Read Davin's Quest Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General, #Human-Alien Encounters

Davin's Quest (28 page)

BOOK: Davin's Quest
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About the Author

A life-long martial arts enthusiast, Bianca enjoys a number of hobbies and interests that keep her busy and entertained, such as playing the guitar, shopping, painting, shopping, skiing, shopping, road trips, and did we say…um…shopping? A bargain hunter through and through, Bianca loves the thrill of the hunt for that excellent price on quality items, though she’s hardly a fashionista. She likes nothing better than curling up by the fire with a good book, or better yet, by the computer, writing a good book.

To learn more about Bianca D’Arc, please . Send an email to Bianca at [email protected] or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with Bianca and other readers!

Look for these titles by Bianca D’Arc

Now Available


Dragon Knights

Maiden Flight

Border Lair

Ladies of the Lair (print)

The Ice Dragon

Prince of Spies

I Dream of Dragons: Wings of Change





Paranormal Tales

Lords of the Were

Caught By Cupid: Forever Valentine

Caught By Cupid (print)

Sweeter Than Wine


Resonance Mates

Hara’s Legacy


Coming Soon



Jaci’s Experiment

I Dream of Dragons I (print)

No matter how many light years you run, the past is never far behind.


Magnetic Attraction

© 2008 Mandy M. Roth


Tired of a life on the run, Kiwi has put down roots on a science vessel. She finds more than she bargained for in the form of cocksure, overachieving, too-sexy-for-his-own-good Dr. Conell Ballou. His arrogance is infuriating—which, strangely, makes her want him more.

Since the tiny spitfire of a mechanic boarded his vessel, Conell hasn’t been able to focus on much of anything except her. Kiwi’s mere presence pulses through every synthetic and humanoid part of his body.

And, unknown to both Kiwi and Conell, her past is entwined with his.

But a deranged captain of the Vanos, the alien race from which they’re defending mankind, is still hunting for Kiwi. Against all the odds, Conell and Kiwi have a second chance at happiness—if the enemy doesn’t find them first.

Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, graphic language, kick ass, strong-willed
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heroine, partially rebuilt sexy alpha males with bionics, who are bigger, stronger, faster and a hell
of a lot harder to deal with.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
Magnetic Attraction: The bar was darker than many others she’d been in and the second she spotted a long stage, she understood what type of bar it was—a strip club.

“Ballou, you brought me to a…” The question died on her lips as a nearly naked man walked onstage, twirling sticks of fire as he did some sort of ritualistic dance, thumping his body along the way.

Conell waved his hand before her face. “Eyes on me, Kiwi.”

A giggle erupted from her. “Okay, but can you twirl fire while wearing nothing but a loincloth? That’s damn hard to beat.”

Before he could answer, a sexy, part-humanoid female approached, carrying a tray of drinks. She spoke and her voice carried with it a buzz, charging the air. Kiwi had heard of species that could induce sexual desire with nothing more than their voice. She kept a keen eye as the men immediately surrounding them stopped what they were doing and stared at the woman with longing looks. Conell, on the other hand, merely glanced at her, grabbed two of the house drinks from the tray and nodded his thanks.

The pale blue lighting splashed over his squared face. Kiwi reached past the drink he held out to her and straight to his jaw. She touched it lightly, her fingers brushing his lips before jerking to her senses and pulling her hand away.

Conell bent, putting a drink in her hand. The edges of his full lips twitched and Kiwi knew he was fighting a smile. Taking the drink from him, she averted her gaze, hoping he’d avoid mentioning how she’d caressed him for no reason.

She took a large gulp of the drink and stiffened as it burned its way down her throat. She coughed and Conell laughed. “Did you poison me?”

“Hardly,” he said, his face suddenly closer to hers. “But, I should warn you. The drinks they serve here are laced with something that acts as a type of aphrodisiac to the Vanos and several other races. Don’t worry, straight humans aren’t included, but you should keep an eye on me. If I start getting a little too…”

he grinned, “…fresh, feel free to use that arm of yours to knock me on my ass.”

Kiwi froze. One of the many secrets she’d spent so long keeping nagged at her. She wasn’t a full human.

She was like Conell, half-Vanos, though it was difficult to believe because she lacked almost all the traits used to visually identify one.


“Yes?” He took a sip of her drink.

She watched as he swallowed, the muscles in his neck moving. Kiwi decided to let fate do what it wanted, at least for tonight. Tomorrow was another day.




Conell headed to the back of the bar and she stayed close on his heels. When he settled into a darkened corner booth, she followed, easing in alongside him. Her gaze went to the fire dancer and she realized he no longer had on a loincloth. He now twirled his sticks of fire while completely naked. His cock was flaccid, yet large and his body looked to be carved from stone.

Her eyes widened. “If he’s not careful, he’ll lose something vital.”

Conell’s deep laugh reverberated through her and she found herself leaning, resting her body against his as she sipped her drink. He didn’t protest but rather drank, watching the show. When a set of female dancers joined the naked male, Kiwi tensed, a spike of jealously flaring through her. She didn’t want Conell looking at naked women. She wanted him looking at her.

At me? I’ve lost my mind.

Conell’s hand brushed over hers and Kiwi gulped, their gazes colliding. She didn’t jerk her hand away.

She left it in place, enjoying the feel of his thumb easing back and forth on it.

Another sexy waitress approached with a tray of drinks, taking Conell’s almost-empty one and replacing it with a full. Kiwi stared in awe as he downed the second drink quickly.

“Uh, Ballou, you do realize if you go nuts and try to hump one of the women here, I’m not strong enough to get you under control—droid arm or not. You’re huge.”

With a wag of his brows, he put his face close to hers. “So, what you’re saying is, I’m too much for you to handle?”

She knew what he meant and instead of blushing like she normally would have, she met his gaze head-on. “I’m tougher than I look, Ballou.”

The bizarre music pumping throughout the club reached new heights and Kiwi stared at the stage, unable to believe what she was seeing. The female dancers were on their knees, taking turns licking the male dancer’s long cock as he continued to twirl sticks of fire high in the air. She couldn’t tear her gaze away as they stroked the man, fondling his sac, then his shaft, seeming to live for the act.

Conell touched her chin, forcing her gaze to him. “If I would have known you’d be so interested in him, I wouldn’t have brought you here. I’d have picked a different bar.” His jaw clenched. “Kiwi, you may need to call some of the crew over here soon.”


“Because if I see you looking at that guy on stage again, while I sense how fucking turned on you are, I am going to kill him.”

She grabbed his hand. “Hey, I was just watching the show.”

“How about…” He put his face close to hers and she could smell the drink upon his breath. “You keep those brown eyes on me instead.” His mouth covered hers and everything else faded away. Their tongues laced and Kiwi found herself inching towards him, practically crawling on his lap. This was so wrong but felt so right. She shouldn’t get attached or allow whatever was between them to escalate to this level. She needed to have no strings in her life. It made running much easier and kept everyone around her safe.

Already she’d formed a friendship with Aeron. Sex with Conell would take complicated to a completely
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new level.

The thoughts in her head were rational. The movements of her body, of her mouth were anything but.

She found herself gripping the back of his neck, returning his kiss with so much passion it shocked her.

He lifted her, setting her on his lap as his hands found their way to her backside. Heat ignited deep within her and a light sheen of sweat broke out over her skin. She attributed it, and her overwhelming desire, to the drink. She swept her tongue over his, moaning.

Conell tugged at the back of her hair, forcing her body to arch into him. Her diamond-like nipples scraped over his chest, the very action caused her pussy to cream. She rocked on his lap, the distended flesh between his legs pushed against her clit, making a beg hover on her lips.

Moans from the dancers onstage mixed with her own and Kiwi sucked on Conell’s tongue. He yanked her shirt free of her pants and slid his hands under it. As his fingers found her nipples, she tensed, remembering they weren’t alone.

“B-Ballou,” she panted. “Anyone could see us.”

Nodding, he continued to kiss at her neck while tweaking her nipples, making her protests fade away.

She put her hands on his shoulders to keep her balance as she tipped her head back, enjoying his touch.

Cool air hit her breasts and it took Kiwi a second to realize he’d hiked her shirt up. His warm lips enveloped her nipple and pleasure centered in the pit of her stomach, desperate to break free. She writhed on him, grinding her mound to his clothed cock.

He paid equal attention to her other nipple and she dug her fingers into his shoulder. He pulled off and stared at her, his gaze hungry. “Turn around.”

“What?” she asked, confused.

“I said—” he lifted her and faced her the other way as if she were nothing more than a rag doll, “—turn around.”


Her touch is heavenly. Her kiss, deadly. To mate with her means certain death.

Black Widow

© 2008 Mackenzie McKade


After a brutal attack by a huge, dog-like creature, Tammy is left clinging to life by a thread. Her last memory is of her rescuer asking her if she wants to live. She awakes to a nightmare, bound in chains, nearly paralyzed by terror—and with a strange sensual creature slinking beneath her skin, screaming with hunger for only two things. Blood. And sex.

Roark and Marcellus, leaders of the werewolves and vampires, come together to destroy the results of a
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night gone terribly wrong. As a result of the attack, Tammy has become a hybrid—part wolf and part vampire—and to complicate things, she’s in heat. The transformation has thrown her into a sexual frenzy that makes her a virtual black widow. For the sake of their people, Tammy must die.

Yet they can’t bring themselves to kill her. Instead, Roark and Marcellus find themselves trapped in the femme fatale’s web of seduction. Her touch is heavenly…her kiss, deadly. To complicate things, they discover she is mate to each of them.

Soul-wrenching desire reigns over their struggle for dominance and possession, forging a unique bond between the immortals. Together Roark and Marcellus will fight to save the woman they love from the people they are pledged to protect.

Warning, this title contains the following: hot, explicit and a little kinky ménage sex, graphic
violence and language, and explores the impact of combining werewolf and vampire blood. The
results are dangerously delicious!


Enjoy the following excerpt for
Black Widow: Tammy was trapped between sleep and that moment when her conscious mind begged for control.

. That’s all she wanted. Just ten more minutes before she had to face the day, rise and go to work.

Was it Tuesday morning? She had no idea as she fought the threads of wakefulness threatening to pull her from slumber. Maybe she’d call in sick. Hard as she tried, sounds and smells began to seep through the mental wall she had erected.

The first to break through was the scent of male musk.
, she rationalized. Tammy slept alone.

What she would give for it to be real. She’d turn over and slowly licked her way across the man’s body, every succulent inch. A tightening fluttered in her belly. A moan parted her lips as the ache in her stomach grew. Need made a lousy bed partner and so did hunger. When was the last time she ate? With the thought, something clawed at her insides. A craving rose so quickly she groaned.


Meat? Her mouth began to water.

Blood? The pain inside her sharpened.

Okay. Now that’s odd
, she thought even as visions of her body entwined with two strange men popped in her head. Now this was a dream made in heaven. Not one, but two men.
. The warm smell of the heater kicking on dissolved the image. Her eyes open on a sigh. She blinked once, twice, and then again.

A cry of distress stung Tammy’s throat. This wasn’t her room. Panic rose swiftly engulfing her like a wave pulling her under. For the love of God, she was naked and bound.

She jerked her head up as she fought her bindings. The shuffling of feet drew her attention across the room. She wasn’t alone. Fear washed over her a second time. At the same time her senses jumped like live-wires striking different polar ends. A million questions assailed her. The most acute—how was she going to escape?

BOOK: Davin's Quest
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