Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders (6 page)

Read Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders Online

Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Alien Invasion, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Genetic Engineering, #Hard Science Fiction, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Marine, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders
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“What are you saying?”

“We have to find out if she can still detect the Feeders while she’s wearing a thought blocker.”

“I haven’t considered that.”

“That may be what the Nudges were trying to communicate. If she can still feel them, and we can see that part of her mind while she’s wearing a thought blocker…”

“Then we have an early warning system that works.”

“I’ve been troubled by the fact that one of them went to M-87 and made it through all the Goran Scouts and our probes without being seen. If they have that capability, we have to find a way to detect their presence. Her species may be the answer to that problem. I have to believe they will be turning their attention to us eventually.”

“Do you have any idea as to why they haven’t before now?”

Kyle shrugged, “I think we’re on a list and we’re not a high priority, yet.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“You saw them attacking a galaxy with billions of ships. I suspect they’ve got a list of conquests they’re working on and we aren’t high on that list. I also think that fleet attacking that galaxy isn’t the only one they have.”

“That’s not something I like to hear.”

“We’re going to have to go and find out what we’re up against but not without a way to detect them. We also need to see how our Light Ships match up to those warships they were using in that attack.”

“Are you planning to ground all our fleets?”

“No, I’m going to send them out in the opposite direction of Feeder Space. The Feeders may not be the only threat to us and we should at least go and see. It will keep the fleets occupied until we determine where we are in matching up with them. Which also poses another question.”

“What is that?”

“If you remember, the entity in the Bullet Cluster could see our minds even when our pilots were wearing a thought blocker. The Feeders can probably link huge numbers and I wonder if our newest thought blockers will keep them out?”

“They weren’t able to see Hensel’s mind.”

“Are you willing to bet the farm on that? He only confronted one of them not a large number of linked Feeders.”

“I don’t know?”

“You need look no further than the Nudges hiding from them. If they’re superior to us mentally, they wouldn’t need to hide if the Feeders couldn’t see them. I suspect it’s the Feeder’s Linkage they fear.”

“There’s also another issue.”

“What is that?”

“The Feeder Legune was exposed to did not detect her ability to sense him. Could it be that her conversion to human DNA is what gave her the ability?”

“That makes going back even more important. I will go with her.”

“I don’t like you being placed in that degree of danger.”

“Get in line, I don’t either. But that planet is where we can find the answers we need to start moving forward. Where is she?”

“I have her in Fleet Operations going through the Light Ship Simulator program.”

“Why are you doing that?”

“Perhaps I was nudged.”

“I’m turning things over to Amelee and have her start sending the fleets out to other galaxies to see if another enemy exists. I’ll come to Operations when I get things moving on that front.”

“She’ll be busy for another week.”

“Good, I need the time.” Grengel’s thoughts disappeared and he sighed. “Amelee.”

“Yes, Commander.”

“Meet me at First Fleet’s Headquarters and ask Kyley to meet us there.”

“Yes Sir. What’s up?”

“We need to give the fleets a task to keep them busy and I’m going to need you to determine their targets. I’ll tell you more when I see you.”

“Yes Sir.” Kyle walked over to his Light Ship and looked back up at the sky. He shook his head and went through the port. He flew the ship to Miami and landed on the beach. He walked toward the Hotel and saw the three women were in their usual spot on the beach. He blew out a breath and hoped they would just ignore him.

As he walked up to them, one of them nudged the blonde. She went up on an elbow and looked at him. Her eyes narrowed and she said, “There’s laws against impersonating an officer.” Kyle looked at her and continued walking. “I’m going to report you!”

Kyle stopped and sighed. He turned and went back to the three women. “By all means do so.”

“The military no longer has a First Commander; you should have chosen a better disguise. No one is allowed to wear the Crimson Uniform of the First Commander.”

Kyle’s eyes narrowed, “Just how would you know that?”

“You’re making a mockery of our brave warriors and you should be arrested for your actions.”

“My name is Kyle Ambrose. Make your call. But before you do, you should know that I’ve seen you have intelligence, which is needed to be as sharp tongued as you’ve demonstrated. It’s a shame that you choose to display yourself in a fashion that will only attract men who are little more than predators. No principled man, who possesses a good sense of morals would ever be attracted to you. You’ll only be seen as a woman to be used and thrown away.”

Kyle walked away and Clarissa lifted her communicator and pressed a button. “Fleet Patrol.”

“I want to report a Kyle Ambrose for improperly wearing a First Commander’s uniform at the Hilton Hotel in Miami Beach.”

There was a pause and she heard, “First Commander Ambrose is wearing his uniform appropriately.” The contact abruptly ended and Clarissa looked at the device. She turned and saw Kyle enter the hotel and then replayed what he said in her mind. She looked around and saw men were laying on towels nearby leering at her. She saw what they were thinking. She grabbed her towel, wrapped it around herself, and stood up.

She started shaking her head and Jill said, “What’s wrong!?”

Clarissa’s eyes were moist and she said, “He’s right!” She ran toward the hotel.

• • •

Kyle stood at the front desk and shook Tim’s hand, “I’ve assigned your hotel to be the one Fleet will use for all of its conferences and meetings. Thank you for all you’ve done. I appreciate your gathering up my belongings and shipping them.”

“Does this uniform mean what I think it does?”

Kyle shrugged, “I was given an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

Tim smiled, “I’m glad they saw you for who you are. Thank you, Sir.”

Kyle looked to the left and saw a Fleet Captain walk up to the desk and hand her key to the attendant. He did a double take, it was the woman from the beach. She saw him looking at her and she came to attention and saluted. Kyle returned her salute and smiled, “Now this is a surprise.”

“Not as big as seeing you in that uniform, Sir.” Kyle nodded and turned back to Tim. “Sir?” Kyle looked at her. “Thank you for speaking your mind. I needed to hear it.”

Kyle stared at her and then nodded, “You have more that you know, Captain. You don’t need to…”

“I know. Thank you.” Kyle nodded and walked out of the hotel to his Light Ship.

Tim looked at Clarissa and shook his head. “What?”

Tim smiled, “You are more beautiful in your uniform than in that beachwear you’ve been using.”

Clarissa sighed, “Thank you.” Tim smiled and watched the Light Ship disappear from the beach. Clarissa walked out a moment later and called in her Light Ship. She lifted and set the coordinates for her Fleet’s spaceport. A moment later, the small ship disappeared. She reported to her Fleet Admiral and was told to be present for a meeting in six hours. The Admiral looked at her and smiled, “Your promotion was approved and you will now command Second Squadron. All of my Commodores will be present when we’re given our orders. Pick up your new uniform and get moving.”

“Where is the meeting, Sir?”

“Fleet Operations. I’ll see you there.”

• • •

The Conference room was packed with the Commanding Officers of every Alliance Fleet. They were all asking each other what was going on and they jumped to Attention when Fleet Admiral Amelee Jorgenson entered the room. “At ease. Take a seat.” They all sat down and she looked out at them. “We’ve made a recent discovery and it has impacted our plans for the foreseeable future. We are ceasing our efforts to find the Feeders and we’ve been assigned the task of searching the galaxies to the west and south of our cluster to determine if there is another civilization that may be a threat to the Alliance.” Amelee turned and saw Kyle enter the room, “ATTEENSHUNN!”

The room jumped to their feet and Kyle said, “As you were.” Everyone took their seat and saw he was wearing the First Commander’s uniform. Most of them were unaware of the recent promotion and they all looked at each other, except for one red faced Commodore sitting on the front row with her admiral. Kyle looked out at the gathering and saw her with her face lowered. He smiled, “Are you out of uniform?

Clarissa shook her head. Her admiral said, “Commodore Charles has just been promoted, Sir.”

Kyle smiled and said, “She has the intelligence to do a great job, Admiral.”

“Yes Sir.”

Kyle looked out at the room and said, “We’ve found out that we are nowhere close to being ready to take on the Death Feeders. Until we are, we are going to send you out to determine if they are the only civilization that poses a threat to the Alliance. You will not be going out to start a fight but to scout distant galaxies to see if we need to prepare for another enemy. You will only scout the galaxies you’re being assigned and will not go outside the quadrant your units are assigned. It’s a big universe and we need to make sure we’re not surprised while we’re planning to face the Feeders. This task is important and I expect all of you to do your best and report anything to Fleet Operations that could pose a problem to us. Some of you will be called in for special assignments but unless that happens, I expect all of you to do your best. I have been chosen by the Alliance Leadership to assume the role of First Commander and I am placing my confidence and trust in Fleet Admiral’s Jorgenson and Ambrose to carry out my orders. If you have any questions, they will be available for the rest of this meeting to answer them. I’m proud of all of you and I admire your bravery and talents to get the job done.”

He stepped back and Amelee yelled, “Atteeennnnshun!” The room came to attention and Kyle left the room. Amelee said, “At ease.”

Clarissa’s admiral looked at her, “Is there something I should know?”

“It’s a long story, Sir.” He stared at her and then turned around as Admiral Stone asked a question. Clarissa sighed and turned to listen.

• • •

Legune shook her head and pressed the A button on her console and saw it was the correct answer. This ship she was learning about was…was…unbelievable. It was thought guided and the Helmet Controller was filled with systems that were overlapped and mixed such that almost any command could be given to the ship’s computers. The weapons were frightening. She put her hands back on the console and saw the next question. She pressed the barrier control and the screen went blue; another correct answer. “You’re doing pretty well!”

Legune looked over her shoulder and saw Kyle staring at her monitor. “This is beyond anything I’ve ever experience.”

Kyle reached over her shoulder and pressed a button and looked at her test results, “You appear to be getting it.”

“I’m going through the program again to make sure I do. There’s just so much.”

“It’s easier when you’re flying a ship. The computer will assist you in making the right choices.”

“Why don’t they have a computer doing it during this training?”

Kyle smiled, “To make sure you are at least aware of all your choices. You’re really doing quite well, Legune.”

She blew out a breath, “Are you here to take me back?”

“I am.”

“I’m sorry I’ve insisted you do this.”

“Don’t be. I suspect you’ve been…pushed to make that decision.”


“I’ll explain later. Do you think you could fly a Light Ship now?”

“I won’t know until I try. I think I’m familiar with all the systems.”

“Have you familiarized yourself with the Scout Ship?”

“The only difference is the DNA modifier.”

“If we go back, you and I will have to use it to change you back to your species.”

“I was just getting used to this body.”

Kyle laughed, “Perhaps you can help me when I change to your form.”

“When are we going?”

“Tomorrow. You should take a break and tell me what I need to know about your planet.”

“There are only two real dangers on my planet; the Feeders and the Grondons.”

“What’s a Grondon?”

“A giant carnivore.”

“Oh, is that all?”

“You should be able to control them, Amelee did.”

“We need to change our DNA before we leave.”


“I need to determine if you still have the ability to detect the Feeders in your original form.”

Legune nodded, “That makes sense. It could be a product of the change.”

Kyle tilted his head and nodded, “Very good. We’ll do that in the morning. Tonight I’m going to take you out to dinner and discuss your society. Is seven a good time?” Legune nodded. “I’ll see you in the lobby then.” Kyle turned and walked away and Legune looked at her panel. She had six hours before she would meet him. She turned back to the monitor and continued the simulation. Kyle watched her from the back of the room and smiled. This was one driven young woman.

• • •

Kyle sat in the lobby and looked at his wrist unit. It was two minutes til seven. He looked at the lobby’s elevator and saw it open precisely at seven pm. Legune stepped out and he was surprised. She wore an emerald green evening dress and it fit her perfectly. It was just above her knee and it shimmered in the light. She saw his expression and shrugged, “I’ve had so much free time that Grengel suggested I go shopping. He gave me a pretty much unlimited budget and I really liked this dress. How did I do?”

Kyle smiled, “You look amazing. How did you choose it?”

“I read some of your glamour magazines and watched some of your video broadcasts at night. This dress fit me better than most of the ones I tried.”

“You’re right about that.”

“So where are we going?”

“I need to do something before we go.”

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