
animals from the main part of the park to an area more
secluded so that he could thrash the girl and not embarrass
himself in the process. His heart was still racing and it wasn't
entirely from the adrenaline of the ride.
“I beg your pardon?” She asked haughtily.
“You could have been killed, you silly girl. What do you
think you were doing taking off on an animal like that?”
“Silly girl?” She screeched, outraged that he would dare
treat her this way. She reached around and slapped him
soundly. “For your information, I've been riding since I was
five. I hardly think there was cause for alarm, although you've
certainly given that impression to the ton, having snatched me
off my horse. Put me down, you odious man!” She yelled
Derrick was still reeling from the slap that she'd dealt
him. He realized his behavior was a bit irrational, but when
he'd seen the horse take off, he felt an intense fear the likes of
which he'd never felt before, nor did he care to feel again. That
it was directed at a woman, this woman, was something he
didn't dare examine too closely. But then, as he was gaining
on her and she looked back, he saw her dig her heels in and
give way to a chase, leading him to believe that she was an
expert rider and was merely running from him. That
knowledge fed into his fear and was better left alone just now,
especially with her in such close proximity.
He brought the horses to a stop near Mel, and for the
benefit of the ton, he put her down and handed the reins to
“It seems your horse had quite a spook. Are you sure
you're alright, m'lady?”
Kristen realized that he was covering up for what had
just transpired and silently thanked him, though she would
have preferred that society didn't think she couldn't ride. But
still, he could have come out and ruined her reputation quite
hastily. That he didn't meant he wasn't a complete ass.
“Yes, thank you, sir. I don't know what came over him, I
assure you.” She said sourly.
“Well, might I offer an invitation to the theater this
evening for my part in scaring you?” He asked.
“While I'm sure that would be lovely, I'm afraid I have
prior plans with Lord Bard for this evening." Kristen said
without much enthusiasm.
Lord Bard would make a good match, and she should
be grateful, but she still couldn't trudge up the least bit of
"I beg your pardon?" He asked angrily.
Kristen lifted a brow. "He asked first. I accepted."
Mel cleared her throat. "But, we'd be happy if you would
join us as well, Derrick."
He grinned, somewhat mollified, while Kristen whipped
her head around to glare at Mel, who shrugged innocently.
"I'd be delighted. Thank you very much, Mel."
Kristen climbed her horse and trotted off without so
much as a word to either of them. Mel chuckled and glanced
at Derrick.
"You'll certainly have your hands full with that one." She
"Mel, what kind of trouble is she in?"
Mel's smile faded a little. "It's not my place to tell you
that, Derrick. But, suffice it to say that it's important enough for
her to find a husband when she'd really rather not. I'll see you
this evening."
Mel inclined her head and headed off after Kristen,
knowing full well Kristen would be quite angry with her. When
she caught up with Kristen, it was to receive a frosty glare and
the silent treatment for most of the way back to Mel's place.
“Oh, give over Kristen. It would've been rude to refuse
the man who just saved your life, especially with the most
salacious gossipers there to witness it.”
“He did not save my life and well you know it. What he
did was make me look like a silly twit who cannot handle a
“He was concerned, thought your horse had gone mad.
It was rather romantic if you ask me.” Mel said dreamily.
“Well, I didn't. And I certainly don't want to spend three
hours stuck between him and Lord Bard. I love you Mel, but
where Derrick is concerned, you're not thinking clearly.”
“Me? Darling, it seems to me that you're the one not
thinking clearly. How can you possibly think that he doesn't
want you after that?”
“I don't doubt that he wants me, Mel. That's never been
in question. What he wants is a mistress, and that I can never
Mel shook her head, exasperated with Kristen's blatant
stubbornness. One would think that Kristen would trust the
very friend she came to, asking for help in finding a husband.
After all, Mel had more experience in these matters, being
married to an equally notorious rake. She knew Derrick could
be callous with his words, hell even her Guy had been at first.
But, she also knew Derrick would come around eventually, if
he could get over the big secret he used to keep people at a
distance. Not that Kristen would care one fig for what Charlie's
preferences were, but Derrick seemed to think otherwise.
However, Mel knew from experience that neither would be
able to resist the other for long, just like her and Guy.
With a little prodding, these two would find their way to each
Chapter 15

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