Daughter of Anat (14 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Daughter of Anat
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“Miss.”  That’s all I got, but it was well worth it. 

I smiled at her and nothing more.  He took my arm again and led me through the blood red curtains into a chandelier draped room filled with sparkling candles in every corner.  The room was empty, save one table.  I pasted my already swollen feet to the spot.  This was no

He walked me to my seat tugging gently on my stiffened hand.  The attendant beside the table held out my napkin and waited till Cas seated himself. 

What would he eat?  I watched as the salad arrived at the same time the attendant handed Cas his napkin.

“I very much enjoyed seeing you so...happy.”

My face set in with confusion. 

“You should have seen your face at the word
.  Your face was so...aglow.  I wish everyone could see your face when that happens.  It seems rare.”

He sounded sad on the last word.  Did I rarely smile? 
At him?  He made me smile more than anyone else in the world.

We ate in silence both watching the other with playful glances drawn upon our faces.   The salad removed, we watched the steak and vegetable medley arrive.  I took note of how his steak was cooked. 

The conversation was light, mindless chatter.  Several times I looked behind me into the restaurant to see the people far away from us.  It was simply out of nervousness of our selecion.  The dessert was served.

“So, you created a ruse to get me here?” It didn
’t sound like a question, but it was.

He nodded his head at the wait staff and all left closing the curtain behind them.
, Mr. Powerful.  He laid his napkin down, moved his chair back making it squeak on the hardwood floor under us.  He came around the table and when I thought he was reaching out to take my hand to go, he went down on one knee.

, no! 

“Anastacia Anat, will you marry me?”

I held my breath a little longer and then released it.  He was waiting, patiently.  I just didn’t have any thought in my mind.  I wasn’t completely all there feeling a touch of nausea and what could be called la-la land.  So after swallowing the only air I could find to cling to, I said the answer I always knew would be there when he asked.

“Yes Cas, I am very ready
.”  I hoped my face was aglow like the rest of my body was.  I wanted to scream out to the world that this man was mine.  Yes, I’d been afraid to ever admit to it or to even think someone could care enough to really focus on me so much like Cas does.  I just wanted to be sure it wasn’t the attraction and attention that drew me to him, but the undying ability to make me feel loved and cherished beyond all else.  He really was my light in the darkness from the world I’d been born into.  Live through.  Might not survive through.

He held out a little black box that was opened to a tiny thin silver band with two diamonds set in the top.  He slipped it out and sat the box on his knee. 
The ring slide easily on my finger.  He gazed at it too long.  When his eyes lifted to my face he was harder than ever to read and his thoughts were closed off. 

I watched him waiting for some emotion to tell me what to think.  He stood me up and without me knowing, signaled to the closed curtain.  I knew someone entered the room again, but I just assumed it was the wait staff.  Where they all peeping in watching or something?

A violin started to play, startling me. 

“Dance with me?” he asked, not demanded. 

I was worried there, Kissa.

Never.  You?
He chuckled the delicious kind I loved. 
I just...you did this all for me.  I was tricked and never once did I wonder.

He looked down to me. 
You are upset at the idea of letting your guard down for me?

Well, yeah.  He hit the nail of the head.

His lips moved to my ear, his warm breath heaved making me shiver.  “That just means you have someone you solely trust.  I will never let that trust be questionable.  And you know this.”

He was right.  I felt my own body relax in defeat.  I wanted that so badly.  Trust.

We held each other moving in slow circles for I think what was an hour.  My feet were killing me but did I care?

We left through the front where
Miss Jill
the hostess watched my supposed future husband like a leech.  I laughed this time at my silliness from earlier.

He drove us not home, but to a park.  He had a change of clothes for both of us and he gallantly let me take the first turn changing in the car.  He
’d brought my favorite jeans and green t-shirt combo.  Another plus in the diary of my life for Mr. Cassius Cross, my husband to be.  I giggled at the thought.

He heard me through the cracked window. 
              “What could possibly be funny all alone in there without me?”

“Thoughts of you.”

“And you find me...funny?” he said unbelievingly.

“Hardly.  I find it funny to know I will call you husband one day.”

He greeted me when I exited the door.  He hadn’t waited to change.  His entire amount of clothing was missing from the waist up.

Gasp!  I stared long memorizing each line on the way down my stomach getting that familiar twist.  I
’d nearly forgotten about the constant butterflied feeling that stayed with me around Cas and his shirtless wonders.  It didn’t bother me so much anymore and it wasn’t painful, but I sure liked what it might get me. 

He let me gawk at his nicely formed abs and nicely formed V that centered my own all too familiar sun
around his naval.  I stuttered out, “Are you going to...stay like that?” I swallowed. 

He chuckled, “If it will get this result, then yes.”  It was an empty threat...I think.

That pulled me back out of my oglefest!  “Get dressed.”

, my love.”

He grabbed a t-shirt out of the back seat and threw it on with his dress pants still on. He also grabbed a blanket.

We laid there watching the stars for most of the night.  I hoped he didn’t catch me staring at my ring the dozen or so times that I sneaked a peek.   

I thought about the aging process.  I thought about my father.  He aged.  He had wrinkles.  His smile, as little as I saw it, was all the way smiled into.  His
eyes, were already permanently furrowed into a solid worry line that crossed his face.  I vowed to ask my mother if I would age at all.  Cas wouldn’t age.



Chapter Sixteen

Few people dare now say that two beings have fallen in love because they have looked at each other...



I watched Cas. His hand packed quite a punch.  I was stopped short for every moment to watch his “wow me” time.  I was most assuredly wowed. 

We were attacked on the way back, but thwarted it and
was over fast.  One lone Elf kamakazied us when we returned to the car after stargazing.  Cas popped him in the nose and squeezed his temples with his fingers telling me he changed the scene by taking his memory of being there. Strange to watch, but effective.


Add a new one to the list of what my Vampire boyfriend can do.


(I didn’t know about the erasing thoughts part)


Are there more I don’t know about yet?


Yes.  He shared several secret Vampire and simple chemical mixtures he used as weapons over the years. I believe I’ve heard of the term slipped him a mickey.  He could not only erase thoughts, but put others to sleep...kind of.

’d spent a large amount of time conditioning his blood with the root of a mandrake.  He kept a bag on hand that was laced with it and it currently stayed on his person at all times as part of his arsenal. It was used in some cultures as a love potion, but he converted it to a blood drug to others.  What else could he do?




vast knowledge of possible herbs and other things that make others do his will 




In the warehouse, the five of us gathered for a well-earned night of adrenaline kicking fight action. It was becoming a well needed habit. But place had been a man slob mess when I arrived.  Using it almost like a base and being the only girl made me like the chick stuck in a bachelor pad status.  And it was gross.  Water bottles.  Protein bars.  Chip bags even.  They all littered the floor when the trash can was five steps away from where they landed it.  Even Cas who was usually the clean king.

I finished my maid service with lots of huffs and puffs and feeling absolutely ignored.  Time for

’d just attempted to throw twelve knives right handed and failed when Cord approached me and said, “When you’re done there we could move on to something less...strenuous.” 

Cas stepped outside to take a call and Cord zoned in. 
Cord stroked my ring finger to let me know he knew what was on my right hand now.  I was successful with seeing if he observant, I think. He didn't realize I used the less practiced hand.  I had a new goal now, but not what he knew.  I could throw right-handed, just not that many.

Szar shouted from across the room, “Cas in five...four...three...two—

The door opened and Cord evaporated away from the dagger wall.   Cas waltzed over and wrapped a displayed kiss across my lips with a smack to mark his claim. 

Szar was laughing under his breath. 

“Shut up, DQ!”

“No, I
’m your highness to you Miss Chosen One soon to be...never mind.”  Since he’d found out he was the heir to Valkyrie throne after my father and not me, he’d eased up the rudeness he was so famous for, but he’d been hinting all day about the ring on my finger.

Szar eased into a
finale angled dagger to the target that always,
hit dead center even when he turned around backwards.  He initiated his aim with the silence of a leopard in hunting mode with the undulated soundless attack that one only knew was coming when the weapon was arced into your chest or neck, his two favorite targets.  He was lethal.

No!  They were all lethal.

“Not again, bro.  You’re the chosen one now.  Don’t let the crown go to your head,” I headed over to get my bow to be far away from Cord.  Thankfully, Cas followed me.  After ten minutes or so, Szar announced his departure.

Szar let his jocular self play out, “Chosen one out!”

Calum was unusually quiet today.   Cord was just the opposite, but only when Cas walked away.  Didn’t he know that he could still hear him?  Probably!

“Keep it going
, Goddess Girl.  You’ll need your stamina.”

Growl.  Cas was faster than lightning. 

“Manners dog, or I’ll teach them to you another way.”  Are we playing
How many nicknames can be used in one setting?

“As if!” Cord replied slow and full of arrogance.  His swagger as he walked away said nothing but “come and try”.  So when Cas took a step towards Cord, I intercepted and stood between them like a referee.  Heck, I was the referee for these five boys wondering now if that was the great goddess in the sky
’s purpose all along?

Cord snorted and leaned up on the balls of his feet though they were the same height.  My small frame suddenly became annoyingly close to both their male bodies.  Betting Cas knew nothing about the fact that Cord had his hands across my backside, I all too viciously found the devil inside myself to let him know.   Boring was never my middle name.

If he doesn’t get his hands off my ass, I’m going to—

Cord was flat on the ground.  Fists were flying, necks constricted, various actual thought out kicks, but no holds barred in the obvious superhero strength categories.

“If you two will at least include some moves I’m unfamiliar with I wouldn’t be so bored,” I sat on the edge of the table and yawned.

Both looked my way with a twinge of anger, but continued. 

“Ohhhh, Caluuuum.  Wanna join the ballsfest?”  I rocked my feet back and forth now sitting on the table acting all giddy and unlike myself.  I pulled out the cherry sucker I’d tucked in my pocket from the kitchen at the Cross Manor.  My chocolate drawer expanded to a little more of my favorites.  By me!  

“Enjoying the show?” Calum asked beside me.

Immensely!”  I giggled.  “Szar will be sorry he missed it.”

“I could liven it up even more if you
’d like,” Calum’s eyes sparkled with something mischievous in them.

I only had time to raise an eyebrow before he pounced.  He had me down on the ground in a full body “fake”
choke hold, but trapped nonetheless. I was in for it now.

’ vampiric speed leapt off of Cord and rolled Calum off of me in less than two seconds.  I was so impressed with these men no matter the way I had to get them to show it.

I stood and dusted my pants and hands for effect.  “Well, that went just as planned.”

All three were petrified in their places and watched me dust my rear and then hop back on the table to finish my candy.  I swung my legs Shirley Temple style and grinned at the motley crew of sweat and disheveled manly men.  Ha!

Kissa, you are walking on a very thin line of being taken away from here and—

I think we both know I can decide when and where I will be taken!

He was so close.  Flush against me, he breathed for only me to hear, “Not here.  Not now.  Don
’t do this.”  His eyes looked nothing like a beggar.  He felt all man like and no doubt cursing me in his gorgeous head that I should back down since he only considered himself paying the price.  Well, maybe I was a little in over my head, but still...
a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

, boys.  I didn’t mean to
you up though my
chosen actions
got the direct
I so wanted to prove was a needed confirmation.”  I accented all the right words.  If there was one thing I’ve learned with no girls around lately, it’s that boys put together in one room were tantamount to a definition of its own.  Annoying and loud, self-entitled space-hoarders of anyone else within the room.  I can remember this now from years of working with boys in the weapons rooms of my court. They kept the same mannerisms with one exception.  When I would walk in the room.  Now was one of those moments.

Cord laughed heartily like he would for anything I said out of character, “And that would be?”

“That in a tense situation, you’d hold back from killing each other, but the enemy would never have a chance.”

“You are the deadliest girl known to man
, Stace,” Calum offered.  “I’m done for the night.  I’ll see you lads after the holiday.”  He turned to me.  “Can I talk with you a second,” his eyes on Cas instead of me.

Cas nodded a yes in his direction. 

Wow!  I walked away unscathed from the broody, now shirtless Vamp and Were. 

Smelling of man sweat and the sweet spice I associated with Calum, I let him half hug me and tell me, “
Merry Christmas.”

I returned the greeting and kissed his cheek.  He told me to have a good holiday and to text if I needed him. 

I thought he was turning to go, but he stopped and got the same look in his eyes when he wanted more from me than I could give. 

“Calum, leave it as it is.  You are important to me and I won
’t let you lose that for us.  Please move on.”

He felt different than he let on, but smiled the lazy grin with his head leaning down at me.  He held up my ring finger and smoothed a finger over the diamonds.   “Text me if you need me
, Supergirl.”

I cheered instantly and pecked his cheek again before bouncing back into the warehouse.  He knew all along and didn
’t act too weird.  I was so glad I wouldn’t lose Calum.

alright Kissa?
  Cas’ back was to me.  He was not prying just concerned.

Just peachy.  All is good.  Can we go home now?

With this he turned to me his eyes, dancing with something I’d said.  Cord was cleaning up the weapons.  The back of his thumb brushed my cheek.

“Cord, you mind finishing up?  We need to hit it,” Cas asked them with his eyes glued to me.

Cord looked back and forth at the two of us pressed forward into each other and stuttered, “Sure thing.  I’ll see...you at the after party.”

The “after the holiday” party was my idea.  I didn
’t want to wait three weeks to see them again, so that was my only solution.  I let my zeroed in look pull out like a popped bubble to say a proper goodbye.  Cas didn’t budge except to stand too close to me.

I smiled at Cord for good measure and told him I
’d return the favor for cleaning up.  His razor sharp eyebrow shot up and I shot him a “tone it down” look before Cas could charge him again.  “I meant that I would clean up next time Cord.  Got it?”

His smirk said more than any kind of yes or no. 

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