Dark Knight of the Skye

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Dark Knight of the Skye
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Dark Knight of the Skye


Robin Renee




Copyright © of Robin Renee Ray 2011

All rights reserved


The right of Robin Renee Ray to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988


Published by Vamptasy Publishing


Printed and bound and distribution by


Print on Demand Worldwide



Cover Design by Nicola Ormerod


















I am so grateful to my Texas family for allowing me to use them in this book as well as their home of Austin Texas. D'nae, you make this read! I thank Nan in Scotland for all the help she gave in making sure my Danny Gilmore spoke with the good old-fashion Scot slang. And I give great thanks to my daughter Kysha Mcbee for typing through the first manuscript that first year after I became a writer and the year I wrote Dark Knight of the Skye. I wasn't easy. But my biggest thanks goes to all who love the world of the Vampires and Werewolves, I would have never come up with this read without them!!!

Part 1






The University of Texas at Austin was swarming with activity, as was the norm for the first week of school. Danny Gilmore strolled through campus, looking up from his schedule, to the buildings that towered over him, then back to his schedule. As much as he hated to admit it, he had no clue where he was. The campus alone was a stark contrast to his home in Kyleakin Scotland, where the population averaged around 400, and he was sure there were that many people on this sidewalk alone. As overwhelming as it was, he tried to remind himself that that was the very reason he had chosen this college. He had planned all along to come to the U.S., but when he heard about Austin from some backpackers in his village, he was sold. The weather was hot, the women were hotter, and better yet, it would be nice to date someone he hadn’t known since birth.

Just when he had decided to go back to the administration building – if he could find it, he spotted a flyer in the window of O’s Campus Café: “New to town? We can help! Maps and directions inside!”

“Thanks be,” he mouthed, looking up to the heavens. Danny walked into the inviting air conditioned café, and approached the counter. “Might ah be haein a wee word, lass?”

The waitress stood with her back to him making coffee, and when he spoke she turned with a bounce, and bubbly responded, “Hiya, can I help ya?” Smiling from ear to ear, she waited as Danny sat silently, his mouth hanging slightly open as he tried to transmit signals to his vocal cords. The woman in front of him was absolutely gorgeous, from her dazzling smile to her knockout body. But it was her sparkling, deep brown eyes that rendered him speechless every time he thought speech was possible.

“It’s really not that hard of a question and I’m not that hot in this uniform,” she said waving her hand up and down.
“Ah dinnae kin why I froze…,” Danny blinked a few times, as if coming out of a daze. “Yer richt, Ah’ll be havin sum tea.”
“I don’t know why? Maybe it’s your voice, but you’re not from around here, are ya?” she said, with a slight smirk.
“Haud yer wheesht!” he said, laughing.
“Haud my what?” she asked, turning to pour his tea. “Sugar and cream?”
“Nae, Hen,” he added, laughing even harder. “It be meanin shud up, nae sugar or cream.”

“First, it’s
, and second, in America, we don’t call girls hens - we eat them.”

“Ah cannae help it, Ah’m nae sae good wi’ words. Names Danny Gilmore, an Ah come fae the Isle of Skye in Scotland, an sae ye ken, we eat oor hens as well,” he replied with a wink in return.

She lowered her head just enough to look back up at him with a slight slant to her eyes, blushing undeniably. She was smitten from the time she had turned to ask if he needed help, but now she was downright swooning with curiosity. Danny took in a deep breath and let it out slow, gaining a softer smile and an instant glow of adoration, forgetting the very reason he even stepped in the door.

“I best get back to work. It was nice meeting you, Danny Gilmore.”

He stood, reaching over the counter, and took her hand. “Daes the lassie hae a name?” he asked, lying a gentle kiss on the back of her hand.

“What? Hum… okay,” she paused, barely able to gather her thoughts. “My name? D`nae… D`nae Creel, I’m from here. Duh! I’m sure you know that.”

She was tongue tied in the worst way. Boys just didn’t carry that particular grace in this neck of the woods, and it was more than apparent to Danny that she was taken aback. Just a simple kiss on the back of her hand had caused a fine tremble that he could feel as his fingertips lightly swept over the palm of her hand. The sensation caused an inner heat that went straight up to give another bright red glow to her cheeks, which would have paled the radiance of a freshly bloomed rose, and their connection was instantly made. There was more to this tall masculine form than his long black hair and baby blue eyes, and she was so hoping she would get the chance to find out more.

They spoke a little while longer, Danny learning that D’nae herself was a UT student, but that she had taken the semester off to save up some money. She knew the campus well and promised to show him around when she had the chance. That reminded him of his mission, so he took one of the free maps from the counter, on which D’nae quickly scrawled her cell phone number before reluctantly returning to work. Danny left the café and finally found his class, which was an absolute waste of time. As the professor droned on about the Periodic Table, Danny’s mind drifted back to those hypnotic brown eyes, already rehearsing the call he’d make that night.

Three nights later, they were on their second date and already they seemed as if they had always been. They had decided to take D`nae’s truck to what she now liked to call the ‘Austin Loch’. Danny told her he wanted to see a few more of the sights - so he said - and in the past forty eight hours he had been telling her all about the beauty of the country he had come from. D`nae, on the other hand, wanted to get a little closer to the man that gave her chills every time he opened his mouth. She didn’t understand a great deal that came out of that luscious mouth, but watching his lips as the
’s rolled off his tongue was more than captivating.

“So, what ya think?” D`nae asked as they pulled up on the ravine of the lake. “I’m sure it’s not nothing like where you come from, but we like it.”

“Ye call this loch? Tis a wee toty,” he smiled looking over at her. “Dinnae frown luv, Ah could nae help me self. Ah wus just footering aboot wi’ ye.” He leaned over in the seat and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“I can turn this truck around, young man,” she replied smiling.

“A frien told me aboot his but and ben, here at ye loch an said it t’wur free for noo.”

“You are such a doll, but I have no idea what the hell a ‘but and ben’ is. To tell you the truth, half the time I have a hard time understanding most of what you’re saying.”

He pulled her across the seat, sitting her in his lap, their lips locked in a rush of heated passion, while his left hand made its way from her knee to the outer side of her hip, the whole while his fingers working in strong circular motions, bringing a moan from the depths of her very being. She threw her head back and his lips slid down her neck. He slowly slid out from under her, lying her against the door as gently as he could.

He continued to kiss her from one side of her neck to the other, then slowly made his way down further, until he reach the soft luscious mounds of flesh that he so badly wanted to melt into. She, in turn, wrapped her legs around his waist, and ran both hands under his arms and up his muscular back.

“Mmm, the universal language… wait!” she said suddenly.

Danny sat up so fast it was as if he had been slapped across the face.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to freak you out. I was just going to suggest that we go back to my place,” she explained, placing her hand on his cheeks.

“That’s guid. So, yer nae sair at me?”
“If you mean, am I sore at you, of course not,” she smiled wickedly, tightening her legs around his waist.
“Why go aw the way tae yer hoose, when we hae a but and ben richt here,” he explained and slowly started unbuttoning her pants.

“I gather a ‘but in ben’ is something like a cabin?” she asked grinding her most nether region into the heat that had risen in his.

“Ma frien came an showed me. Cud ah drive yer wheels?” he responded with his eyes closed and head slightly hanging, as her fingers teasingly slid around the inside of his pants.

“As long as you get us there in a hurry,” she replied sliding her hand between his legs.

He never said a word. His eyes flew open and he gave her that beautiful Scottish smile as he dove into the driver’s seat. He cranked the motor and gassed the truck over the edge of the ravine, bringing them dangerously close to the water’s edge. D`nae paid no mind to his driving - she couldn’t take her eyes off her quarry. She had told him on their first ‘out to lunch’ type of date that she wasn’t one of these little girls who played hard to get. He, in turn, told her that he may not be around a lot of city ‘Hen’s’, but he was a man that also knew what he wanted.

The dirt road ran beside the water’s edge, halfway around the lake, and then took a sharp turn back to the left. The trees were thick on both sides of the road and the underbrush was almost impenetrable. About a mile up the side of the hill, the trees opened up to show a beautiful quaint little cabin that had a screened-in front porch. Danny slid the truck to a stop and jumped out. D`nae started to follow but he held up his hand.

“Ah be gan in first, Ah’ll call ye efter. Ye cannae cum in until ah cum oot.”
“Why can’t I get out of the truck?”
“Ne’er ye mine, it’s me prize for ye.”

D`nae did her best to show him a pout but stayed put, watching Danny hold both hands up as if to make sure she understood not to move. He turned and ran up to the screen door, looking back raising one side of his mouth in a “just you wait” smile before continuing. She watched as he fumbled his way around, searching for the hidden key on top of the door seal. Once he had it, he unlocked the padlock and entered the porch. Doing the same thing, he found the second key that went to the main door of the cabin. Danny was in the cabin a good fifteen minutes before he came back out. He walked up to her door in almost a skip type fashion, and opened it.

“Wud ye be lik’in tae get doon?” he asked holding his hand out to her.
“About ten minutes ago. What on earth have you been doing?”
“Ne’er ye mine… Och! Fit ye waitin fur?”
She gave him a ‘what are you up to’ look and slid out without taking his hand.
“Besom,” he murmured under his breath.
“Excuse me, what was that?” she said turning.
“Ah… Ah, it’s me mooth. Ye ken, just a wee bit o blether.”

“Oh, just forget it,” she said grabbing the front of his pants. “I don’t think I’m ever going to understand what you’re saying. Do you get everything I say?”

“Most me thinks, it’s aw aboot yer ‘universal’ - that Ah be understandin,” he replied filling both hands with her voluptuous backside.

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