Destined - The Austin Series Prequel (7 page)

Read Destined - The Austin Series Prequel Online

Authors: C.J. Fallowfield

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #friendship, #sex, #alpha male

BOOK: Destined - The Austin Series Prequel
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‘Dude, what the hell’s got into
you? You’ve only had three drinks that definitely
tampered with.’

‘It’s her. I can’t explain it
Doug, I just felt a connection with her, like she was the girl I
was meant to spend the rest of my life with and I just fucking lost

‘Holy shit. You’re serious?’ he
gasped as I dropped my hands and he saw my face. I nodded and ran a
hand through my hair. ‘We need to find her then.’

‘How?’ I laughed.

‘I have her picture, how about
we Facebook it and ask if anyone knows her? She looks our age, we
can stick it up at Uni. We don’t come to this bar normally, maybe
it’s a favourite place of hers, so we can come back every

‘You’d do that with me?’

‘Gabe, I’ve never seen you
react to a girl like this. Plus if we find her, we find her hot
friend for me,’ he winked. I laughed and then sighed. Why hadn’t I
just approached her as soon as I’d seen her? I’d never been
reserved with a girl before, I saw what I wanted and I went for


I lay in bed that night, for
once thoughts of my mum didn’t keep me awake, thoughts of that girl
did. I really hoped she was safe, that she hadn’t got into trouble
with that dickhead who was all over her. Why the hell hadn’t I
stepped in earlier?
Because you like her you stupid prat,
came a voice in my head. She wasn’t just another girl to add to the
notches on my bedpost, she was someone I really wanted to get to
know. For the first time in my life I was actually nervous about
approaching a damn girl in case I got rejected.

I rolled over, grabbed my
iPhone and opened the photo I’d asked Doug to email to me, the one
where she first looked straight at me. I caught my breath as I
looked at her stunning face and reached out my index finger and
traced it down her nose and around her perfect lips. My cock went
rigid again looking at her, but for once I ignored it as I gazed
into her beautiful eyes. Shit, I really had it bad for her.


I lay back in
bed, with my hands behind my head, as I looked at the new canvas on
the opposite wall. It was a black and white close up of my mystery
girl and I sighed. I wondered if it was creepy to have it up there?
To be fantasying about her the way I had been for nearly a week?
There again, guys around the world had pictures of pop icons, movie
stars, page three or super models on their walls, this was no
different. Well it was different, they were just crushes, this was
way more than a crush, I already knew that deep in my gut.

After my birthday last Tuesday,
I’d got more depressed as each day had rolled on. Doug had tried
with the social media sites, but no one we knew in the city knew
her. We’d gone back to that damn bar every night looking for her
and we’d gone to Fazeleys, the in club for our age group Friday and
Saturday night, after waiting in the bar, with no luck there
either. I was that smitten I’d even spent all my free periods and
breaks in freshers’ week checking the canteen and roaming the
corridors hoping to see her, but I realised it was a fool’s

When I’d finally accepted on
Saturday night that I wouldn’t see her again, I’d asked Doug to
produce this canvas for me. I’d even contemplated going round to
Julie’s yesterday, sex would have cheered me up, but I’d realised I
couldn’t do it to her, I couldn’t do it to myself. Now I knew how
emotionally attracted to a girl I could feel, instead of just
physical attraction, I didn’t want to settle for anything less.
Even the thought of Chelsea did nothing for me, it was just empty
meaningless sex and I was done with it. For three years I’d been
fucking her on a regular basis and … nothing, one look at this

I reached down under the duvet
and grasped my rigid cock. Since Thursday I’d jacked off about six
times a day, just thinking about her lips, those breasts and
backside. I stroked myself as slowly as I could, trying
to prolong it this time. I’d never had a problem holding back, not
since that first time I’d come in Chelsea’s mouth all those years
ago, but the thought of my brunette had ruined me. I’d been
spurting uncontrollably in minutes, every damn time. I prayed it
wasn’t going to be a long lasting effect, hopefully once I got over
this ridiculous infatuation I’d be able to last a lot longer

‘No,’ I groaned as I felt
myself tense up. ‘Baby, what are you doing to me?’ I asked her
picture as I spasmed and flooded my fist. I showered and jacked off
again, then dressed in dark grey trousers and a grey shirt. I had
an interview with the Uni swim team coach, Davies, about being team
captain. I bent over to do up the laces on my black oxfords. It was
a real honour to have been invited, no other freshman had ever been
asked, apparently he’d been following Doug and I on the city team
for the last four years.


The interview with Davies had
gone well, I had the fastest time out of any of the team members,
new or existing. It cheered my melancholy, for a short while at
least. I sauntered up the corridor to the amphitheatre I was taking
English in and automatically headed for the seat opposite the door.
If I was going to try and move on, this would give me ample
opportunity to eye up my fellow female students, yet somehow even
the thought of it didn’t fill me with the excitement I hoped it
would. I sat and watched as people filed in, no, no, no, yet more
no. There were at least a hundred girls in here, surely one of them
should do something for me?

I sighed as Professor Jenkins
called for silence and introduced himself. I went to scribble some
information on the pukka pad in front of me and cursed under my
breath. Where the hell was my pen? And my bloody books? I was so
off my game. I leaned back in my chair to grab my rucksack, which
I’d tossed against the wall behind me, but it was too far out of my
reach. I quietly got up and bent over to rummage the items out. I
stood up and as I turned back around I heard a commotion and loads
of people sniggering. I looked and shook my head to see a tangle of
limbs on the floor, just inside the door and a flash of red, purple
and blue hair.

I sat down, then frowned as
something in my memory jolted and quickly looked back at the girl
with the coloured hair who scrambled up first. It was that crazy
looking chick from the bar that Doug fancied. I felt my heart race
as I looked down at the second girl who was crouching, trying to
shove all her books back into her bag. Long wavy dark hair, great
tits encased in a white t-shirt, it was her, it
had to be
her. As she stood up and I saw her face, I let out a breath I
didn’t even know I was holding. I felt like all of my birthday’s
and Christmas’s had come at once. There was my brunette, right in
front of me, looking seriously adorable, with her embarrassed hot
pink cheeks and a nervous tuck of her hair behind her ear. Jenkins
was chastising them and I was ready to tell him to back off, but
grinned happily when I heard him mention her drooling over a male
posterior, she’d been looking at my arse while I was bent over. Her
friend took a bow and dragged her to the only two seats left in the
auditorium, right opposite me.

Hell, this was the luckiest day
of my life. I felt like a stupid kid with a big dumb grin on my
face that I just couldn’t get rid of, and another damn erection. I
never took my eyes off her as I reached down and squeezed him,
before resting my hand on my thigh as I subconsciously licked my
lips. She had her head down, too ashamed to look up, had she even
realised it was me? She confirmed she had when she slowly peeked
from under her fringe and looked in my direction, working her way
up my body. I deliberately moved my hand, to let her get a good
look at my erect cock. It always impressed women and I was going to
exploit everything to my advantage to make sure she had no reason
to not want me back.

I let out a small sigh of
satisfaction as I saw her eyes widen as she laid eyes on it, she
swallowed and her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink. She worked
her way up to my face and seemed to freeze as she looked at me, I
was used to that reaction, but coming from her it meant so much
more. I flicked my eyes down and saw her breasts rising and falling
rapidly, good she definitely wasn’t immune to my charms. I looked
back up at her eyes, she was still staring, slightly dazed, like
most women did at me, but this time, inside of the normal cocky
pride I felt at the fact they all desired me, I felt my heart
expand and my stomach flip. When she finally snapped out of it and
actually focussed and realised I was looking back at her, I wanted
to toss the desks separating us out of the way, take her in my arms
and kiss her passionately, before taking her to my bed and making
her scream my name.

I gave her my best smile and
winked and she looked shocked, so shocked she went really pale and
said something to her friend, then quickly put her head down. I
frowned, what was that all about? She seemed to be swaying and
gasping for air. I shoved my seat back, concerned. When I saw her
whisper something and go even paler I stood up quickly, just as her
eyes rolled and she fell face first into the desk. I strode across
the room while everyone looked at her stunned and her friend shook
her by the arm.

‘Quick, move out of my way,’ I
ordered, she did as she was told. I swept the object of my
affections hair out of the way and put my finger on the pulse in
her neck and felt a crackle of energy flow up my finger, that was
new. Thank God it was there, but slower than it should be, she’d
obviously fainted. I pulled her chair back and slid an arm under
her knees, the one around her slim waist and lifted her into my
arms effortlessly.

‘What the hell are you doing?’
snapped her friend with a black scowl.

‘Taking her to the nurse, so
unless you fancy carrying her I’d suggest you move out of my way.’
I raised an eyebrow as I fixed her with a look that usually made
women, and most men, back off immediately. She didn’t flinch for a
good few seconds, impressive, this chick was actually quite
intimidating herself. I’d learned from the best though. Robert
Austin, fondly known to me as Dad, was the master of instilling
fear with a single glance.

‘Fine, but I’m coming with
you,’ she relented as she moved out of my way and started to gather
up all of their stuff.

‘I’m not waiting, so catch me
up,’ I instructed over my shoulder as I left her behind. Mr.
Jenkins opened the auditorium door for me and told me to keep
walking straight down the corridor. I strode quickly, looking down
when I heard a soft moan that reverberated to my core, to see her
eyelids flutter and her lips part. Good, she was coming out of it.
I did a quick check that the long corridor ahead was clear and
looked down at her again. My mouth went dry as I took in her
features, she was the most stunning girl I’d ever laid eyes on and
I felt my heart swell with that overwhelming desire to protect her
from everything, as well as the desire to dip my head and kiss her
soft lips. They were that close that I could have done it, but I
shook my head, she was nearly unconscious, that wasn’t how I wanted
our first kiss to be.

‘Is she ok?’ came a voice. I
looked around to see her friend had caught up to us.

‘I’m sure she’ll be fine, but
the nurse will need to check her blood pressure and give her some
water, she’s a bit groggy still. Does this happen often?’

‘Not that I know of,’ she
frowned. ‘So what’s your name?’

‘Gabe, you?’


‘Well Lexi, we’re nearly there.
Why don’t you stay with … with …’ I looked back down at the girl in
my arms, then back at Lexi with a questioning brow.


‘Mia,’ I said slowly, as I
returned my focus to her. God, even her name was beautiful. I saw
her turn her face, she pressed her cheek against my chest and
seemed to nuzzle against me as her lips moved against each other
and she let out a soft sigh. I had to clamp my own mouth shut to
stop me doing the same.

‘You were saying?’

‘Sorry what?’ I dragged my eyes
away from Mia’s face to look at Lexi.

‘You were saying stay with Mia

‘I’ll sort the notes for the
lecture you’ve missed.’ I slowed down as we approached the nurse’s
room. Damn it, I didn’t want to let her go, but at least this time
I knew exactly where to find her for the next three years and that
thought filled me with overwhelming joy. ‘Meet me tomorrow by the
main campus gates so I can give them to you.’

‘Sure what time?’

‘Quarter to nine.’ I didn’t
give her any other option.


‘I guess I’d better get her in
there then.’ I smiled at Lexi as she opened the door for me and the
nurse rushed forwards.

‘What’s happened?’

‘Fainted, her pulse was quite
weak, but she seems to be coming around.’

‘Put her on the bed please so I
can check her.’

‘Ok,’ I nodded. I heard Jenkins
arrive and talk to Lexi as I lay Mia down on the bed. I had to
resist planting a kiss on her forehead, instead I took a deep
breath, inhaling the scent of her coconut and lime shampoo, she
smelled amazing. I ran a hand over her soft silky hair as she
moaned again, then took one last look before the nurse shoved a
pillow under her feet then pushed me out of the way, blocking my
view of Mia’s face as she grabbed her wrist to check her pulse.

‘Right, there’s too many of you
in here. One only please, let’s give her some privacy,’ she said as
she looked at the three of us over her shoulder. I reluctantly bit
my lip as Lexi stepped forwards.

‘I’ll stay, she’s my best
friend and roommate, her name’s Mia.’

‘Mia, Mia sweetheart, you’re
going to be ok, you fainted,’ I heard the nurse say as Mr. Jenkins
ushered me out, I took a quick look back and smiled, relieved to
see her hand move. I had to find out if she was available, and
soon. If she was, a girl like that wouldn’t stay on the market
long, not with hundreds of horny Uni guys surrounding her.

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