Deadly Fallout (Red Stone Security Series Book 10) (16 page)

BOOK: Deadly Fallout (Red Stone Security Series Book 10)
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Vincent’s eyebrows raised the slightest fraction then he nodded once, as if in agreement. “Good.”

Zoe strode into the kitchen then, looking gorgeous in a red and gold dress that accentuated all her curves. Without pause she moved into Sawyer’s side, wrapping her arm around his waist as he slid his arm around her shoulders. She narrowed her eyes at Vincent. “You giving my man a hard time?”

“We’re bonding.”

She snorted and swatted at him. “Well you better get in there, it’s almost dirty Santa time.”

As soon as Vincent had left, Zoe turned into Sawyer’s embrace and lifted up on her toes. “Was he bothering you?” Her expression was fierce and loving—and he loved that she actually worried about him, even if he didn’t need it. He couldn’t remember the last time anyone other than his parents had done that.

“No…” He ran his fingertips down the side of her cheek. “I love you, Zoe,” he blurted, not wanting another second to pass before he told her. He didn’t care how soon it was or that they hadn’t known each other that long. For the past twenty years he’d made life and death decisions on a daily basis and he didn’t often second guess himself. And he wasn’t going to start now. He loved this woman more than he’d ever loved anyone and he wanted her to know.

Zoe’s bright smile nearly blinded him. “I love you too.” Pulling a sprig of mistletoe from behind her back she held it over her head, her grin turning playful. “Now get down here and kiss me.”

Relief slammed into him at her words. He’d thought she felt the same as him, but to hear her words—it was the best Christmas present he’d ever received. He hadn’t realized he’d been worried what her response would be, but hearing her say she loved him too nearly brought him to his knees. Covering her mouth with his, he knew his life was never going to be the same now that Zoe was in it. Until her he hadn’t realized anything had been missing but now that she was in it, he was never letting her go.


Two months later

Laughing, Zoe collapsed into Sawyer’s arms, using him for support. After dancing the last hour in high heels, she was pretty much done. “I need a drink and to rest.”

“I thought you’d never ask,” he murmured, ushering them off the dance floor, his big hand placed firmly at the small of her back in a proprietary manner she absolutely loved.

It took a while to make it to one of the open bars because the reception after Vincent and Jordan’s wedding was packed.

Zoe had known it was going to be big, but she hadn’t realized just how crowded it would be. They’d decided to do an outside wedding at a place right on the water. Twinkle lights were strung up everywhere, the sparkly atmosphere exactly what Jordan had wanted. Even though it was the tail end of winter, it was Florida and the weather was already moving into spring. The entire night had been perfect, something both her brother and Jordan deserved. Now that the newly married couple had left the reception to head out on their honeymoon, Zoe was ready to leave and get some alone time with Sawyer.

For the last two months, they’d spent pretty much every second they could together. Since they both worked a lot, it wasn’t as much as she’d like so when he’d asked her to move in with him—two and a half weeks after they’d returned from Saint Augustine—she hadn’t had to think about her answer. Coming home to him every night was a kind of perfection she was still trying to adjust to. Part of her was worried she’d wake up and realize all this wasn’t real. But she knew it was.

“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Sawyer murmured, picking up two champagne glasses for them.

Just like always, her entire body flared to life as his voice rolled over her. “That I’m blessed to have found you,” she said, taking one of the glasses.

He gave her one of those unreadable looks before he tilted his head in the direction of a pavilion right on the water. “Walk with me?”

Nodding, she fell in step with him, unsurprised when he slid his jacket around her shoulders. She wasn’t even that cold, but he hadn’t missed her slight shiver. Because he never missed a thing. “You’re going to spoil me.”

“Good.” As they stepped up into the pavilion, an icy wind blew up over the Atlantic.

She handed him her glass and slid her hands into the sleeves, wrapping her arms around herself. Okay, maybe it was colder than she’d thought. As she tucked her hands into the pockets her fingers touched a small box.

At the same moment, Sawyer got a deer-in-headlights look. It took her all of two seconds to figure out why. Or at least make an educated guess.

Surprising her, he sighed and pulled her close, his big hands resting on her hips possessively. “Pull it out,” he said, almost resignedly.

With trembling fingers she did, her eyes widening when she saw a small red box. She supposed it could be earrings but… “What is this?” she whispered, her gaze fixed on his.

He swallowed hard, the vulnerable side of him he so rarely showed shining through for a fraction of a moment. “I wasn’t going to do this here, but…” He took it from her hands and got down on one knee. When he opened the box to reveal a marquis cut diamond engagement ring, her breath caught in her throat. “Marry me, Zoe.”

Tears blurred her vision as she nodded. “Yes,” she rasped out, glad she’d managed to find her voice. Like there was a doubt what her answer would be. It had happened way sooner than she’d expected but surprisingly there was no hesitation in her. Sawyer was one of a kind and he was all hers.

She loved him more than she’d ever thought possible. He was a strong, honorable man and she couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life learning everything about him.

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Sneak Peek of

Bound to Danger

Deadly Ops Series

Copyright © 2014 Katie Reus

Forcing her body to obey her when all she wanted to do was curl into a ball and cry until she passed out, she got up. Cool air rushed over her exposed back and backside as her feet hit the chilly linoleum floor. She wasn’t wearing any panties and the hospital gown wasn’t covering much of her. She didn’t care.

Right now she didn’t care about much at all.

Sometime when she’d been asleep her dirty, rumpled gown had been removed from the room. And someone had left a small bag of clothes on the bench by the window. No doubt Nash had brought her something to wear. He’d been in to see her a few times, but she’d asked him to leave each time. She felt like a complete bitch because she knew he just wanted to help, but she didn’t care. Nothing could help, and being alone with her pain was the only way she could cope right now.

Feeling as if she were a hundred years old, she’d started unzipping the small brown leather bag when the door opened. As she turned to look over her shoulder, she found Nash, a uniformed police officer, and another really tall, thuggish-looking man entering.

Her eyes widened in recognition. The tattoos were new, but the
was Cade O’Reilly. He’d served in the Marines with her brother. They’d been best friends and her brother, Riel, named after her father, had even brought him home a few times. But that was years ago. Eight to be exact. It was hard to forget the man who’d completely cut her out of his life after her brother died, as if she meant nothing to him.

Cade towered over Nash—who was pretty tall himself—and had a sleeve of tattoos on one arm and a couple on the other. His jet-black hair was almost shaved, the skull trim close to his head, just like the last time she’d seen him. He was…intimidating. Always had been. And startlingly handsome in that bad-boy way she was sure had made plenty of women… Yeah, she wasn’t even going there.

She swiveled quickly, putting her back to the window so she wasn’t flashing them. Reaching around to her back, she clasped the hospital gown together. “You can’t knock?” she practically shouted, her voice raspy from crying, not sure whom she was directing the question to.

“I told them you weren’t to be bothered, but—”

The police officer cut Nash off, his gaze kind but direct. “Ms. Cervantes, this man is from the NSA and needs to ask you some questions. As soon as you’re done, the doctors will release you.”

“I know who he is.” She bit the words out angrily, earning a surprised look from Nash and a controlled look from Cade.

She might know Cade, or she had at one time, but she hadn’t known he worked for the NSA. After her brother’s death he’d stopped communicating with her. Her brother had brought him home during one of their short leaves, and she and Cade had become friends.
Good friends.
They’d e-mailed all the time, for almost a year straight. Right near the end of their long correspondence, things had shifted between them, had been heading into more than friendly territory. Then after Riel died, it was as if Cade had too. It had cut her so deep to lose him on top of her brother. And now he showed up in the hospital room after her mom’s death and wanted to talk to her? Hell no.

Sneak Peek of

Under His Protection

Red Stone Security Series

Copyright © 2014 Katie Reus

“You are going to love what I got her,” Julieta whispered to Lizzy.

They were sitting next to each other at Mina’s bridal shower. Mina Hollingsworth, soon-to-be Mina Blue. The sweet artist was marrying former pro-football player/former Marine Alexander Blue and she was one of the nicest people Julieta had ever met.

“I take it you went off the registry,” Lizzy whispered back before taking a sip of her mimosa.

“Just a bit.” She held back her grin as Mina picked up her next gift. The black and white damask bag with a bright pink stripe across the top was distinctively from Julieta’s store.

“I know who this is from,” Mina said, already blushing as she delicately pulled the paper stuffing out the top. Her face split into a wide smile as she pulled out the sheer white, delicate lace lingerie babydoll halter. The back had ruffled layers to create a small bustle and above that in bright pink hand-done stitching were the words ‘property of Alex’. Mina’s fiancé
have mentioned something to Julieta about this.

As Mina pulled it out and saw the back she started laughing, her cheeks flushing an even darker shade of pink. “Did Alex ask you to do this?” she asked.

Julieta just shrugged and pursed her lips together as she fought a smile.

Mina turned it around for the twenty other women to see. Everyone started howling and talking about how much their significant others would want them to get one. Julieta ignored the small pang in her chest. For a bridal shower this one was very small and considering how wealthy Mina was, she was surprised it wasn’t bigger. But maybe she shouldn’t be. The woman was incredibly picky about who she was friends with—because she wasn’t sure who she could trust—and she had guards around her most of the time. All the women at the shower were either married or engaged, except two of Mina’s friends from California.

Being single had never bothered Julieta before. The last three years she’d been working like mad to get her business off the ground and now that it had and she was doing well, she had more time on her hands. She had a lot of friends and a huge, loving family but the truth was, she was lonely. When she’d first started her business she’d actually had a serious boyfriend. They’d been together the last two years of college, but once she’d started working long hours he’d decided he couldn’t handle it. He’d said he wanted her to be successful and would support her, but in the end it had all been lip service. She was glad she’d found out before they’d taken the next step, but it still stung when she thought about how badly things had ended between them.

She couldn’t remember the last date she’d gone on and unfortunately the last two months she’d spent fantasizing about a certain sexy Red Stone Security employee she kept seeing because of her friendship with Mina. But she couldn’t get a read on the man. He was always so tight-lipped and gave brooding stares when she was around. She was pretty sure he didn’t even like her. Not to mention Mina had mentioned that he was a total player on more than one occasion.

Which made her fantasies even more ridiculous. She wasn’t into playboys or bad boys. So why did everything about Ivan make her wake up and take notice?

“Is that from your new line?” Lizzy demanded, shifting against the loveseat in the expansive living room that overlooked the Miami bay as Mina told everyone to go grab food and drinks.

Huge windows and a bright October day made for a gorgeous view and natural lighting as the women broke up and started to eat and mingle.

“Minus the personalized stitching, yes. And
, I’ve already saved one for you. I can’t believe you had a baby five months ago. You look amazing,” she said in mock disgust.

“Porter keeps me busy.” Lizzy’s smile turned mischievous which only made that pang in Julieta’s chest expand.

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