Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (30 page)

BOOK: Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“I know. I love all her crazy gifts, too. That’s why I need a storage shed,” Rain said, and Sienna nodded in agreement.

Sienna looked at Branda. “Have you heard from your parents?”

Branda grimaced. “My mom disowned me about a week ago, but my dad called me today and told me he hadn’t. I was surprised because he always does what she tells him.”

Sienna looked sympathetic. “I’m sorry to hear about your mom’s behavior, but I’m glad your father didn’t follow her blindly this time.”

“Ditto,” Rain said with a nod.

“How long are you going to be in Italy, Branda?” Sienna asked around a bite of food.

“A month.”

Two mouths fell open.

“What? They have a couple of businesses in Sorrento where we are going. It’s not like they are taking off totally,” Branda informed them.

“Get out. They have two businesses in Italy? What kind of businesses? I’m going to have to start talking to my mom about them more often. I totally did not know about the Cortino businesses. I knew they were wealthy, but I didn’t know what all they did.” Sienna spoke in a shocked voice.

“They have a hotel and a bookstore there,” Branda answered.

“I know they have a bookstore here in Florida as well. Do they have any more?” Rain queried.

“No more bookstores, but they do have three hotels. One here, one in New York, and one in Sorrento, Italy,” Branda said to her bug-eyed friends.

“New York. I love New York. One of these days, I want to go on a real vacation there. See all the sights and just hang out,” Rain said in a dreamy voice.

“It seems too busy for me. I know it has a lot of things to do, but I like the privacy and solitude of the cabin. Although hanging out in Italy sounds appealing,” Sienna said.

“Since the twins own a hotel in Sorrento, I don’t see why one of these days we can’t all hang out there. Maybe I’ll get married there and then you two can go there for my wedding,” Branda mused.

“You could get married there?” Rain asked.

Branda shrugged. “That’s what Troy and Trey said.”

“I’d jump on that in a heartbeat,” Rain threw in.

“I’m thinking about it. I want to see Sorrento first. Then I’ll discuss it with the twins,” Branda replied.

“Do you have your dress yet?’ Sienna asked.

Branda grimaced. “No. I figured I’d look when we come back. I need time to process this whole wedding thing. It’s all so sudden.”

“It did happen rather quickly, but the Cortinos are wonderful people. You couldn’t find a better catch than Troy and Trey,” Sienna said in a knowing tone.

“Or two hotter men,” Rain remarked with a wicked smile.

“There is that,” Sienna agreed with Rain.

Branda blushed a bright pink. “You two shut up. Subject change. How is the remodel going at your house in Golden Gate, Sienna?”

Sienna had just taken her last bite of food. After swallowing hard, she glared at Branda. “Why did you have to bring that up while I was eating my last bite of food? That question ruined the taste of it.”

Rain laughed openly. “No worries. We’ll order dessert after we talk about the remodel. The remodel I told you not to do.”

“Ouch. You just had to rub it in, didn’t you?” Sienna said with mock ire.

Rain gave Sienna an I-told-you-so look. “You better believe it. That house already looked nice, and you just had to go and gut the thing.”

“Well, if you must know, we moved into the ranch’s guest house until the house is finished. The house is a disaster. A small part of me wishes I’d done one room at a time instead of the kitchen, living room, and patio all at the same time,” Sienna grumbled.

“What does Teddy have to say about it?” Branda inquired.

“He’s usually good about it. He’s only thrown one fit, and that was when he couldn’t find his laptop under all the mess,” Sienna mumbled.

“Tell me he found it,” Rain, who loved her laptop, begged.

“Oh, he found it all right.” Sienna paused then grimaced. “Two days later in a box in the spare bedroom.”

“Damn. I would have been pissed. Who would pack a laptop and toss it in a spare bedroom?” Rain asked.

Sienna flinched. “My mom. You know she doesn’t know anything about laptops. She was helping me pack up the living room and kitchen. His laptop was in the living room on the coffee table.”

“Well, at least it was found. How is the house looking right now?” Branda asked.

Sienna smiled broadly. “The kitchen looks great, and the living room is supposed to be finished next week. The patio should be finished in three days. It is looking pretty good. When you come back from Italy, we will all have to get together and celebrate the end of my house remodel.”

“Sounds good to me. Now let’s order dessert,” Rain chimed in.

They all ordered something different then shared. After much laughter and debate about which dessert was the best Rain sadly stated that she had to leave.

In the parking lot, Branda waved her friends off then ran into the donut shop next to the diner they had just left. They sold the boxes she used for some of her bouquets. Her supply was running low.

Branda walked to her car, noted the van on her driver’s side, and a beat-up, small car on the passenger side of her car. After unlocking her doors she put the boxes in her back seat. The side door of the van flung open. Glancing over she expected to see a strong, rambunctious teen.

What she saw had her shaking in her shoes. A man who looked just like Roy Smyth stepped from the van. Turning away she thought about the last man she thought was him. He had turned out to be a nice man. Not wanting to freak out like she did last time she took a calming breath and went to open her car door.
She was safe, she was safe.
All was well.

A second after she opened her door it was slammed shut. That pissed her off. She turned to chew the rude man out, but the only sound she made was a gasp as his hand covered her mouth. Oh shit, it was Roy. Her body froze in place when he pressed his body into hers, trapping her up against the car.

“Well, well. Look who I found. My last plaything. Did you think I’d let you go before I had finished with you?” He shook his head. “You never even saw me following you from your house to here.” He leaned in closer to her ear. “You should never stay with friends, it makes it easy to find you. But, maybe that’s what you wanted. You wanted me to find you, didn’t you?”

Branda shook her head
. Oh god, she had to get away from him.

His eyes turned cold. “I think you are lying, and I don’t like people who lie.” Keeping one hand firmly on her mouth, he shoved her into his van, then jumped in, and slammed the door shut behind him.

She screamed and scooted as far away from him as she could.

He was on her in a flash. His body pressed her into the blanketed floor. Fear and shock raced through her system. She had to get away from him. Looking around the van she noticed there were no seats in the back and two seats in the front.

“We are going to have so much fun. I’m sure I’ll have more fun than you, but when you learn to obey me, you will have fun too. I know you want me. You were the reason I went to prison, but that wasn’t all your fault, it was your neighbor’s, but you still have to pay for it because you struggled, which drew his attention. You are going to be good from now on, right?”

Oh, god! He was crazy. Her eyes darted around the van.
fuck, fuck
. On the wall close to her was lots of rope. A shudder ran through her when her gaze landed on knives of all sizes displayed in an open tool box.

His hand on her mouth tightened and he moved the other one up to yank on her hair. “I asked if you were going to be good and I expect an answer.”

Branda nodded her head
. No way in hell was she going to be good, but he didn’t need to know that. Her mind raced to remember all the moves she had been taught. She had just found a loving family. There was no way she was going to die now.

Relief washed over his face. “That’s a good girl. I knew you weren’t a slut, you just want me as much as I want you.” He shifted off her, grabbing for the rope.

With her heart pounding against her ribs, Branda shoved him, knocking him off balance. She heard him fall heavily. Bounding to the door, she searched frantically for the handle. Damn it. There was no handle, he had rigged it so she couldn’t get out.

No fucking way was she dying in this van.

Dashing for the front, she had most of her body clear of the passenger’s seat when she felt his hand surround her ankle. Looking back, she saw him smiling evilly.

“I got you now, little slut. You lied to me, now you have to pay.”

He tugged her closer to him. That was a big mistake. Using her free leg she kicked him in the face. He howled and let go of her. Spinning around she cleared the seat and lunged for the door handle. She pulled on it and nothing happened. Fuck, it was locked.

From the back of the van he said, “You are going to pay for that.”

Finding the unlock button she pushed it with a shaking finger.
Please unlock, please unlock.
A click sounded in her ears and she wanted to weep with relief. Quickly opening the door, she screamed at the top of her lungs as she exited the van.

Her scream was cut off when she was pushed down from behind. Facedown, she remembered her training. Turning over, she noted the knife in his hand and swallowed hard.
Don’t freak out, don’t freak out.
She screamed when he stepped closer to her. Determined to live, she let him get one step closer then she kicked him as hard as she could in the balls.

He went down to his knees and cupped his balls.

“Police, drop the knife.”

Roy looked around and realized he was surrounded by three police officers. “I’m not going back.” He raised his arm and pulled back the knife to throw it at one of the policemen. The policeman fired into Roy’s chest.”

Blood was everywhere. Branda’s stomach rebelled. Turning over, she threw up.

As soon as she was finished, the policeman closest to her patted her shoulder. “Did he hurt you physically?”

Branda shook her head, and whispered, “N–no, I just want to go home.”

“We’ll get you home as soon as we can.”

Branda looked over at Roy and watched as a blanket was thrown over his dead body. Relief rushed through her body. She’d done it. She had kept her cool and she had won. He was never coming after her or anyone else again.

Five minutes later Troy and Trey pulled into the parking lot and raced over to her. They sandwiched her in a tight hug and rained kisses all over her face and head. The heat of their love branded her heart.

Chapter Twenty-One

Gaven looked around the table at his friends.

He was a lucky man to have such friends. The close call with Branda earlier today showed how things could change in the blink of an eye. He was so relieved she was okay.

“I’m glad you guys came over tonight. I know you told me you were all okay, but I’m happy to see that it’s the truth,” Gaven said.

Troy took Branda’s hand in his. “Branda wanted us to be with our friends tonight. Right, babe?”

“Yeah, I didn’t want to sit around the house rehashing the day. Sticking to our plans helps me move on,” Branda answered.

“So, you guys are leaving tomorrow. Did you get everything taken care of today?” he asked Troy.

“Yep. After today we can’t wait to leave. We think Branda is going to love it. And we all know she could use a break,” Troy answered.

Branda elbowed Troy then smiled innocently when he grunted and rubbed his side. “You know we are not supposed to talk about that, darling. I know you gave Gaven all the details earlier, no need to talk too much about it tonight. I just want to move on. ”

“You don’t have to be embarrassed around Gaven, little angel. He’s seen a lot. You freaking out in front of him yesterday was nothing. Plus, you kicked ass today. Right, Gaven?”

Gaven could tell Branda didn’t want to talk about it, but he had to praise her before the matter dropped. “Yeah, no need to feel funny around me. I’m proud of you. All is forgotten, well, almost. Before I forget, I have to tell you, you did a great job using your skills under stress.” At the sight of her blush, Gaven added, “No, really. You remembered your moves when you needed them the most. I firmly believe that if those cops hadn’t been going to the donut shop you still would have gotten away. You did good, real good. You’ve come a long way.” Gaven winked at Branda. “I’m a little scared of you myself.” At Branda’s snort of disbelief he smiled and added, “Now that I’ve said my piece, I’ll never talk about it again.”

Trey swallowed a bite of food then changed the subject. “I see you came home with another black eye. How did your trip go?”

Gaven’s lips tightened for a second. He really didn’t want to talk about his trip. “Great. Goal accomplished. The black eye is nothing.”

Trey shrugged. “Hey, as long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters.”

“Yeah, I’m good.”

The scent of fresh-cut flowers tantalized his nostrils. Looking around, he found the source. His shoulders sagged in relief or disappointment. He wasn’t sure. Fresh flowers were sitting on a nearby table. She always smelled like fresh-cut flowers. Her scent and violet eyes always haunted him for at least a month after he left that place. From the moment he had laid eyes on her, he’d been drawn to her. Like a fucking moth to a flame or an idiot to his doom. Slapping himself mentally, he forced himself to categorize her as eye candy only. When he went to the establishment where she worked, he wasn’t looking for a woman. He was looking for relief from the demons that followed him all the time. Every six months, the burden became too much to bear. He needed what they offered until he could find a different way to rid himself of the horrors that haunted him.

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