Death Lords Motorcycle Club: Annie, Michigan, and Easy (The Motorcycle Clubs Series) (13 page)

BOOK: Death Lords Motorcycle Club: Annie, Michigan, and Easy (The Motorcycle Clubs Series)
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She inhales a sharp breath as we fuck her slowly with our thumbs. I can feel Easy’s rough calloused finger slide against mine along with the soft spongy tissue of her cunt walls. Her arms come up and she wraps one around each of our heads. Easy claims her mouth so I move lower, down her neck and then to her cotton-covered breast. I push up her shirt and drag down her bra cup to expose her hard little nipple. Her breasts are small but perfectly shaped, tilted upward. She’ll be perky for years. I open my mouth wide and suck that tender flesh in hard. She gasps again and her hips buck against our thumbs. I exchange my thumb for my index and middle finger to increase the depth and Easy retreats to cover her clit and pinch her swollen lips.

Her ass rises off the sofa as she urges us to fuck her harder and faster. Her hand is curled around my neck and her fingernails are digging into my skin. I suck harder on her tit as if I could pull her orgasm out through my mouth.

She’s so wet that the juicy noises of her cunt are louder than her moans. My mouth waters with the urge to lap up all that honey. A hard head hits mine and I realize Easy’s joined me to give Annie’s other tit some much needed attention. The addition of a second mouth on her body sets her off like a rocket. She practically levitates off the sofa. Her hips rise so high that if we weren’t both holding her down, she might slide right off. Her come floods our palms and her loud screams of release drown out the cheering crowd on television.

“I’ve got to get inside you,” Easy pants.

“Me too.”

“Ass or cunt?” he asks.

“I want to suck her out first,” I say.

He nods. “You got room for some dessert, baby?”

“Yes, please,” she says breathily.

All earlier thoughts and problems are tossed out by our mutual lust. She lunges for Easy’s zipper and together they pull out his dick. She swallows it whole. While she’s sucking, I pull off her ugly skirt and panties and settle between her legs. Her thighs are sticky and the sweet musk of her arousal invades my lungs as I inhale. I bite her inner thigh, watching the blood rush to the marks. I reapply myself and suckle harder until the bite is a bruise, purple and blue. I’m going to leave these all over her body in a dozen secret private places so when she looks in the mirror she’ll think of me, know how much I fucking need her.

I hook her legs over my shoulder and angle her backward. Easy places a knee on the cushion and rises above her. Whatever he’s doing to her is making her happy because her hips twist and writhe in front of me. I place my big hands on either side of her slim hips and hold her steady for my assault.

I lick her from clit to asshole, enjoying the tang and savoring the sweetness. In long steady laps, I work her sex, exploring every crevice and fold of her gorgeous cunt. She’s a dozen shades of pink and red and more beautiful than anything I’ve ever had the privilege of seeing, let alone touching. Putting my mouth on her is like kissing a goddess. She might not accept it yet because she’s afraid, but I’m not letting her go. I might have done stupid things in my life, but I’m not a fool. A man gets one chance to have a treasure like her. Easy and I are keeping her.

I move my hands down her hips so I can hold her open. Using my middle two fingers to drum her clit, I dive back in. She strains against me and it takes real effort to hold her down as I assault her with my tongue and lips.

“Goddamn, whatever you’re doing down there, keep doing it,” Easy mutters hoarsely. “Her moaning is sending vibrations down my spine. God, it feels fucking fantastic. Baby, you are so fine. Do you know that? Your mouth is a little slice of heaven. Shit. Baby. Shit. Yes. Oh, fuck me.”

Easy is always reduced to one syllable words when he’s close to erupting. His body tenses above me and his hips jack against her mouth.

“Fuck, I’m coming,” he yells hoarsely.

I reapply myself, hardening my tongue and jabbing it into her channel. I circle her puckered skin, using the juice from her cunt to lubricate the tight hole. One of her hands, the one that dug itself deep into my neck, is curled into the couch. Her excitement is making my cock rock hard. I can barely wait to be inside her but I want her to come on my tongue. I want to feel her explode around my face and hand and mouth. With a swift push, I penetrate her ass with my finger.

She detonates.

Her body begins to shake uncontrollably and her screams join Easy’s as she explodes. I can’t take it anymore.

Surging to my feet, I rip open my jeans and shove inside her. She’s still coming when I do and the tight clutch of her cunt nearly buckles my knees. She’s tighter and hotter and wetter than I remember. I spread her legs wide, thrusting inside in uneven, jerky movements as the come rushes from my balls and spurts into her in long ropey streams.

“God, I love you, Annie.” It spills out of me, completely unexpected but I can’t hold it in.

She cries out and then I feel both her arms around me, pulling me against her in a tight embrace. “I love you too, Michigan.”

I bury my head in the crook of her neck, almost embarrassed by the flood of emotion her words bring on.

A heavy, bigger hand falls on my shoulder. “Shit, I love you both but you two are a fucking disaster.”

Easy’s stupefied tone strikes me as hilarious and I start laughing. I laugh so hard, I fall out of Annie’s cunt and collapse on the cushions next to her. My jeans are around my ankles and I haven’t taken off my T-shirt. Easy’s got one leg of his jeans on and one leg off. Annie’s wearing her skirt around her waist.

Yup. A disaster, but from their smiles, a happy fucking disaster. Composing myself, I gather Annie’s sweat-dampened body against mine and press my lips against her forehead.

Chapter Seven

Michigan in the shoulder and he rolls away, taking a sated Annie with him. She gives me a stupid happy smile which makes my heart tighten. She’s the one. I know it. Michigan knows it. I pull up my jeans and leave the two snuggling on the couch and head down the hall to start the shower. We need to clean up and then get some shut-eye. Michigan and I have to be up at five to take delivery at the plant. We don’t work at the plant for the money, although it does pay a decent wage. We work there because it’s good cover. The plant owner does some dealings on the side and he uses the club to deliver those goods. Tomorrow we’re making a run over to North Dakota.

After the shower’s hot enough, I return to the living room. The two haven’t moved.

Leaning over, I scoop Annie up in my arms. For a tall girl, she’s a lightweight thing. Michigan heaves himself off the cushions. We’ve made a mess of the sofa and we’ll have to have it cleaned, I suppose. Not that I care, but Annie might.

I look around the bachelor pad that Michigan and I have occupied for the past several years. It’s got a big screen and a DVD player and big ugly leather sofas. Upstairs we have two bedrooms and one large bathroom. It’s not set up for a household of three. We’re going to make a lot of changes but that doesn’t scare me. Nope. I’m getting fucking excited about it.

A knock on the door sounds.

“We’re like Grand fucking Central station,” Michigan grouses. He gestures for me to take Annie to the shower while he gets the door. He’s tucking and zipping as I disappear with Annie to the bathroom.

“Who is it?” she asks. “Or is it none of my business?”

“Course it’s your business. You’re going to live here and you have a right to know what’s going on.” To a certain extent. Some of the club stuff is for members only. “This late? It’s got to be about the club.”

She looks relieved which tells me that she thought it might be a woman. I chuck her on the chin and then point to the towel on the hook next to the shower. “I’d prefer to be in here, scrubbing you down but I need to see what’s going on. You going to be okay?”

A lot of heavy emotional stuff just went down and we should be cuddling in the bed instead of getting our leathers on.

“I’ll be fine. Go on.” She makes a shooing gesture with her hands and draws the shower curtain shut. My dick twitches when I hear her start to hum and I see the shadow of her body start moving under the water but I got no time for this. I give my groin a slap and walk out.

In the entry, my club president is explaining something that Michigan isn’t taking well. He looks angrier with each passing second.

“What’s going on?”

Judge turns to me. “We’ve got a small situation. Your girlfriend’s father has called the police and accused you of kidnapping her. Since she’s in your shower and I assume injury-free, it makes sense for her to go back home tonight and try to work it out with her father. Those charges will get dropped.”

“No.” Michigan folds his arms across his chest. Has he ever said no to the Prez before? I can’t think of a single time.

Judge doesn’t take it personally. “The local chief of police has it in for us.”

“Was that before or after we took a tire iron to his arm and made it mincemeat?” I say. Judge had Michigan and me accompany him when he punished Chief Schmidt for trying to fuck with Pippa and for getting his son put away for three years.

“Since his head shoved its way out of his momma’s cunt,” Judge replies. “He was born stupid and growing up made him meaner, not smarter. Look, it’s for one night.”

“I don’t like sending her home to her father.” I rub my chin. “He’s an asshole.”

“Don’t doubt it, but you guys can be brought up on kidnapping charges and sit in the city jail tonight or Annie can go home, pack her things and move out. Pippa says that Annie’s planning on getting a new apartment anyway. Besides, I need you to go back to Minneapolis. That MC you were checking out for me got in some trouble and I need you to straighten it out.”

“I don’t like it,” I repeat.

“No,” says Michigan.

Judge sighs. “You think he hurts her?”

Michigan and I exchange a look and then he steps back, exhales and drops his defensive stance. “No.” He shakes his head. “What do you think?” he asks me.

“I think it’s better that neither one of us is in jail if we want to take care of Annie,” I answer.

“Then if she’s not in physical danger, she needs to go see her old man and either they’ll work out whatever conflict they have or she tells him to go to hell. By the time you’re back, it’s yesterday’s news and you can go on with,” he waves his hand, “whatever you got going on here. We got trouble back at Minneapolis. I need you to go up there and clean the house. Two of the fools got caught on a weapons charge and according to Junior they've got three safe houses full of stash. Wrecker and Abel will drive the cage. I want you to meet with Junior and then go clean out those houses.”

“Are we eliminating them?” Michigan asks. He doesn’t care and neither do I. We just want to know what kind of tools to bring.

“Nah, they don’t know shit about us. It’s Junior whose ass is on the line. I promised his old man I’d watch out for
, not the club.”

“We bringing all the stuff back here? Is any of that hot?” Michigan asks.

“Yeah, I don't want any of this near the granary. You guys should take this up to Detroit Lakes.”

“Fuck, that's like four hours away.” I frown.

“That going to be a problem?”

“No, but it would be nice if you and Pip would keep an eye on Annie.”

“She your girl now?”

“Yeah. We’ll make our claim during our next church but for now you can spread the word informally. We were trying to keep it on the down low because of who her father is but I guess that’s moot now.”

“What? Do you mean to tell me that Pastor Bloom isn’t excited about the two of you debauching his precious daughter? Color me surprised.”

“Speaking of Annie, I think that she will do a good job as your office manager.” If she’s moving out, then she needs a job right now.

“Are you saying that or is your dick saying that?” He points to my groin.

“No, he's right,” interjects Michigan. “She’s been working as a church secretary for the last four years. She keeps their books, does all their brochures and shit. Does customer service shit.”

Judge looks interested. “Yeah, okay, it sounds like she could do the job. I'll touch base with her while you're gone. Have her come over to the office to see if she feels comfortable there and whether there's anything that we got going on that she can't do.”

“You want to tell her or should I?” I ask Michigan. His eyes darken and I can see him getting angry again. “I’ll do it.”

He gives me a short nod.

When I reach the bathroom, Annie’s done showering. It’s mouse quiet in there. I wonder how much, if any, of the conversation she heard. Giving a quick tap of warning, I twist the knob. Annie’s sitting on the toilet wearing her wrinkled tan skirt and a fresh shirt. Her backpack is resting against the sink cabinet.

“I heard my name. Is something wrong?” Her voice is a little trembly. I curl my hands into fists I’d like to shove into her father’s face.

“Your old man doesn’t like that you’re here. He’s gone to the police and reported that we kidnapped you.”

She sucks in a shocked breath and covers her mouth. “Oh no! I’ll leave right away.”

Everything we built tonight is threatening to fall apart. I grab her pack and shoulder it before she can pick it up. “Baby, it doesn’t matter to us who your old man is or what he does to us. What matters is what we feel for each other. Now you love us, right?”

She nods miserably, her lashes sparkling in the harsh bathroom light from unshed tears. “We said we love you and I can promise you we haven’t said that to any other woman.”

“I believe you.” She stands up and rises on her tiptoes to press her lips against my cheek. “I’m going to go home tonight, pack and tell Father I’m moving out.”

“Good. Michigan and I have to go to Minneapolis so I’m giving you my key. Make yourself at home. Just dump my shit on the floor and we’ll rearrange stuff later.”

I give her a slight push and follow her as she walks down the hall. My dick stirs in my jeans as I watch the slight sway of her tight ass in the skirt. When we get near Michigan, he releases a deep growl.

Judge shakes his head. “That answers that.”

“She’s our woman; we’re claiming her.” Michigan pushes his chin out.

“Great.” He slaps his hand on Michigan’s shoulder and then mine. “Saddle up and call me when it’s all taken care of.” He points his finger at Annie. “Pippa’s outside and can give you a ride home.”

“Sorry you had to come here this late,” she mumbles. Her face is a fiery red.

“It’s no big deal. Club’s a family and we watch after our own. You do your part tonight and we’ll take care of you. I’ll give you guys a few minutes.” Judge walks out.

“A bunch of fools from that club we were just at in the Cities got into some trouble and we need to run up there and take care of business. We should be back tomorrow night.” I pull the key off my chain I have hooked to my belt loop and press it into her hand.

Michigan holds her first, burying his head in her hair and squeezing her so tight I’m worried she can’t breathe. “I can’t kiss you, sweetheart, because if I press my lips against your sweet mouth, I’m not going to stop.”

He gives her another squeeze and then passes her off to me. I do kiss her, tonguing her deep and long until we’re both panting.

“Fuck it.” Michigan pulls her back into his arms and plants a hard kiss on her mouth.

When he releases her, her cherry red lips are smiling.

“You be in our bed, wearing nothing but our cuffs tomorrow night,” Michigan orders.

“All right.” She gives us both two more quick pecks against our cheek and then trips out the door to climb into Pippa’s little red car.

Wrecker and Abel, a prospect, show up about thirty minutes after Judge leaves. Wrecker is Judge’s son and is probably coming along to tell the dumb folks to shut up and stay locked up tight and in three years they’ll be out. Wrecker served three for involuntary manslaughter for defending a local who’d been attacked by a skinhead from a white supremacist biker group from up north. Should’ve been fucking self-defense and no charges but Schmidthead—Chief Schmidt—saw an opportunity to bring pain on the Death Lords MC, Judge specifically, and got the city attorney to bring charges when the county wouldn’t. On advice of counsel, they pled that shit down to involuntary and Wrecker did three years. He came out of it fine and as long as these punks kept their shit locked up tight, they’d be welcome in most any MC around. Loyalty means a lot in the brotherhood. That Abel is being sent with him means that Judge is getting ready to patch him in.

You don’t trust shit like this to a prospect.

From the gleam in this serious former Marine’s eyes, he knows it.

“Ready?” I ask.

“Always,” he says. We both know we’re talking about more than the trip up to the Cities.

“Guess we’ll be having a big party one of these days.”

A new patch is celebrated with liquor and fucking. I nudge Michigan and he gives me a small smile. We are both imagining Annie’s wild-eyed delight at that scene. She’d be hot and wet after the first five minutes. Hell, she’ll probably come from us just telling her about it. Like me, there’s a little part of her that likes to watch. She doesn’t want to show off to any of these assholes, but she doesn’t mind taking it all in. Thirsty and greedy little puss.

“Hope so,” is all Abel says. He’s a good one, all right.

“How’d you ever make it as a Marine, Easy?” Wrecker asks as we strap our packs onto the bike. This time we aren’t carrying around extra clothes, assless chaps, and silky lingerie. We’ve got guns, IDs and cash. “Seems to me that if you smile, you’re kicked out.”

“Don’t judge the entire branch by these two humorless assholes,” I joke. “We’ve got plenty of dumb jokesters like yourself.”

“This humorless asshole kept you alive, fucker,” Michigan taunts.

“True story.” I grin and swing one leg over Amber Whiskey. “I’m done gossiping if you are, ladies.”

“Ride on, brother.” Wrecker knocks his forearm against mine. Michigan climbs onto his bike and we lead the way with Wrecker and Abel following in the truck behind us.

When we arrive in Minneapolis, we park our bikes at a motel in Eagen and climb into the back of the four-door cab that Wrecker had driven up. Riding our lowriders past a suspected motorcycle club gang is like waving a red flag in front of a bull.

Might as well hang a sign on the back of our cuts saying “arrest us.” I give Wrecker the instructions to Junior’s crash pad and he takes off.

“Kind of ingenious to have the clubhouse in the middle of a bunch of run-down college rentals,” Wrecker comments.

“No doubt. No one can complain here about noise late at night and coming and going of people at all hours.”

“How’re we playing this?” Wrecker asks. Abel’s silent and won’t likely say a word tonight. This is his last test and he’s determined to pass it.

“Junior’s in charge. I’m not sure if the two guys that got picked up acted under his orders or whether they’re wild cards trying to gain control after his old man’s death. We got to figure out if Junior’s worth the investment. If he is, then we clean out his stashes and hold them for him, minus a little protection fee.”

“I never met Junior. How old is he?”

“About twenty-five.”

Wrecker shakes his head. “Twenty-five and he’s still Junior?”

“Once you get a road name, that’s all you’re ever going to be called. Remember that asshole Taco from the Bedlam Butchers?”

“Yeah, ‘Taco’ sucks. So you guys are seeing Annie Bloom, huh?”

“Yup. What do you know about her? Didn’t you go to school with her?”

“She was a year ahead. I don’t know much about her. She didn’t run with my crowd. She was quiet, kept to herself. She’s okay-looking, I guess.”

“Right, because women who have supermodel bodies are always just
,” Abel interjects.

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