Daughter of Anat (13 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Goodgame

BOOK: Daughter of Anat
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Chapter Fourteen

The power of a glance has been so much abused in loved stories...



I saw a play once.  Les Misérables and all the many facets of love that it portrays.  But in that one moment in my own history where I first saw Cas, I knew no one else would ever measure close to him.  He didn’t just save me that day.  He found me.  After so many years of feeling on the side of the train track looking in at the moving life that I didn’t seem apart of, he  brought me in and found a place where I belong. Yes, maybe it was mostly planned.  Yes, maybe I was supposed to be here.  But he found me.  He saved me.  He chose first.  And for that, I chose him.  Above all else. 

I told Cas the whole truth last night.  About my mother
’s visit and how she insinuated that Calum dies, but does not.  And there’s a possibility that I die, but Szar does not.  Everything about Lee and the visits and what I knew and ever thought about him.  And I also asked him some questions too.

I learned more about Cas
meeting Lee once at the Val court while Lee was lying about keeping an eye on me for my father.  Cas believed him then and after Lee was taken back to the Hunter school, only then did Cas know he was half Hunter and a spy although he told me last night he had hunches back then that something wasn’t right about him in the trust department. 

In passing,
Cas had cornered Dr. Green who admitted he never knew that Borgon had anything to do with sending Lee in for that reason.  To spy on me.  We still don’t know for sure since that was long before Borgon started to surface.  It was like a brewing plot had been building for so long and the lies were weaved too far in to narrow them down.

Dr. Green and my father had sent in Lee to tutor with me only because he was half Valkyrie and it would help keep me safe if the Hunter strength needed to be used.  My father didn
’t know he was propositioned by Borgon while he was at the school but he admitted it to me.

All this was before Cas had any say so and as he told me this last night, he kept his teeth gritted shut.

Cas kept Lee under close watch for a while
after he became a leader with the ability to use connections for spy work himself and was more than just a Val turned Vamp and filled with God blood.  And he still believed Lee would help me.




Liam stood by my door religiously.  He had more important things to do, but not by Cas’ standards.

I vested to
ask a very shocked Liam about the being "marked" business mentioned at the club by the other Vampire.  I didn't see the other Vampires blush much, but Liam did.  He told me it wasn't just the sex, but being bit by the Vampire lord himself that marked his mate as a separate scent like no other.  Well, he didn't say it quite like
But he did offer up why he and the others sniffed me all the time.  They were seeing if he marked me yet.   Double

Cas went with his other two trusted men to solve a situation at the same Vampire club I
’d heard about when I moved into the court.  He was being a little more forthcoming with me now about the Vampire dealings and I knew he’d clean up the mess and be back before midnight.  So I waited.

He never came.

The next morning came and I found myself meeting up with Cas in the kitchen again.  Liam stopped my panic when I didn’t feel him in the room next to me.  I screamed for Liam and he practically fell in my room to see if I was okay.  I ran straight to the kitchen when he told me Cas had just returned.

A very alluring and gorgeous Lord Cassius Cross, the Vampire lord of the faction I’d made myself comfortable in, smiled fully
momentarily making me stunned without movement.  In a split second decision, I shook my head and closed my eyes to hide the heat his simple smile affected me so.

Should I undress next
, Cas teased.

“Not everything you say has to be some kind of innuendo does it?”

“Kissa, you take it how you want but I’m just teasing you.  I
to tease you.  And yes, some of it may be suggestive but that doesn’t make it wrong.  Not when it’s with you.” 

He was hurt.  He was pouring his heart out in his way and I just showed my true female colors and put him down. 

“I’m sorry.  You are right.  I love it really.  Coming from you that is.  I guess I just needed to hear you say it in your way.”

“So my way is unconventional?”

“Not for a guy, I think.  But the only time guys have ever talked to me the way you do they had other intentions and it was usually not honorable I think.  I should have known better with you.”

He was pleased with this though he scowled with the
other guys
part.  Loved his jealousy.

“Then by all means, continue,” I added as an afterthought.

He pecked my forehead and said happily, “I think that is the first time you’ve ever said something and didn’t offer just sarcasm.  Perhaps I’m rubbing off on you.”

“Hey!  No rubbing allowed I said,” I pointed my finger up at him.

He widened his eyes and let the light shine like fire, trapping me in them.  He could heat up so easily.  With mere words. 

“Um, let
’s go!”

“To where?” I asked a little light-headed.

“A morning weapon’s workout and then a very, secluded alone time picnic.”

“In the daytime?”

“In our new bedroom.”

Gasp!  He didn
’t just say...

“To eat
, Stace.  Just a picnic.  Don’t look so frightened.”  His smile was disarming, but I’d ignited thoughts into his head I shouldn’t have.

My shoulder eased too quickly
.  Okay.  Breathing again wasn’t going to be an option when he dropped ideas like that.














that it has come to be disbelieved in. 




Holding me that night, I heard Cas talk in his sleep for the first time.  I mean a real enough conversation.  What woke me was his hand tightening around my hip and his lips pressed to the top of my head. He murmured a long list to someone about what to buy. It involved clothes, shoes, jewelry, and
.  What was this list?  Then I heard my name and yellow.  He was either dreaming about the past or making up a new date for the future.  He did have many functions to go to that required way more dress ups than I wanted.  I’d had enough of it growing up. 


In fact, my mind wandered back to Cord being the shipyard
’s son.  I’d been betrothed to him in a business deal to set the course of the court by adding his company to my dad’s list of dignitaries and alliances.

And I briefly remember my father saying he had two sons.  I would text and asked, but who sends a kind of text that
asks if they have a brother they never knew about.

Marriage.  I wasn
’t afraid of it.  I was supposed to already
married.  My life forced me to grow up fast and now I wasn’t sure when it might end.  I wanted to be married to Cas before it might end.

’ lips captured my hairline again.  He was quiet now.  I realized then the action was not the first time.  It was practiced and subconsciously done.  It affected me greater than I wanted to admit. 

I turned just enough to put my lips in line with his as I inched up a little to be even with him.  When my cold, dry lips touched his in his sleep, he didn
’t even seem to wake though his mouth moved as eloquently as ever against mine.  My fingers curled around to the hair that was loose on his neck, deepening the kiss.  I knew he was awake when he pulled me closer.  Instinctively, I clung to him and savored each little and painfully mouthwatering tug on the part of my mouth he took turns exploring.

Fervently I thought to him,
I love you more than I should.
              His kiss tapered off.  He made a sucking sound with his puckered lips as he looked me full in the eyes, pulling both hands up to caress my cheeks.  Even in the darkness I could see his eyes light up.

Marry me now.

A small humorless smile wavered at him with not one rational thought to go with it. 
Okay!  When? 

His face stilled and his smile vanished.  Uh oh! 

I started to pull back and scoot out of his folded arms, but he stopped me. 
You are serious, Kissa?
You really mean it.

“I thought so, but if you
’re not.”  I felt stupid and hurt.

His hands that held me started to shake. 
I am not trying to anger you.  I just don’t know what to say.  You said yes, kind of.

I softened by his admission.  “Yes, I want to marry you Cas, Cassius, Thorn, Cross, Lord of me and my heart.  I warn you now, I really don
’t want my heart broken and I fully intend to take you up on all the promises you make.”
              “What changed your mind?” he asked aloud.

I rolled my eyes at him to show how ridiculous that sounded.  “I never had my mind in any other direction.  I just denied myself that you could be that well, perfect.”

He scoffed, “I am not perfect.”

“That is one reason I love you.  You are perfect for me nonetheless.  Besides, I
’m tired of feeling so far from you.”

He looked down at the space between us, “How is this far?”

“Oh, Mr. Cross.  I may be young and sometimes even naive, but right now I know exactly how far from you I am and how close I would like to be.”

He growled at my aggressiveness.  Plus, I might have instigated it a bit for the simple fact that I
’ve seen what it gets me.    He caught my mouth with his fevered lips and the attack was like no other he’d ever trapped me with.  I knew we’d go too far if one of us didn’t stop, but neither of us were...stopping.  We’d already hit the making out to far stage when he rolled off me and lay on his back beside me.  After a full minute, he rolled back rather quickly and propped himself up on one elbow to watch me. 

“Can I do it again?”

I blushed fiercely letting it steal the original color from my cheeks not wanting to voice if he meant the excessive making out or what.  The heat ran down my neck, causing me to run my hand over it.

He caught my look and gave me a whistled, “Ahh!”  My cheeks lit on fire.  “You little minx.  I meant the asking the question part.  I want to ask you properly.”

Ohhhh!  I nodded out of fear of knowing what he might say if I deny him the claim.  He was likely to make it public and embarrassing and known to the entire world. I could handle it if that’s what he needs.  “Is that what you want?”

“More than anything.”  His grin was phenomenally huge. 

I pecked his cheek and said, “Well good, because that’s what I want if it’s what you want.”  We sounded so stupid-puppy-love like. 

A week passed.  I hadn
’t heard another word about marriage or anything.  I was beginning to wonder if I imagined it.  

Focus!  Focus!  Focus!

It’s my mantra as I go about my days, and my nights...they are filled with kisses and sleep.  No time for thinking.

The picnic in our bedroom was romantic and mind distracting even if it was days late.  I forced myself to say nothing to Maze and wondered if he done the same with Liam.  I finally told myself it might be months before he asks.  Perhaps even because he thought that
’s what I might want.  One thing I can say about relationships between men and women that no one has warning about...one has to play the hint game a lot.  He guesses the wants and vice versa.  You don’t want to hurt the other’s feelings on forgetting or leaving something out to the person in the world who means more to you than yourself.

“I have a dinner I have to attend tonight.  Will you join me?”

I wanted to rub my eyes and stretch out a yawn from here to Texas, but I held my urge at bay.  I was dog tired from working out for four hours  in the weapons room where he reminded me he was good with any weapon twice over, but I told him with a healthy smile, “I’d love too.”

He returned the smile and added a kiss to my head.  “Wear the new dress added to your closet.”

“You knew I’d say yes.”

He gave his desperately gorgeous one lip upturned grin.  I rolled my red eyes and ran upstairs to check out the dress with the yawn that was hiding on the surface.  Maybe I could catnap for a few before we went. 

Dressed, ready, and nervous I stepped out to the balustrade stairway where I once before stood facing the banister down to him.  He hadn’t picked yellow.  This dress was green.  Bright forest green if that color is possible to be labeled. 

It fell to the floor in a shimmery silk elegance leaving a
four inch trail across the floor behind me.  The heels were silver and buckled at the sides with small matching green tiny petal flowers.  The jewelry was what I already had.  The make-up and hair were done by Claire. 

I inched closer and held the railing to keep from falling.  This time he was not looking away when I stepped out.  He was waiting.

His winning smile spread.

I took a step at a time not letting myself look at him.  Claire, Liam, and all the rest of the servants all stood in the foyer.  He was in a standard stunned faced position that I myself would have done also if I
was able to watch me walk down the stairs like this.  I watched myself in the mirror for ten minutes trying to figure who the girl was I stared at.  She was no one I knew.

Cas was dressed in a black suit with a green cumberbun
d to match my dress.  His hand shot out to mine when I came within distance of him.  We said our goodbyes and headed out the door. 

When I stopped stepping forward to question the missing limo, he chuckled under his breath.  A beautiful, sleek midnight black Hummer
I knew to be his sat in front of us. 

Your chariot awaits,” he folded his hand out in front of me.  The best part hadn’t happened yet.  When he step paced up to the passenger side door and held it open for me, I burst into a solid grin. 

“Are you driving?”

“If that’s okay?” He was in the car now and buckling his seat belt.  The car had been idling when we walked out. 

I stammered out, “Yeah.”  Moron.  Well, it was okay as long no old ladies or say, bad guys jump onto the front bumper.

His face blanched looking at me. 

“I meant that comment for just me
, Cas.  You surprise me so often that I seem to jumble up my words enough to sound like a moron.”

He chuckled as he put it in drive, “I can handle most of that, but I think you
’re being harsh.”

I tiffed. 

“What?” he asked. 

“I just...never mind.”

“If you’ll allow me, I’d like to tell you something.”

I tiffed again for good measure.

“You think it is a bad thing that I don’t always see your strong, vicious side.  You think that I should see you as always in control and able to make sound decisions that are no doubt more important than what many deem frivolous.  But I think...that you are amazingly strong when you think you are being weak.”

I started to interrupt, but he stopped me.

“I want to finish.  I’ve never seen anything like when we are together.  The way you react is more than just something I joke about, it’s incredible.  That’s not weak to me, or what you call weak.  I love what we have.  I’ve thought you to be amazing for many years Anastacia, I just couldn’t hold you or touch your or even talk to you.”

  He was all gushy, mushy.  I needed him to stop.  I needed the manly keep it inside part of him right then.   “Okay, I see your point.  I agree on the description of us, but I want the record straight for the weak part.  I can
’t seem to help how you make me go completely incoherent and lose focus when you get near me.  I am not saying I don’t like it, it just scares me.”
              He interrupted again watching the road and me somehow, “And you think that it doesn’t scare me to know that I would scarce think of anything else when it comes to your safety?”

All ape mode coming right up.  “I am saying, Cas, that I want to know that in a dangerous situation that you can let me be me and not necessarily jump to help my every whim.  I can handle myself.  I also know that you are the greatest distraction.”

Old ladies and enemies beware.

I won’t apologize for that,” he grinned again impishly just as he was turning into what looked like a very expensive restaurant. 

’m not asking you to.” My eyes pressed him to say no more.

“Good, cause we are here,” he announced.  He paid the valet and helped me out of the car.  I was glad for it because this dress would be stepped all over if I
’d gotten myself out. 

We tackled the front area crowd with his hand on my bare back.  The dress cut low in the back and I had my hair pinned up with tiny blonde ringlets hanging all around.  Claire had put tiny silver flowers all through my hair.  On the whole, I was a silvery, shimmery green Valkyrie disguised as a girl in love, minus the disguise.

The attendants all greeted us as royalty.  The hostess called Cas by name.  "Master Cross, your table awaits.”

I looked at him squarely. 

“I have business meetings here weekly.”

And I never knew.  I stood taller and eyed the pretty hostess again who was gawking at him unabashedly.  My glare never reached her because her eyes never left him.


He chuckled as we followed the hostess to our destination. 
I like jealous on you.

I growled at him as well as at her too. 

I am yours so much my love that you couldn’t handle the myriad of energy I could expend to show you how much. 

The red hue in my face didn
’t escape his attention, as he did this purposefully.  However, it sealed the fear off from thinking anyone could steal him away from me. 

I watched Miss Warty Toad hostess stop at a curtain and turn to us.  She still never looked at me. 

How many women have you brought here?

He looked at me astonished. 

As surprised as I was, I was pleased.  How did this girl think for one iota that he
’d care for her then?  He was too hot for his own good.

“We both thank you.  Have you met my bride to be?” He then held his hand out
to me and my own eyes lit up.  I watched his eyes enjoy the words roll off his tongue and pointedly aim at me.

Her gasp came out louder than mine.  Finally, she tore her eyes from Cas to meet my stare.  I was taller, especially with the heels, but she had to look up to acknowledge my presence. 

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