Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders (4 page)

Read Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders Online

Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Alien Invasion, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Genetic Engineering, #Hard Science Fiction, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Marine, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders
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“If you say so.”

“Are we not past secrets by now?”

The Welken shook his head, “Thank you for your bravery, Miss Legune.”

“How do you see what I did as being brave?”

Hensel smiled, “Allowing anyone into your mind to see all that’s there is extremely brave. I doubt many in this conference would allow it.” Hensel looked at the Goran, “You wanted to speak.”

“How did you know about this?”

“I have my ways, High Leader. However, now we know.”

“What are you going to do about this?”

“I will discuss this with you at this time in three days. Please think about what you’ve seen and come up with some recommendations on what you think we should do.” The Link ended and Hensel looked at Legune, “I want you to come back when we meet to discuss what we’ve seen. I do ask that no one tell you what we saw until that meeting.”

Amelee nodded, “I’ll keep it to myself.”

“You will not be the one that leaves with Miss Legune, Admiral.”


“She will go with Kyle and stay with him until the meeting.”


Hensel looked at Kyle, “I don’t want Miss Legune near anyone in our military until the meeting takes place. Please tell me who in here meets that qualification?”

Kyle looked around and shook his head, “I’m a loner! She would just get in the way.”

“Even so, you will do as I request, won’t you.”

Kyle looked at Kyley, then Amelee, and back to Hensel, “I’m a single man and she’s also single. This is not appropriate behavior.”

“Was not your former co-pilot a single woman and you spent months on duty with her? I think you know how to conduct yourself around a single woman.”

“I have no place for her to stay!”

“Fleet will pay for her to have a room where you’re currently living. I ask that you show her around and be polite for three days. Will you do this for me?”

Kyle shook his head and Legune saw his resistance. He blew out a breath, looked at Hensel and then shook his head again. He looked at Legune and then said, “I don’t have a means of transportation.”

“I’ve had a Light Ship delivered to the top of the building. You may use it until the meeting.”

“I’ve been forbidden from using any military devices.”

“I believe I out rank whoever made that restriction.”

Kyle looked at Kyley and she nodded. “Alright, I’ll do it.”

Legune shook her head, “I don’t know that I want to go where I’m not wanted.”

Kyle sighed, “It’s not you. I’m just…not accustomed to being around others.”

Hensel smiled, “I think Kyle can show you a side of our society that you might not get hanging around our military. Look at it as a learning experience.”

Legune stared at Hensel and shrugged. She looked at Kyle and smiled, “I’ll try to stay out of your way.”

“That would be greatly appreciated.”

“Why don’t you take Miss Legune and show her where she’ll be staying.” Kyle nodded and held his hand out toward the elevator. Legune stood up and followed him out of the room.

Amelee looked at Hensel, “What’s going on? I brought her here and I’m responsible for her.”

“I need you to prepare to go back to the planet where you found her. I need you to possibly confront that Feeder in her village.”

Amelee looked startled and then slowly shook her head. Hensel’s eyes narrowed, “What?”

“It may not be around when I arrive, High Leader.”

“Why not?”

Amelee showed Hensel what she had done with the Grondon and Hensel laughed. “Now that was ingenious. However, I still require her to go back. We’ll discuss how that happens after the meeting.”

• • •

Dawkins saw the Light Ship arrive on top of the building and the pilot leave in a small shuttle. What was going on? He stared at the monitor and saw his reflection. He had deep set green eyes and his hair was cut into a very short pattern. It would have once been called a flat-top and he liked it when he first saw it on a comic book hero, GI Joe. His face was wide and he had a strong jaw with a small clef in it. He stood about six feet tall but was built like a former pro football linebacker. He was intimidating and he knew it. Who was that ship brought here for? He focused on the monitor and saw Kyle Ambrose appear on the roof with a young woman and open the port. His eyes narrowed and he stood up. He hit the speaker connection on his panel and yelled, “YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO ENTER THAT VESSEL!”

“Admiral, do you like your current position?” Dawkins mouth fell open and he heard, “If you interfere in my orders again you will be serving at the force field emitter in Antarctica.”

“Yes, High Leader. I’m sorry. I’ve issued orders that Ambrose not be allowed near any military equipment.”

“Do I have to rescind that order or are you capable of doing it?”

“I’ll take care of it, High Leader. My apologies.” Dawkins felt Hensel’s mind disappear and he shook his head. Something was going on and he didn’t like it. He had Ambrose kicked out of the service for striking a superior officer. He rubbed his jaw and remembered the lights going out when Kyle punched him. Kyle was going to continue to pay for that and he wondered how he was going to get around the High Leader to make sure of it. Two days later, he knew fate had stepped in and helped him just when he needed it most. The Goran High Leader contacted the Other Leaders in the Alliance a day before the scheduled meeting and looked at them with sorrow, “Hensel has joined his parents in the next life. Our meeting will be delayed five more days until we can bury him on Goran with honors.” The Leaders showed their shock and sorrow at losing one of the Alliance’s greatest leaders.

• • •

Kyle landed the Light Ship on the beach and exited the ship. He offered his hand to Legune and she took it and stepped down out of the brightly glowing warship. He looked at it and said, “Standby in the barrier.” The small ship disappeared. Legune looked where it had been and shook her head. Kyle smiled, “You’ll get used to it.”

“I don’t know about that. Amelee tried to teach me by using what she called a reader and it didn’t work.”

“Then you’ll have to learn the old fashioned way by doing things. Let’s go up to the hotel and get you a room.”

They started walking up the beach and a woman punched the woman next to her, “he’s back.” Clarissa went up on an elbow and saw Kyle walking up the beach toward the hotel. She waited until they were even with her and said, “Who’s that with you? Country come to town.”

Kyle’s eyes narrowed and Legune said, “You have quite an imagination for someone who leaves nothing to the imagination.” They walked past the three women and Kyle started laughing. Clarissa was struck speechless.

“That was pretty good.”

Legune smiled, “I’ve dealt with her kind. They think they can overwhelm males by blatant sexuality. They never like it when it’s pointed out to them.”

Kyle smiled and thought, “Score one for the home team.”

• • •

Kyle dreaded having to babysit the alien but her insatiable curiosity and straight forward demeanor disarmed him and he found he enjoyed it. She met Kyle at the bar and heard the bartender say, “The usual.” Kyle nodded. She watched the bartender pour a glass full of a clear liquid and Kyle wince as he took a sip.

“What is that?”

“It’s called tequila.”

“Why is it so painful to drink?”

Kyle took another sip, winced, and said in a raspy voice, “That’s what makes it good.”

Legune looked at the bartender, “I’ll have the same.”

Kyle and Bart stared at her and she looked at them, “What?”

Bart shook his head, “You might want to try something else.”

“No…I’ll try what he’s drinking.” Bart looked at Kyle and he shrugged. He took a glass out and poured a small amount. “Please give me as much as he has.” Bart sighed and filled the glass. Legune lifted the glass and downed it in one gulp. She tilted her head slightly and looked at Kyle, “It does have a small kick to it.” Kyle and Bart could only stare at her with their eyes wide open. “What?!”

Suddenly, the monitor over the bar came on and they saw a large crowd gathering outside Fleet Headquarters. “Turn it up, Bart.”

“The Alliance is in mourning today. Our greatest Living Hero passed away last night and we will all miss High Leader Hensel and the wise council he has given us over the years. His funeral is scheduled to take place on Goran’s high planet in two days.”

Kyle shook his head and Legune looked at him. “What’s wrong?”

Kyle’s wrist unit vibrated and he looked at her, “This should be trouble with a capital T.”

He pressed the unit and saw Admiral Dawkins smiling, “I’ve recalled the Light Ship you had in the barrier and this will be the last communication you will receive over the wrist unit you were given.”

Legune looked at Kyle, “What’s his problem?”



“I knocked his lights out three years ago and was kicked out of the service. This is his way of getting back at me.”

Kyle saw the Hotel Manager walking toward them and he shook his head, “Surely even Dawkins wouldn’t go this far.”

“Uhh, Mr. Ambrose.”

“Yes, Tim.”

Tim nodded at Legune and turned back to Kyle, “The account that was paying for your companion’s room has been canceled. I need her to move her things out.”

Legune looked at Kyle, “What does this mean?”

Kyle shook his head, “It’s my fault you’re caught up in this who has the biggest stick competition. Until we hear something, you’re going to have to stay with me.”


“It appears the Fleet Admiral has taken it upon himself to cancel Hensel’s orders.”

Legune nodded, “And Hensel is no longer able to stop him.” Kyle nodded and sighed. Legune looked at Bart and turned to Kyle, “Can you afford another drink?” Kyle sighed and nodded. “Pour me another.” Bart poured another glass of tequila and Legune downed it.

• • •

“Admiral Ambrose.”

“Yes Sir.”

“You will not contact your brother under any circumstances. Are you clear on that!?”

“Yes Sir.” The display went dark and Kyley shook her head. Why did Hensel have to die before the meeting? She was forced to ignore Kyle’s thoughts and it broke her heart.

Chapter Three

r. Ambrose.”

“Yes, Tim.”

“It appears that Fleet has closed the account you were using to pay for your room.” Kyle stared at the Hotel Manager and Tim said, “I understand that it was your retirement account that you were using.” Kyle nodded. “You will continue to stay in your room and I will comp any charges you make. Just don’t go overboard in making them.”

Kyle’s eyes narrowed, “Why would you do this?”

“I served in the Navy and I know an abuse of power when I see it. I know why you belted the Admiral and I would have done the same thing.”

“Tim, you don’t have to…”

“Yes, I do. Now say thank you and be responsible.”

Kyle’s eyes softened, “Thank you, Tim.” Tim nodded and walked back toward the front desk.

• • •

Four days later, Kyle lifted his glass. Legune looked at Kyle, “Why did you punch him.”

“His irresponsibility killed my co-pilot.” Legune stared at Kyle and remained silent. Kyle sighed and sipped his tequila. He winced and sighed. “I was on vacation and he assigned another pilot along with Callie to trial a new ship. I told him before I left that the ship wasn’t ready for trials; the distance safeguards were unreliable and it could kill the crew.”

“Safe Guards?”

“It’s the software in the computer that prevents a ship from hitting the object the ship is skipping to. It should have stopped the ship at a specified distance from the target. I was told by the Lead Engineer that it wasn’t reliable but Admiral Dawkins decided to trial it anyway. Both of them died when they hit an asteroid. Kiley called me and told me what happened.”

“What did you do?”

“I walked into Fleet Headquarters and hit the good Admiral. It broke my hand but he ended up in the hospital with a severe concussion. I was kicked out of the service a week later. The Board of Inquiry knew the Admiral was at fault but they couldn’t condone my behavior. They allowed me to retire with my full retirement and he was never brought to trial. He’s been taking his revenge in little ways ever since.”

“Why didn’t you take it to a higher authority?”

“Callie was gone and nothing was going to bring her back.”

Legune stared at him, “You blame yourself for not being there?”

“If I had been there, we would have never made the initial skip toward a solid object. The pilot he assigned to the mission was a gung ho Captain who wanted to impress the Admiral. The tapes later showed that Callie objected to skipping to the asteroid first but he overrode her objections.”

“Why did he choose your co-pilot?” Kyle shrugged as he took another sip. “Kyle, why did he choose her?”

Kyle finished wincing and looked at her, “I’ve never really thought about it.” Legune stared at him and Kyle shook his head, “What are you thinking?”

“Did the Admiral not know the system was unreliable?”

“I don’t know. I knew it and had told him before I left for vacation.”

“I suspect he knew.” Kyle stared at her and she took a deep breath and blew it out. “It sounds to me like he wanted you to do something that would get you in trouble.”


“What if Callie hadn’t died but was ordered to trial that system. What would you have done?”

Kyle thought a moment and his eyes narrowed, “I’d have done the same thing for endangering her.”

“And you would have still ended up out of the service. I suspect he saw you as an adversary and didn’t want you to be promoted over him. You fell into his trap. I suspect he really didn’t intend for anyone to die. He just wanted you removed.”

Kyle took another sip, winced, and then his face turned to rage, “That son-of-a…”

Kyle’s tirade was stopped mid-sentence when six armored warriors burst into the bar with their amplified speakers at full volume, “KYLE AMROSE!” Kyle looked at Legune and wondered what Dawkins was up to now. He put his hand on Legune’s arm and shook his head. The Lieutenant leading the warriors looked at the warrior beside him, “Scan for him.”

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