Decatur the Vampire (10 page)

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Authors: Amarinda Jones

BOOK: Decatur the Vampire
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“No, immortal beings are rarely friends.”

“Maybe you should be. Have you thought of joining forces to thwart this Archimedes dude?”

Decatur rolled his eyes in exasperation. “Now you sound like Sumerian, the ex-angel. She still can’t stop being a do-gooder.”

Marduk had been called many things in her life but “do-gooder” wasn’t one of them. “I’m being practical. You tell me you all have a weakness. You all have the ankh. Has it occurred to you that the four of you combined would be a powerful force against Archimedes?”


“And? Are you just being stubborn?” How often did someone get to chastise a vampire?

“I’m not a team player.”

Marduk snorted with laughter. “Well, who the frig is? This is about survival.”

Decatur moved so his thigh touched hers. He smiled when Marduk jumped at the contact. “Do I scare you, darling?”

Oh hell yes, when you say “darling” like that you do.
It was low, throaty and full of hot meaning. “You’re here in my bedroom telling me things so you’re making me care. It’s a flaw with being human.”

“You’re sweet.” Decatur tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Marduk shivered at the simple contact of his fingertips on her cheek. “Um, are you sure you don’t want to tell me your weakness?” She knew, at the moment, he was hers.

“I don’t want to endanger you.”

Decatur’s breath was so warm and soft on her cheek that she closed her eyes for a moment and gave in to the sensation. “I bet it’s something really embarrassing like being afraid of mice.” Her eyes opened onto his.

He chuckled. “You’re adorable.”

The silence that followed his words filled Marduk with anticipation and confusion. She wanted him to speak. To be quiet. To go. To stay. To touch her again.
I don’t know anymore. Just please make a move. Don’t let me think you don’t want me.
“We’re being awfully quiet here.”

Decatur ran his fingers down to her lips. “I want to kiss you again. May I?”

She wanted him to. “Really?” That this man wanted her was amazing.
I am so average and he is so gorgeous.

“If I do not taste your beauty again I will die.” Decatur pushed her backward on the bed.

Marduk found that funny. “You can’t die. You’re immortal.” She was flat on her back and awaiting his next move.

“I was being poetic.” Decatur’s hands slid up her bare legs and under her sleep shorts to rest on her thighs. “Have you ever felt this way before?” His fingers slid down to massage her inner thighs.

That felt so good. “No—never.”

“Do you crave the taste of me as I do you?” His hand started work on removing her shorts.

“Oh yes.” Marduk watched as he flung her shorts across the room.

Decatur’s fingers toyed with her bikini briefs for only a moment before they followed the path of her pajamas.

“I need you to be naked.” Could he see how wet with need she was? He had only to look at her and she wanted him. “I have not seen you so to speak.”

Decatur smiled and removed his hands. “I’ll strip if you do.” He saw her hesitation. “I have seen your body. I love your curves. They drive me wild.” He stood up from the bed and started to undress.

Good answer.
Marduk sat up to watch as Decatur removed his shirt. The tanned, firm muscles made her heart skip a beat.
He is all mine.

“Aren’t you going to join in?” Decatur’s hands went to his belt. “Take your top off. I want to see your breasts.”

“Take your trousers off, I want to see your cock.” Never did Marduk imagine she would ever say those words. She watched as Decatur kicked off his boots, unbuckled his belt and dropped his trousers down to his ankles.

Marduk’s mouth dropped open. She had never considered a cock as attractive until now.
I had that in me? I want that again.
“Damn, I wish I could have seen it go inside me,” she murmured to herself. There was something exciting in the thought of watching your own body being possessed by your lover.

“You will.” Decatur walked toward her.

She held out her hand. “Stop. I want to do something.” Marduk saw his head tilt in interest. “I want to taste you. I’ve always wondered what it would taste like. I want your cock in my mouth.

“I am honored.”

Marduk got off the bed and lifted the bottom of her top up over her non-flat stomach to reveal large, non-perky breasts. She waited for his response.

“Oh darling, I need you now.” Decatur stepped closer to her.

“Stand still,” she commanded. “I need something from you first.”

Marduk went to where he stood. The love and lust she could see in his eyes made her feel invincible.
He loves me.
One of her hands reached forward to touch his cock. Her eyes locked on his as she stroked it gently. Marduk had never before wanted to play with one as no man had interested her that much. But Decatur?
He is different.

“May I taste you?”

“Please.” His answer was a rough, low growl of approval.

She sank to her knees. There was probably some sophisticated way to do this but Marduk cared not for etiquette. Instead she leaned forward and licked the tip of his cock. She felt the shiver that ran through his body. Marduk licked again, this time letting one of her hands run up and down the thick flesh of his shaft. It was smooth yet hard, soft yet unyielding.
And it’s all mine.
She decided to follow the path of her hand with her mouth.
How would that feel? Taste?
Her tongue traveled down the long vein that bulged out through the skin. It was erotic and mesmerizing to Marduk. Up and down. Up and down. Her tongue enjoyed the taste of his smooth, hard flesh.


“Yes?” she murmured between licks.

“While I like to pride myself on my control I really don’t know how much longer I can last if you keep doing that.”

“What about if I do this?” Marduk swallowed the head of his cock into her mouth and sucked.

“Marduk—” Decatur’s hands gripped her head.

She looked up at him and winked then started sucking and releasing his cock in long, steady strokes. Marduk was enjoying herself a lot. There was something about having a man’s attention completely fixated on her as she drove him wild with need.

“I want to suck you.”

Marduk let the cock slide from her mouth with a pop. It was wet, shiny and engorged.
“Later. I’m enjoying this. She tongued down his cock to his balls, sucking on one then the other as her hand massaged his cock.

“Oh man,” Decatur groaned, his thigh muscles flexing with tension.

“This is fun.”
And I’m pretty damn good at this.

“Torturing me?”

Marduk lifted her head. “That too.”

“I will come in your mouth.”

The idea was strangely appealing to her. “I want to taste everything.”

Decatur laughed. “I prefer to come inside your body.”

Marduk gave his cock one last lingering lick then raised her hands to him. Decatur helped her stand. His hands then went under her ass and lifted her off her feet and carried her over to the bed. “You’re a wild woman.”

“You make me wild.” She spread her legs to allow him instant access. Marduk was already wet from her attention on his cock. Just knowing all that would soon be inside her had made her so. As Decatur moved in between her legs, Marduk halted him as reality hit her. “Condom.” She hadn’t thought to demand one before when she thought he was her dream lover. This was too real and could not be written off as a dream.

“I do not carry disease like mortal men.”

“I don’t want to get pregnant.”

Decatur nodded his head. “Of course. Problem is I don’t have one.”

Marduk rolled her eyes at him in mock reproach. “And you call yourself a magical being.” She reached into her bedside drawer. Smart women were always prepared for any eventuality. Marduk handed it to Decatur. “Unless you want me to put it on you.”
That would be fun.

“Touch me there now and I will explode.” Decatur took the rubber and ripped open the packaging.

Marduk let the toes on one foot slide teasingly up and down his bare thigh.

Decatur’s hands worked quickly in covering his cock. “Darling…”

“I need you, Dec. I burn with need.”

He snapped the last inch of latex in place. “And you shall have me.” Decatur pulled her up into his arms so Marduk was sitting on his lap.

She needed no further urging. Marduk lifted up and impaled herself on his cock. The slow, heat that penetrated her body made her sigh. “Oh…”

Decatur smiled at her response. “Good?” His hands encircled her waist.

“Perfect.” Marduk licked her lips, her eyes locked with his. He leaned in and kissed her, his hands sliding down to her hips to control her movements. Marduk started to move. Her hips and ass undulated to the rhythm that his hands commanded. Her eyes never left his. It was sex but it was more than just physical. An unbreakable connection was being forged. She could feel that. Decatur’s mouth moved down to her breasts, sucking and softly biting her nipples. Marduk’s tongue licked at the navy ankh tattoo on his neck. Maybe she imagined it but it made her tongue tingle. Marduk moved faster, urged on by his fingers digging into her flesh. It didn’t hurt. It was more possessive and controlling and it was exactly what she needed.

Decatur lifted his mouth to hers and their lips met once more. It was passionate and deep and full of need and caring. Marduk had been kissed before but not with this intensity. Her hips moved faster as his cock pushed in and out of her body, not allowing her to forget for a moment he was there.

“Oh Dec…” Her words came out choked as a rush of pure intense pleasure shot through her body. She clutched at him riding him harder, wanting everything she could take from him. “Suck me.” She needed that burning heat that only his teeth on her neck could give her.

“Thank you.” Decatur’s mouth fastened on her throat.

The slight pain was nothing compared to the amazing sensations racking her body. His mouth sucked in time to the last of the contractions that shook them.

“Wow,” Marduk panted as a wild torrent of emotions swept through her. She still held on tight to Decatur as the last of the tremors made her shiver and moan.

“Wow indeed.” He kissed her neck where his fangs had pierced her skin. “Did I hurt you?”

“No, it was kind of, um…” What was the word? Hot? Sexy? Possessive? “l liked it, a lot.”
Too much. I want you for life.
“You know I never saw this coming.” She had seen him but never imagined a hot guy, let alone a vampire, would look at her twice.

“I wanted you when you were staring at my ass.” Decatur kissed her gently. “Actually, I wanted you the minute you pretended not to see me.”

“I was not staring at your ass.”
Was it that obvious?
“Anyway you made it almost impossible for me not to look at it, Dec.” She watched as he removed the spent condom. Some men looked stupid doing that. Every move Decatur made was sexy.

He stiffened, his eyes met hers. “Dec?”

“Sorry.” Giving a vampire a nickname was probably not the thing to do. Who would be scared of a vampire called Dec?

Decatur’s arms wrapped around her as he kissed her until she was breathless. “I love that name and I love you, darling.”

Marduk’s eyes were wide with wonder. “Sex does not equal love.”
Yay! He loves me.
A more rational person may have considered a supernatural being loving them as strange but rationality was not Marduk’s strong point. Her fingers traced the navy blue tattoo on his neck. “I love this.” She did and it was easier than saying, “I love you.”
I need to know where this is going first.

Decatur caught her fingers and entwined them with his. “Each one of Archimedes’ victims has one.”

Reality check.
It was what Marduk needed. She pulled back from him slightly. “Seriously? You never told me that.”

“It ever occurred to me.

Marduk rolled her eyes. “Men—you only ever tell us part of the truth. Clearly that tat indicates you’re all linked.”

“It’s what Amory believes.” Decatur’s hands slid down to her ass.

Marduk smiled as hard cock pressed against her stomach. “The warlock? Is he sexy, Dec?” The sudden flash of jealousy in his eyes made her hot all over. Or maybe it was the thought of incoming cock that did it.

“I never think of other men like that.”

“I always pictured warlocks as sexy.” Marduk rolled so she was under him.
Come on inside, big boy.
She parted her legs in invitation. She was still so wet that no further foreplay was required. “So this tat, you all have them and you all have a weakness Archimedes can exploit. But why me? Why am I caught up in this?”

Decatur took the hint, his cock head rubbing up and down the creamy slit of her pussy. “I thought you were in it with him.”

Marduk snorted. “Oh please, I’m not a team player.” She only did what suited her. Like having sex with the vampire. “Do you think he thought we’d be here like this?”

“No idea and that worries me.”

“Hey!” Marduk slapped his ass playfully. “I’m not expecting a declaration of marriage from you.”

“I mean I’m worried that he knows about you at all.”

“The only thing I’m worried about at this moment is I may cry if you don’t fuck me again right now.” Marduk pushed her pelvis toward him.

“I like demanding women.” Decatur reached over to the drawer and once more secured a condom. “We have to stock up on these because I plan on fucking the stuffing out of you.”

“I like a man with a plan.” She watched as he rolled the latex on once more. “Hurry up.” Decatur lifted one eyebrow at her mockingly. “Hey, you said you like demanding women. I demand cock.” As the last word came out Decatur was on her and in her. Marduk squealed with excitement.
Now this was sex.
“Harder. I want to scream.”

Decatur pulled out of her body and plunged back hard and deep. “Better?”

“Oh yeah.” The fast pace made her body shake with excitement. Marduk lifted her legs around his waist and held Decatur tight against her. “More. Harder. Faster.”

“Bossy—beautiful—woman,” he forced the words out between thrusts.

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