Davin's Quest (27 page)

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Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General, #Human-Alien Encounters

BOOK: Davin's Quest
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Tears gathered, but did not fall in the depths of his eyes and she felt all the deep emotion welling too, in his soul. It made her breath catch. “But I saw something, when I was deep in the matrix of that Council Crystal, Callie. I touched the spirit of the Earth itself.” Wonder shone in his eyes. “I know now what I
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was born to do. I’m a healer of people and of the Earth. Davin can help me do that and I can teach others. It’s what I was put here to do. That, and love you.”

“Oh, Rick.” Callie let the tears fall that he would not—the joyous tears of discovery and of a love so deep, it defied all odds.


Davin found them kissing, in a deep embrace that made every crystal in the room shine as bright as the stars themselves. Watching them together made him not only hot and eager to join, but also touched something in his heart he hadn’t expected to feel. They looked right together. As right as he felt when he held Callie in his arms.

“I didn’t think it was possible to be this happy,” Callie said as Rick pulled back, separating them.

“I feel the same, sweetheart.”

“Well then,” Davin said, alerting them to his presence in the room, “maybe my news will only add to the general euphoria.” He moved into the room and sat on the edge of the bed at Callie’s side. They were under the covers, but she turned to him and bestowed a smile that nearly stopped his heart with love.

“Is everything back to normal with the grid?” she asked.

Davin nodded. “Not completely normal. I don’t think it’ll settle down for a day or two yet, but it’s good for now. You and Rick can help me tie up the last loose ends tomorrow, but right now, I need some sleep, and some loving. Perhaps not in that order.”

“That’s easily arranged.” Callie’s voice purred over his senses, enflaming him.

“I’ll take you up on that, my love, but first my news.” His gaze sought Rick, leaning up on one elbow behind Callie. “Rick, I made a few inquiries and am pleased to tell you that I’ve found your father.”

“What?” Davin was pleased by the stunned look in Rick’s eyes. So much had been taken from these humans, it made Davin feel good to be able to give back a little bit of what they’d lost.

“Zach St. John is on his way, as we speak. He’ll be here tomorrow. Grady Prime is escorting him at my express request.”

“Davin, I—” Rick’s voice filled with emotion he had to visibly swallow back. “I don’t know what to say.”

Callie grasped one of each of their hands, squeezing tight as happy tears flooded her eyes. Davin felt about ten feet tall with the way she looked at him and Rick’s gratitude was humbling.

“It was relatively easy to find him,” Davin spoke. “He’s been housed among soldiers all these years.

Seems he impressed the Alvian commander who finally caught him, and was kept as a worker for the garrison.”

“Damn,” Rick said, shaking his head, “I knew it had to be something like that. Surrounded by soldiers was the only way they’d be able to keep my old man locked up.”




“He’d earned the respect of the men, they said. I spoke to the Commander, a man called Rilan 19. The garrison where he was kept is on the other side of the eastern sea. Zach kept trying to escape in ever-more-creative ways until they convinced him he’d have a hard time working his way back to this hemisphere. After that, he seemed to settle in, more resigned to his fate.”

“Does he, uh…” Rick had to clear his throat. “Does he know why he’s coming here? Does he know about me?”

“I asked Grady Prime to tell him only what was necessary to gain his cooperation. I thought maybe it would be a nice surprise if you greeted his transport when it landed.”

“God.” Rick sat up, scrubbing a hand over his face. “I don’t know what to say, Davin. I don’t know how I can even begin to thank you.”

Callie sat up and hugged Rick close with one arm. “This is going to be great, Rick. When we start having kids, they’ll have lots of grandparents.”

“Kids?” Rick turned white as the sheet pooling around his hips.

“Well, they’re usually what results after the kind of night we just spent. Or hadn’t you thought of that?”

“I—” Rick’s jaw worked, but no words came out.

Davin decided to take pity on the man, since it looked like Callie was enjoying teasing him a bit too much. “That’s for later consideration, Rick. Callie is taking preventative measures. We decided to have children only when we were both ready. Now we’ll have to rethink our timetable, with you living here.

Your wishes have to be considered too.”

“I never once thought about having kids of my own.” Rick shook his head.

“Well I hope you like the idea.” Callie turned to face him, letting go of Davin’s hand. “Because I come from a large family and I definitely want the same. That is, if Rick’s decided to stay with us. What do you say, Rick? Are we a trio?”


There it was. The question he’d been both anticipating and dreading. He’d answered Callie when they were alone, but saying it in front of Davin was another matter entirely.

Before him, he saw a future unfolding that was brighter than anything he’d ever dreamed. Reuniting with his dad, having the ability to use his talents for the good of humanity, not to mention the love…

Callie’s love was worth more to him than anything. The idea of having children with her was both stunning and tantalizing. He didn’t know what his father would think of the arrangement, but Rick found it impossible to even contemplate a future without Callie in it. And where Callie went, so went Davin. Rick had to accept it all in order for them to be happy.

So be it.

“If you’ll put up with me,” Rick hugged her close, “I’ll stay with you as long as you let me.” He turned her to face him fully, noting the tears once again in her eyes. “I love you, Callie O’Hara.”




“Oh, Rick. I love you too.” Her voice was a breathless whisper against his cheek as she clutched his shoulders and hugged him tight.

Rick met Davin’s gaze over Callie’s head. “Are you okay with this, Davin? I mean, really okay?”

Davin’s alien face broke into a wide grin. “I’m really okay with it, Rick. I never expected to find a resonance mate. Callie is my miracle, and if making her happy means sharing the joy we’ve found with you, then who am I to complain? Besides—” Davin stroked one hand over her hair, gazing at her with fire in his eyes, “—in case you’ve forgotten, I like to watch.”

Rick chuckled at the way Callie’s pulse leapt under his fingers. “You know, I think our Callie likes that idea. What do you say we do a little something to celebrate this momentous occasion?”

Davin stripped off his tunic and moved closer to Callie. “I think that’s the best idea I’ve heard all day.”

She delivered a smacking kiss to Rick’s lips, then turned in his hold to give Davin the same. “You two have made me the happiest woman on the planet.”

“Not yet,” Davin said with a wicked grin.

“But we will.” Rick completed the thought.



The transport landed light as a feather on one of the outer pads while Rick watched, his stomach churning with anxiety at what his father would have to say to him after all these years. Rick’s heart was in his throat as the ramp lowered. Callie clutched his hand, squeezing once in reassurance before letting go and pushing him forward with a gentle hand on his back.

Rick walked out to meet the man, just now starting down the ramp with Grady Prime right behind him.

Zach St. John looked about the same as Rick remembered, maybe a little older, but still fit and…wary.

Rick stepped out of the shadows cast by the big building behind him. He walked hesitantly, reluctant to face his father for the first time in years. They both stopped walking with about ten feet between them.

“Hi, Dad.”

Blue eyes crinkled, then narrowed in suspicion. “Is that you, boy? Dear God. Is it really you?”

Rick wasn’t sure who moved first, but a moment later, his father grabbed him in a bear hug. They pounded each other on the back, expressing without words how great it was to be together again.

How long they stayed that way, Rick wasn’t sure. Eventually they broke apart and Callie was there, at his side, a beacon of warmth to soothe his confused emotions.

“Hello, Mr. St. John. I’m Callie O’Hara.” Rick’s father looked her over with a measuring eye.

“Are you the one responsible for the happy look on my son’s face?”




Callie grinned and took Rick’s arm. “I can’t claim to be fully responsible for that, but I do my best to keep him looking that way.”

“Son, what have you landed in here?” Zach looked around, his eyes lighting on the Alvians, most giving them a respectful amount of privacy.

“That’s a long story, Dad. Damn,” Rick hugged his father’s shoulders, so glad to have him back he couldn’t contain himself. “It’s so good to see you.”

“You’ve grown into a fine man, son.” Zach cupped Rick’s shoulder. “You always did have your mother’s eyes.”

Rick didn’t know how to answer that. “You look the same as ever, Dad. I’ve missed you a lot.”

“Me too, son. Me too.” Zach nodded to the silent warrior a few yards behind them. “That Grady Prime told me I was reassigned here permanently. Is that your doing?” Zach was the same height as his son.

They stayed arm in arm as they walked with Callie back toward the building. Davin waited there for them. One more hurdle to get over on this momentous day.

“Dad,” Rick began hesitantly. “This is Davin’s place. Davin’s like no Alvian you’ve ever met, and he’s gone to bat for humans more than once. He’s responsible for all of this. We’re safe here. We have the guarantee of the Alvian High Council on it.”

“I can’t imagine how you managed that.” Zach St. John pulled away as they entered the door that was only large enough for one to pass through at a time.

Davin met them on the other side.

“Dad, this is Davin.” Rick watched with apprehension as his father shook hands with Davin for the first time.

“Hot damn,” Zach said, looking at his son with wide eyes. “You weren’t kidding. Forgive me, Davin, but I have a little empathy. I hope you don’t mind my saying you’re nothing like any Alvian I’ve ever met.”

Callie and Davin both laughed and the mood in the wide hallway lightened considerably. “I’m a very strong empath, Mr. St. John, as is my mother,” Callie said. “Davin’s been friendly with my family for a long time. He’s what the Alvians call a ‘throwback’. He has emotions, just like their people did before their geneticists started monkeying around with their DNA.”

“It is said the warrior lines have more of the ancient aggression left in them than any of the others.”

Grady Prime had entered behind them and now joined the conversation.

Zach St. John looked thoughtfully around at all of them. “I was with soldiers mostly, and from time to time I would get echoes of emotion from them, but it wasn’t much. I can honestly say your friend here is the closest thing to human I’ve ever encountered in an Alvian.”

Davin inclined his head. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Grady Prime.” Zach turned to address the soldier. “I thank you for bringing me here. You have no idea how grateful I am to be reunited with my son. I wish it was something you could understand.”




“Sometimes…” Grady Prime’s face held an odd expression that seemed…almost…hopeful, “…I wish I could too.” Silence greeted his statement until Grady Prime backed away. “I will go now. It is an honor to assist you, Chief Engineer. If you have need of me again, please do not hesitate to call on me.” Grady Prime shocked them all by touching Callie’s hair with something like fondness. “Keep this little one safe.

She is special to many people.”

Rick and Davin nodded in unison, but it was Davin who spoke. “We’ll take care of her, Grady Prime.

Thanks again for all of your help.”

The soldier reversed and left through the door, back toward his waiting ship.

“So what exactly is going on here?” Zach asked in a suspicious tone. “I’m getting strange impressions from all three of you and my boy’s about to bust a gut with worry. Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad, Rick.”

Rick shifted on his feet uncomfortably. “Wait ’til you hear it before you say that, Dad. See, it’s like this—”

But Callie spoke over him, cutting him off. “I love your son, Mr. St. John, but I also love Davin. We’re what the Alvians call resonance mates. All three of us. Well,” she amended, “both of them resonate with me. Rick has this crazy idea you’re going to object to the fact that we’re a trio. I know it’s not like it was in the old days, but my parents have a multi-partner marriage that works really well for them. I think Davin, Rick and I can make it work for us too. In fact, I know we can.”

All eyes turned to Zach St. John. “Give me your hand, Callie.”

She reached out to the older man, letting him take her hand between both of his. Rick’s father closed his eyes and tilted his head, as if considering.

“I’m more of a touch empath, like my son,” he said as he released her hand. “I feel your love for them both and the strength of your convictions.”

Callie smiled. “You’re better at this than Rick is.”

“Hey now,” Rick objected, but in a teasing way.

“I sensed both Rick’s and Davin’s feelings the moment we shook hands. I’ll admit, I was a little concerned until I touched you, Callie. You’re the glue that binds this relationship together.” Zach put his hand on Rick’s shoulder. “I know why you think I’d object and I would, under other circumstances, but this seems like the one exception that just might work, son. Personally, as long as you’re all happy, I have nothing to say on the matter. I’m just glad to have you back, Rick. I never thought I’d see you again.”

“Hell, Dad. I always hoped, but I never dared dream. It was Davin who found you and brought you here.”

“Then I owe you an even greater debt of gratitude,” Zach said to Davin.

Davin bowed his head in acknowledgment, but said nothing.

“I knew you’d be as nice as your son, Mr. St. John.” Callie looped her arm through his and started
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down the hall, leaving it to her men to follow behind.

Rick spared a quick look for Davin. “I can never thank you enough, Davin, for all of this.”

“We’re in this together now, Rick. For better or worse.” Rick thought it prophetic that Davin echoed part of the old marriage promises as he watched Callie saunter down the hall in front of them. “We’ll share the job of keeping her happy for the rest of our days.”

Rick had to smile at that thought. “There are worse things I can think of.” Davin chuckled at the small joke. For an alien, he really wasn’t half bad.

With both of them to protect and love Callie, and now his father back safe and sound, the future looked brighter than it ever had. Callie turned her head to smile at him and his heart knew, whatever came, they’d face it—all of them—together.

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