Who Killed Tiffany Jones?

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W h o K i l l e d

Ti f fa n y J o n e s?

Who Killed Tiffany Jones? is essentially a puzzle. But, unlike a conven-tional puzzle, in which we are given the correct number of pieces and can expect that each piece will fit neatly into the final solution, in this mystery the reader is sometimes presented with more than one piece that seemingly fits into the same slot. Which is to say that a reader who correctly assesses all the clues and information included in the tale and applies the strictest logic still might not be able to eliminate all erroneous notions about why the victims were killed and who done it.

Part of the fun of constructing and of solving puzzles is that they not be too easy. And Who Killed Tiffany Jones? is filled with enough red herrings and blind alleys to assure that the task is complicated enough to challenge even the most scrupulous Jessica Fletcher or Sherlock Holmes wanna-bes. And, again unlike most murder mysteries, since in this tale many of the clues emerge as much from character and dialogue as from circumstances, the difficulty or fun is further height-ened. The story has been constructed as both entertainment and a puzzle; it requires imagination as well as logic to solve. It is constructed loosely enough so that there are several scenarios that might fit the facts that are presented in the story. Only one, however, in the authors’ assessment most reasonably corresponds to every nuance of character and event suggested in the story.

Finally, Who Killed Tiffany Jones? is intended as an amusing romp that will challenge the ambitious amateur sleuth. We also hope you thoroughly enjoy the trip and the colorful characters encountered on the way.

(For complete contest rules and details, including eligibility requirements and entry limitations, see page 191.) Tif_FM_w_TOC.qxd 7/12/02 4:31 PM Page ii





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W h o K i l l e d

T i f f a n y J o n e s ?

A Novel

“ M a v i s K a y e ”

C r e a t e d b y B i l l A d l e r a n d M e l Wa t k i n s
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ONE Tiffa ny J ones
was the headliner.

TWO Kees Va n de rVa ll
strode into De Prins Grand Café…

THREE Edward “Ruff Daddy” Shelton—
dressed casually…

FOUR K. J . H u nt e r
insisted that he had been involved…

FIVE Congress ma n Dav e Ha m l i n
(R-Idaho) stood…

SIX Re nee Rot h ch i l d
sat at the desk…

SEVEN Ki m Ca rlyle
guided the rented convertible…

EIGHT A lone i n bed
in her small London flat…

NINE “ It ’s good !
It’s all good!”

TEN The second ca ll
Kim Carlyle received …

ELEVEN Fra n k N a p o l i n i
kissed his wife…

TWELVE Ki m Ca rlyle ’s p la ne
touched down…

THIRTEEN Whe n Ki m awo ke
at 11 a.m…

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Ki m was awa ke ned
at 9:30 a.m…







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Harlem—Friday, July 13, 2001

Tiffa ny J o n es
was the headliner. Her name dwarfed those of the other performers on the Apollo Theater marquee—a lineup that included Boyz II Men, Juvenile, the British band Soul II Soul, and the up-and-coming young comedian Reggie Stone.

And when Kim Carlyle slithered out of her limo in a skin-tight Donna Karan black sheath, she couldn’t help feeling a surge of pride as she glanced at the marquee. Tiffany hadn’t appeared as the headline act at the Apollo since the early eighties, when she was the reigning queen of disco and Kim was barely a teenager. But in less than a year, Kim had engineered one of the greatest comebacks in recent show-biz history. As her manager and agent, Kim had guided Tiffany back to the top as pop music’s hottest star and one of its most glamorous divas.

On this night, Kim didn’t concede much in the glamour department. The form-fitting dress accentuated her athletic, perfectly toned 16470_ch01.qxd 7/12/02 4:33 PM Page 2


W H O K I L L E D T I F FA N Y J O N E S ?

body, and a single strand of pearls set off her smooth caramel skin. Taking the arm of her escort and on-again-off-again lover Rick Dupre, a model and well-known soap actor, she glided toward the lobby through a sea of popping flashbulbs. Rick’s molded mannequin smile flashed confidently beneath a glistening, chocolate bald pate, and Kim stalked into the theater with the haughty assurance of Naomi Camp-bell on a fashion catwalk. She seemed more at ease with the attention than her narcissistic escort.

In a sense, she had been thrust into the limelight. A high-school friend had enticed her to take time from her hard-earned position as a twice-decorated New York City detective to check out a Playboy magazine shoot on women in law enforcement. She was intrigued but immediately insisted that nudity was not an option. Still, a persuasive photographer had convinced her that there would be no repercussions if she posed in a tight skirt and a loose-fitting patrolman’s jersey. The final photo was, by any standard, modest. But Kim’s statuesque physique and the oversize uniform top with three buttons opened to reveal just a hint of cleavage was apparently too much for the NYPD

brass. She was suspended the day after the magazine hit the stands.

The media hopped on the story and, of course, the magazine fueled the fire, publicizing the furor and inviting Kim to the L.A. mansion where she hobnobbed with celebs from L.A. and New York. It also provided legal council, and during the two years of litigation that followed she became the darling of the entertainment jet set. After being rein-stated and receiving a settlement worth more than a million dollars, she quit the force. She was ambitious and wanted to move on. The contacts she had made during that time and her earlier two-year flirta-tion with pre-law at NYU made entertainment management a perfect career choice. She had quickly picked up a few promising young clients as well as some seasoned performers, like Tiffany, whose careers were in desperate need of rejuvenation. And, as Tiffany’s resurgence demonstrated, Kim was very good at what she did.

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She had hosted a small, catered party for Tiffany at her Upper West Side apartment earlier in the evening for about twenty guests and well-wishers. Most were friends, but a few reporters and two or three people Kim had never seen before had shown up. When Tiffany and the other guests left for the theater, Kim stayed behind to deal with the caterers and servers. She and Rick arrived late for the show, and by the time they moved past the lobby’s huge mural with its galaxy of black entertainment legends, slipped up the stairs, and found their reserved seats in a box overlooking the stage, Reggie Stone, the MC and comic, was finishing his act and preparing to introduce the headliner.

“. . . Yeah, somethin’s definitely wrong. Why is it that a dog is a man’s best friend—by the way, I see that a few of you fellows brought your best buddies to the show tonight—and diamonds are a girl’s best friend! Shit! Women got it goin’ on, they always out-thinkin’ us. If you don’t believe me, go down to the pawn shop and see how much they give you for that raggedy-ass mutt when he gets tired and old.”

Stone paused, as the crowd chuckled politely.

“Anyway, it’s that time—Apollo show time! Are you ready?”

After the audience roared its approval, he continued.

“Straight from a record-setting European tour and blockbuster appearance on the Oprah show, here she is—the delightful, divine, delicious, and most incomparable, Miss Tiffany Jones. Apollo, can I get a witness! Everybody! Stand up. . . . Say, ‘Yeah!’ ”

As the audience stood and the velvet curtains parted to reveal a tuxedo-clad, sixteen-piece orchestra, the hoots and thunderous applause nearly drowned out the raucous, upbeat version of “Satin Doll,” Tiffany’s theme song. Stone turned toward the stage entrance in anticipation but, after a thirty-second pause, turned back to the audience.

“Y’all better give it up,” he laughed, “you know how sensitive these superstars are. Lemme hear it one more time!”

The crowd roared and the applause escalated. Stone stared at the 16470_ch01.qxd 7/12/02 4:33 PM Page 4


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stage entrance with mock indignation for a minute or so before a stagehand rushed out and whispered to him. Obviously upset, they both hurried offstage. The band continued playing for a few more minutes before they suddenly stopped; as the curtains closed, the leader and a few others could be seen rushing backstage. Perplexed, the audience quieted momentarily, then began chanting, “TIFFANY, TIFFANY, TIFFANY . . .”

Kim knew immediately that something was seriously wrong, and, as the restless crowd continued chanting, she pushed her way out of the box and headed toward the backstage entrance. She was a familiar face among the musicians and stagehands and had no trouble getting to Tiffany’s dressing room. The opened door was surrounded by onlook-ers, including Maria Casells, the singer’s hairdresser and personal attendant. Inside, she could hear Stormy, the old gravel-voiced stage manager, a former second-tier comedian and dancer, cursing and screaming for everybody to get out. When he saw Kim, however, he motioned for her to enter.

Tiffany was sprawled on the floor near the vanity, wearing an elegant, sequined stage gown. Her eyes were wide open, and with her mouth agape and heavy beige makeup already caking, her face had taken on the appearance of a grotesque, stony mask. Kim turned away, then out of pure instinct, a throwback to her days on the force, she quickly scrutinized the dressing room.

An overturned chair lay beside Tiffany and a cigarette, which she had apparently been smoking when she fell, lay near her hand. On the floor, a small burn mark could be seen under the ashes. Everything else seemed in order. Nothing on the vanity table appeared to have been disturbed, and the diva’s satin Gucci bag and silk scarf hung on a hook next to the table.

“Did anyone touch anything?” she asked Stormy.

“No, I was the first one in here,” he said. “Fact, I had to bust down the door. It was locked from the inside. She ain’t moved a muscle and 16470_ch01.qxd 7/12/02 4:33 PM Page 5

“ M a v i s K a y e ”


ain’t nobody touched a thing. I already called the ambulance and the police.”

Kim bent over Tiffany and carefully checked her pulse. A tremor went through her body as she gently closed the diva’s eyes and, holding back tears, silently stared at her. Before rising, she checked for any marks or abrasions on Tiffany’s wrists and neck. There were none. She also noted that Tiffany’s jewelry was intact. The gold chain and huge diamond pendant that Tiffany had worn to the party still lay perfectly placed around her neck. The sparkling stone rested on her bosom just above the top of her low-cut gown. Her husband had given it to her before she left on the European tour, and its six-figure price tag had been well-publicized in the press. Flashing back to her old sleuth ways, Kim drew the obvious conclusion—robbery was not a factor.

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