Decatur the Vampire (3 page)

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

BOOK: Decatur the Vampire
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Okay, Marduk had felt that too. It was good to know she had not imagined it in a moment of hormonal rush. “Don’t be insane. He’s just so, so— And I’m not, you know… Why set my hopes high for something I can’t have?” She slumped down on the opposite chair and took another big bite of chocolate. Suddenly Marduk felt depressed. At thirty-four she was all alone with no hope of a decent man. Ninety-five percent of the time this didn’t bother her. However at times like this, when she saw men like the photocopier guy, Marduk felt a little blue.

“Who says you can’t?”

“It would be like mating outside your species.” Like attracted like no matter what propaganda there was about opposites attracting. Did anyone ever see George Clooney with a plain girl? That was a big no.

Chrissie shook her head and picked up her sandwich. “Don’t be silly. He would be lucky to have you.”

Marduk snorted. “Now you sound like my mother.”

“Well, mothers always know,” Chrissie mumbled through a mouthful of cheese and lettuce on white bread.

“Photocopier guy is hot and hard-bodied. Men like that don’t go for women like me.” She was short, with boring brown hair and, as her Great-Auntie Joan liked to say, chubby. However Joan considered buxom a good thing and made a point of telling Marduk how “chubby” she was every time she saw her.
Women in my day had real breasts and hips like yours. None of this flat-chested, whippet-hips nonsense. Men like an ass to hold on to.
Auntie Joan was an expert on men. She had been married six times and enjoyed countless “liaisons” as she liked to call them on a regular basis. The fact that she was eighty-two barely slowed her down. She just became more sexually inventive.
I wonder if Auntie Joan had a dream lover too? And did he really exist anyway?
One minute she had been in the shower all hot and needy and the next she had woken up alone wondering what the hell had happened.

“Men like curves.”

“Not the ones I’ve dealt with.”

“Well, that last guy who gave you the gym membership on Valentine’s Day was a wanker. I never liked him. His eyes were too close together.”

“Yes, that’s a true indicator of wankerdom.” Marduk smiled at her friend’s loyalty. “He said I was fat.” Realistically she knew she wasn’t but spiteful words always struck home. Marduk looked at the last piece of chocolate left in the wrapper. If he had really hurt her she would not be eating chocolate. She would have been at the gym trying to fit an image.
Thank god I have good self-esteem.
Marduk put the last bite of chocolate in her mouth and savored it.

“Yeah, well, he was small balled.”

“Thankfully I never got to see his balls.” Sex was not automatically a part of every relationship. Some people you wanted to jump straight away. Others you had to think about. “Anyway I’ll probably never see photocopier guy again.” Now he was a jumper.

“Yeah, that would be a shame. I’m sure we can shove something into the machine to jam it up so he has to come back out.” Chrissie looked at her with a plan in her eyes. “That Celtic cross tattoo on his neck was lickable.”

Yeah, it was.
“It’s actually an ankh.” Her friend looked at her vaguely. “It’s an Egyptian sign that’s all to do with eternal life and stuff.”

“Well, I liked his stuff a lot.”

So did Marduk but liking was not having and wanting something you could never have was unrealistic. The chocolate was finished and the salad remained. Marduk knew what she had to do. “I’m going to get change for the machine.” It seemed like a three-chocolate-bar kind of day to her.

* * * * *

Decatur had barely been able to control himself when he realized Marduk had been staring at his ass. When he turned around and caught her in the act, the flush of red that rose into her cheeks was so sexy and cute that he wanted to lift Marduk over his shoulder and carry her from the room and away from all the problems they had or would face. “And there are going to be problems.” He was trapped by a madman and Marduk was unwittingly caught up in the madness.
I should walk away. I should leave her alone.

He stared down at the woman lying on the bed. “But I can’t.” He had told himself not to come to her that evening but it had been impossible to stay away. The bedcovers were twisted and thrown to one side and Marduk was naked. “Beautiful.” There was no other word for Marduk. That she slept that way intrigued him. Not many women did and it told him a lot about the raw, sensual needs of Marduk. That she had wanted to give herself so willingly to him last night had made him mad with need to touch and taste whatever she would allow him. It had been almost impossible not to slam his body into hers. “But I want more.” Just the taste of her sweet blood on his lips had almost driven him crazy with lust. It had taken everything he had not to push her back up against the wall and fuck her until she couldn’t stand.

While Decatur was aware that some women found vampires irresistible, it was important that Marduk accept him as a man and a lover first. That she had been purely turned-on by who he was and had wanted him and made no pretense about it had been refreshing to him.

Because of that he didn’t rush in as he normally did and take what he wanted. Decatur wanted to analyze the lady in the clear light of day. How she reacted to other people, situations and him. There was no need for an overt sexual rush. The chemistry was simmering away. The need to understand Marduk as a whole person caught at Decatur. After hundreds of years, encountering all types of women, he’d found Marduk was different. That she had lusted for him through pure need was exciting. As much as he wanted her body he also wanted her heart.

Decatur groaned as she shifted in bed and her legs opened to reveal the curls of her pussy. He was no saint. He wanted her but it had to be mutual. Maybe it wasn’t fair her not being able to see him but he knew few things in life were fair. He had promised himself he would just look and not act. “Promises are damn hard.”

He sat down on the bed and rested his hand lightly on her stomach. Decatur loved the real curves and valleys of this woman. Marduk was a real woman and not a simulated replica of one.

“Who’s there?” she murmured half asleep as she rolled closer to him.

“It’s me, darling.” When Marduk snuggled against his side, Decatur held his breath and sought for control. The need to take her in his arms and make slow, deliberate, never-forget-me love was overwhelming.

“Oh…um…okay…hmm…” Marduk curled her legs unconsciously toward him and sighed. Then suddenly she opened one eye. “Oh, holy crap. It’s you!” She sat up in stunned realization and looked around her, hands feeling for the man she knew was there somewhere.

When Marduk touched him, Decatur smiled. “Surprised?” He loved the way her bare breasts jiggled as she reached over and tried to cover herself with the twisted bedsheet.

“I’m losing my mind.”

“No you’re not.”

She scrambled back up toward the headboard, clutching what covering she could. “Yeah, I am because I can’t stop thinking about an invisible man.”

Decatur grabbed her ankle before she could get too far away. “Where are you going?” Neither of them could escape the other. They were inevitable.

“I don’t know.” Marduk looked around her in confusion. “Who are you? Why me? And why am I talking to someone who doesn’t exist?”

The answer was simple to Decatur. “Because you need me.”
As I need you.
No matter what else they would have to face, that was the reality of the situation.
We are meant to be.

“I need no one, mister.” She slapped at the hand on her ankle. “This is so weird.”

Decatur grabbed both her legs and pulled her toward him. There was no way he could not make love to her this night. To deny himself would be like denying air to breathe. “Weird how?”

“Well, duh, I can’t see you.” Marduk held on to the bedding to avoid sliding forward.

“Therefore I don’t exist?”
Damn. I love spunky women.
He gave one hard pull and she landed in a heap on top of him. Decatur pushed the hair from her face. “Are you fighting me because you can’t see me?” He rolled them over so he was on top.

“Well, yeah.”

The more she squirmed beneath him, the more excited Decatur got. Usually women fell into his arms without thought or effort. That he had chosen to use one of the few powers he had, invisibility, made this one of the most exciting conquests of his life. “So losing control with the unknown scares you?”

“Call me crazy but it does.”

“What else do you feel?”
Can you feel how madly my heart beats for you and only you?



“I feel nothing else.” That was a lie of course. Marduk could feel cock. Hard, long, delicious cock.
To admit anything else would be crazy. She could not see the man who held her but she could feel him lying between her legs. Every part of that made Marduk feel aware of the fact she was a woman made for just this moment. This man. “I can’t believe in this happening.”
When did my dreams become so real?

“It is.” His hands cupped her breasts.

Oh boy.
“Why me?” This was the best dream of her life or she was hallucinating. Either way worked for her. She spread her legs and let him sink down into the space between. It would take so little for the cock she could feel to slide inside and fill the hollow ache within.

“Why not you?” His mouth descended onto her breast, teasing the nipple with his tongue.

Marduk’s back instantly arched up at the delicious tug of his mouth on her breast. “Stop it. I can’t concentrate when you do that.” Her hands slid over the firm, warm flesh of a broad male back.

“You’re not meant to, darling.”

This was madness. She knew what she felt but how could it be real? Seeing was believing. Was feeling just as good? Marduk pushed at what felt like his shoulders. “Why me?” she repeated. If she had been able to look into his eyes she would have known the answer. But he was asking her to trust her on nothing. It was not something she was capable of.

He held fast to her. “Because I am the only one for you as you are the only one for me.”

The sincerity in his voice made Marduk want to buy whatever he was selling. “I don’t even know your name.” The stroking touch of his hands was making the need to know his name rapidly less important.
Besides, this is my dream. I can make it up as I go along.

He chuckled at her words. “Is my name important?”

Well, it was if they had a relationship but then this wasn’t one of those. “What is this?”

“Lust.” He leaned down once more and licked her nipple.

Marduk shivered and clutched at him. “Y-yes.” Lust was good.

He reached down and pulled her legs up to his shoulders. “And love.”

“If this is love you wouldn’t be invisible.”
But then this is a dream. Isn’t it?

“You think too much.”

The lips she felt on her lower stomach made her squirm in delight. “It’s who I am.”

“And this is who I am. I’m just as real as you.” His words were punctuated with slow, burning kisses that teased the top of her pussy. “Now just relax and enjoy.”

Oh, I want to. I really do.
“Do you do this a lot?”
Please go lower. Much lower.

“Sex? Oh yeah.” And in answer to her unspoken words, his tongue flicked once then twice over her clit.

It was impossible to stop the shriek that sprang to her lips. No man had ever done that to her before. “O-oh god, don’t stop.” Her lover responded by fastening his mouth on her clit and sucking hard. In order not to frighten the neighbors, Marduk bit down hard on her bottom lip as she swallowed her scream. His mouth devoured her flesh as if only she could give him the sustenance he needed. “Are you invisible because you’re ugly?” The words came out in a breathless rush.

His mouth left her clit after a long, slow, lingering kiss. “Would that matter if I was?”

“N-n-no.” Looks were irrelevant to her.
But, damn, I want to see this man.

“So why are you fighting this, darling?”

“It’s weird—good but weird. A normal person doesn’t have an imaginary lover.”
Who licks her pussy like she was the best thing he ever tasted.
Marduk parted her legs as far as she could. She wanted everything she could get.

“You’re normal and I’m very real.”

Yeah, he felt real. “Um, Harry?”

“Yes,” he replied in amusement.

“Is that your name?” It was hard trying to carry on any sort of conversation with an unknown, unseen man who had his head between her thighs.

“It will do for now.”

What felt like the tip of a cock pushed at the entrance of her vagina. Normally it would have taken a lot more foreplay to even get Marduk wet.
But then I have not been dry since that moment in the shower. Maybe I’m in heat? Maybe that’s why I stared at the photocopier man’s butt.
“I just don’t normally do this with a flesh-and-blood man I can see, let alone one who’s invisible.”

“I know. It’s fun, isn’t it?”

And then the fun really began. Marduk had experienced sex before but this was different. The cock that pushed into the wet core of her body felt right. It was not average or okay. It was right. It was also wildly sexy not to see but only to feel. As the length of him moved within her, Marduk felt his lips once more return to her breasts. This time they weren’t soft or gentle. They were possessive and hungry. They sucked and nipped, leaving her nipples hard and wet and made her cry out for more. The rush of fierce heat between her legs as her lover plunged in and out was exactly what she needed. Marduk wanted to be taken hard and fast without time to think or worry.
I just want to feel.

His mouth left her breasts and licked a trail up to her neck. He never once stopped the thrusting pace of his cock as he pumped away. “Darling, I need to taste. To bite. To suck. May I?”

If he had asked for her credit card and the keys to her car Marduk would have given them to him. Anything he wanted, she needed. “Yes.” And then she felt it, like last night but different. It was the same rush of heat as the pressure of his teeth broke though her skin. But this was more intense. “O-o-hh…” Soft heat radiated though her veins as her lover’s mouth fastened on her neck and sucked. It was the most sensual feeling in the world. She had a cock between her thighs and his mouth on her neck taking full possession of her body. “Don’t stop.” Marduk had never felt so beautiful or loved before.
So this is what love feels like.

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