Death Lords Motorcycle Club: Annie, Michigan, and Easy (The Motorcycle Clubs Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Death Lords Motorcycle Club: Annie, Michigan, and Easy (The Motorcycle Clubs Series)
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“Not at the same time. Michigan is going to fuck you while I watch and after he’s made you good and ready, I’m going to fuck you. Then we’re going to give you a bath so you can still walk tomorrow.”

“Do I go home tonight?”

“No,” Michigan barks out. I send him a warning glare which he ignores. “You’re spending the night.”

“We’ll get you home in time.” We all know that until Annie’s ready to confront her dad that we’ll need to step carefully. If we push her too hard, she may run and hide herself behind the parish doors. Running interference with her dad for a few weeks isn’t going to kill us, I silently remind Michigan. He still gets caught up in his ugly memories. Even if Annie’s dad is the prick that he ran into years ago, Michigan isn’t a punk ass seventeen-year-old with no protection.

Plus we got to watch out for Annie now. She’s our number one priority.

Chapter Eight


Michigan and Easy exchange glances over my head. I think it’s about Father, but I’m not certain. There’s a lot in my head that I’m not certain about other than I’ve never felt like this before and I don’t want to leave these two. Their interest in me might burn out by morning, but for now I’m wearing Easy’s claiming cuff and I’m lying in Michigan’s bed. Their eyes are burning holes in my body and their heavy penises are waving in the air.

I wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of sensation I would feel at their hands. It was more than I could have ever imagined.

Michigan’s salty taste still lingers on my tongue and I wonder how Easy tastes. I wonder how it will feel when it’s more than their fingers inside me. I wonder what it will be like when they’re both inside me and how that is even possible. The images of the other night at the granary flick through my mind. That girl was on her knees with the man’s penis in her mouth and the other one inside her private area. Tonight it was me full of Michigan in my mouth and Easy’s fingers inside me and it was heavenly.

I want more of that. I suppose that makes me wrong and depraved but I’ve been hiding these cravings for a long time. It doesn’t seem sinful to give in to them because surely nothing this beautiful, this good, could ever be entirely wrong.

Easy disappears for a moment and then reenters the room carrying a kitchen chair. He situates it near the bed and then settles in, one hand on his very big penis, the other lying palm up on his thigh.

Michigan advances on the bed with a couple of pieces of paper.

“What’s this?” I ask looking at the sheets. One is labeled with the name Van Eric Beasley and the other is Timothy Davis and they appear to be lab results with the single word
running down the right column.

“These are blood tests to show you that we’re clean,” Michigan says. “I’m Tim and that bastard is Van.”

“Oh.” I blink at him. “Should I have gotten one too?”

“Nah. We know you’re clean but you’re not on the pill, right? We’ll use condoms until you go on the pill. We just wanted you to know you’re safe with us.”

I bite my lip and feel myself redden but this time from embarrassment. I can’t believe we’re talking about this but I guess it’s safe sex, a conversation I’ve never had with anyone. During the fifth grade health discussion on sex, Father had me pulled from class so I wouldn’t be exposed to the sinful culture of the nonbelievers. “I’m actually on the pill. My periods are painful and irregular without it.”

Michigan’s hand crumples the papers and even Easy, who appears lighthearted most of the time, sucks in a breath.

“You okay with no condoms then?” Michigan’s voice is strained.

I nod shyly and tuck my hair behind my ear. “Yeah, I’m okay with that.”

Michigan’s head hangs down for a moment as if the weight of what I’ve said is too much for him to handle. Finally he raises his eyes and I swear there is a tiny sheen to them. Without turning to Easy, he says, “Man, I was wrong and you were right. This woman’s perfect for us.”

Easy slaps a hand against his thigh and cackles. “Annie, mark this down. Michigan never admits to being wrong about anything. This is a real occasion. I think you’ve broken him.”

“Fuck off,” Michigan says but there’s a hint of a smile playing around his lips.

All laughter dies off when he reaches for me. Tenderness is on his face and in his touch. He runs his hands over my body from shoulder to toes, again and again, until I’m wholly relaxed yet aroused at the same time. These men know how to extract dozens of sensations I didn’t even know my body was capable of producing.

Finally he lifts my bare arm and fits another wide etched cuff around my wrist. This one doesn’t have a silver clasp like Easy’s. Instead, it has a miniature buckle, a slim metal half circle, a big letter M and the Death Lords’ logo.

He raises my wrist to his mouth and presses a kiss against the big vein running down my wrist and than a second kiss against the leather. Easy appears on my other side and picks up my other wrist.

He pushes my Easy cuff toward my new Michgan cuff and suddenly my wrists are linked together. The cuffs were mirrors of each other and hidden magnets keep the cuffs together if I want. Side by side the words Death Lords starts on one cuff and then the other. The magnets are surprisingly strong but I can pull my wrists apart if I give I twist quick and hard.

“We’re claiming you, Little Red. You’re ours as long as you wear these cuffs. Your mouth is ours to kiss, your sweet cunt is ours to fuck, and your body is ours to possess.”

The words of ownership should have made me retreat but instead I open my body to welcome their possession. Excitement captures me. All I want is for them to deliver on all the promises they’ve made.

Michigan’s mouth treks its way up and down my torso, down my legs and then up again to stop at my center. His finger slides in to test me like the girl at the granary.

“I’m ready,” I say. My words are barely more than a moan.

“Yeah, you are,” he responds. He takes himself in hand and positions the purplish head between my legs, the spot that is pulsing as if it has a direct line from my heart. He pushes in slow and gentle but his penis is bigger than even Easy’s three fingers. “It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s going to be okay.”

“But you’re so big,” I can’t help complaining.

To my side, I hear Easy laugh from the chair he’s settled back into. “You’re going to make him bigger if you keep up that kind of talk.”

“Shut up, asshole,” Michigan replies. “Your body is made for this, for me, for us. Just relax.” He leans down and kisses me and I’m reminded how different they are. Michigan tastes like rain on a hot summer day. It’s warm inside your mouth but tastes fresh somehow. Easy tastes like mint sunshine, bright and tingly. As he kisses me, he pushes forward and surprisingly he’s right. My body does adjust. I can feel my tissues stretching and there isn’t any pain, not like when he first slid a finger inside. This is more like an ache.

“That’s it. You’re doing so good, Little Red.” Easy whispers hoarse encouragement from his chair. I glance over and see his glittery eyes roving everywhere, over Michigan’s entry between my legs, his dark head on my breasts, my face. He takes everything in. His hand is fisted around his thick penis, the head of it is dusky red. I watch as his large hand engulfs his penis and then lowers to the base only to rise and squeeze the top.

The distraction of Easy pleasuring himself ignites my own passion and I stretch wide enough to take Michigan in all the way to the root.

“You okay?” Michigan rasps.

I nod, dry-mouthed and anxious but he moves so slow as he retreats and even slower still as he reenters me. There’s still not pain and I relax, smiling for the first time.

“Yes, I’m okay. It feels…full.”

“But no pain?”

“No, no pain.”

“Good.” He grits his teeth and this time his thrust forward has power. I felt a jolt travel from between my legs up to my eyelids.

“Oh my God,” I squeak.

“Shit. What? Did I hurt you?” He pulls out almost all the way and Easy rushes over, abandoning his activity.

“No,” I laugh softly. If I needed reassurance this is it. These two would never allow harm to come to me, not through their hands or anyone else’s. “No, nothing hurt. It just felt really good.”

I tug Michigan by his shoulders back down to me, taking the initiative for the first time. The leather rubs across his skin, weighing down my wrists.

“Make me feel good again,” I whisper with more courage than I thought I had in me. Michigan’s eyes flare and Easy laughs huskily while retaking his chair.

“I never want to hurt you.” Michigan’s voice vibrates with emotion and I realize I’m not the only one who needs encouragement.

“I know, baby.” I test out the endearment. His response is a broad, wonderful smile. I can tell he doesn’t often smile and I’m blown away by its beauty and sincerity. “Take me,” I plead.

“I will.” The husky promise sends shivers down my spine.

He pushes back inside me and this time I close my eyes and savor the sensation. His hair-roughened legs scrape the insides of my thighs. His chest rubs against my tender peaks. One hand is clamped around my hips while the other braces his entire body above me.

Inside, I can feel the individual ridges of his penis as he shuttles in and out of my body. The dark eroticism of being taken by this man while being watched by another builds an excitement inside me I can’t contain. I clutch Michigan to me, clinging like a wet leaf to his frame as he plunges into me again and again. Each pass seems to hit new nerve endings, new pleasure portals. I can’t catch my breath. Michigan is taking it all from me until he lowers his mouth over mine and gives me life again.

He spreads my legs wider, kisses me ferociously with his tongue and slams into me repeatedly until I can’t hold onto this realm anymore. I spin out of my head, my eyes shuttering and I can see only a medley of colors and can hear only the harsh panting of our mutual breathless climb over the edge of the cliff.

Michigan pumps against me, once, twice and then the hot jets of his come spill inside my sex.

“Fuck, yes!” he shouts and the grip on my hip turns almost bruising under his tight embrace. I love it. I hope I wear the signs of his possession and Easy’s for a long time.

Michigan pauses and kisses me again, this time with tenderness. Our kiss is long and leisurely and we caress each other in giddy repletion.

All too soon, he leaves me, pulling away and leaving behind a trail of sticky liquid as he withdraws. “Be back in a minute, sweetheart.” He gives my face a rough caress and then walks off through a nearby door.

“Do you need some time to rest, Little Red?” Easy says.

I move my legs experimentally. “No, I’m still in one piece.”

“But no longer a virgin.” He grins.

His smile is contagious and I can’t help but respond to his good humor. “No, I’m not.” A thought occurs. “Are you upset that it was Michigan?”

“Not at all.” He rises from his chair to bend over my supine body. With the hand that he had used to rub himself, he reaches between my legs but doesn’t stop at my opening. Instead he moves backward and presses the tip of his finger inside my butt! “I’m going to be the first one to fuck you here. We’re both going to enjoy the hell out of it, I promise you that.”

He removes his finger and then leans down to kiss the shock off my face. I’m dazed by his words and by his taste and then the feel of his large frame pressing down on my own. I hear something slap Easy and when I peer over his back I see it’s a washcloth. Easy swipes it from his back and places it between my legs. He cleans me off and then tosses the soiled cloth on the floor.

“Move over.”

I do as he orders and he climbs in beside me, rolling me on my side. At my back I feel the king bed dip and then the warm body of Michigan snuggling up against me. He draws some of my hair away from my sweaty neck and back while Easy lies down in front of me.

“Are we going to sleep?” I ask uncertainly.

“No, but Michigan took you hard and I know you’re going to be sore tomorrow so we’re going to fuck nice and slow this last time tonight. Tomorrow we’ll cook you breakfast and send you home with a present.”

“What kind of present?”

“The kind that will make you wet and horny and have you running back to our bed,” Easy answers and raises my leg to hang over his hip. I’m still wet and slippery and there’s almost no resistance when Easy’s broad head nudges my entrance. But once his head is inside me, I wonder how the rest of it’s going to fit, even after Michigan worked me over.

“It’s going to feel real good,” Easy says soothingly. He reads the panic that had raced across my face. Behind me Michigan is squeezing my shoulders and running a finger down the center of my spine. I shiver and move closer to Easy. He’s got a little more hair than Michigan. His chest has a sprinkling of short, curled light brown hair which thickens near his penis. It feels both soft and scratchy against my skin.

His hand captures a breast and teases the nipple into a taut point. He moves to the other breast, closest to the bed, and then Michigan reaches around and suddenly I have two hands on my body but they belong to different men. The sensation is strange and wonderful.

Easy’s face as he pushes inside is a far cry from his smiles and winks. His nostrils flare wide and all traces of laughter have been replaced with serious intent. The veins of his neck are strained. His eyes eat me up and then he pushes forward and we both moan. Michigan braces my hips from behind as Easy inches inside. He feels enormous and I fear I might split in two from his possession. But he doesn’t rush me and after long moments of incremental progress, he finally reaches the end.

Easy huffs out a half laughter, half moan as he fully encases his shaft. I swear I can feel his blood pulse along the entire length. It’s like his very heart is inside me, pounding out the words of his lust.

He claims my mouth and we kiss in long, lazy, languid caresses as he slowly moves his thick shaft in deep strokes. We’re barely moving. Whereas the thrusts of Michigan shook the bed and me, Easy’s glides shift my hips in small movements but the effect is as devastating.

My sensitive breasts are crushed against his chest and his mouth devours mine. Michigan rubs his hands over every exposed inch of me. I feel surrounded by their attention and care.

The orgasm builds as leisurely as our joining. Easy’s penis is no longer stretching me but filling me. The musk of our joining fills the air and our sweaty bodies slide against one another in a steady rhythm. I can feel the pleasure coiling inside as each pass of his penis against my swollen tissues winds the spiral of delight tighter and tighter.

I grind against him and Michigan helps, pushing me closer to Easy until we are so intimately clasped that we are one body.
I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine.

The words of Solomon spin through my mind as Easy loves me with his body. He grips me to him and I feel the muscles in his shoulders bunch under my fingers as he spurts his release in long heavy ropes. The warm fluid spurs my own release and as the pleasure overtakes me, I shatter into tiny pieces only to find that four hands hold me as I fall.

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