Destined - The Austin Series Prequel (5 page)

Read Destined - The Austin Series Prequel Online

Authors: C.J. Fallowfield

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #friendship, #sex, #alpha male

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‘Yeah, well Simon prefers
strings and if you don’t want him to find out about us I need

‘Stop bloody talking and bend
over,’ I snapped as I extracted myself from my boxers. She licked
her lips as she saw my hard cock with a bead of come balanced on
the end. I grabbed the back of her shoulder and pushed her down
over the desk and nudged her ankle with my foot. She automatically
spread her legs, exposing her quivering pink pussy to me, still
shaved, just how I preferred it. I let go of her and quickly rolled
a condom onto me, with the expertise of someone who’d done it many
times before. I could see creamy white fluid bubbling out of her as
she clenched with anticipation, I loved how just the thought of sex
with me got her all creamed up. ‘Grip the far edge of the desk,’ I

‘God, you’re so hot,’ she
groaned as she stretched her arms in front of her and complied. I
didn’t waste any time with foreplay, not when I only had … I looked
at my watch … eight minutes of her break left. She screamed as I
slammed myself straight into her quivering opening. I could feel
her muscles tightening, trying to drag me in deeper. I grabbed her
red pony tail and yanked it back, making her gasp and clench even
harder. Chelsea liked it rough and that suited me, since I’d put
the brakes on picking fights to help me deal with this ball of
anger I had inside me, rough sex was an excellent substitute, along
with my martial arts. I sucked on my thumb as I pounded her, she
wasn’t the tightest girl I’d been with, but we were in tune after
so many times, she knew how to move to match my moves, how to
swivel and gyrate to help me get off. I also knew what got her off
and smiled as she screamed when I thrust my wet thumb up her

‘Does Simon like doing this to

‘No … no he’s all …
,’ she moaned.

‘Does he make your cunt as wet
as I do?’

‘No Gabe, no one ever has.’

‘Does he make you come every

‘No,’ she cried as her body
spasmed. I smiled to myself and checked my watch again, not bad. An
orgasm in under two minutes from penetration alone, that was a new
record for Chelsea.

‘Why do you cheat on him?’ I
demanded, curious. I couldn’t understand why she kept going out
with guys and cheating on them. Why not just be upfront like me and
not get attached?

‘I don’t, only with you Gabe, I
can’t resist you, not since I first saw you, since I first seduced
you. You’re even better than I could have ever imagined you’d be
that first time I … o God … that first time was
but so right and your cock’s gotten even bigger as you’ve matured,’
she panted as I continued to pound into her.

‘He has grown a bit hasn’t he,’
I nodded proudly. I’d filled out everywhere, at six foot one, with
my ripped physique, my cock had grown in proportion and women loved
him, which made me exceptionally happy, as I was pretty fond of him

‘He’s the biggest I’ve ever
had,’ she groaned as her knuckles tightened on the desk when I
ploughed through her swollen flesh again. I started to thrust into
her two holes harder. This was my preferred way of fucking, I only
fucked, making love wasn’t in my repertoire. I liked my women
compliant, eager to please and at my mercy. No unnecessary
attachments. I’d tied Chelsea up a few times and teased her until
she screamed at me to stop and begged me to fuck her, I also
enjoyed that. The end result was always about me getting off, but I
loved taking my time and having them beg me for more. The better I
made them feel, the more word got out how good I was. Not like I
needed much help in attracting women, but I always took the
attitude if you were going to do something, do it well. The thought
of her tied and gagged made my balls constrict, I’d have preferred
to have had more time with her. I’d have loved to have bent her
over one of those stools in the staff room, tied her hands and feet
to the legs and fucked her in both holes until she begged me to

‘Come now, Chelsea,’ I ordered.
She nodded as I leaned over her and lifted her off the floor with
every slam into her, my balls ricocheting off the back of her
thighs. I held off until I felt her orgasm starting and then
groaned and emptied myself into her as she cried with pleasure. I
pulled out of her, ripped off the condom and screwed it up in some
paper from the bin, then buried it back in there. By the time I’d
wiped myself off with a tissue and tucked myself back in, she was
standing and had shuffled her dress back down.

‘That was amazing, as usual,’
she smiled, then tiptoed up to kiss me. I turned my cheek to avoid
her catching my lips. I really wasn’t into kissing unless it was
during the build up to sex.

‘Yeah, thanks.’

‘Can I use the loo to clean

‘Don’t. I like the idea of you
going home and Simon eating you out or fucking you, not knowing
you’re full of my come.’

‘You’re so bloody kinky,’ she
giggled. ‘Call me soon?’

‘Sure,’ I nodded. I kissed her
cheek, unlocked the doors and watched her disappear into the lift
and sighed heavily. I’d just got off, so why did I still feel so
fucking empty inside? I used the bathroom to wash up and punched in
the code to lock up and headed home.

Dad was away, again, he was
hardly ever at home now. He’d based himself at the firms New York
office and had purchased an apartment over there. I pretty much
lived on my own in his big house here. I stood in the dark staring
at the contents of the brightly lit fridge, I couldn’t be bothered
to make anything so I went to bed.

I was still awake at three a.m.
I hadn’t slept well since I was a child, not since Mum died. When I
used to have trouble sleeping, she would climb into bed with me and
put one arm around me, stroking my hair while she read me stories.
I didn’t know why I even bothered coming to bed early, I’d just lie
here every night running through all the ways I could’ve acted
differently that day, all the ways that didn’t end up with her
chasing me, falling and haemorrhaging.

‘Fuck Gabe, pull yourself
together,’ I muttered as I wiped some stray tears from my face.
‘You’re a grown bloody man.’

I tried to think about my
swimming technique, what I could do to improve it. I’d missed out
at the Olympic trials by a fraction of a second and boy, had that
pissed me off. I focussed on that, anything to help me get through
the night, anything to stop me having that nightmare again. The one
where the bottom of the stairs is covered in pure white snow, until
crimson spreads across it, as the ghost of my mother stands in the
middle of the pool of blood clutching her stomach and cries ‘You
did this,
killed us Gabriel.’

One week ago

I stared out of
the window of the taxi, Doug sitting by my side fiddling with his
DSLR camera. It was my birthday, nineteen years old, finally in a
relationship, but still bloody miserable. Doug had tried to cheer
me up yesterday, first day of freshers’ week, by dragging me around
the corridors of Uni trying to spot a new girl who might take my
fancy. He knew I was already bored with my relationship with Julie.
Hell, I knew I was bored of it within a couple of dates, but she
was sweet and kind, the sort of girl a guy could settle down with
and get married to. We’d both known her for years, she was on the
city swim team too. I’d always known she fancied me, she always
seemed hurt that she was the only one of her team that I hadn’t
fucked, but she seemed too innocent to corrupt like that, a lot
more innocent than the rest of the girls’ team. She really deserved
better than me, she deserved a guy that was going to commit to her

I’d called Chelsea last New
Year’s Eve and she’d sneaked out of the house she shared with her
latest boyfriend John, and we’d had sex outside up against her
lounge wall, while he was sitting inside watching TV. When I’d
woken up the following morning, I just couldn’t bear the thought of
carrying on for another year like that. I knew I needed to try
having a relationship, maybe the sort of love my mum and dad had
for each other was slow growing. All I knew was I wanted to try and
Julie seemed the perfect girl to do it with. So I’d asked her out
nine months ago and regretted it immediately when she started to
cry with happiness.

She was so not my type. She was
really tall, too athletically built, with no curves or tits or
arse, but she was blonde. Blondes were my first choice, red heads
next, but rarely brunettes. I’d tried really hard to be a “normal”
boyfriend for her, but I just wasn’t feeling it and was worried she
was going to get too attached to me. I kept making excuses not to
go on dates, I never invited her back to mine, we always fucked
after swimming practice in the pool changing rooms when everyone
had gone, or in a hotel if I was desperate. I’d pay for the night,
but leave the minute I was done and felt like a complete shit every
time I saw her crestfallen face. I’d been determined to keep
trying, to feel something, anything for her other than friendship
and fondness, but it just wasn’t happening. I looked down as my
phone rang for the fourth time and sighed.

‘Chelsea?’ asked Doug, without
looking up from his camera’s display.

‘Yeah,’ I sighed and pressed
ignore. She’d not been happy that I’d not seen her for so long and
as it was my birthday it obviously held special memories for

‘You seriously still haven’t
fucked her? In

‘No, I’m with Julie. I may be a
shit boyfriend Doug, but I don’t bloody cheat.’

‘Got to say I’m impressed dude,
never thought you had it in you.’

‘To not cheat?’

‘No, you’re a decent guy. I
meant to stick with Julie for so long. It’s really not happening
though is it?’


‘No, no it’s really not,’ I
sighed as I looked back out of the window. ‘I’m thinking about
breaking it off.’

‘Christ, hope you’re prepared
for a bucket load of tears. Don’t do it tonight, she spent ages
rounding everyone up for your birthday, she’ll be gutted.’

‘Well it’s going to have to be
soon, I haven’t had sex with her since I realised my feelings for
her aren’t going to change, and I
sex. It’s been four
bloody weeks, I’ve never gone this long without since I was

‘We have the rest of freshers’
week to find you someone else to let off some steam with dude, just
stick with her for a bit longer.’

‘Fine,’ I muttered. It was
hardly fair to her, but Doug was right, breaking up with her now
would be even worse. Maybe I was being unreasonable, maybe I needed
to make more of an effort, after all the only common factor in my
fucked up life was me.


I smiled politely as everyone
sang happy birthday to me in the bar. I’d decided to break my rule
tonight and drink, not excessively, alcohol was full of sugar which
was as hazardous to my physique as anything. Plus I either got
really aggressive if I drank too much, or I turned into some bloody
girly emotional mess and
I didn’t like at all. First I
didn’t want a bloke to see me like that, but what girl wanted her
guy to be all fucking emotional? Doug and I found a quiet corner to
catch up.

‘I wish you’d bloody talk to me
sometimes,’ he sighed.

‘What do you mean?’ I frowned
as I looked around at him. ‘You’re my best mate, I talk to you all
the bloody time.’

‘Not about your Mum.’

‘What about my mum?’ I asked as
I stiffened up.

‘Dude I was there remember? I
heard you screaming, I heard you crying all night and for weeks
after and you’ve never once talked about it.’

‘It was eleven fucking years
ago Doug, I was a scared, emotional eight year old kid. It’s all
behind me. Why the hell are you bringing this up now?’ I turned and
frowned at my reflection in the window, glad we’d found a space
away from my friends.

‘You’re in serious denial, it’s
not all behind you. I shared a bloody dorm with you for nearly ten
years, you think I didn’t notice the sleepless nights and bloody

‘Are you deliberately trying to
bring me down? It’s my damn birthday.’

‘Exactly, you always get
maudling around your birthday and Christmas. Not placing any blame
or judgement.’ He held up his hands in a defeated plea as I whipped
my head around to scowl at him. ‘Totally understandable mate, I
can’t imagine how shitty you must feel, but all the more reason to
get it off your chest, or you’ll end up even more miserable and

‘I don’t have a problem finding
company thanks.’

‘Yeah, strings of one night
stands, or fuck buddy Chelsea that you have no intention of getting
serious with, or you pick girls that you know aren’t right for you
like Julie. You’re scared of committing.’

‘Shut up Doug, unless you want
a fat lip to go with that big mouth of yours.’

‘Fighting talk,’ he laughed and
punched my shoulder. I grabbed him into a head lock and knuckled
his hair and burst out laughing as he tapped out.

‘Wimp,’ I muttered playfully.
Doug was no wimp, he was two inches taller than me and my biggest
competitor in swimming and Ju-Jitsu.

‘Pussy,’ he shot back and I
grinned at him. He was the only person I knew who could piss me off
one minute then make me laugh the next. I looked back out of the
window. Part of me really wanted to talk to him about what led to
Mum’s death, but something held me back. It was as if talking about
it would mean I was dealing and moving on, I didn’t deserve to move
on or be forgiven.

Doug and his parents had been
amazing with me while I’d lived with them. Doug had never said a
word, or asked me why I cried every day for four weeks. He’d just
kept offering me whatever toy of his I showed any interest in and
shared his sweets with me. At school when an older guy, twice his
size, had called me a sissy because I was crying in the playground,
Doug had punched him in the stomach. When the older guy pushed him
to the ground and kicked him, that’s when I stopped crying and got
mad. I’d hurled myself at him to protect my best friend, screaming,
kicking, punching and biting until he fell on the floor and curled
up in a ball and screamed for help. Doug had got back up and joined
me in my attack until the teachers came running out, astonished.
There were two scrappy eight year olds beating up a burly thirteen
year old, who was led away in tears. Doug and I were inseparable
from that moment on and I’d finally found an outlet for the pain
clawing at my insides. I’d dragged Doug down with me of course,
every time I picked a fight, he’d step in to back me up, so we
started getting into trouble at school on a regular basis. Not long
after our parents grew tired of our behaviour and had a discussion
and sent us both to Dunsmaster as termly boarders, for some

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