Desires (3 page)

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Authors: Holly J. Gill,Nikki Blaise

BOOK: Desires
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Stacie decided it was like going to the doctor with something
Best just to say it.
like my breasts to be caressed.”

“Excellent. I need to make a few notes,” Angel started
to write on the clipboard. “When was the last time you masturbated?”

Okay, now that
really was too much!
This woman was just too
intrusive. Stacie stuck out a mutinous chin.

“I need to know, Stacie, or I can’t properly help you.”

Oh God!
“Quite a while ago. I have completely lost interest.”

“Because of your ex-husband?”

“I guess so. In the beginning of our relationship it was
okay, but then once the ring went on my finger he changed. Out went the romance
and flowers. Along came the booze, drugs and violence. I guess I’ve forgotten
what love-making is.”

“Sounds like he did an amazing job of messing you up.
He’s made you feel worthless and abused you mentally as well as physically. I
give you full credit for gathering the courage to come here and attempt to
regain what I call the joy of life. Love-making is the most amazing feeling
with the right person, and I promise you, we
help you.” Her brisk tone had gone, to be replaced by gentle
compassion that made her seem an altogether nicer person. “However, there is
one thing. You are here to be taught and not, and I repeat not, to fall in
love,” Angel said, sitting forward and looking Stacie directly in the eye.

“I will match you with a tutor who will help to give you
confidence in both self-stimulation and also intercourse. He will not treat you
like dirt, but with respect. The tutors in this place are paid by sessions and
won’t do the romantic build-up that you like, but I will chat with your tutor
first, make him understand your feelings and relax your tension. He will treat
you well and he will care for you. I have seen women in your position fall in
love with their tutor, thinking he feels the same because he is caring. But
he’s just doing his job. And the women are inevitably disappointed.”

Stacie found herself nodding. She could see how that
could happen.

Angel continued more briskly. “Now, on a different note,
everyone likes different things sexually and what works for one person may not
work for another. If there is anything, and I mean anything, you are not happy
with please say and it will be stopped instantly. You’re not here to be unhappy
or feel as if you have to do anything. Your happiness and satisfaction is
paramount to us. Let Desires bring back your life, fun, love and enjoyment of
being who you are. It’s Stacie-time now.”

Angel then reached in her top desk drawer. “Here is our
contract,” she said, pushing some papers across the desk toward Stacie. Stacie stood
up and moved forward to take them from her, glancing over the paper as Angel
continued speaking.

“You’ll note the clause stating no emotional involvement
with your tutor or tutors. This is strictly forbidden. They are here to teach
you only. You sign here…” Angel said, pointing on the contract where to sign.

Stacie skimmed the contract, sipping her wine, and then
sat back on the edge of the sofa.

“The prices are listed on the second sheet. You can
decide whether to book a whole course in one go, or book individual sessions. There
is a discount for block bookings, but I expect you’ll want to see how it goes
first of all. See how you feel later once you’ve met your tutor. I have put on
your sheet that you need to start from scratch, which includes masturbation. Is
that okay with you?”

Stacie swallowed the mouthful of wine she’d just taken,
nodding convulsively. It was all so…business-like.

“It also states there will be no secret meetings with
any of your tutors. Anything said outside could lead to court action. Payment
is either up front or you can set up an account, which one of the girls can
take you through later if you prefer. All equipment and all relevant
instruments must be left on these premises unless you have permission from your
tutor to have them. All items need to be signed out. Does that seem fair to

Relevant instruments?
She hadn’t realized there was going to be homework!
Stacie suppressed a hysterical giggle.

Angel stood up and walked toward the door. “I’ll just
let you have a look through those. I’ll be back in a moment.” She left and Stacie
leaned back on the squashy sofa for a minute, feeling somewhat stunned. She
read through the contract and glanced over the price list. It wasn't cheap, but
it would be worth it. If she did as Angel suggested and just did individual
sessions to begin with, there was no commitment. She could just stop coming if
it wasn’t working for her. She levered herself up off the sofa and walked over to
Angel’s desk, contract in hand. She exhaled slowly and then quickly picked up
Angel’s pen and scribbled her name on the dotted line. She left the contract on
the desk, but kept hold of the price list. A minute later Angel came back,
smiling when she saw the signed contract.

“Welcome to the Desires family. I’m so happy to have you
with us.”

And my money
, Stacie thought but said nothing.

“Okay. I’ll talk to you briefly about what you will
encounter and then I’ll assign you your tutor. Firstly, you need help and
guidance with understanding your body sexually and finding your way around it.
You will learn your own likes and dislikes, how your body works, your turn-ons
and turn-offs and, most importantly, your tutor will help you gain confidence. Each
time you achieve a goal, you and your tutor will make the decision on the next

Stacey just nodded.

“If there’s anything you feel unsure about, just tell
your tutor and he will advise or talk you through anything you don’t
understand. Any questions?”

Overwhelmed with the information she’d been given, Stacie
couldn’t think of anything to ask. “No, not at the moment.”

“Well if you think of anything please do not hesitate to
ask either myself or your tutor…”

As Angel was speaking, something popped into Stacie’s mind.
“Will I be treated like a whore?”

“Absolutely not. Well, not unless you want to be.”

“Want to be! Why would anyone want that?”

“As I said, everyone likes different things. But from
what you’ve said that’s not your thing. Your tutor will look after you through
your journey here at Desires and make sure you get the best treatment,” Angel
reassured her.

“What if I don’t like my tutor?”

“You will, trust me. But if you don’t, I’ll assign you
someone else. Here’s an information booklet I need you to read. It’s just some
information about the building and where the fire escapes are, that sort of
thing. Health and safety, you know. I’ll leave you for a few minutes while I
talk to your tutor. I will give him your details and make sure the room is
ready,” Angel said. She stood up and headed for the door, pausing to give
Stacie a reassuring smile before leaving the room.

Stacie skimmed through the booklet, taking in the
salient information before putting it to one side.

Indulging her curiosity, she wandered over to the
bookshelves, glancing at a few of the books. She shouldn’t have been surprised
to see they were variations on a theme. There was one on bondage, one devoted
to masturbation, and one about sex positions. She opened the sex positions
book, leafing through the pages. Every page was a full-colour photograph
depicting men and women in various coital positions. And they weren’t just
couples either. There was one woman being penetrated by three different men in
three different orifices. On another page, a man was penetrating a woman while
he himself was being penetrated by another man. Shocked and embarrassed, she
put the book back.

Stacie trailed her finger along the long line of books about
every possible aspect of the sexual act, from basic anatomy to fetishes she’d
never heard of. The club was into serious business.

She sat back down on the edge of the sofa waiting for
Angel to come back. At least she wouldn’t have to get into any of the weird
Just simple nice sex, with,
hopefully, a nice caring man.

Angel swept back into the office. Stacie had to admire
her. She bet Angel never had a problem speaking her mind, or telling someone
they were wrong, unlike Stacie. Maybe one day she would have an ounce of the
confidence Angel seemed to ooze.

“I’ve met with your tutor,” she was saying as she rested
her curvaceous bottom on the edge of her desk. Stacie snapped her awareness
back to Angel. “He’s called Dan and he’s twenty-three years old.”


“Is there a problem?” Angel said, a look of concern flitting
across her face.

“Don’t you think he’s too young?”

“No, not at all. He’s exactly what you need. Dan’s not your
typical young immature man. If you have a problem with him, I will select
someone else. But I wouldn’t worry. Dan is perfect for you. Trust me.”

There was that phrase again.
Trust me.
Stacie wasn’t convinced. Surely someone her own age, or
older, would be more appropriate to teach her, not some kid eight years younger
than her.

“Are you ready to meet him?” Angel said, standing up and
walking toward the door.

“I guess.”

“You don’t sound keen.” Angel turned back.

“Sorry…I’m just concerned.”

“Don’t worry. If you don’t like Dan, I can assign you
someone else, or you can just leave. I won’t tie you down. Unless you want me
to.” Angel waggled her eyebrows and Stacie couldn’t help but smile.

Stacie inhaled a deep breath, and stood up on wobbly
legs. Angel held the door open for her and they went back out into the

Stacie’s imagination took over. Images of what her twenty-three-year-old
tutor might look like filled her mind. He could be ugly, covered in tattoos,
piercings, have weird hair or those stretched ears. Perhaps the fire exit might
be the better option. And now she knew where they were, thanks to the health
and safety booklet.

They headed back to the reception area and up one of the
staircases. Stacie glanced down at the receptionist who smiled at her
encouragingly. At the top of the stairs, there was a long corridor with many
doors off it. Angel headed off briskly down the carpeted passageway. There was
a chair outside each door. More explicit pictures decorated the walls with
small wall lights highlighting them. There were no other lights in the corridor
so the effect was warm and calming. Halfway down the corridor there was a
statue of a couple embracing. The man’s hands caressed the woman’s breasts. One
of her hands surrounded his impressive cock while the other was twined round
his neck.

Stacie was staring at the pictures so intently she
didn’t notice Angel come to a halt, and bumped into her.

“You okay?” Angel asked.

“Sorry, just admiring the artwork.” Stacie felt her face
flush, but Angel just smiled.

“No problem. Are you ready?”

“I guess so,” she said. Her mouth felt dry and her heart
beat so loud, she felt sure Angel could hear it.

Angel opened the door for her then called, “Dan.”

“Hello,” Stacie heard a male voice answer. His voice
sounded sweet, not too deep.

“Dan, I would like you to meet your new client, Stacie,”
Angel said.

Stacie moved closer to the door as it opened wider from
the inside. The most beautiful, for there was no other word for him, and so
very young man stood before her, with a smile so sweet and gentle her knees
crumbled. Her body quivered at the sight of him. She felt embarrassed that she
had worried about what he might look like, her embarrassment quickly replaced
with worry over what he might think of her. What would such a stunning young
Adonis think of having to service a distinctly average and ordinary woman like
her whose bits had already started to head south?

Stacie tried to return Dan’s welcoming smile, but she
knew it lacked conviction.

Angel continued the introduction. “Stacie, this is Dan,
your tutor. I think you’ll be happy, but if you have any concerns, you know
where I am.” Stacie only vaguely registered Angel’s words. She was lost in
Dan’s eyes.

Stacie entered the room, holding her head low. She felt
like such a fool. What had she been thinking?

Angel left the room without another word. The door closed
quietly behind her. Stacie tried to look anywhere except at Dan.

“Hi,” he said easily. She glanced at him, making eye
contact for as brief a moment as possible. He was perfect in every way
possible. He wore black jeans and an open-necked purple shirt. His hair was such
a dark brown as to be almost black. It had a little unruly curl to it, making
Stacie want to wind those silky curls round her fingers. He had warm brown eyes,
and pouty, sexy lips. He was lean in build, about eleven stone and about six
foot tall.

Stacie couldn’t believe her luck. However, the memory
that this angelic-looking young man had to teach her how to masturbate elbowed
its way back into her conscious mind. Her face felt as if someone were blasting
a blowtorch at her and she turned away to hide her cherry-red cheeks.

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