Destiny of the Heart (Viking Destiny) (34 page)

BOOK: Destiny of the Heart (Viking Destiny)
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Kristen woke up on a cold stone floor surrounded by
moldy straw. She pulled herself to a sitting position and
fingered her jaw gingerly, then winced when she touched a
particularly tender spot.

"You were a fool to rile him so." A voice said in the
Kristen let her hand fall away. "Perhaps, but I'll not be
intimidated by a tyrant bully. His power comes from those who
don't stand up for themselves."
The prince stepped out of the shadows and looked at
her. He tilted his head as though the position allowed him to
take more of her in. She returned his gaze. Kristen could tell
he feared his father, but she could also tell that he did not
want the life before him.
"My name is Nikolas." He said quietly.
"Kristen." She said.
He nodded. "Yes, we're all pretty familiar with who you
"Why am I here?"
Nikolas shrugged. "My father is paranoid that your
family will come to seek revenge. Not that you aren't without
right to do so. But, he seems to think that by marrying you
and me, your family would have no way to contest the right to
the throne, and since I was king, it would still continue in his
Kristen snorted. "No offense, but I'm not marrying you."
He smiled. "None taken."
"You don't seem to like his idea any more than I do."
"As you say, no offense. I do not thirst for power and
blood as he does."
"Then why are you here, in the dungeon, talking to
Nikolas looked away. Kristen got the distinct impression
that he was choosing his words carefully. When he looked
back, he was definitely more nervous than he had been
moments before.
"There is a prophecy here that one day a young woman
would return Norway to its former glory by opposing the false
king and standing up for what is right and just. The way you
stood up to my father made me think of that."
"I'm no savior, Nikolas. I have a life back home that I'd
like to return to. This feud has nothing to do with me, it was
before I was even born."
"You have no desire to claim what is rightfully yours,
and seek revenge for the family you lost?"
"Given the chance, I'd like to help your father
understand his mistakes in that regard, but no, I have no
desire to rule over a country. I prefer the quiet life."
Nikolas was surprised by her words. "You are much
different than I thought you would be."
"I get that a lot."
Nikolas chuckled. He could clearly see this woman
overthrowing his father. But, if she did and refused to take the
thrown, what would that mean for their country? He didn't mind
ruling, it's just that he didn't feel it was his right. He tried to
explain it to his father once and had been beaten for his
trouble. Since then, he played the ambivalent prince who was
easily offended by the wrong thing. Most of the men he'd sent
to the reaper had been his father's men. His father took it as a
sign Nikolas was preparing for his role as king. But, to avoid
suspicion, Nikolas had to send a few of the guards he knew
were against the king to the reaper, as well. He'd earned a
nasty reputation, but he was trying to help.
"I must go, but we will speak again. It would be wise to
mind your cheek for a little while. You'll do no one any good
being stuck down here." Nikolas said.
Kristen smiled. "I'll do my best."
Nikolas laughed. He didn't think she would try very hard
at all, but he had to hand it to her, she was unmistakably
Derrick, his brothers, and Guy were huddled around the
table in Guy's quarters aboard his ship. They were poring over
a map of Norway and making plans. Kristen had never told
him where in Norway she was from, but Derrick guessed the
Oslo, the capital, was as good a place as any to start.
"I think it would be best if we split up and get as much
information as possible once we arrive." Derrick said. "I'll take
the docks."
Tristan laughed. "A little pent up aggression there,
brother?" He teased.
"Being idle for nearly two months with no word of how
she is has me a little agitated, yes."
"I can't believe you married a princess." Oliver added
from across the table. "Does that mean you will be a consort if
she takes the thrown, or will we have to refer to you as your
Derrick scowled at him. "That's not really the issue, now
is it?"
"Certainly not, but think about it. You'll be a higher rank
than Scott."
The brothers looked at each and burst out laughing.
"Do you know, I hadn't even considered that. That
would certainly get his goat, I'm sure." Derrick said.
"I don't think he would ever get over the
embarrassment of having to refer to you as "your highness.""
Tristan added.
"Well, we need to find her first." Derrick added, getting
back to business. "I suggest we lay low and get a feel for the
grounds. Tristan, have you had any dealings with them?"
"Not much. I ran into them a time or two at sea, and as
best I can tell, they choose their ranks based on who fights the
best. "
"Well, that sounds promising." Guy added, studying the
"Indeed." Derrick added miserably. "Guy, how did the
conversation with the king go?"
"Kristen's grandfather is an old friend and he'd like to
help because he always thought the day would come when
Flanagan would return and reclaim his throne, but without any
guarantees like he had with Flanagan, he's not willing to risk
an all-out war."
"So the answer is no?"
"For the time being."
Derrick stepped away from the map and went to sit in a
chair across the room. He tossed himself into it, and slouched,
bringing his hands to cover his face. This was turning into an
impossible endeavor. They had no idea where Kristen was,
even if they could retrieve her, they had no hope of going up
against a Viking army alone, and they had no help from
anyone in a position to do so. Derrick sank further down the
"Well don't fret yet, dear brother. We haven't even
reached Norway yet. Better to see what the situation is first
before we decide it's completely impossible." Tristan said
Derrick nodded. He had to remain focused on finding
Kristen. The rest could be figured out when the time came. For
now, he just needed to get to Norway.


Alice awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. To her
surprise, Adrian didn't try to take her last night. He laid next to
her, but he was a perfect gentleman and kept his hands to
himself. He even let her sleep in, and left quietly to go about
his daily activities. It had been some time since Alice had slept
in, and she had to admit, it was pleasant to do so. But now
she was hungry and ready for a bath. Adrian hadn't left her
any instructions, so she wasn't sure what to do.

She still didn't believe the nonsense he had spouted the
night before about actually caring for her. He had plenty of
opportunity over the years to show her that he cared, but had
been nothing but cruel instead. He had an agenda she wasn't
aware of yet, but it wouldn't be long before Adrian got to the
point of what he wanted. Still, it was nice to be pampered and
not slapped around, so she was loathe to do anything that
would set Adrian off. She decided she would read a little and
give Adrian time to return.

And, it wasn't long before he returned with food and a
bath without her having to ask. He had the servants set
everything up and then dismissed them in a hurry. But, she
watched him when they were around. The Adrian she knew,
the cold and calculating, ruthless man who had trained her,
was there. But, when the door shut behind the last servant,
that mask of indifference melted to what seemed to be
genuine happiness at seeing her. The change was certainly
noticeable, but Alice didn't trust it.

Adrian walked over and kissed her on the forehead.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yes. Thank you."
He nodded. "Good. Let's get you bathed."
Alice frowned. "I am capable of bathing myself, Adrian."
"Yes, I know. However, I would like the pleasure." He
held his hand out to her expectantly. "Please."
She calculated her chances of survival in open combat
with Adrian, and the odds were still against her. Despite all
that she knew, she still had not surpassed him. Sighing, she
placed her hand in his and, with his most charming smile, he
led her to the bath tub.
Adrian had fully expected her to argue or fight him, but
instead she accepted. With shaky hands, he removed her
robe and shift, then let them fall to the floor as he helped her
into the bath tub. Everything about her was perfect to him. He
ran a hand across the slope of her shoulders and followed the
curve down to the crook of her elbow. He felt her shiver at his
touch, but when he glanced at her eyes, he was pleased to
note that it wasn't entirely hate he saw there.
His hand dropped into the water and brushed her leg as
he sought out the sponge. When he found it, he slid it up her
leg, over her hips, and around to her back where he met his
other hand and took the sponge. His free hand returned to the
water and caressed her thigh. Alice drew in a breath, and he
leaned over to kiss her shoulder as his hand inched closer to
her waist.
Alice gripped the sides of the bath tub. When Adrian
said he wanted to bathe her, she didn't think he had this in
"I thought you were just going to bathe me?" She said,
her voice sounding far too breathless.
"I am bathing you." He squeezed the sponge over her
back and let the water trickle down her skin.
He watched in fascination as gooseflesh rippled across
her arms, and her nipples hardened. Alice shifted in the water,
angling her hips away from Adrian, but he didn't mind.
His hand still crept up her leg until he reached her
womanhood. She stiffened, but he nuzzled her neck as his
hand found purchase between her soft curls. Adrian stroked
her slowly until she began to relax against him, then he
deepened the pressure. Alice's breathing turned shallow, and
she leaned back against his arm.
Smiling, Adrian bent his head and kissed her. His
tongue slid over her lips until they parted, and then delved into
the depths of her sweetness. The sponge he'd been washing
her with fell to the water, forgotten in his desire to touch her.
As Alice's tongue met his, Adrian lost himself in the feel of her.
He had wanted to take things slowly, to give her time to adjust
to this new level of their relationship, but when her tongue slid
into his mouth with a need rivaling his, he knew that taking
things slow was no longer an option. Throwing caution to the
wind, he lifted her from the water and crossed the short
distance to the bed. His mouth never left hers as he lay her
down and covered her wet, naked body with his own.
Alice rocked her hips into his, and Adrian nearly lost all
self-control. A hungry need to possess her come over him and
he tore his mouth away so that he could remove his shirt. But,
as he pulled back to remove his shirt, Alice arched her back
and pulled him back to her. He chuckled and kissed her, but
pulled back again to remove his shirt. Adrian quickly yanked it
over his head and threw it on the floor, then returned his
attention to Alice as she softly raked her nails down his back.
Alice didn't know when she had decided to enjoy
Adrian's touch, but somewhere between the bath and his hand
sending butterflies to her stomach, she noticed a change in
him. She still wasn't certain she could trust him, but his touch
had been gentle and sweet. Before he had always been rough
and callous with her. But as the heat of his body returned to
hers, she felt safe for the first time in her memory. Alice
relaxed and slid her hands up and down the length of him as
their kiss deepened. Adrian's manhood bulged from his
breeches and rubbed at the sensitive point between her legs.
She moaned in pleasure and Adrian bucked his hips into hers.
Adrian felt certain he would burst into flames any
moment; the heat between them was so intense. He still
needed to remove his breeches, but he was absolutely loathe
to leave her again, afraid she would change her mind. When
he pulled back from her, he brushed strands of damp hair from
her face and stared into her eyes, searching to see if she was
ready for this next step. To his great surprise, she seemed
willing to take whatever he would give her. Confident she
would not refuse him at this point, he stood up and started to
remove his pants. Alice jumped from the bed and stood before
him, her skin still damp and glistening.
She reached for his hands as they began to remove his
breeches and she gently pushed them away. Her eyes locked
with his, and she held his gaze as she slowly slid his breeches
down from his hips to his ankles. Adrian stepped out of them
and Alice tossed them to the side, then settled on her knees in
front of him. She took the full length of him into her mouth, and
Adrian sucked in a sharp breath as her tongue and lips slid
back down his shaft. She took her time caressing him, and her
tongue swirled and twisted as her lips moved up and down.
Adrian couldn't recall ever feeling anything quite as
wonderful as what she was doing to him. One of her hands
came up and massaged the underside of his shaft, and he
nearly collapsed where he stood. The other hand joined her
mouth and she found an easy rhythm where the two worked
together, sliding up and down the length of him while her
tongue continued its lazy perusal of his skin. The fire he felt
before seemed glacial compared to how he felt now, and he
was certain that if she didn't stop, his insides would devour
him in flame.
She took her time and Adrian felt his pulse quicken,
and his breath was nothing but a moan. He grabbed her hair
and held it from her face as he watched her. She sucked in
her cheeks and applied a slight pressure to his shaft,
continuing her up and down motion. But, it was enough to
undo Adrian. He groaned in pleasure and spilled his seed into
her mouth, filling her until she could take no more. She
watched him carefully as she swallowed and Adrian lifted her
from the floor and took her back to the bed.
"Now, it's my turn." He whispered in her ear as he lay
her down.
His hand followed a lazy trail from her waist to the curls
between her legs, and he parted her with a finger as he
slipped it inside, creating a slow rhythm at first. His thumb
caressed the nub at the top of her mound, and Alice moaned
happily. Kissing her again, Adrian increased the rhythm of his
finger until he felt the warm wetness of her body touch him,
and then he slid another finger inside. Alice bucked her hips,
wanting more, but Adrian took his time. He tore his lips from
hers and moved to cover one nipple with his mouth.
Alice's hands went to his hair, and she pulled at him as
she writhed in need. Adrian's tongue circled the hardened nub
of her breast and then sucked it further into his mouth while
his fingers kept up a steady tempo. Alice nearly unseated him
as she bucked again, her hips slamming into his chest. He
moved to her other breast and gave it the same attention while
she bit her lip and moaned. Her breath quickened, and Adrian
removed his fingers and scooted down so that his tongue
could replace what his hands had been doing.
Alice nearly jumped off the bed when Adrian's tongue
touched her down there. She had been with Derrick for nearly
three years and he had never done such a thing. Adrian held
her waist in place with his hands as his tongue danced up and
down the length of her. When he came back up, he swirled his
tongue around the tip of her womanhood and she let out a
lusty cry that seemed to send Adrian over the edge. He
growled low in his throat and lifted himself up on his elbows,
trailing kisses from her belly button to her mouth. When he
was in position, he entered her swiftly and Alice sighed
But, Adrian was not yet content and he thrust into her,
his hips slamming into hers as they barreled toward their
climax together. Alice's breasts teased him as they bounced
around, so he grabbed them, giving them a squeeze. Sweat
beaded on his forehead, and he could feel the intense
pressure building in his groin, but he wasn't ready to give into
it yet. He slowed his tempo and came to a stop, pulling out
and lifting Alice's left leg to rest on his shoulder. She moaned
in protest at the loss of him, but was quickly pacified when he
reentered her.
Alice had no idea lovemaking could be like this. Her
first time with Adrian had been quick and over before she
could even enjoy it. Things with Derrick hadn't been so bad,
but she'd never felt the exquisite freedom of her senses she
felt now. Each thrust of Adrian's hips had her crying out in
pleasure. Each slide of his shaft caused a thousand
sensations to crawl through her entire body, seeking release.
The pressure built in her belly and the heat rose to a scorching
temperature. She was sure they would burn before they
finished. But, when Adrian lifted her leg to his shoulder, she
was nearly undone. The sensations across her body were
spinning out of her control, and she had no idea where she
stopped and he began.
Adrian pounded into her, faster and harder than he had
before. A need to possess her came over him and he wanted
nothing more than to make her happy. When Adrian couldn't
contain himself any longer, Alice screamed in release and
grabbed onto his arms. Her eyes flew open in surprise and
Adrian rode the wave with her, his seed spilling into her body
for a second time. He panted as he leaned his forehead
against hers, and he savored the feeling of her hands on him.
Alice had never felt so satisfied in her life, and she
didn't want that feeling to end. She didn't want this Adrian to
leave her, or reality to creep in. Instead, she wrapped her legs
around his waist and held him to her. He didn't seem inclined
to move anyway, and the two stayed that way, unmoving and
quiet for a long time.
Chapter 38

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