Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders (3 page)

Read Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders Online

Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Alien Invasion, #First Contact, #Galactic Empire, #Genetic Engineering, #Hard Science Fiction, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Marine, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Defending Earth-Searching for Death Feeders
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“Zake, get back here!”

The scout walking up the road stopped and turned around. He started walking back toward the scouting party and missed seeing the disturbed ground twenty yards further up the path, where the spaceship had hovered above the road. It rained the next day and the disturbance was erased before the large scouting party arrived to hunt the giant Grondon. The Elder mourned the loss of his daughter for weeks but finally decided that it was a better death than being taken by the Master. The Pogo and the Grondon weren’t found. Amelee had ordered them to move far into the wilds before she left.

• • •

Four weeks later, the giant Grondon walked silently into the village at night and stopped outside the Feeder’s residence. Its mind was a blank and it was following instructions that were placed in its mind a month earlier. It rubbed a claw lightly across the door and the Master didn’t detect thoughts outside its door. It left the two stunned children inside and went to the door. It opened it and the Grondon sunk its claws into the Feeder’s chest, lifted it off the ground, and bit its head off before it could gather its wits to freeze the giant’s brain. The Grondon quietly left the village with the Master’s body and went back into the deep wilds, where it spit out the Master’s head and threw the body into a ravine.

The Elder was called to the Master’s residence in the morning and saw the giant Grondon’s foot prints around the door. The green blood on the ground outside the door was clear evidence the Grondon had won this particular confrontation and the Elder wondered why the giant beast had not caused more damage. He waited for another Master to come and punish him and his village but after six months passed, he stopped worrying and began building more homes for the growing population.

The Master wasn’t missed by the other members of its species on the planet. They hated each other and never attempted to communicate. The village grew in population and, for the first time in thousands of years, lived in peace without the fear of death.

Chapter Two

yle sat at the bar in the Rusty Pelican Lounge and stared at the beach. Earth’s population had grown tremendously over the last fifty years with the influx of millions from Eden who desired to return to the original home of humanity. He saw large numbers of men and women cooking themselves in the sun on Miami Beach and shook his head. Weren’t there laws against nudity?
Oh, wait! She has on three strings.
She might as well be wearing nothing, there was nothing left to the imagination. He took a sip from his drink and winced. He closed his eyes and shook his head. Tequila just wasn’t what it was cracked up to be. This stuff could power a nuclear reactor but it didn’t take him off his feet. He took another sip and winced again.

The bartender shook his head, “Why do you drink it if it hurts that much?”

Kyle smiled, “Bart, haven’t you ever heard, ‘hurts so good’?”

“If you say so; I still don’t know why you drink so much.”

Kyle shrugged, “I know. It gets metabolized before I can really feel it…but…for a moment…”

“You feel it.”

“Oh yeah.”

Suddenly, he heard a thought, “You’ve been asked to come in.”

“I’m no longer in the service. I don’t have to do anything.”

“I said you’ve been asked, not ordered.”

“Forget it. I’m retired.”

“Hensel has made the request.”


“He’s asked you and me to come in.”

“Kyley…” Kyle sighed, “When?”

“I’ll be by to pick you up in five minutes. Meet me on the beach.”

“Can you give me twenty minutes to allow me to finish my drink?”

“Twenty it is.”

Kyle blew out a breath and downed half of the drink in one gulp. “You’re wasting your time.”

Kyle looked at the bartender and nodded, “I know.”

“That brain of yours gets your liver to process it faster than you can drink it. I wonder why you waste your time.”

“I like the taste.” The bartender burst out laughing and Kyle said, “No, no, Bart, it’s not as bad as you think and I like a shock to my taste buds every once in a while.”

“Come on, Kyle! You can’t drink it without wincing and you pretty much end up here every day with your face screwed up in pain.”

Kyle stare at Bart, “Can you think of anything else that would turn your mouth inside out?”

“We’ve managed to develop one of the old brews called Yeager Meister that does a pretty good job.”

“More than tequila?”

“Well…not quite.”

“Talk to me when you have something that does.” Kyle downed the rest of his drink and his eyes closed as his mouth went into a grimace.

Bart shook his head and Kyle slowly opened his eyes, “I think I’ve found the problem.”

“What is that?”

I’ve been sipping it. I need to take bigger swallows.” Bart started laughing again as Kyle stood up, wobbled for a second, and then stepped toward the veranda. The feeling of dizziness was gone in an instant and he sighed.
At least he felt it for a second
. He walked out to the beach and stepped around three women who were laying on towels. Three Strings looked up at him and slowly shook her head, “You’re a little overdressed to be out here.”

Kyle looked down at her and saw the other two women were smiling. Three Strings must be the witty one. Kyle emitted a small snort and saw the Light Ship coming down from high orbit. He looked at the woman and said, “How would you know?” The woman’s eyes narrowed and she started to respond but heard the Light Ship’s drone as it came down between her and the water. She looked away from Kyle and watched the small glowing ship hovering a foot above the beach. Kyle walked out to the ship and entered the open port.

“Clarissa, that’s a High Admiral’s ship.” Three Strings nodded and wondered who the man was that entered it. She had seen him in the bar every morning she had been on vacation and he appeared to be trying to kill himself with liquor. She watched the ship lift and disappear into the brilliant blue sky. She laid back down on the sand and shook her head. “You let him have the last word. That’s not like you.”

“Oh, be quiet, Jill. That ship surprised me. I’ll take my shot in the morning when he’s at the bar.” The next morning, she saw he wasn’t in his usual place. She checked throughout the day but he didn’t return. She owed him one.

• • •

“Kyley, what’s going on?”

“I really don’t know. Fleet contacted me and asked me to see if you would come in and meet with Hensel.”

Kyle looked out of the viewport and saw the giant space port ahead of them. He sighed and Kyley put her hand on his arm, “I’m sorry about this.”

“It’s ok.”

“He’s still in charge.”

“Not of me.” Kyley shrugged. Kyle saw the tall building ahead and then they were landing on the roof. Kyley led the way down the steps and when they reached the bottom step, they saw Fleet Admiral Joseph Dawkins standing in front of them. Kyley went to attention and saluted, Kyle crossed his arms and stared at the Admiral. Dawkins returned Kyley’s salute and said as he stared at Kyle, “I thought I told you I didn’t want this piece of crap in my building again?”

Kyley looked at Kyle and saw he was barely restraining his rage. “You did, Sir.”

Dawkins looked at her, “Then why is he here!?”


Dawkin’s head jerked up and his eyes went wide open, “I’m sorry; I was just…”

“Putting your nose where it doesn’t belong, Admiral. Is this the way you normally greet guests?”

“No Sir!”

“Kyley, I will greatly appreciate it if you and your brother will come to my quarters?”

“Yes High Leader. We’re on our way.” Kyle stared at Dawkins and, after a moment, he stepped aside. Kyle walked past him as Kyley waited on him to catch up. She shook her head, “Kyle, you’re only making things difficult for me by stirring him up.”

“Can’t help it, Sis. That one is a piece of work.” Kyley shook her head and went to the elevator. They went down four floors and the elevator opened directly into Hensel’s living space.

Kyle was surprised that the door opened directly into the main room and heard a chuckle, “It can only open when I allow it.” Kyle looked to the right toward the huge window and saw Hensel sitting in a power chair next to it. “Thank you for coming, Admiral.” Kyley nodded. “I wasn’t speaking to you, Kyley; you had no choice but to be here.”

Kyle looked at Hensel, “High Leader, I am no longer an Admiral.”

“Yes, but you once held the rank and you deserve the honor.”

“I don’t really see it as an honor, High Leader.”

“Even so, I do. I’ve asked both of you here to listen in on an interview I’m about to conduct. Will you do that for an old Goran, Kyle?”

Kyle tried not to smile but couldn’t stop himself, “Hensel, I would never dishonor you by refusing any request you make.”

“Are you certain about that?”

Kyle tilted his head, “I am. You are the only one I really honor.”

“What about your sister?”

“I love her, High Leader but I can tell her no.”

Hensel smiled and nodded toward two chairs against the far wall, “If you’ll sit down, I’ll call the participants in.”

Kyle walked over to the chairs and thought to Kyley, “You didn’t tell me he was waiting for us to arrive!”

“I didn’t know.”

Kyle shook his head. He should have just left the bar immediately. Hensel smiled. Being a Living Legend did have its perks. He saw the elevator door open and Amelee walked in with a woman that was…different. He knew the woman’s DNA was modified to human form but her eyes were…different. He tried to think about whom she reminded him of and it took some time but he finally realized she looked like Lukas did after he was converted to human form. He had to admit that she was extraordinary. Her long wispy white hair was…different. “Please come in and take a seat.”

Amelee walked up to the large desk and stood at attention. The woman with her stared at her and after a moment, stood up straighter. “Please make yourselves comfortable. I don’t require Military Protocol, Commodore Jorgenson.” Amelee smiled, bowed and sat down in a chair. The Woman did the same and Hensel moved across the room in his power chair. He looked at the woman and smiled, “I understand your name is Legune.”

The woman looked at Amelee and then said, “It is, High Leader.”

“Please call me Hensel. The two sitting against the wall are Kyle and Kyley Ambrose.” Amelee looked at Kyley and smiled, “It’s good to see you, Admiral.”

Kyley smiled, “Keep up the excellent work, Commodore.” Amelee looked at Kyle and nodded. Kyle nodded back and Amelee turned to Hensel.

Hensel looked at Legune, “Welcome to my home and I hope you’ve been treated well since your arrival.”

Legune looked at Amelee, “I think she has tried to make me comfortable but I must confess that I’m way over my head in your society. Your technology is far beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. I’m scared to do the simplest things for fear of causing something catastrophic.”

Hensel looked at Amelee as she said “Her mind is resistant to the readers.”


“The readers don’t work with her.” Kyle looked at Kyley and saw her eyes narrow. How was this possible?

Hensel looked at Legune and leaned back in his power chair. He hesitated and said, “Miss Legune, I am going to ask you to allow me to do something.”

“What is that?”

“I need to look in your mind at the experiences you’ve had with the Feeder that rules your village.” Legune stared at Hensel, looked at Amelee, and then turned back to Hensel, “You could do this whether or not I agreed to it?”

Hensel nodded, “But that would not be polite.”

Legune shrugged, “I’ve had my mind examined by the Feeder since the day I was born. I should be used to it by now. I do ask you keep what you see to yourself.”

“Unfortunately, I can’t make that promise.”

“Why not?”

“The High Leaders of all the species that make up the Alliance will be watching as I do it.”

Kyle was shocked at the revelation. What was so important about this alien? Legune shook her head, “Why would they, or you, want to see what’s in my mind. I don’t think I know anything that’s important.”

“I humbly ask for your forgiveness but I think there is something there that needs to be seen. Will you allow me to look?”

“Will it improve your chances of defeating them?”

“I won’t know until I look.”

Legune sighed, “Go ahead. Just forgive me for my flippant way of seeing the universe.”

Hensel smiled, “If you will press the button under the right arm of your chair, it will recline so you will be more comfortable while I do this.” Legune felt under the chair arm and felt the small button. She pressed it and her chair folded back into a recliner. She smiled and Hensel said, “Let’s begin.” Kyle felt his mind drawn into the woman’s thoughts and he immediately saw the High Rulers from the Goran, Welken, Myot, Johan, and Audon were also there watching. Legune closed her eyes and Hensel went deep into her subconscious and looked at the last encounter with the Feeder. Kyle watched Hensel move into that memory and his eyes flew wide open in shock.

• • •

Legune could see the minds of the Alliance Leaders in her mind following Hensel as he went into the deepest core of her mind. She couldn’t see what he was examining but she could sense the other Leaders’ surprise and then shock at what he uncovered. Something must be there that she knew nothing about. What could it possibly be? Then she saw circles start appearing in her mind like ripples expanding from a stone thrown in a pond and she began losing consciousness. The last things she heard was: “HENSEL!”

“Please withhold your comments until we have exited Miss Legune’s mind!” Then there was only darkness.

• • •

Legune could hear the air vent blowing as she began waking up. She struggled to consciousness and eventually opened her eyes. Hensel saw she was awake and smiled, “I am going to link Miss Legune in to our conversation.” She suddenly heard the thoughts of the Alliance Leaders.

“Is that a good idea?”

She saw it was the Welken Royal that made the comment. “It doesn’t matter; she deserves to hear us for her bravery in allowing us in her mind.”

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