Davin's Quest (21 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General, #Human-Alien Encounters

BOOK: Davin's Quest
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“Do you trust her? She might be telling the truth about her goals, but who’s to say she won’t change the plan to suit her own needs? Mara has changed the terms of our agreements before.” Mick’s voice held ominous tones and Callie shivered as they reached the kitchen door.

“I think we should contact Harry and see what he knows,” Callie said.

“Good idea.” Mick agreed. He went silent as his gaze took on a faraway cast, even as he moved with the group. Callie knew he was communicating telepathically with her brother. Both of them were incredibly strong telepaths.

Davin tucked Callie close to his side as the group entered the cozy house, releasing her only long enough for them both to enter and walk through to the living room. Once there, he claimed her hand, guiding her to the overstuffed couch and settling her at his side, one arm around her shoulders. She felt warm and safe next to him, but noted Rick’s closed expression as he followed behind to settle on a nearby chair.

Mick shook his head as he sat down. “Harry didn’t know about her trip here, but he says she’s been more secretive than usual of late. He’ll do a little investigating, poke into the files he can hack and see what he can come up with.”

“Good.” Davin nodded. “I think I can trust her to a point. She is sincere in her wish to both restore power and discomfit the Council who deprived her of one of her special test subjects. She wants to remind them of her power. By guaranteeing our safety here on the ranch, she’s begun that process, but a more dramatic show—such as getting me in front of the Council—will drive home the point.”

“Is she really that powerful in your society?” Callie asked, curious.

“Not so much Mara 12 as an individual, but more the power she wields as leader of a good portion of our most important scientists. They follow her lead. She’s strong and ambitious, willing to take risks and challenge those in authority. The scientists like their autonomy and look to her as their unofficial leader.

The Council knows this and tread lightly around her pet projects. It’s a wonder to me that whoever activated Sinclair Prime didn’t take into account her reaction.”




“And did you notice, she seems to have no clue you brought Sinclair here with you,” Mick pointed out.

“Yeah.” Callie turned to Davin. “Why didn’t she think we had him? There had to be some kind of record of us taking him with us. Isn’t there?”

Davin grinned. “Actually, there are no recordings of any kind still viable from my facility. I trashed them all when we left. As for the guardsmen, they know only that I requested to speak to Sinclair Prime before we took off. It wouldn’t occur to them that we would bring my would-be assassin with us.”

“Why not?” Mick asked.

“Because it’s not logical,” Davin explained. “Bringing him with us was an emotional decision based on pity. Alvians do not understand the concept.”

“Brilliant.” Jane beamed at Davin, pride in her expression. “So we can keep him here and help him, without any of your people realizing.”

“For a while, at least,” Davin agreed. “I think he’ll understand, if you don’t want him here, around the children. He has dangerous skills you might want to consider before letting him run tame around the place.”

“Already thought of that,” Justin answered. “I got his agreement to stay out in the old barn on the edge of the property, and we’ve got it rigged so we’ll know if he steps foot outside the place.”

Davin looked worried. “As I said, he has advanced skills. Are you sure your precautions are sufficient?”

“It’s low-tech stuff, Davin, don’t worry. Your boy has mostly hi-tech training—and we do have some of that around the place so he knows we have some grasp of technology.” Justin grinned as if he enjoyed the challenge. “Plus it’ll divert him from the real warning systems I’ve put in place. Earth tech. Human stuff that few Alvians have ever seen.”

They spent an hour discussing plans before the group broke up. Callie was worried when Rick spoke not one word in all that time. She felt his gaze on her from time to time, but he always looked away when she focused on him. His emotions were masked as well, so she couldn’t read him. The frustration was starting to get to her and she realized she had to talk to him. She had to try to set things right. They’d had no time to figure out their new relationship. No time to even bask in the afterglow.

She knew Davin was feeling possessive, but at the same time he gave off pleased vibrations. She could only surmise that he was both gladdened and saddened by what he’d walked in on in the horse barn.

Callie stood when Rick left the room without a backward glance. His stride was terse and his shoulders stiff. Trouble was most definitely brewing.

She felt Davin’s hand touching hers and looked back to find a faint, understanding smile on his angular face. She read the compassion in his heart and the almost-painful sympathy he felt for Rick.

“Go to him,” Davin said as he squeezed her fingers with a light touch.

Callie felt tears gather in her eyes as she bent and placed a tender kiss on Davin’s lips. He was such a good man. She loved him more than life.




But right now another man she loved needed her help. That Davin understood and approved meant more to her than anything.


Chapter Eleven

Callie followed Rick outside and cornered him near the corral fence. He stood alone, with one boot propped up on the rail, his arms folded over the top as he stared out across the sunset-lit land.

“Rick, we need to talk about what happened before, in the barn.”

His spine straightened with obvious tension. “Leave it alone, Callie.”

“I can’t. Rick—” she touched his arm, emboldened when he didn’t shrug her off, “—I loved what we did. I want to do it again. I want you to love me and
make love
to me again.”

Rick was silent a long moment, and Callie worried that she’d said entirely the wrong thing.

“That’s the problem. I
love you. So help me, I do.” Rick’s voice was a bare whisper, as filled with emotion as the vibrating energy that bathed her empathic senses. “But it’s wrong, Callie.” He turned to face her, his jaw clenched with tension. “I can’t help but believe it’s wrong.”

She stepped closer. “Do you really, truly, honestly believe that something so beautiful could be wrong?”

“I banged you against the barn wall, for God’s sake.” A harsh laugh mocked his own actions. “That’s not right, Callie. I acted like a barbarian, just like those animals who call themselves men I saw in my travels. Their women were prisoners. Toys to be passed around or bartered like cattle. That’s not the way it should be.”

“I agree.” She had to stand firm in the swirling wash of his conflicted emotions. It was like a storm around her, trying to shake her from her beliefs, but she would not be swayed. She couldn’t be swayed.

This was too important.
was too important.

“Don’t you see?” she asked him. “That’s not what we have. We made
, Rick. Sure, it was fast and hot, and maybe a little too eager, but at the same time, it was perfect. Pure, unadulterated feeling. Deep and true love. And you can be sure I know the difference. I’m an empath, after all. Emotions are my bread and butter.”

“I’m a healer, Callie. I have a little empathy too, so don’t ask me to believe you’re not conflicted over this whole thing. I think it would be a lot easier if I just left you and Davin alone. I’m causing the problems here. You two were happy together before I turned up.”

She moved closer to him, holding his gaze. “You’re right. There has been a lot of uncertainty between us all. I know you’ve been picking up on that, but your guess as to the reason for it is all wrong. Rick, I want you. And I want Davin to be okay with that and for the most part, I believe he is, though I’ll admit, I have been feeling some anxiety over how it will all work out. Still, Davin’s taking it better than I expected. He’s seen how my family works. He can hear the evidence of our Humming every time we touch skin to skin. He knows we’re resonance mates and that means something to him according to his people’s ancient teachings. It’s you and me that have to get used to the phenomenon.” She reached out, pleading with both her words and emotions.




“I was born after the cataclysm, but I know you remember the old world. You remember monogamy and everything you’ve seen of how women are treated today has made you believe certain things, but you have to acknowledge that my family is different. You have to have felt the happiness my mother found with my father and his brothers. Their way isn’t the way of the other people you’ve seen in your travels. Theirs is the way of love.” Callie reached for Rick’s hand. “My mother isn’t mistreated and she loves each and every one of the O’Hara men equally. It would kill her to have to choose between them.

Just as it would kill me to have to lose either you or Davin. I’m in love with you both. Just as I know you’re both in love with me. The dark feelings you’ve picked up on stem from my worries that somehow, even after all we’ve shared, you’re going to leave me. I’ll never be happy without you, Rick. Just as I’ll never be happy without Davin. I need you both.”

“Dammit, Callie. You’re not making it easy to do the right thing.” He surprised her, pulling her into his arms and she felt his resistance fall before the driving need and desire he felt.

“The right thing is to come to bed and make love to me all night long.” She reached up and stroked his stubbly face. “You know you want to.”

He stared at her for a long moment, but she felt his passion, his giving in to the moment. “God help me, I can’t say no to you, Callie.”

She knew he wasn’t fully convinced as she led him toward the spare bed in Papa Mick’s medical office that was used for guests. Callie knew Davin would find them there later. It was, after all, the room Davin used whenever he stayed at the ranch, but Rick didn’t know that.


By the time they closed the door behind them, the only thing Rick cared about was getting Callie naked as soon as possible. He noted a massive, wooden, four-poster bed with a vague sort of awareness before he bent to take Callie’s lips in a bruising kiss. He hungered for her so deeply, he was aware of little while she was in his arms.

Clothing flew in all directions as they gasped, kissing almost continuously as Rick’s fever climbed higher.

Seams ripped under impatient hands until finally, they were both naked. Rick tumbled her onto the bed, following her down seconds later to cover her soft skin with kisses and long, languid strokes.

He had to slow down. He had to regain control or this would be a repeat of last time. Yet, he was ready to be inside her this very moment. No way could she be ready so fast.

Rick’s hand stole down between her thighs and found incredible warmth, wetness and welcome. It seemed impossible, but she
ready to take him. Rick pushed two fingers inside her, testing further, gratified when she made a whimpering sound of pleasure and grabbed at his hair, dragging his head downward for a lingering kiss.

He stroked into her, knowing he couldn’t wait long, but she was right there with him. The first time they’d made love, he’d nearly pounded her into the barn wall. This time he had the presence of mind to let her be in control. He withdrew his fingers and flipped them over so she sat astride his hips.

“Put it in, Callie. Take me deep into your body.” Rick watched the place where they met, licking his lips in anticipation as Callie lifted up, giving him a perfect view of her luscious cunt. When she reached for him, he gritted his teeth against the pleasure of her fingers surrounding his cock. And when she fit him to
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her opening and pushed downward, he groaned with the need to pound into her hard and fast.

This time would be different. He’d let her steer. He owed her that much. But the next bout would be his.

“Ride me, Callie. Squeeze my cock with that pretty pussy.”

He pushed down on her hips, lifting upward at the same time until he was seated fully in her hot depths.

It was like nothing he’d ever felt before. Callie was sheer bliss to his starved senses. She began to rock slowly at first, and he encouraged her with his hands on her full hips. She had the body of a goddess and he loved each and every curve. Smoothing his palms upward, he cupped her full breasts, pinching her nipples until she squeaked and contracted around his cock. She liked that. He’d remember.

“That’s it, baby. A little faster now. Fuck me deep.” He whispered encouragement as her eyes dilated in pleasure and her inner muscles contracted around his eager cock. She was on the brink and he wanted to push her over and feel her body milking him.

Rick tugged on her nipples in time with her rocking motions, thrusting up into her as she descended on each stroke. Gauging her readiness, he pulled hard on her nipples and felt her teetering on the edge. He knew how to bring her over. One hand snaked down her body, his fingers zeroing in on her distended clit. He brushed over it once, twice, three times, each movement eliciting a little cry from her swollen lips.

Rick pinched her clit between his fingers, tugging and rubbing as she climaxed over him. She slammed down on his cock, taking him deeper than before as she spasmed around him, climaxing hard. He didn’t mean to, but he came with her, allowing her to pull him into the vortex of pleasure where their bodies met and completed each other.

She screamed at the last. He heard his name, like music to his ears, as he pulsed into her. She wrung him out, her inner contractions welcoming him and challenging him to give her all he had…and then some.

When their bodies started to calm after the perfect storm of loving, he pulled her downward to lie atop his body. His softening cock still lodged up inside her, happy there in the place it felt most at home. Rick felt a little goofy in the aftermath of such amazing pleasure, but he refused to think about the consequences. He’d face whatever came tomorrow, but for tonight, he had plans. The four-poster bed was giving him ideas and as soon as he had a little time to recover, he wanted to try them all out.


Callie must have dozed after that most amazing orgasm because the next thing she knew, she found herself spread-eagled on the bed, her hands tied to the upper posts with strips of bandaging Rick must have pilfered from Papa Mick’s office next door.

“Hey,” she said with a smile for Rick as he stood over her, looking down. “What is this?”

His grin warmed her as his gaze devoured her naked body. “I’ve always wanted to try this,” he said.

“Having a willing woman tied up for my amusement. How does it feel?”

She licked her lips. “Decadent.”

Rick sat at her side, his fingers brushing over her abdomen, then up to her nipple. “Do you trust me?”

“Oh, yeah.” Her words came out on a purr as he played with her nipple with those expert fingers.




“Good.” Rick bent lower to kiss her, driving his tongue into her mouth and bringing forth an explosive response. His hand moved down to cup her pussy, one long finger pushing inward to glide up her wet channel. It was almost too much, but not enough.

“How does it feel now?”

She moaned as his fingers pulsed deeper.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He chuckled, feeling his own temperature begin to rise. Their first bout had just whet his appetite and he was ready for more, but this time, he had more control. At least he hoped he did. He wanted to make this time unforgettable. “Bondage is a common fantasy.” He pulled his fingers out and seated himself on the bed between her thighs. With the palms of both hands, he pushed her legs up and outward, exposing her utterly. “Did you ever dream of being tied up, exposed, held ready and waiting for your lover to take you?” He slid one finger along her folds. “Or not.” He spread her inner lips wide as his head lowered. “Or to give you the most intimate kiss a lover can bestow?”

She writhed as his tongue laved over her clit, flicking over the sensitive flesh as she let loose a keening cry.

“I see you like that.” Rick grinned as he sat up, positioning himself between her legs and wrapping them around his waist for added leverage.

So much for slow and easy. Things were about to get fast and hot once again. It appeared Rick had little control when it came to loving this woman, but thank God, she didn’t seem to be complaining. No, on the contrary, her calves tightened on his butt, pulling him closer.

“Now, Rick! I need you inside me, now.”

“I need it too. So help me,” he panted as he slid into her, “I need you too, Callie.” He groaned as he pushed deep, thrusting without delay or finesse, but Callie was with him. For long moments, he was lost in the feel of her, the magic that was Callie.

Dimly, Rick heard a door close. Feeling a presence over his shoulder, he looked up to find Davin staring down at the bed, a bemused expression on his face. Guilt flooded Rick, but it was overwhelmed by the passion still burning bright between Callie and him.

“Fuck! What are you doing here, man?”

Davin met his eyes. “This is where I always sleep when I stay at the ranch. I expected to find you here.

You didn’t expect me?” Davin’s gaze went to Callie’s. She had the grace to look sheepish.

“I guess I forgot to mention it.” Callie tensed around Rick’s cock, reminding him of the rather urgent business at hand.

“We’re a little busy now,” Rick said to Davin.

“That’s okay,” Davin said in an oddly strangled voice. “I have to admit, I like to watch.”

“Holy shit!” Rick felt ready to explode at the alien’s admission.




“You don’t mind, do you? I mean, I know you were subject to constant supervision in the pens.” Davin tilted his head in that very Alvian way that meant he was thinking something over. “I could fuck her mouth, if you like, to put us both on the same footing.”

Rick fought hard against the climax building inside him. He didn’t want to come now and cheat Callie out of an orgasm, but damn if Davin’s ideas didn’t excite him.

“He likes that,” Callie spoke to Davin. “And so do I. Come over here, lover. I want to suck your cock.”

“Fuck!” Rick fought for control, wondering how this situation had gotten so far out of his control so fast.

Davin dropped his pants and fed a long, hard cock into Callie’s mouth. She turned her head to take him deep and Rick felt a jump in his own libido as he watched them.

It seemed he and Davin shared the kink that made them both like to watch¾and be watched in return.

Exhibitionist voyeurs. That’s what they were. But he’d be damned if he’d ever admit it outside this room.

Rick resumed his stroking deep inside Callie’s womb, heartened when she started to moan. She definitely liked having two men fucking her at once, though Rick carefully monitored what he could of her feelings. So far, she was with them every step of the way.

She was an expert cock sucker. Rick watched with eager interest as she swallowed Davin’s long cock down to the base. She had to be taking him down her throat at that rate. Rick wanted to feel some of that for himself.

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